Swagger for Typescript-rest
This is a tool to generate swagger files from a typescript-rest project.
Table of Contents
npm install typescript-rest-swagger -g
swaggerGen -c ./swaggerConfig.json
swaggerGen -c ./swaggerConfig.js
swaggerGen -c ./swaggerConfig.json -t
swaggerGen -c ./swaggerConfig.json -p ./tsconfig.json
Where the swaggerConfig.json file, contains settings about the swagger generation. For example:
"swagger": {
"outputDirectory": "./dist",
"entryFile": "./tests/data/apis.ts"
Where the tsconfig.json file contains compilerOptions. For example:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": ["src/*"]
For example above options are required for swaggerGen
to understand relative imports like import something from '@/something'
Swagger Decorators
The documentation will be generated consulting all typescript-rest decorators present on your code.
However, there are some additional informations that can be provided, only with documentation purposes, through some other decorators present into this library.
Some examples:
import {Path, Accept, GET} from 'typescript-rest';
import {Tags} from 'typescript-rest-swagger';
export class MyService {
@Tags('adminMethod', 'otheTag')
test( ): string {
return 'OK';
test2( @QueryParam('testParam')test?: string ): Person {
return {name: 'OK'};
It is also important to observe that all JsDoc provided on your methods, classes, and parameters is outputed into the generated swagger file:
export class MyService {
test2( @QueryParam('testParam')test?: string ): Person {
return {name: 'OK'};
These are the available swagger decorators, provided by typescript-rest-swagger:
A decorator to document the responses that a given service method can return. It is used to generate documentation for the REST service.
interface MyError {
message: string
class PeopleService {
@Response<string>(200, 'Retrieve a list of people.')
@Response<MyError>(401, 'The user is unauthorized.', {message: 'The user is not authorized to access this operation.'})
getPeople(@Param('name') name: string) {
A Default response is already created in swagger documentation from the method return analisys. So any response declared
through this decorator is an additional response created.
Used to provide an example of method return to be added into the method response section of the generated documentation for this method.
class PeopleService {
name: 'Joe'
getPeople(@Param('name') name: string): Person[] {
Add tags for a given method on generated swagger documentation.
class PeopleService {
@Tags('adiministrative', 'department1')
getPeople(@Param('name') name: string) {
Document the consumes property in generated swagger docs
class PeopleService {
createPeople(@Param('name') name: string, people: People) {
Document the produces property in generated swagger docs
class PeopleService {
getPeople(@Param('name') name: string) {
A Default produces is already created in swagger documentation from the method return analisys.
You can use this decorator to override this default produces.
Allow to hide some APIs from swagger docs (ex: test or dev APIs, etc ...).
This decorator can be applied for the whole class or only a single method
class PeopleService {
getPeople(@Param('name') name: string) {
@IsInt, @IsLong, @IsFloat, @IsDouble
Document the type of a number
property or parameter in generated swagger docs.
If no decorator is present, the number
type defaults to double
class Person {
@IsInt id: number;
class PeopleService {
getById(@PathParam('id') @IsLong id: number) {
Because decorators don't work on type and interface properties, this can also be specified as a JSDoc tag.
interface Person {
id: number;
The swagger config file supports the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
basePath | string | Base API path; e.g. the 'v1' in https://myapi.com/v1 |
consumes | [string] | Default consumes property for the entire API |
description | string | API description; defaults to npm package description |
entryFile | string or string[] | The entry point to your API (it is possible to use glob patters) |
outputFormat | 'Swagger_2' or 'OpenApi_3' | Inform if the generated spec will be in swagger 2.0 format or i open api 3.0 |
host | string | The hostname to be informed in the generated swagger file |
license | string | API license number; defaults to npm package license |
name | string | API name; defaults to npm package name |
outputDirectory | string | Where to write the generated swagger file |
produces | [string] | Default produces property for the entire API |
version | string | API version number; defaults to npm package version |
yaml | boolean | Generates the output also as an yaml file |
spec | any | Extend generated swagger spec with this object. Note that generated properties will always take precedence over what get specified here |
securityDefinitions | *SecurityDefinition | Security Definitions Object. A declaration of the security schemes available to be used in the specification. This does not enforce the security schemes on the operations and only serves to provide the relevant details for each scheme. |
collectionFormat | string | Default collectionFormat property for the entire API. Possible values are csv , ssv , tsv , pipes , multi . If not specified, Swagger defaults to csv . |
Where the SecurityDefinition contract is defined as:
[name: string]: {
type: string;
name?: string;
authorizationUrl?: string;
tokenUrl?: string;
flow?: string;
in?: string;
scopes?: { [scopeName: string]: string; }
See an example:
"swagger": {
"outputDirectory": "./dist",
"entryFile": "./controllers/*.ts",
"outputFormat": "openapi_3",
"host": "localhost:3000",
"version": "1.0",
"name": "Typescript-rest Test API",
"description": "a description",
"license": "MIT",
"basePath": "/v1",
"securityDefinitions": {
"api_key": {
"type": "apiKey",
"name": "access_token",
"in": "query"
"ignore": [
or in yaml format:
See an example:
outputDirectory: ./dist
- ./controllers/*.ts
outputFormat: openapi_3
host: localhost:3000
version: 1.0
name: Typescript-rest Test API
description: A description
license: MIT
basePath: /v1
type: apiKey
name: access_token
in: query
- /node_modules/**