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Comparing version 3.1.3 to 3.1.4



@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"license": "BSD-2-Clause",
"version": "3.1.3",
"version": "3.1.4",
"engines": {

@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ "node": ">=0.8.0"

"commander": "~2.11.0",
"source-map": "~0.5.1"
"source-map": "~0.6.1"

@@ -34,0 +34,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ uglify-es

- `--source-map "root='<URL>'"` to pass the URL where the original files can be found.
- `--source-map "url='<URL>'"` to specify the URL where the source map can be found.
Otherwise UglifyJS assumes HTTP `X-SourceMap` is being used and will omit the
`//# sourceMappingURL=` directive.
- `--source-map "url='<URL>'"` to specify the URL where the source map can be found.
For example:

@@ -205,7 +205,5 @@

- `toplevel` — mangle names declared in the top level scope (disabled by
- `toplevel` (default `false`) -- mangle names declared in the top level scope.
- `eval` — mangle names visible in scopes where `eval` or `with` are used
(disabled by default).
- `eval` (default `false`) -- mangle names visible in scopes where `eval` or `with` are used.

@@ -516,2 +514,5 @@ When mangling is enabled but you want to prevent certain names from being

- `keep_fnames` (default: `false`) - pass `true` to prevent discarding or mangling
of function names. Useful for code relying on ``.
## Minify options structure

@@ -598,6 +599,9 @@

- `bare_returns` (default `false`) -- support top level `return` statements
- `ecma` (default: `8`) -- specify one of `5`, `6`, `7` or `8`. Note: this setting
is not presently enforced except for ES8 optional trailing commas in function
parameter lists and calls with `ecma` `8`.
- `html5_comments` (default `true`)
- `shebang` (default `true`) -- support `#!command` as the first line

@@ -607,120 +611,78 @@

- `sequences` (default: true) -- join consecutive simple statements using the
comma operator. May be set to a positive integer to specify the maximum number
of consecutive comma sequences that will be generated. If this option is set to
`true` then the default `sequences` limit is `200`. Set option to `false` or `0`
to disable. The smallest `sequences` length is `2`. A `sequences` value of `1`
is grandfathered to be equivalent to `true` and as such means `200`. On rare
occasions the default sequences limit leads to very slow compress times in which
case a value of `20` or less is recommended.
- `arrows` (default `true`) -- Converts `()=>{return x}` to `()=>x`. Class
and object literal methods will also be converted to arrow expressions if
the resultant code is shorter: `m(){return x}` becomes `m:()=>x`.
This transform requires that the `ecma` compress option is set to `6` or greater.
- `properties` -- rewrite property access using the dot notation, for
example `foo["bar"] →`
- `booleans` (default: `true`) -- various optimizations for boolean context, for example `!!a
? b : c → a ? b : c`
- `dead_code` -- remove unreachable code
- `cascade` (default: `true`) -- small optimization for sequences, transform `x, x` into `x`
and `x = something(), x` into `x = something()`
- `drop_debugger` -- remove `debugger;` statements
- `collapse_vars` (default: `true`) -- Collapse single-use non-constant variables - side
effects permitting.
- `unsafe` (default: false) -- apply "unsafe" transformations (discussion below)
- `unsafe_comps` (default: false) -- Reverse `<` and `<=` to `>` and `>=` to
allow improved compression. This might be unsafe when an at least one of two
operands is an object with computed values due the use of methods like `get`,
or `valueOf`. This could cause change in execution order after operands in the
comparison are switching. Compression only works if both `comparisons` and
`unsafe_comps` are both set to true.
- `unsafe_Func` (default: false) -- compress and mangle `Function(args, code)`
when both `args` and `code` are string literals.
- `unsafe_math` (default: false) -- optimize numerical expressions like
`2 * x * 3` into `6 * x`, which may give imprecise floating point results.
- `unsafe_methods` (default: false) -- Converts `{ m: function(){} }` to
`{ m(){} }`. `ecma` must be set to `6` or greater to enable this transform.
If `unsafe_methods` is a RegExp then key/value pairs with keys matching the
RegExp will be converted to concise methods.
Note: if enabled there is a risk of getting a "`<method name>` is not a
constructor" TypeError should any code try to `new` the former function.
- `unsafe_proto` (default: false) -- optimize expressions like
`` into `[]`
- `unsafe_regexp` (default: false) -- enable substitutions of variables with
`RegExp` values the same way as if they are constants.
- `conditionals` -- apply optimizations for `if`-s and conditional
- `comparisons` -- apply certain optimizations to binary nodes, for example:
- `comparisons` (default: `true`) -- apply certain optimizations to binary nodes, for example:
`!(a <= b) → a > b` (only when `unsafe_comps`), attempts to negate binary
nodes, e.g. `a = !b && !c && !d && !e → a=!(b||c||d||e)` etc.
- `evaluate` -- attempt to evaluate constant expressions
- `computed_props` -- default `true`. Transforms constant computed properties
into regular ones: `{["computed"]: 1}` is converted into `{computed: 1}`.
- `arrows` (default `true`) -- Converts `()=>{return x}` to `()=>x`. Class
and object literal methods will also be converted to arrow expressions if
the resultant code is shorter: `m(){return x}` becomes `m:()=>x`.
This transform requires that the `ecma` compress option is set to `6` or greater.
- `conditionals` (default: `true`) -- apply optimizations for `if`-s and conditional
- `unsafe_arrows` (default `false`) -- Convert ES5 style anonymous function
expressions to arrow functions if the function body does not reference `this`.
Note: it is not always safe to perform this conversion if code relies on the
the function having a `prototype`, which arrow functions lack.
This transform requires that the `ecma` compress option is set to `6` or greater.
- `dead_code` (default: `true`) -- remove unreachable code
- `booleans` -- various optimizations for boolean context, for example `!!a
? b : c → a ? b : c`
- `drop_console` (default: `false`) -- default `false`. Pass `true` to discard calls to
`console.*` functions. If you wish to drop a specific function call
such as `` and/or retain side effects from function arguments
after dropping the function call then use `pure_funcs` instead.
- `typeofs` -- default `true`. Transforms `typeof foo == "undefined"` into
`foo === void 0`. Note: recommend to set this value to `false` for IE10 and
earlier versions due to known issues.
- `drop_debugger` (default: `true`) -- remove `debugger;` statements
- `loops` -- optimizations for `do`, `while` and `for` loops when we can
statically determine the condition
- `ecma` -- default `5`. Pass `6` or greater to enable `compress` options that
will transform ES5 code into smaller ES6+ equivalent forms.
- `unused` -- drop unreferenced functions and variables (simple direct variable
assignments do not count as references unless set to `"keep_assign"`)
- `evaluate` (default: `true`) -- attempt to evaluate constant expressions
- `toplevel` -- drop unreferenced functions (`"funcs"`) and/or variables (`"vars"`)
in the top level scope (`false` by default, `true` to drop both unreferenced
functions and variables)
- `expression` (default: `false`) -- default `false`. Pass `true` to preserve completion values
from terminal statements without `return`, e.g. in bookmarklets.
- `top_retain` -- prevent specific toplevel functions and variables from `unused`
removal (can be array, comma-separated, RegExp or function. Implies `toplevel`)
- `global_defs` (default: `{}`) -- see [conditional compilation](#conditional-compilation)
- `hoist_funs` -- hoist function declarations
- `hoist_funs` (default: `true`) -- hoist function declarations
- `hoist_vars` (default: false) -- hoist `var` declarations (this is `false`
- `hoist_vars` (default: `false`) -- hoist `var` declarations (this is `false`
by default because it seems to increase the size of the output in general)
- `if_return` -- optimizations for if/return and if/continue
- `if_return` (default: `true`) -- optimizations for if/return and if/continue
- `inline` -- embed simple functions
- `inline` (default: `true`) -- embed simple functions
- `join_vars` -- join consecutive `var` statements
- `join_vars` (default: `true`) -- join consecutive `var` statements
- `cascade` -- small optimization for sequences, transform `x, x` into `x`
and `x = something(), x` into `x = something()`
- `keep_fargs` (default: `true`) -- default `true`. Prevents the
compressor from discarding unused function arguments. You need this
for code which relies on `Function.length`.
- `collapse_vars` -- Collapse single-use non-constant variables - side
effects permitting.
- `keep_infinity` (default: `false`) -- default `false`. Pass `true` to prevent `Infinity` from
being compressed into `1/0`, which may cause performance issues on Chrome.
- `reduce_vars` -- Improve optimization on variables assigned with and
used as constant values.
- `loops` (default: `true`) -- optimizations for `do`, `while` and `for` loops when we can
statically determine the condition
- `warnings` -- display warnings when dropping unreachable code or unused
declarations etc.
- `negate_iife` -- negate "Immediately-Called Function Expressions"
- `negate_iife` (default: `true`) -- negate "Immediately-Called Function Expressions"
where the return value is discarded, to avoid the parens that the
code generator would insert.
- `pure_getters` -- the default is `false`. If you pass `true` for
this, UglifyJS will assume that object property access
(e.g. `` or `foo["bar"]`) doesn't have any side effects.
Specify `"strict"` to treat `` as side-effect-free only when
`foo` is certain to not throw, i.e. not `null` or `undefined`.
- `passes` (default: `1`) -- The maximum number of times to run compress.
In some cases more than one pass leads to further compressed code. Keep in
mind more passes will take more time.
- `pure_funcs` -- default `null`. You can pass an array of names and
- `properties` (default: `true`) -- rewrite property access using the dot notation, for
example `foo["bar"] →`
- `pure_funcs` (default: `null`) -- You can pass an array of names and
UglifyJS will assume that those functions do not produce side

@@ -736,26 +698,21 @@ effects. DANGER: will not check if the name is redefined in scope.

- `drop_console` -- default `false`. Pass `true` to discard calls to
`console.*` functions. If you wish to drop a specific function call
such as `` and/or retain side effects from function arguments
after dropping the function call then use `pure_funcs` instead.
- `pure_getters` (default: `"strict"`) -- If you pass `true` for
this, UglifyJS will assume that object property access
(e.g. `` or `foo["bar"]`) doesn't have any side effects.
Specify `"strict"` to treat `` as side-effect-free only when
`foo` is certain to not throw, i.e. not `null` or `undefined`.
- `expression` -- default `false`. Pass `true` to preserve completion values
from terminal statements without `return`, e.g. in bookmarklets.
- `reduce_vars` (default: `true`) -- Improve optimization on variables assigned with and
used as constant values.
- `keep_fargs` -- default `true`. Prevents the
compressor from discarding unused function arguments. You need this
for code which relies on `Function.length`.
- `sequences` (default: `true`) -- join consecutive simple statements using the
comma operator. May be set to a positive integer to specify the maximum number
of consecutive comma sequences that will be generated. If this option is set to
`true` then the default `sequences` limit is `200`. Set option to `false` or `0`
to disable. The smallest `sequences` length is `2`. A `sequences` value of `1`
is grandfathered to be equivalent to `true` and as such means `200`. On rare
occasions the default sequences limit leads to very slow compress times in which
case a value of `20` or less is recommended.
- `keep_fnames` -- default `false`. Pass `true` to prevent the
compressor from discarding function names. Useful for code relying on
``. See also: the `keep_fnames` [mangle option](#mangle).
- `passes` -- default `1`. The maximum number of times to run compress.
In some cases more than one pass leads to further compressed code. Keep in
mind more passes will take more time.
- `keep_infinity` -- default `false`. Pass `true` to prevent `Infinity` from
being compressed into `1/0`, which may cause performance issues on Chrome.
- `side_effects` -- default `true`. Pass `false` to disable potentially dropping
- `side_effects` (default: `true`) -- default `true`. Pass `false` to disable potentially dropping
functions marked as "pure". A function call is marked as "pure" if a comment

@@ -765,7 +722,52 @@ annotation `/*@__PURE__*/` or `/*#__PURE__*/` immediately precedes the call. For

- `ecma` -- default `5`. Pass `6` or greater to enable `compress` options that
will transform ES5 code into smaller ES6+ equivalent forms.
- `switches` (default: `true`) -- de-duplicate and remove unreachable `switch` branches
- `toplevel` (default: `false`) -- drop unreferenced functions (`"funcs"`) and/or variables (`"vars"`)
in the top level scope (`false` by default, `true` to drop both unreferenced
functions and variables)
- `top_retain` (default: `null`) -- prevent specific toplevel functions and variables from `unused`
removal (can be array, comma-separated, RegExp or function. Implies `toplevel`)
- `typeofs` (default: `true`) -- default `true`. Transforms `typeof foo == "undefined"` into
`foo === void 0`. Note: recommend to set this value to `false` for IE10 and
earlier versions due to known issues.
- `unsafe_arrows` (default `false`) -- Convert ES5 style anonymous function
expressions to arrow functions if the function body does not reference `this`.
Note: it is not always safe to perform this conversion if code relies on the
the function having a `prototype`, which arrow functions lack.
This transform requires that the `ecma` compress option is set to `6` or greater.
- `unsafe_comps` (default: `false`) -- Reverse `<` and `<=` to `>` and `>=` to
allow improved compression. This might be unsafe when an at least one of two
operands is an object with computed values due the use of methods like `get`,
or `valueOf`. This could cause change in execution order after operands in the
comparison are switching. Compression only works if both `comparisons` and
`unsafe_comps` are both set to true.
- `unsafe` (default: `false`) -- apply "unsafe" transformations (discussion below)
- `unsafe_Func` (default: `false`) -- compress and mangle `Function(args, code)`
when both `args` and `code` are string literals.
- `unsafe_math` (default: `false`) -- optimize numerical expressions like
`2 * x * 3` into `6 * x`, which may give imprecise floating point results.
- `unsafe_proto` (default: `false`) -- optimize expressions like
`` into `[]`
- `unsafe_regexp` (default: `false`) -- enable substitutions of variables with
`RegExp` values the same way as if they are constants.
- `unused` (default: `true`) -- drop unreferenced functions and variables (simple direct variable
assignments do not count as references unless set to `"keep_assign"`)
- `warnings` (default: `false`) -- display warnings when dropping unreachable code or unused
declarations etc.
## Mangle options
- `keep_classnames` (default `false`). Pass `true` to not mangle class names.
- `reserved` (default `[]`). Pass an array of identifiers that should be

@@ -777,8 +779,2 @@ excluded from mangling. Example: `["foo", "bar"]`.

- `keep_classnames` (default `false`). Pass `true` to not mangle class names.
- `keep_fnames` (default `false`). Pass `true` to not mangle function names.
Useful for code relying on ``. See also: the `keep_fnames`
[compress option](#compress-options).
- `eval` (default `false`). Pass `true` to mangle names visible in scopes

@@ -815,12 +811,16 @@ where `eval` or `with` are used.

- `reserved` (default: `[]`) -- Do not mangle property names listed in the
`reserved` array.
- `regex` (default: `null`) -— Pass a RegExp literal to only mangle property
names matching the regular expression.
- `keep_quoted` (default: `false`) -— Only mangle unquoted property names.
- `debug` (default: `false`) -— Mangle names with the original name still present.
Pass an empty string `""` to enable, or a non-empty string to set the debug suffix.
- `builtins` (default: `false`) -- Use `true` to allow the mangling of builtin
DOM properties. Not recommended to override this setting.
- `debug` (default: `false`) -— Mangle names with the original name still present.
Pass an empty string `""` to enable, or a non-empty string to set the debug suffix.
- `keep_quoted` (default: `false`) -— Only mangle unquoted property names.
- `regex` (default: `null`) -— Pass a RegExp literal to only mangle property
names matching the regular expression.
- `reserved` (default: `[]`) -- Do not mangle property names listed in the
`reserved` array.
## Output options

@@ -834,2 +834,3 @@

regexps (affects directives with non-ascii characters becoming invalid)
- `beautify` (default `true`) -- whether to actually beautify the output.

@@ -839,8 +840,11 @@ Passing `-b` will set this to true, but you might need to pass `-b` even

arguments, so you can use `-b beautify=false` to override it.
- `bracketize` (default `false`) -- always insert brackets in `if`, `for`,
`do`, `while` or `with` statements, even if their body is a single
- `comments` (default `false`) -- pass `true` or `"all"` to preserve all
comments, `"some"` to preserve some comments, a regular expression string
(e.g. `/^!/`) or a function.
- `ecma` (default `5`) -- set output printing mode. Set `ecma` to `6` or

@@ -852,9 +856,15 @@ greater to emit shorthand object properties - i.e.: `{a}` instead of `{a: a}`.

ES6+ code to ES5.
- `indent_level` (default 4)
- `indent_start` (default 0) -- prefix all lines by that many spaces
- `indent_level` (default `4`)
- `indent_start` (default `0`) -- prefix all lines by that many spaces
- `inline_script` (default `false`) -- escape the slash in occurrences of
`</script` in strings
- `keep_quoted_props` (default `false`) -- when turned on, prevents stripping
quotes from property names in object literals.
- `max_line_len` (default `false`) -- maximum line length (for uglified code)
- `preamble` (default `null`) -- when passed it must be a string and

@@ -864,6 +874,9 @@ it will be prepended to the output literally. The source map will

licensing information, for example.
- `preserve_line` (default `false`) -- pass `true` to preserve lines, but it
only works if `beautify` is set to `false`.
- `quote_keys` (default `false`) -- pass `true` to quote all keys in literal
- `quote_style` (default `0`) -- preferred quote style for strings (affects

@@ -876,2 +889,3 @@ quoted property names and directives as well):

- `3` -- always use the original quotes
- `semicolons` (default `true`) -- separate statements with semicolons. If

@@ -881,4 +895,6 @@ you pass `false` then whenever possible we will use a newline instead of a

gzip could be smaller; size after gzip insignificantly larger).
- `shebang` (default `true`) -- preserve shebang `#!` in preamble (bash scripts)
- `width` (default 80) -- only takes effect when beautification is on, this
- `width` (default `80`) -- only takes effect when beautification is on, this
specifies an (orientative) line width that the beautifier will try to

@@ -888,2 +904,3 @@ obey. It refers to the width of the line text (excluding indentation).

by UglifyJS more readable.
- `wrap_iife` (default `false`) -- pass `true` to wrap immediately invoked

@@ -890,0 +907,0 @@ function expressions. See

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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