Initialize uploader queue with kue
const kue = require('kue');
let queue = kue.createQueue()
/*Add your code snipped in sendEmail function using any email client*/
const sendEmail = (job, ctx, done) => {
let data = job.data;
data = {
item:<fileName with filePath>
/*Add your processing file code snippet according to your requirement*/
const processFile = (params, cb) => {
params = {
if (!this.job) {
this.job = {
log() {
let i = 0;
let intervalObject = setInterval(()=>{
const options = {
fileFormats: [".csv"], //.csv,.xml,.xlsx
numberOfProcess: {
brandManagerProcess: 1,//concurrency to monitor brand ftp server at a time for newly uploaded file
catalogBatchProcess: 1, //number of file process at a time
emailProcess: 2 // concurrency for sending email
brands: [
optId: "1",
name: "Brand1",
priority: "normal",//normal,high,medium
// this used only when file format is xml to determine from which parent tag read the data
xml: {
parentTag: "stockFile.stockItem"
ftp: {
host: "localhost",
port: 21,
user: "user",
password: "password",
dir: {
upload: "/path/to/upload/dir",
enqueued: "/path/to/enqueued/dir",
processing: "/path/to/processing/dir",
error: "/path/to/error/dir",
processed: "/path/to/processed/dir",
ignore: "/path/to/ignore/dir",
backup: "/path/to/backup/dir"
cbemailfunction: sendEmail,
cbuploader: processFile,
filePath: __dirname
#initialize uploader queue
How Uploader queue Management works?
We’ve one scheduler , which will select one brand in sequence from list and add this brand to brandmanagerqueue
For now, we’ve set only one processor for brandmanagerqueue . It’ll connect to ftp server & list down all the Catalog Files from upload dir for that brand and add these files to another queue
catalogbatchqeue and before adding these file to queue ,first we move the file from upload dir to enqueued dir
While adding file to the queue we can give priority to that file, So it’ll pick file to process according to priority.
For now, we’ve set 4 processor for catalogbatchqeue means 4 file will process parallely.
In catalogbatchqeue processor perform following things
1. Move file from enqueued to processing
2. Apply Seamless Processing to that file
3. Pass this seamless file to Catalog Bash Script
4. After successfully run Catalog Batch File , move seamless to processed dir and move the actual file to backup dir