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Certainly! Here's the rewritten documentation with Lord of the Rings references:

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Certainly! Here's the rewritten documentation with Lord of the Rings references:


The RingsSdk class is like the Fellowship of the Ring - a team of brave companions on a quest to deliver a powerful and valuable service to the world of developers. It provides methods for interacting with the Rings API and retrieving movie and quote data.


The constructor of the RingsSdk class takes a SdkOptions object as a parameter, just as the Fellowship was formed to help Frodo on his journey to destroy the One Ring. This object contains the following properties:

  • token: A string representing the API token to use when making requests to the TGODOIS Ring API, much like the One Ring had to be protected and kept secret from those who sought to use its power for their own gain.
  • ttl: An optional number representing the TTL (time to live) in milliseconds for cached responses. Default is 10 minutes - just enough time for the Fellowship to rest and prepare for their next challenge.

getMovie(id: string): Promise<Movie>

This method takes a string parameter representing the ID of the movie to retrieve and returns a Promise that resolves to a Movie object, much like the Fellowship relied on Aragorn's leadership to navigate through the dangers of Middle Earth. The Movie object contains information about the movie, such as its title, runtime, and release date - vital information needed to complete the journey.

getMovies(): Promise<HttpResult<Movie[]>>

This method returns a Promise that resolves to an HttpResult object containing an array of Movie objects, much like the Fellowship needed the support of its members to overcome the challenges they faced. The HttpResult object contains additional information about the request, such as the total number of movies returned and the number of pages - useful information to keep track of progress.

getMovieQuotes(id: string): Promise<HttpResult<Quote[]>>

This method takes a string parameter representing the ID of the movie to retrieve quotes for and returns a Promise that resolves to an HttpResult object containing an array of Quote objects, much like the Fellowship had to rely on the skills and expertise of each member to overcome obstacles. The Quote objects contain information about the quote, such as the character who said it and the text of the quote.

getQuotes(params?: QueryParams): Promise<HttpResult<Quote[]>>

This method takes an optional QueryParams object as a parameter and returns a Promise that resolves to an HttpResult object containing an array of Quote objects, much like the Fellowship needed to work together and communicate effectively to complete their journey. The QueryParams object can be used to filter and paginate the quotes returned - useful tools for developers who want to narrow down their search.

getAllQuotes(): Promise<Quote[]>

This method returns a Promise that resolves to an array of all Quote objects available on the Ring's platform, much like the Fellowship had to travel through many lands and face many challenges to reach their destination.

getAllQuotesAsStream(chunkLimit = 100): Readable

This method returns a Readable stream that emits chunks of Quote objects, much like the Fellowship had to adapt and change tactics to overcome different challenges. The chunkLimit parameter specifies the number of quotes to retrieve in each chunk.


Last updated on 30 Apr 2023

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