Contains a list of reusable TypeScript libraries, services, and general utilities. These are all defined as angular services and can be injected via the angular dependency injector.
Angular directives that are applied as attributes to an element in order to modify the element's behavior.
Contains Angular filters, which can be applied to bindings using the Angular pipe operator <span>{{myMoney | currency}}</span>
Contains a generic filter interface IFilter
Contains miscellaneous tools and utilities for working with objects and other useful tasks.
Injecting a service
import { services } from 'typescript-angular-utilities';
import objectNamespace = services.object;
export class MyController {
static $inject: string[] = [objectNamespace.serviceName];
constructor(private objectService: objectNamespace.IObjectUtility): void {
private testForEmpty(): boolean {
return this.objectService.isNullOrEmpty(this.someValue);
angular.module('moduleName', [objectNamespace.moduleName])
.controller('controllerName', MyController);
Clone the repository into your working directory.
Node must be installed.
Install the karma client:
npm install karma -g
Install the typescript compiler:
npm install typescript -g
Navigate to the root of the repo in a cmd prompt and run:
Building and Testing
Please always test new builds to ensure non-breaking commits and PRs
To build: npm run build
To test: npm test
To debug tests: npm run test.debug
To run tests against additional browsers: npm run test.full