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File Explorer

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Comparing version 0.2.1 to 0.3.0


"name": "toni"
, "version": "0.2.1"
, "version": "0.3.0"
, "description": "Toni, a simple and efficient bitmap implementation for integer sets, using bitwise operations and a Buffer. Modifying a single bit instead of an entire byte, obviously saves 87.5% of Buffer space, but it also implies a gain of ~30% in performances, for accessing values, when it was used with big integer ranges."

@@ -27,2 +27,3 @@ , "homepage": ""

"devDependencies": {
"dado" : ">=0.1.1"

@@ -29,0 +30,0 @@ , "main": "index"

@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ ### Toni

> install devDependencies :
$ cd toni/
$ npm test
$ cd toni/
# to update devDependencies, use 'npm update --dev'
$ npm install --dev
# run tests
$ npm test
###Run Benchmarks

@@ -45,0 +51,0 @@

* Toni fill, re-fill, delete, stress.. test.
exports.test= function ( done, assertions ) {
exports.test = function ( done, assertions ) {
var log = console.log

@@ -6,0 +7,0 @@ , exit = typeof done === 'function' ? done : function () {}

#!/usr/bin/env node
( function () {
var log = console.log
, assert = require( 'assert' )
, fs = require( 'fs' )
, util = require( 'util' )
, iopt = {
showHidden : false
, depth : 10
, colors : true
, customInspect : true
, inspect = function ( el ) {
return util.inspect( el, iopt );
, tpath = __dirname
, minfo = require( '../package.json' )
, mname = 0 ).toUpperCase() + 1 )
, mver = minfo.version
// collect error
, err_counter = 0
, assertions_counter = 0
, printAssertionError = function ( e ) {
log( '\n\n !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' );
log( ' !!!!!!!!! ASSERTION ERROR !!!!!!!!! ' );
log( ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' );
log( '\n > name: %s', inspect( ) );
log( '\n > operator: %s', inspect( e.operator ) );
log( '\n > message: %s ', e.message );
log( '\n > actual: %s', inspect( e.actual ) );
log( '\n > expected: %s', inspect( e.expected ) );
log( '\n > stack: %s\n', inspect( e.stack.split( '\n at' ).slice( 1 ) ) );
log( ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n ' );
, printLoadError = function ( e ) {
log( '\n\n !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' );
log( ' !!!! TEST FILE LOAD ERROR !!!!' );
log( ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n' );
log( ' message: %s\n\n stack: %s', inspect( e.message ), inspect( e.stack.split( '\n' ) ) );
log( '\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n' );
, pushError = function ( fname, err ) {
if ( ! failed[ fname ] ) failed[ fname ] = { number : queue.indexOf( fname ) + 2 >>> 1, errors : [] };
err.timestamp =;
err.test_num = failed[ fname ].number;
err.test_file = fname;
failed[ fname ].errors.push( err );
, assertions = function ( test_name ) {
return {
deepEqual : function () {
try {
assert.deepEqual.apply( null, arguments );
} catch ( e ) {
pushError( test_name, e );
printAssertionError( e );
, ok : function () {
try {
assert.ok.apply( null, arguments );
} catch ( e ) {
pushError( test_name, e );
printAssertionError( e );
, equal : function () {
try {
assert.equal.apply( null, arguments );
} catch ( e ) {
pushError( test_name, e );
printAssertionError( e );
, failed = {}
, queue = []
// catch SIGINT
process.on( 'SIGINT', function () {
log( '\n (SIGINT) Stopping tests...\n' );
process.exit( 0 );
} );
fs.readdir( tpath, function ( err, files ) {
if ( err ) throw err;
var flen = files.length
, fname = files[ 0 ]
, f = 0
, fails = 0
, success = 0
, loaded = 0
, finished = 0
, qpos = 0
, stime = -1
, etime = -1
, tot = 0
, done = function ( wait ) {
var k = 0
, emsg = err_counter === 1 ?
' %s error was encountered in: %s.' :
' %s errors were encountered in: %s.'
, errored = []
if ( ++finished < success ) return setTimeout( next, wait || 500 );
etime =;
log( '\n %s test %s loaded.', inspect( loaded ), loaded > 1 ? 'files were' : 'file was' );
if ( fails ) log( ' %s test %s not loaded.', inspect( fails ), fails > 1 ? 'files were' : 'file was' );
log( ' %s test %s executed.', inspect( success ), success > 1 ? 'files were' : 'file was' );
log( ' %s assertions succeeded.', inspect( assertions_counter ) );
if ( err_counter ) {
for ( k in failed ) errored.push( failed[ k ].number, k );
log( emsg, inspect( err_counter ), inspect( errored ) );
log( ' \n time elapsed: %s secs.\n', inspect( + ( ( etime - stime ) / 1000 ).toFixed( 2 ) ) );
process.exit( err_counter );
, next = function () {
var t = qpos + 2 >>> 1
, tname = null
, tfn = null
if ( qpos < queue.length ) {
tname = queue[ qpos++ ];
tfn = queue[ qpos++ ];
log( '\n[%s/%s][ %s v%s - %s ]\n', inspect( t ), inspect( tot ), mname, mver, inspect( tname ) );
// run script
tfn( done, assertions( tname ) );
// load file list
for ( ; f < flen; fname = files[ ++f ] ) {
// load only test files
if ( ~ fname.indexOf( '-test.js' ) ) {
try {
// load script
queue.push( fname, require( './' + fname ).test );
} catch ( e ) {
pushError( fname, e );
printLoadError( e );
// start
stime =;
tot = queue.length >>> 1;
} );
require( 'dado' )().do( 'test' )
} )();
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