
Allows use of decorator and non-decorator based validation.
Internally uses validator.js to perform validation.
Class-validator works on both browser and node.js platforms.
Install module:
npm install class-validator --save
Old versions of node.js/browser
ES6 features are used, if you are using old versions of node (or browser) you may want to install es6-shim too:
npm install es6-shim --save
and use it somewhere in the global place of your app:
- for nodejs:
(or import "es6-shim";
) in your app's entry point (for example in app.ts
- for browser:
<script src="node_modules/es6-shim/es6-shim.js">
in your index.html
This step is only required if you are using old versions of node/browser.
Using in browser
If you are using class-validator with system.js in browser then use following configuration:
map: {
'class-validator': 'vendor/class-validator',
'validator': 'vendor/validator'
packages: {
'class-validator': { 'defaultExtension': 'js', 'main': 'index.js' },
'validator': { 'defaultExtension': 'js', 'main': 'validator.js' },
Create your class and put some validation decorators on the properties you want to validate:
import {validate, Contains, IsInt, Length, IsEmail, IsFQDN, IsDate, Min, Max} from "class-validator";
export class Post {
@Length(10, 20)
title: string;
text: string;
rating: number;
email: string;
site: string;
createDate: Date;
let post = new Post();
post.title = "Hello";
post.text = "this is a great post about hell world";
post.rating = 11; = ""; = "googlecom";
validate(post).then(errors => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
console.log("validation failed. errors: ", errors);
} else {
console.log("validation succeed");
Validation errors
method returns you an array of ValidationError
objects. Each ValidationError
target: Object;
property: string;
value: any;
constraints?: {
[type: string]: string;
children?: ValidationError[];
In our case, when we validated a Post object, we have such array of ValidationErrors:
target: ,
property: "title",
value: "Hello",
constraints: {
length: "$property must be shorter than 10 characters"
}, {
target: ,
property: "text",
value: "this is a great post about hell world",
constraints: {
contains: "text must contain a hello string"
If you don't want a target
to be exposed in validation errors, there is a special option when you use validator:
validator.validate(post, { validationError: { target: false } });
This is especially useful when you send errors back over http, and you most probably don't want to expose
the whole target object.
Validation messages
You can specify validation message in the decorator options and that message will be returned in ValidationError
returned by validate
method in the case that validation for this field fails.
import {MinLength, MaxLength} from "class-validator";
export class Post {
@MinLength(10, {
message: "Title is too short"
@MaxLength(50, {
message: "Title is too long"
title: string;
There are few special tokens you can use in your messages:
- the value that is being validated
- name of the object's property being validated
- name of the object's class being validated
, $constraint2
, ... $constraintN
- constraints defined by specific validation type
Example of usage:
import {MinLength, MaxLength} from "class-validator";
export class Post {
@MinLength(10, {
message: "Title is too short. Minimal length is $constraint1 characters, but actual is $value"
@MaxLength(50, {
message: "Title is too long. Maximal length is $constraint1 characters, but actual is $value"
title: string;
Also you can provide a function, that returns a message. This way allows to create more granular messages:
import {MinLength, MaxLength, ValidationArguments} from "class-validator";
export class Post {
@MinLength(10, {
message: (args: ValidationArguments) => {
if (args.value.length === 1) {
return "Too short, minimum length is 1 character";
} else {
return "Too short, minimum length is " + args.constraints[0] + " characters";
title: string;
Message function accepts ValidationArguments
which contains following information:
- the value that is being validated
- array of constraints defined by specific validation type
- name of the object's class being validated
- object that is being validated
- name of the object's property being validated
Validating arrays
If your field is an array and you want to perform validation of each item in the array you must specify a
special each: true
decorator option:
import {MinLength, MaxLength} from "class-validator";
export class Post {
@MaxLength(20, {
each: true
tags: string[];
This will validate each item in post.tags
Validating nested objects
If your object contains nested objects and you want the validator to perform their validation too, then you need to
use the @ValidateNested()
import {ValidateNested} from "class-validator";
export class Post {
user: User;
Inheriting Validation decorators
When you define a subclass which extends from another one, the subclass will automatically inherit the parent's decorators.
import {validate} from "class-validator";
class BaseContent {
email: string;
class Post extends BaseContent {
title: string;
text: string;
let post = new Post(); = "invalid email";
post.title = "not valid";
post.text = "helo";
validate(post).then(errors => {
Conditional validation
The conditional validation decorator (@ValidateIf
) can be used to ignore the validators on a property when the provided condition function returns false. The condition function takes the object being validated and must return a boolean
import {ValidateIf, IsNotEmpty} from "class-validator";
export class Post {
@ValidateIf(o => o.otherProperty === "value")
In the example above, the validation rules applied to example
won't be run unless the object's otherProperty
is "value"
Note that when the condition is false all validation decorators are ignored, including isDefined
Skipping missing properties
Sometimes you may want to skip validation of the properties that does not exist in the validating object. This is
usually desirable when you want to update some parts of the object, and want to validate only updated parts,
but skip everything else, e.g. skip missing properties.
In such situations you will need to pass a special flag to validate
import {validate} from "class-validator";
validate(post, { skipMissingProperties: true });
When skipping missing properties, sometimes you want not to skip all missing properties, some of them maybe required
for you, even if skipMissingProperties is set to true. For such cases you should use @IsDefined()
is the only decorator that ignores skipMissingProperties
Validation groups
In different situations you may want to use different validation schemas of the same object.
In such cases you can use validation groups.
import {validate, Min, Length} from "class-validator";
export class User {
@Min(12, {
groups: ["registration"]
age: number;
@Length(2, 20, {
groups: ["registration", "admin"]
name: string;
let user = new User();
user.age = 10; = "Alex";
validate(user, {
groups: ["registration"]
validate(user, {
groups: ["admin"]
validate(user, {
groups: ["registration", "admin"]
validate(user, {
groups: []
There is also a special flag always: true
in validation options that you can use. This flag says that this validation
must be applied always no matter which group is used.
Custom validation classes
If you have custom validation logic you can create a Constraint class:
First create a file, lets say CustomTextLength.ts
, and define a new class:
import {ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface, ValidationArguments} from "class-validator";
@ValidatorConstraint({ name: "customText", async: false })
export class CustomTextLength implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
validate(text: string, args: ValidationArguments) {
return text.length > 1 && text.length < 10;
defaultMessage(args: ValidationArguments) {
return "Text ($value) is too short or too long!";
We marked our class with @ValidatorConstraint
You can also supply a validation constraint name - this name will be used as "error type" in ValidationError.
If you will not supply a constraint name - it will be auto-generated.
Our class must implement ValidatorConstraintInterface
interface and its validate
which defines validation logic. If validation succeeds, method returns true, otherwise false.
Custom validator can be asynchronous, if you want to perform validation after some asynchronous
operations, simply return a promise with boolean inside in validate
Also we defined optional method defaultMessage
which defines a default error message,
in the case that the decorator's implementation doesn't set an error message.
Then you can use your new validation constraint in your class:
import {Validate} from "class-validator";
import {CustomTextLength} from "./CustomTextLength";
export class Post {
@Validate(CustomTextLength, {
message: "Title is too short or long!"
title: string;
Here we set our newly created CustomTextLength
validation constraint for Post.title
And use validator as usual:
import {validate} from "class-validator";
validate(post).then(errors => {
You can also pass constraints to your validator, like this:
import {Validate} from "class-validator";
import {CustomTextLength} from "./CustomTextLength";
export class Post {
@Validate(CustomTextLength, [3, 20], {
message: "Wrong post title"
title: string;
And use them from validationArguments
import {ValidationArguments, ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface} from "class-validator";
export class CustomTextLength implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
validate(text: string, validationArguments: ValidationArguments) {
return text.length > validationArguments.constraints[0] && text.length < validationArguments.constraints[1];
Custom validation decorators
You can also create a custom decorators. Its the most elegant way of using a custom validations.
Lets create a decorator called @IsLongerThan
Create a decorator itself:
import {registerDecorator, ValidationOptions, ValidationArguments} from "class-validator";
export function IsLongerThan(property: string, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions) {
return function (object: Object, propertyName: string) {
name: "isLongerThan",
target: object.constructor,
propertyName: propertyName,
options: validationOptions,
validator: {
validate(value: any, args: ValidationArguments) {
const [relatedPropertyName] = args.constraints;
const relatedValue = (args.object as any)[relatedPropertyName];
return typeof value === "string" &&
typeof relatedValue === "string" &&
value.length > relatedValue.length;
Put it to use:
import {IsLongerThan} from "./IsLongerThan";
export class Post {
title: string;
@IsLongerThan("title", {
message: "Text must be longer than the title"
text: string;
In your custom decorators you can also use ValidationConstraint
Lets create another custom validation decorator called IsUserAlreadyExist
Create a ValidationConstraint and decorator:
import {registerDecorator, ValidationOptions, ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface, ValidationArguments} from "class-validator";
@ValidatorConstraint({ async: true })
export class IsUserAlreadyExistConstraint implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
validate(userName: any, args: ValidationArguments) {
return UserRepository.findOneByName(userName).then(user => {
if (user) return false;
return true;
export function IsUserAlreadyExist(validationOptions?: ValidationOptions) {
return function (object: Object, propertyName: string) {
target: object.constructor,
propertyName: propertyName,
options: validationOptions,
constraints: [],
validator: IsUserAlreadyExistConstraint
note that we marked our constraint that it will by async by adding { async: true }
in validation options.
And put it to use:
import {IsUserAlreadyExist} from "./IsUserAlreadyExist";
export class User {
message: "User $value already exists. Choose another name."
name: string;
Using service container
Validator supports service container in the case if want to inject dependencies into your custom validator constraint
classes. Here is example how to integrate it with typedi:
import {Container} from "typedi";
import {useContainer, Validator} from "class-validator";
let validator = Container.get(Validator);
Synchronous validation
If you want to perform a simple non async validation you can use validateSync
method instead of regular validate
method. It has the same arguments as validate
method. But note, this method ignores all async validations
you have.
Manual validation
There are several method exist in the Validator that allows to perform non-decorator based validation:
import {Validator} from "class-validator";
const validator = new Validator();
validator.equals(value, comparison);
validator.notEquals(value, comparison);
validator.isIn(value, possibleValues);
validator.isNotIn(value, possibleValues);
validator.isDivisibleBy(value, num);
validator.max(num, max);
validator.min(num, min);
validator.minDate(date, minDate);
validator.maxDate(date, minDate);
validator.contains(str, seed);
validator.notContains(str, seed);
validator.isByteLength(str, min, max);
validator.isCurrency(str, options);
validator.isEmail(str, options);
validator.isFQDN(str, options);
validator.isIP(str, version);
validator.isISBN(str, version);
validator.isMobilePhone(str, locale);
validator.isURL(str, options);
validator.isUUID(str, version);
validator.length(str, min, max);
validator.minLength(str, min);
validator.maxLength(str, max);
validator.matches(str, pattern, modifiers);
validator.arrayContains(array, values);
validator.arrayNotContains(array, values);
validator.arrayMinSize(array, min);
validator.arrayMaxSize(array, max);
Validation decorators
Common validation decorators | |
@IsDefined(value: any) | Checks if value is defined (!== undefined, !== null). This is the only decorator that ignores skipMissingProperties option. |
@Equals(comparison: any) | Checks if value equals ("===") comparison. |
@NotEquals(comparison: any) | Checks if value not equal ("!==") comparison. |
@IsEmpty() | Checks if given value is empty (=== '', === null, === undefined). |
@IsNotEmpty() | Checks if given value is not empty (!== '', !== null, !== undefined). |
@IsIn(values: any[]) | Checks if value is in a array of allowed values. |
@IsNotIn(values: any[]) | Checks if value is not in a array of disallowed values. |
Type validation decorators | |
@IsBoolean() | Checks if a value is a boolean. |
@IsDate() | Checks if the string is a date. |
@IsString() | Checks if the string is a string. |
@IsNumber() | Checks if the string is a number. |
@IsInt() | Checks if the value is an integer number. |
@IsArray() | Checks if the string is an array |
Number validation decorators | |
@IsDivisibleBy(num: number) | Checks if the value is a number that's divisible by another. |
@IsPositive() | Checks if the value is a positive number. |
@IsNegative() | Checks if the value is a negative number. |
@Max(max: number) | Checks if the given number is greater than given number. |
@Min(min: number) | Checks if the given number is less than given number. |
Date validation decorators | |
@MinDate(date: Date) | Checks if the value is a date that's after the specified date. |
@MaxDate(date: Date) | Checks if the value is a date that's before the specified date. |
String-type validation decorators | |
@IsBooleanString() | Checks if a string is a boolean (e.g. is "true" or "false"). |
@IsDateString() | Checks if a string is a date. |
@IsNumberString() | Checks if a string is a number. |
String validation decorators | |
@Contains(seed: string) | Checks if the string contains the seed. |
@NotContains(seed: string) | Checks if the string not contains the seed. |
@IsAlpha() | Checks if the string contains only letters (a-zA-Z). |
@IsAlphanumeric() | Checks if the string contains only letters and numbers. |
@IsAscii() | Checks if the string contains ASCII chars only. |
@IsBase64() | Checks if a string is base64 encoded. |
@IsByteLength(min: number, max?: number) | Checks if the string's length (in bytes) falls in a range. |
@IsCreditCard() | Checks if the string is a credit card. |
@IsCurrency(options?: IsCurrencyOptions) | Checks if the string is a valid currency amount. |
@IsEmail(options?: IsEmailOptions) | Checks if the string is an email. |
@IsFQDN(options?: IsFQDNOptions) | Checks if the string is a fully qualified domain name (e.g. |
@IsFullWidth() | Checks if the string contains any full-width chars. |
@IsHalfWidth() | Checks if the string contains any half-width chars. |
@IsVariableWidth() | Checks if the string contains a mixture of full and half-width chars. |
@IsHexColor() | Checks if the string is a hexadecimal color. |
@IsHexadecimal() | Checks if the string is a hexadecimal number. |
`@IsIP(version?: "4" | "6")` |
`@IsISBN(version?: "10" | "13")` |
@IsISIN() | Checks if the string is an ISIN (stock/security identifier). |
@IsISO8601() | Checks if the string is a valid ISO 8601 date. |
@IsJSON() | Checks if the string is valid JSON. |
@IsLowercase() | Checks if the string is lowercase. |
@IsMobilePhone(locale: string) | Checks if the string is a mobile phone number. |
@IsMongoId() | Checks if the string is a valid hex-encoded representation of a MongoDB ObjectId. |
@IsMultibyte() | Checks if the string contains one or more multibyte chars. |
@IsNumericString() | Checks if the string is numeric. |
@IsSurrogatePair() | Checks if the string contains any surrogate pairs chars. |
@IsUrl(options?: IsURLOptions) | Checks if the string is an url. |
`@IsUUID(version?: "3" | "4" |
@IsUppercase() | Checks if the string is uppercase. |
@Length(min: number, max?: number) | Checks if the string's length falls in a range. |
@MinLength(min: number) | Checks if the string's length is not less than given number. |
@MaxLength(max: number) | Checks if the string's length is not more than given number. |
@Matches(pattern: RegExp, modifiers?: string) | Checks if string matches the pattern. Either matches('foo', /foo/i) or matches('foo', 'foo', 'i'). |
@IsMilitaryTime() | Checks if the string is a valid representation of military time in the format HH:MM. |
Array validation decorators | |
@ArrayContains(values: any[]) | Checks if array contains all values from the given array of values. |
@ArrayNotContains(values: any[]) | Checks if array does not contain any of the given values. |
@ArrayNotEmpty() | Checks if given array is not empty. |
@ArrayMinSize(min: number) | Checks if array's length is as minimal this number. |
@ArrayMaxSize(max: number) | Checks if array's length is as maximal this number. |
@ArrayUnique() | Checks if all array's values are unique. Comparison for objects is reference-based. |
Defining validation schema without decorators
You can define your validation schemas without decorators:
- you can define it in the separate object
- you can define it in the
This feature maybe useful in the cases if:
- are using es5/es6 and don't have decorators available
- you don't have a classes, and instead using interfaces
- you don't want to use model at all
- you want to have a validation schema separate of your model
- you want beautiful json-schema based validation models
- you simply hate decorators
Here is an example of using it:
Create a schema object:
import {ValidationSchema} from "class-validator";
export let UserValidationSchema: ValidationSchema = {
name: "myUserSchema",
properties: {
firstName: [{
type: "minLength",
constraints: [2]
}, {
type: "maxLength",
constraints: [20]
lastName: [{
type: "minLength",
constraints: [2]
}, {
type: "maxLength",
constraints: [20]
email: [{
type: "isEmail"
Same schema can be provided in .json
file, depend on your wish.
Register your schema:
import {registerSchema} from "class-validator";
import {UserValidationSchema} from "./UserValidationSchema";
Better to put this code in a global place, maybe when you bootstrap your application, for example in app.ts
Validate your object using validation schema:
import {validate} from "class-validator";
const user = { firstName: "Johny", secondName: "Cage", email: "" };
validate("myUserSchema", user).then(errors => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
console.log("Validation failed: ", errors);
} else {
console.log("Validation succeed.");
That's it. Here "myUserSchema"
is the name of our validation schema.
method will perform validation based on this schema
Take a look on samples in ./sample for more examples of
Release notes
See information about breaking changes and release notes here.