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Comparing version 4.11.1 to 4.12.0




@@ -49,2 +49,3 @@ // Basic

export type {Stringified} from './source/stringified';
export type {StringSlice} from './source/string-slice';
export type {FixedLengthArray} from './source/fixed-length-array';

@@ -76,3 +77,10 @@ export type {MultidimensionalArray} from './source/multidimensional-array';

} from './source/numeric';
export type {GreaterThan} from './source/greater-than';
export type {GreaterThanOrEqual} from './source/greater-than-or-equal';
export type {LessThan} from './source/less-than';
export type {LessThanOrEqual} from './source/less-than-or-equal';
export type {Sum} from './source/sum';
export type {Subtract} from './source/subtract';
export type {StringKeyOf} from './source/string-key-of';

@@ -109,2 +117,3 @@ export type {Exact} from './source/exact';

export type {ArrayValues} from './source/array-values';
export type {ArraySlice} from './source/array-slice';
export type {ArraySplice} from './source/array-splice';

@@ -111,0 +120,0 @@ export type {SetFieldType} from './source/set-field-type';


"name": "type-fest",
"version": "4.11.1",
"version": "4.12.0",
"description": "A collection of essential TypeScript types",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "(MIT OR CC0-1.0)",

@@ -242,2 +242,3 @@ <div align="center">

- [`Replace`](source/replace.d.ts) - Represents a string with some or all matches replaced by a replacement.
- [`StringSlice`](source/string-slice.d.ts) - Returns a string slice of a given range, just like `String#slice()`.

@@ -248,2 +249,3 @@ ### Array

- [`Join`](source/join.d.ts) - Join an array of strings and/or numbers using the given string as a delimiter.
- [`ArraySlice`](source/array-slice.d.ts) - Returns an array slice of a given range, just like `Array#slice()`.
- [`LastArrayElement`](source/last-array-element.d.ts) - Extracts the type of the last element of an array.

@@ -268,2 +270,9 @@ - [`FixedLengthArray`](source/fixed-length-array.d.ts) - Create a type that represents an array of the given type and length.

- [`NonNegativeInteger`](source/numeric.d.ts) - A non-negative (`0 <= x < ∞`) `number` that is an integer.
- [`IsNegative`](source/numeric.d.ts) - Returns a boolean for whether the given number is a negative number.
- [`GreaterThan`](source/greater-than.d.ts) - Returns a boolean for whether a given number is greater than another number.
- [`GreaterThanOrEqual`](source/greater-than-or-equal.d.ts) - Returns a boolean for whether a given number is greater than or equal to another number.
- [`LessThan`](source/less-than.d.ts) - Returns a boolean for whether a given number is less than another number.
- [`LessThanOrEqual`](source/less-than-or-equal.d.ts) - Returns a boolean for whether a given number is less than or equal to another number.
- [`Sum`](source/sum.d.ts) - Returns the sum of two numbers.
- [`Subtract`](source/subtract.d.ts) - Returns the difference between two numbers.

@@ -270,0 +279,0 @@ ### Change case

@@ -1,2 +0,4 @@

import type {BuildTuple, Subtract, StaticPartOfArray, VariablePartOfArray, GTE} from './internal';
import type {BuildTuple, StaticPartOfArray, VariablePartOfArray} from './internal';
import type {GreaterThanOrEqual} from './greater-than-or-equal';
import type {Subtract} from './subtract';
import type {UnknownArray} from './unknown-array';

@@ -26,3 +28,3 @@

? [[], T]
: GTE<StaticPartOfArray<T>['length'], SplitIndex> extends true
: GreaterThanOrEqual<StaticPartOfArray<T>['length'], SplitIndex> extends true
? [

@@ -29,0 +31,0 @@ SplitFixedArrayByIndex<StaticPartOfArray<T>, SplitIndex>[0],

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

import type {BuildTuple, Subtract} from './internal';
import type {BuildTuple} from './internal';
import type {Subtract} from './subtract';

@@ -3,0 +4,0 @@ /**

@@ -5,2 +5,5 @@ import type {Primitive} from './primitive';

import type {IsAny} from './is-any';
import type {NegativeInfinity, PositiveInfinity} from './numeric';
import type {GreaterThan} from './greater-than';
import type {LessThan} from './less-than';
import type {IsLiteral} from './is-literal';

@@ -56,3 +59,3 @@ import type {UnknownRecord} from './unknown-record';

export type BuildTuple<L extends number, Fill = unknown, T extends readonly unknown[] = []> = T extends {readonly length: L}
export type BuildTuple<L extends number, Fill = unknown, T extends readonly unknown[] = []> = T['length'] extends L
? T

@@ -93,12 +96,2 @@ : BuildTuple<L, Fill, [...T, Fill]>;

Create a tuple of length `A` and a tuple composed of two other tuples,
the inferred tuple `U` and a tuple of length `B`, then extracts the length of tuple `U`.
export type Subtract<A extends number, B extends number> = BuildTuple<A> extends [...(infer U), ...BuildTuple<B>]
? ArrayLength<U>
: never;
Matches any primitive, `void`, `Date`, or `RegExp` value.

@@ -123,2 +116,104 @@ */

Converts a numeric string to a number.
type PositiveInt = StringToNumber<'1234'>;
//=> 1234
type NegativeInt = StringToNumber<'-1234'>;
//=> -1234
type PositiveFloat = StringToNumber<'1234.56'>;
//=> 1234.56
type NegativeFloat = StringToNumber<'-1234.56'>;
//=> -1234.56
type PositiveInfinity = StringToNumber<'Infinity'>;
//=> Infinity
type NegativeInfinity = StringToNumber<'-Infinity'>;
//=> -Infinity
@category String
@category Numeric
@category Template literal
export type StringToNumber<S extends string> = S extends `${infer N extends number}`
? N
: S extends 'Infinity'
? PositiveInfinity
: S extends '-Infinity'
? NegativeInfinity
: never;
Returns a boolean for whether the given string `S` starts with the given string `SearchString`.
StartsWith<'abcde', 'abc'>;
//=> true
StartsWith<'abcde', 'bc'>;
//=> false
StartsWith<string, 'bc'>;
//=> never
StartsWith<'abcde', string>;
//=> never
@category String
@category Template literal
export type StartsWith<S extends string, SearchString extends string> = string extends S | SearchString
? never
: S extends `${SearchString}${infer T}`
? true
: false;
Returns the length of the given string.
//=> 5
//=> never
@category String
@category Template literal
export type StringLength<S extends string> = string extends S
? never
: StringToArray<S>['length'];
Returns an array of the characters of the string.
//=> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
//=> never
@category String
export type StringToArray<S extends string, Result extends string[] = []> = string extends S
? never
: S extends `${infer F}${infer R}`
? StringToArray<R, [...Result, F]>
: Result;
export type UpperCaseCharacters = 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z';

@@ -367,2 +462,186 @@

Returns a boolean for whether A and B are both true.
And<true, true>;
//=> true
And<true, false>;
//=> false
export type And<A extends boolean, B extends boolean> = [A, B][number] extends true
? true
: true extends [IsEqual<A, false>, IsEqual<B, false>][number]
? false
: never;
Returns a boolean for either A or B is true.
Or<true, false>;
//=> true
Or<false, false>;
//=> false
export type Or<A extends boolean, B extends boolean> = [A, B][number] extends false
? false
: true extends [IsEqual<A, true>, IsEqual<B, true>][number]
? true
: never;
Returns a boolean for whether A is false.
//=> false
//=> true
export type Not<A extends boolean> = A extends true
? false
: A extends false
? true
: never;
Returns the maximum value from a tuple of integers.
- Float numbers are not supported.
ArrayMax<[1, 2, 5, 3]>;
//=> 5
ArrayMax<[1, 2, 5, 3, 99, -1]>;
//=> 99
export type ArrayMax<A extends number[], Result extends number = NegativeInfinity> = number extends A[number]
? never :
A extends [infer F extends number, ...infer R extends number[]]
? GreaterThan<F, Result> extends true
? ArrayMax<R, F>
: ArrayMax<R, Result>
: Result;
Returns the minimum value from a tuple of integers.
- Float numbers are not supported.
ArrayMin<[1, 2, 5, 3]>;
//=> 1
ArrayMin<[1, 2, 5, 3, -5]>;
//=> -5
export type ArrayMin<A extends number[], Result extends number = PositiveInfinity> = number extends A[number]
? never
: A extends [infer F extends number, ...infer R extends number[]]
? LessThan<F, Result> extends true
? ArrayMin<R, F>
: ArrayMin<R, Result>
: Result;
Returns the absolute value of a given value.
//=> 1
//=> 1
//=> PositiveInfinity
export type NumberAbsolute<N extends number> = `${N}` extends `-${infer StringPositiveN}` ? StringToNumber<StringPositiveN> : N;
Returns a boolean for whether `A` represents a number greater than `B`, where `A` and `B` are both numeric strings and have the same length.
SameLengthPositiveNumericStringGt<'50', '10'>;
//=> true
SameLengthPositiveNumericStringGt<'10', '10'>;
//=> false
type SameLengthPositiveNumericStringGt<A extends string, B extends string> = A extends `${infer FirstA}${infer RestA}`
? B extends `${infer FirstB}${infer RestB}`
? FirstA extends FirstB
? SameLengthPositiveNumericStringGt<RestA, RestB>
: PositiveNumericCharacterGt<FirstA, FirstB>
: never
: false;
type NumericString = '0123456789';
Returns a boolean for whether `A` is greater than `B`, where `A` and `B` are both positive numeric strings.
PositiveNumericStringGt<'500', '1'>;
//=> true
PositiveNumericStringGt<'1', '1'>;
//=> false
PositiveNumericStringGt<'1', '500'>;
//=> false
export type PositiveNumericStringGt<A extends string, B extends string> = A extends B
? false
: [BuildTuple<StringLength<A>, 0>, BuildTuple<StringLength<B>, 0>] extends infer R extends [readonly unknown[], readonly unknown[]]
? R[0] extends [...R[1], ...infer Remain extends readonly unknown[]]
? 0 extends Remain['length']
? SameLengthPositiveNumericStringGt<A, B>
: true
: false
: never;
Returns a boolean for whether `A` represents a number greater than `B`, where `A` and `B` are both positive numeric characters.
PositiveNumericCharacterGt<'5', '1'>;
//=> true
PositiveNumericCharacterGt<'1', '1'>;
//=> false
type PositiveNumericCharacterGt<A extends string, B extends string> = NumericString extends `${infer HeadA}${A}${infer TailA}`
? NumericString extends `${infer HeadB}${B}${infer TailB}`
? HeadA extends `${HeadB}${infer _}${infer __}`
? true
: false
: never
: never;
Utility type to retrieve only literal keys from type.

@@ -515,38 +794,2 @@ */

Returns the result of `A >= B`.
type A = GTE<15, 10>;
//=> true
type B = GTE<10, 15>;
//=> false
type C = GTE<10, 10>;
//=> true
export type GTE<A extends number, B extends number> =
BuildTuple<A> extends [...infer _, ...BuildTuple<B>]
? true
: false;
Returns the result of `A > B`
type A = GT<15, 10>;
//=> true
type B = GT<10, 15>;
//=> false
export type GT<A extends number, B extends number> =
IsEqual<A, B> extends true
? false
: GTE<A, B>;
Get the exact version of the given `Key` in the given object `T`.

@@ -553,0 +796,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type {Subtract} from './internal';
import type {Subtract} from './subtract';
import type {IsEqual} from './is-equal';

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type {Subtract} from './internal';
import type {Subtract} from './subtract';
import type {IsEqual} from './is-equal';

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@

@@ -171,1 +171,18 @@ export type Numeric = number | bigint;

export type NonNegativeInteger<T extends number> = NonNegative<Integer<T>>;
Returns a boolean for whether the given number is a negative number.
@see Negative
import type {IsNegative} from 'type-fest';
type ShouldBeFalse = IsNegative<1>;
type ShouldBeTrue = IsNegative<-1>;
@category Numeric
export type IsNegative<T extends Numeric> = T extends Negative<T> ? true : false;
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