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Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript

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Package description

What is tweetnacl?

The tweetnacl npm package is a port of NaCl, the Networking and Cryptography library, to JavaScript. It provides a set of cryptographic primitives for encryption, decryption, signing, and verification. It is designed to be easy to use and to have a high level of security.

What are tweetnacl's main functionalities?

Public-key authenticated encryption

This feature allows for secure message exchange between two parties using public-key cryptography. The code sample demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt a message using a pair of public and private keys.

const nacl = require('tweetnacl');
const naclUtil = require('tweetnacl-util');

const keyPairA =;
const keyPairB =;

const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(;
const message = naclUtil.decodeUTF8('Secret Message');

const encrypted =, nonce, keyPairB.publicKey, keyPairA.secretKey);

const decrypted =, nonce, keyPairA.publicKey, keyPairB.secretKey);

const decryptedMessage = naclUtil.encodeUTF8(decrypted);

Secret-key authenticated encryption

This feature provides a way to encrypt and decrypt messages using a shared secret key. The code sample shows how to perform authenticated encryption and decryption with a nonce and a single key.

const nacl = require('tweetnacl');
const naclUtil = require('tweetnacl-util');

const secretKey = nacl.randomBytes(nacl.secretbox.keyLength);
const nonce = nacl.randomBytes(nacl.secretbox.nonceLength);
const message = naclUtil.decodeUTF8('Secret Message');

const encrypted = nacl.secretbox(message, nonce, secretKey);

const decrypted =, nonce, secretKey);

const decryptedMessage = naclUtil.encodeUTF8(decrypted);

Digital signatures

This feature allows for the creation and verification of digital signatures. The code sample demonstrates how to sign a message and verify the signature using a public and private key pair.

const nacl = require('tweetnacl');
const naclUtil = require('tweetnacl-util');

const keyPair = nacl.sign.keyPair();
const message = naclUtil.decodeUTF8('Verify this message');

const signature = nacl.sign.detached(message, keyPair.secretKey);

const isVerified = nacl.sign.detached.verify(message, signature, keyPair.publicKey);


This feature provides a way to compute a cryptographic hash of a message. The code sample shows how to hash a message and encode the hash in base64.

const nacl = require('tweetnacl');
const naclUtil = require('tweetnacl-util');

const message = naclUtil.decodeUTF8('Hash this message');
const hash = nacl.hash(message);

const hashHex = naclUtil.encodeBase64(hash);

Other packages similar to tweetnacl




Port of TweetNaCl / NaCl to JavaScript for modern browsers and Node.js. Public domain.

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The primary goal of this project is to produce a translation of TweetNaCl to JavaScript which is as close as possible to the original C implementation, plus a thin layer of idiomatic high-level API on top of it.

There are two versions, you can use either of them:

  • nacl.js is the port of TweetNaCl with minimum differences from the original + high-level API.

  • nacl-fast.js is like nacl.js, but with some functions replaced with faster versions. (Used by default when importing NPM package.)


TweetNaCl.js has been audited by Cure53 in January-February 2017 (audit was sponsored by Deletype):

The overall outcome of this audit signals a particularly positive assessment for TweetNaCl-js, as the testing team was unable to find any security problems in the library. It has to be noted that this is an exceptionally rare result of a source code audit for any project and must be seen as a true testament to a development proceeding with security at its core.

To reiterate, the TweetNaCl-js project, the source code was found to be bug-free at this point.


In sum, the testing team is happy to recommend the TweetNaCl-js project as likely one of the safer and more secure cryptographic tools among its competition.

Read full audit report


You can install TweetNaCl.js via a package manager:


$ yarn add tweetnacl


$ npm install tweetnacl

or download source code.


You can find usage examples in our wiki.


All API functions accept and return bytes as Uint8Arrays. If you need to encode or decode strings, use functions from or one of the more robust codec packages.

In Node.js v4 and later Buffer objects are backed by Uint8Arrays, so you can freely pass them to TweetNaCl.js functions as arguments. The returned objects are still Uint8Arrays, so if you need Buffers, you'll have to convert them manually; make sure to convert using copying: Buffer.from(array) (or new Buffer(array) in Node.js v4 or earlier), instead of sharing: Buffer.from(array.buffer) (or new Buffer(array.buffer) Node 4 or earlier), because some functions return subarrays of their buffers.

Public-key authenticated encryption (box)

Implements x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305.

Generates a new random key pair for box and returns it as an object with publicKey and secretKey members:

   publicKey: ...,  // Uint8Array with 32-byte public key
   secretKey: ...   // Uint8Array with 32-byte secret key

Returns a key pair for box with public key corresponding to the given secret key., nonce, theirPublicKey, mySecretKey)

Encrypts and authenticates message using peer's public key, our secret key, and the given nonce, which must be unique for each distinct message for a key pair.

Returns an encrypted and authenticated message, which is longer than the original message., nonce, theirPublicKey, mySecretKey)

Authenticates and decrypts the given box with peer's public key, our secret key, and the given nonce.

Returns the original message, or null if authentication fails., mySecretKey)

Returns a precomputed shared key which can be used in and, nonce, sharedKey)

Same as, but uses a shared key precomputed with, nonce, sharedKey)

Same as, but uses a shared key precomputed with

Constants = 32

Length of public key in bytes. = 32

Length of secret key in bytes. = 32

Length of precomputed shared key in bytes. = 24

Length of nonce in bytes. = 16

Length of overhead added to box compared to original message.

Secret-key authenticated encryption (secretbox)

Implements xsalsa20-poly1305.

nacl.secretbox(message, nonce, key)

Encrypts and authenticates message using the key and the nonce. The nonce must be unique for each distinct message for this key.

Returns an encrypted and authenticated message, which is nacl.secretbox.overheadLength longer than the original message., nonce, key)

Authenticates and decrypts the given secret box using the key and the nonce.

Returns the original message, or null if authentication fails.

nacl.secretbox.keyLength = 32

Length of key in bytes.

nacl.secretbox.nonceLength = 24

Length of nonce in bytes.

nacl.secretbox.overheadLength = 16

Length of overhead added to secret box compared to original message.

Scalar multiplication

Implements x25519.

nacl.scalarMult(n, p)

Multiplies an integer n by a group element p and returns the resulting group element.


Multiplies an integer n by a standard group element and returns the resulting group element.

nacl.scalarMult.scalarLength = 32

Length of scalar in bytes.

nacl.scalarMult.groupElementLength = 32

Length of group element in bytes.


Implements ed25519.


Generates new random key pair for signing and returns it as an object with publicKey and secretKey members:

   publicKey: ...,  // Uint8Array with 32-byte public key
   secretKey: ...   // Uint8Array with 64-byte secret key

Returns a signing key pair with public key corresponding to the given 64-byte secret key. The secret key must have been generated by nacl.sign.keyPair or nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed.


Returns a new signing key pair generated deterministically from a 32-byte seed. The seed must contain enough entropy to be secure. This method is not recommended for general use: instead, use nacl.sign.keyPair to generate a new key pair from a random seed.

nacl.sign(message, secretKey)

Signs the message using the secret key and returns a signed message., publicKey)

Verifies the signed message and returns the message without signature.

Returns null if verification failed.

nacl.sign.detached(message, secretKey)

Signs the message using the secret key and returns a signature.

nacl.sign.detached.verify(message, signature, publicKey)

Verifies the signature for the message and returns true if verification succeeded or false if it failed.

nacl.sign.publicKeyLength = 32

Length of signing public key in bytes.

nacl.sign.secretKeyLength = 64

Length of signing secret key in bytes.

nacl.sign.seedLength = 32

Length of seed for nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed in bytes.

nacl.sign.signatureLength = 64

Length of signature in bytes.


Implements SHA-512.


Returns SHA-512 hash of the message.

nacl.hash.hashLength = 64

Length of hash in bytes.

Random bytes generation


Returns a Uint8Array of the given length containing random bytes of cryptographic quality.

Implementation note

TweetNaCl.js uses the following methods to generate random bytes, depending on the platform it runs on:

  • window.crypto.getRandomValues (WebCrypto standard)
  • window.msCrypto.getRandomValues (Internet Explorer 11)
  • crypto.randomBytes (Node.js)

If the platform doesn't provide a suitable PRNG, the following functions, which require random numbers, will throw exception:

  • nacl.randomBytes
  • nacl.sign.keyPair

Other functions are deterministic and will continue working.

If a platform you are targeting doesn't implement secure random number generator, but you somehow have a cryptographically-strong source of entropy (not Math.random!), and you know what you are doing, you can plug it into TweetNaCl.js like this:

nacl.setPRNG(function(x, n) {
  // ... copy n random bytes into x ...

Note that nacl.setPRNG completely replaces internal random byte generator with the one provided.

Constant-time comparison

nacl.verify(x, y)

Compares x and y in constant time and returns true if their lengths are non-zero and equal, and their contents are equal.

Returns false if either of the arguments has zero length, or arguments have different lengths, or their contents differ.

System requirements

TweetNaCl.js supports modern browsers that have a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator and typed arrays, including the latest versions of:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari (Mac, iOS)
  • Internet Explorer 11

Other systems:

  • Node.js

Development and testing

Install NPM modules needed for development:

$ npm install

To build minified versions:

$ npm run build

Tests use minified version, so make sure to rebuild it every time you change nacl.js or nacl-fast.js.


To run tests in Node.js:

$ npm run test-node

By default all tests described here work on nacl.min.js. To test other versions, set environment variable NACL_SRC to the file name you want to test. For example, the following command will test fast minified version:

$ NACL_SRC=nacl-fast.min.js npm run test-node

To run full suite of tests in Node.js, including comparing outputs of JavaScript port to outputs of the original C version:

$ npm run test-node-all

To prepare tests for browsers:

$ npm run build-test-browser

and then open test/browser/test.html (or test/browser/test-fast.html) to run them.

To run tests in both Node and Electron:

$ npm test


To run benchmarks in Node.js:

$ npm run bench
$ NACL_SRC=nacl-fast.min.js npm run bench

To run benchmarks in a browser, open test/benchmark/bench.html (or test/benchmark/bench-fast.html).


For reference, here are benchmarks from MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) laptop with 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU (Intel) in Chrome 53/OS X and Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 smartphone with 1.8 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 650 64-bit CPU (ARM) in Chrome 52/Android:

nacl.js Intelnacl-fast.js Intelnacl.js ARMnacl-fast.js ARM
salsa201.3 MB/s128 MB/s0.4 MB/s43 MB/s
poly130513 MB/s171 MB/s4 MB/s52 MB/s
hash4 MB/s34 MB/s0.9 MB/s12 MB/s
secretbox 1K1113 op/s57583 op/s334 op/s14227 op/s
box 1K145 op/s718 op/s37 op/s368 op/s
scalarMult171 op/s733 op/s56 op/s380 op/s
sign77 op/s200 op/s20 op/s61 op/s
sign.open39 op/s102 op/s11 op/s31 op/s

(You can run benchmarks on your devices by clicking on the links at the bottom of the home page).

In short, with nacl-fast.js and 1024-byte messages you can expect to encrypt and authenticate more than 57000 messages per second on a typical laptop or more than 14000 messages per second on a $170 smartphone, sign about 200 and verify 100 messages per second on a laptop or 60 and 30 messages per second on a smartphone, per CPU core (with Web Workers you can do these operations in parallel), which is good enough for most applications.


See file.

Third-party libraries based on TweetNaCl.js

Who uses it

Some notable users of TweetNaCl.js:



Package last updated on 10 Feb 2020

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