A package for crawling THREDDS catalogs, including nested catalogs.
npm install thredds-catalog-crawler --save
Basic usage
Using async/await & modules
import threddsCrawler from 'thredds-catalog-crawler'
async function crawlThredds() {
const catalog = await threddsCrawler('http://something/thredds/catalog/my/catalog.xml')
await catalog.loadAllNestedCatalogs()
const datasets = catalog.getAllChildDatasets()
Using traditional promises & modules
const threddsCrawler = require('thredds-catalog-crawler')
.then(function (catalog) {
This package uses the Fetch API. If you're using this library in NodeJS you'll need a fetch polyfill like isomorphic-fetch or if you want to support older browsers we'd suggest unfetch.
You may also need a URL API polyfill such as url-polyfill for older browsers.
import 'isomorphic-fetch'
import 'url-polyfill'
import threddsCrawler from 'thredds-catalog-crawler'
A Catalog
represents the root object in a THREDDS heirarchy. Catalogs can contain datasets, as well as references to other catalogs.
Property | Type | Description |
url | String | Url of the catalog |
name | String | Name of the catalog |
isLoaded | Boolean | Indicates whether the endpoint has been loaded. If true then datasets and services will be populated, and limited catalog information. If false then most information will be unavailable. |
datasets | Array | An array of datasets found in the catalog |
catalogs | Array | An array of nested catalogs found in the catalog |
services | Object | An object containing the available services for a catalog, organised by service type |
hasDatasets | Boolean | Indicates whether the catalog contains datasets directly |
hasNestedCatalogs | Boolean | Indicates whether the catalog contains nested catalogs |
wmsBase | String | The base url for a WMS service. If no WMS support is available then null |
supportsWms | Boolean | Does a catalog have a WMS service for datasets |
Method | Returns | Description |
loadAllNestedCatalogs | N/A | Loads all nested catalogs recurrsively |
loadNestedCatalogById(id) | Catalog | Crawls a single nested catalog based on a id string |
getAllChildDatasets | Array[Dataset1, Dataset2...] | Returns a flattened array of datasets from all nested catalogs which have been loaded. |
A Dataset
can contain datasets, as well as references to other catalogs.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | An id of the dataset |
name | String | Name of the dataset |
parent | Object | A catalog or another dataset |
urlPath | String | Partial url path of the dataset |
isParentDataset | Boolean | Indicates whether this dataset contains other datasets |
datasets | Array[Dataset] | An array of nested datasets |
wmsUrl | String | A url for the GetCapabilities endpoint for the dataset. Constructed from the dataset and its parent catalog item |
parentCatalog | Catalog | A reference to the datasets parent catalog |
supportsWms | Boolean | Does this dataset have a WMS available |
Method | Returns | Description |
loadAllNestedCatalogs | N/A | Loads all nested catalogs recurrsively |