Security News
TypeScript is Porting Its Compiler to Go for 10x Faster Builds
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
Advanced tools
Extensible BDD assertion toolkit inspired by [expect.js](https://github.com/LearnBoost/expect.js)
Extensible BDD assertion toolkit inspired by expect.js
expect(window.r, 'to be', undefined);
expect({ a: 'b' }, 'to equal', { a: 'b' });
expect(5, 'to be a', 'number');
expect([], 'to be an', 'array');
expect(window, 'not to be an', Image);
).Install it with NPM or add it to your package.json
$ npm install unexpected
var expect = require('unexpected');
Include unexpected.js
<script src="unexpected.js"></script>
this will expose the expect function under the following namespace:
var expect = weknowhow.expect;
Include the library with RequireJS the following way:
paths: {
unexpected: 'path/to/unexpected'
define(['unexpected'], function (expect) {
// Your code
asserts that the value is truthy
ok / truthy / falsy: asserts that the value is truthy or not
expect(1, 'to be ok');
expect(true, 'to be ok');
expect(true, 'not to be falsy');
expect({}, 'to be truthy');
expect(0, 'not to be ok');
expect(0, 'to be falsy');
expect(null, 'to be falsy');
expect(undefined, 'to be falsy');
be: asserts ===
expect(obj, 'to be', obj);
expect(obj, 'not to be', {});
expect(1, 'to be', 1);
expect(1, 'not to be', true);
expect('1', 'not to be', 1);
expect(null, 'not to be', undefined);
expect(null, 'to be null');
expect(0, 'not to be null');
expect(undefined, 'not to be null');
expect(true, 'to be true');
expect(false, 'not to be true');
expect(false, 'to be false');
expect(true, 'not to be false');
expect(undefined, 'to be undefined');
expect(null, 'to be defined');
expect(false, 'to be defined');
expect({}, 'to be defined');
equal: asserts deep equality that works with objects
expect({ a: 'b' }, 'to equal', { a: 'b' });
expect(1, 'not to equal', '1');
expect({ one: 1 }, 'not to equal', { one: '1' });
expect(null, 'not to equal', '1');
var now = new Date();
expect(now, 'to equal', now);
expect(now, 'to equal', new Date(now.getTime()));
expect({ now: now }, 'to equal', { now: now });
canonical: asserts that an object has its properties defined in sorted order at all levels
expect({ a: 123, b: 456 }, 'to be canonical');
expect([456, { a: 123 }], 'to be canonical');
a / an: asserts typeof
with support for array
type and instanceof
expect(5, 'to be a', 'number');
expect(5, 'to be a number');
expect('abc', 'to be a', 'string');
expect('abc', 'to be a string');
expect('', 'to be an empty string');
expect('abc', 'to be a non-empty string');
expect([], 'to be an', 'array');
expect([], 'to be an array');
expect([], 'to be an', Array);
expect([], 'to be an empty array');
expect([123], 'to be a non-empty array');
expect({foo: 123}, 'to be an', 'object');
expect({foo: 123}, 'to be an object');
expect({foo: 123}, 'to be a non-empty object');
expect({}, 'to be an empty object');
expect(null, 'not to be an', 'object');
expect(null, 'not to be an object');
expect(true, 'to be a', 'boolean');
expect(true, 'to be a boolean');
expect(expect, 'to be a', 'function');
expect(expect, 'to be a function');
NaN: asserts that the value is NaN
expect(NaN, 'to be NaN');
expect(2, 'not to be NaN');
close to: asserts that the difference between two numbers is <= epsilon
expect(1.5, 'to be close to', 1.500001, 1e-5);
expect(1.5, 'not to be close to', 1.499, 1e-4);
epsilon defaults to 1e-9 if omitted:
expect(1.5, 'to be close to', 1.5000000001);
match: asserts String
regular expression match
expect('test', 'to match', /.*st/);
expect('test', 'not to match', /foo/);
expect(null, 'not to match', /foo/);
contain: asserts indexOf for an array or string
expect([1, 2], 'to contain', 1);
expect('hello world', 'to contain', 'world');
length: asserts array .length
expect([], 'to have length', 0);
expect([1,2,3], 'to have length', 3);
expect([1,2,3], 'not to have length', 4);
empty: asserts that an array or array-like object (identified by the presence of a length
property) is empty
expect([], 'to be empty');
expect('', 'to be empty');
expect({ my: 'object' }, 'not to be empty');
expect([1,2,3], 'not to be empty');
expect({ length: 0, duck: 'typing' }, 'to be empty');
property: asserts presence of an own property (and value optionally)
expect([1, 2], 'to have property', 'length');
expect([1, 2], 'to have property', 'length', 2);
expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have property', 'a');
expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have property', 'a', 'b');
expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have property', 'toString');
expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have own property', 'a');
expect(Object.create({a: 'b'}), 'not to have own property', 'a');
properties: assert presence of properties in an object (and value optionally)
expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'to have properties', ['a', 'b']);
expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'to have own properties', ['a', 'b']);
expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'not to have properties', ['k', 'l']);
expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'to have properties', {
a: 'a',
b: { c: 'c' }
expect([ 'a', { c: 'c' }, 'd' ], 'to have properties', {
1: { c: 'c' }
2: 'd',
key / keys: asserts the presence of a key. Supports the only
expect({ a: 'b' }, 'to have key', 'a');
expect({ a: 'b' }, 'not to have key', 'b');
expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, 'to not only have key', 'a');
expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, 'to only have keys', 'a', 'c');
expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, 'to only have keys', ['a', 'c']);
expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' }, 'to not only have keys', ['a', 'c']);
throw exception / throw error / throw: asserts that the Function
throws or not when called
expect(fn, 'to throw exception');
expect(fn, 'to throw');
expect(fn, 'to throw exception', function (e) { // get the exception object
expect(e, 'to be a', SyntaxError);
expect(fn, 'to throw exception', /matches the exception message/);
expect(fn, 'to throw error', 'matches the exact exception message');
expect(fn2, 'not to throw error');
arity: asserts that the Function
takes the given number of arguments
expect(Math.max, 'to have arity', 2);
finite/infinite: asserts a finite or infinite number
expect(123, 'to be finite');
expect(Infinity, 'not to be finite');
expect(Infinity, 'to be infinite');
within: asserts a number within a range
expect(0, 'to be within', 0, 4);
expect(1, 'to be within', 0, 4);
expect(4, 'to be within', 0, 4);
expect(-1, 'not to be within', 0, 4);
expect(5, 'not to be within', 0, 4);
greater than / above: asserts >
expect(3, 'to be greater than', 2);
expect(1, 'to be above', 0);
expect(4, 'to be >', 3);
expect(4, '>', 3);
greater than or equal to: asserts >
expect(3, 'to be greater than or equal to', 2);
expect(3, 'to be >=', 3);
expect(3, '>=', 3);
less than / below: asserts <
expect(0, 'to be less than', 4);
expect(0, 'to be below', 1);
expect(3, 'to be <', 4);
expect(3, '<', 4);
less than or equal to: asserts >
expect(0, 'to be less than or equal to', 4);
expect(4, 'to be <=', 4);
expect(3, '<=', 4);
positive: assert that a number is positive
expect(3, 'to be positive');
negative: assert that a number is negative
expect(-1, 'to be negative');
fail: explicitly forces failure.
expect.fail('Custom failure message')
expect.fail('{0} was expected to be {1}', 0, 'zero');
array whose items satisfy: will run an assertion function for each items in an array
expect([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (item, index) {
expect(item, 'to be a number');
expect([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'to be an array whose items satisfy', 'to be a number');
expect([[1], [2]], 'to be an array whose items satisfy',
'to be an array whose items satisfy', 'to be a number');
expect([[], []], 'to be a non-empty array whose items satisfy', function (item) {
expect(item, 'to be an empty array');
Using this assertion result in very detailed error reporting as shown in the below example:
expect([[0, 1, 2], [4, '5', 6], [7, 8, '9']],
'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (arr) {
expect(arr, 'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (item) {
expect(item, 'to be a number');
will output:
failed expectation in [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 4, '5', 6 ], [ 7, 8, '9' ] ]:
1: failed expectation in [ 4, '5', 6 ]:
1: expected '5' to be a number
2: failed expectation in [ 7, 8, '9' ]:
2: expected '9' to be a number
satisfy: match against a spec
All properties and nested objects mentioned in the right-hand side object are
required to be present. Primitive values are compared with to equal
expect({ hey: { there: true } }, 'to satisfy', { hey: {} });
To disallow additional properties in the subject, use to exhaustively satisfy
expect({ hey: { there: true } }, 'to exhaustively satisfy', { hey: { there: true } });
Regular expressions and functions in the right-hand side object will be run against the corresponding values in the subject:
expect({ bar: 'quux', baz: true }, 'to satisfy', { bar: /QU*X/i });
Can be combined with expect.it
to create complex specifications that delegate to
existing assertions:
expect({foo: 123, baz: 'bogus'}, 'to satisfy', {
foo: expect.it('to be a number').and('to be greater than', 10),
baz: expect.it('not to match', /^boh/)
map whose keys satisfy: will run an assertion function for each key in a map
expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
'to be a map whose keys satisfy', function (key) {
expect(key, 'to match', /^[a-z]{3}$/);
expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
'to be a map whose keys satisfy',
'to match', /^[a-z]{3}$/);
Using this assertion result in very detailed error reporting as shown in the below example:
expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3, quux: 4 },
'to be a map whose keys satisfy', function (key) {
expect(key, 'to have length', 3);
will output:
failed expectation on keys foo, bar, baz, qux, quux:
quux: expected 'quux' to have length 3
map whose values satisfy: will run an assertion function for each value in a map
expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
'to be a map whose values satisfy', function (value) {
expect(value, 'to be a number');
expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
'to be a map whose values satisfy',
'to be a number');
Using this assertion result in very detailed error reporting as shown in the below example:
expect({ foo: [0, 1, 2], bar: [4, '5', 6], baz: [7, 8, '9'] },
'to be a map whose values satisfy', function (arr) {
expect(arr, 'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (item) {
expect(item, 'to be a number');
will output:
failed expectation in
foo: [ 0, 1, 2 ],
bar: [ 4, '5', 6 ],
baz: [ 7, 8, '9' ]
bar: failed expectation in [ 4, '5', 6 ]:
1: expected '5' to be a number
baz: failed expectation in [ 7, 8, '9' ]:
2: expected '9' to be a number
Before extending the expect
instance with new assertions it is
usually a good idea to clone it, so you don't change the global
instance. You do that by calling the clone
method on expect
Adding new assertions to the clone will not affect the original
Warning: if you were an early adopter and used addAssertion
it was made public, the API has change slightly to allow more advanced
New assertions can be added to Unexpected to following way.
expect.addAssertion('[not] to be (sorted|ordered)', function(expect, subject, cmp) {
expect(subject, '[not] to equal', [].concat(subject).sort(cmp));
The above assertion definition makes the following expects possible:
expect([1,2,3], 'to be sorted');
expect([1,2,3], 'to be ordered');
expect([2,1,3], 'not to be sorted');
expect([2,1,3], 'not to be ordered');
expect([3,2,1], 'to be sorted', function (x, y) { return y - x; });
Let's dissect the different parts of the custom assertion we just introduced.
The first parameter to addAssertion
is a string describing the
different expectation strings this custom assertion should match. A
word in square brackets represents a flag that can either be there or
not. If the flag is present this.flags[flag]
will contain the value
. In this case not
is a flag. When a flag it present in a
nested expect
it will be inserted is the custom assertion has that
flag; otherwise it will be removed. Text that is in parentheses with
vertical bars between them are treated as alternative texts that can
be used. In this case you can write ordered as an alternative to
The last parameter to addAssertion
is function that will be called
when expect
is invoked with one of the expectation strings generated
from the custom assertion. When the expect
function is called the
following way:
expect(testSubject, expectationString, ...arguments);
The expectation string is used to identify a handler for the
expectation. The handler is then called with an instance of expect
that can be used inside the custom assertion, the test subject and the
rest of the arguments.
So in this case when expect
is called the following way:
expect([3,2,1], 'to be sorted', reverse);
The handler to our custom assertion will be called with the values this way, where the not flag in the nested expect will be removed:
expect.addAssertion('[not] to be (sorted|ordered)', function(expect, [3,2,1], reverse){
expect([3,2,1], '[not] to equal', [].concat([3,2,1]).sort(reverse));
When an expect
fails inside your custom assertion the standard error
message for the custom assertion will be used. In the case of our
sorted assertion the output will be something along the lines:
expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to be sorted
We can control the output of the nested expects by using the this.errorMode
expect.addAssertion('[not] to be (sorted|ordered)', function(expect, subject, cmp) {
this.errorMode = 'bubble';
expect(subject, '[not] to equal', [].concat(subject).sort(cmp));
This will change the error output to:
expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to equal [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
If we change the error mode to nested, we get the following:
expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to be sorted
expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to equal [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
The best resource for learning more about custom assertions is to look at how the predefined assertions are build:
Unexpected plugins are just functions that uses the addAssertion
method to add new custom assertions to the expect
See the unexpected-sinon plugin as an example on how to create a plugin.
For example, if you create a test suite with mocha.
Let's say we wanted to test the following program:
function add (a, b) { return a + b; };
Our test file would look like this:
describe('math.js', function () {
describe('add', function () {
it('is a function', function () {
expect(add, 'to be a', 'function');
it('does addition on numbers', function () {
expect(add(1, 3), 'to be', 4);
If a certain expectation fails, an exception will be raised which gets captured and shown/processed by the test runner.
Everything you need to know to contribute to unexpected.
MIT, see the LICENSE
file for details
Heavily borrows from expect.js by Guillermo Rauch - MIT.
Extensible BDD assertion toolkit
We found that unexpected demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 6 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discusses the open web, open source security, and how Socket tackles software supply chain attacks on The Pair Program podcast.