yarn add use-cannon
Experimental React hooks for cannon. Use this in combination with react-three-fiber.
Ping pong: https://codesandbox.io/s/white-resonance-0mgum
Cube pushing spheres away: https://codesandbox.io/s/r3f-cannon-instanced-physics-devf8
Heap of cubes: https://codesandbox.io/s/r3f-cannon-instanced-physics-g1s88
How it works
- Get all the imports that you need.
import { Physics, useBox, ... } from 'use-cannon'
- Create a physics world.
- Pick a shape that suits your objects contact surface, it could be a box, plane, sphere, etc. Give it a mass, too.
const [ref, api] = useBox(() => ({ mass: 1 }))
- Take your object, it could be a mesh, line, gltf, anything, and tie it to the reference you have just received. Et voilà, it will now be affected by gravity and other objects inside the physics world.
<mesh ref={ref} geometry={...} material={...} />
- You can interact with it by using the api, which lets you apply positions, rotations, velocities, forces and impulses.
useFrame(({ clock }) => api.position.set(Math.sin(clock.getElapsedTime()) * 5, 0, 0))
- You can use the body api to subscribe to properties to get updates on each frame.
const velocity = useRef([0, 0, 0])
useEffect(() => api.velocity.subscribe((v) => (velocity.current = v)), [])
Simple example
Let's make a cube falling onto a plane. You can play with a sandbox here.
import { Canvas } from 'react-three-fiber'
import { Physics, usePlane, useBox } from 'use-cannon'
function Plane(props) {
const [ref] = usePlane(() => ({ rotation: [-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0], ...props }))
return (
<mesh ref={ref}>
<planeBufferGeometry attach="geometry" args={[100, 100]} />
function Cube(props) {
const [ref] = useBox(() => ({ mass: 1, position: [0, 5, 0], ...props }))
return (
<mesh ref={ref}>
<boxBufferGeometry attach="geometry" />
<Plane />
<Cube />
function Physics({
step = 1 / 60,
gravity = [0, -10, 0],
tolerance = 0.001,
iterations = 5,
allowSleep = false,
broadphase = 'Naive',
axisIndex = 0,
defaultContactMaterial = {
contactEquationStiffness: 1e6,
// Maximum amount of physics objects inside your scene
// Lower this value to save memory, increase if 1000 isn't enough
size = 1000,
}: ProviderProps): JSX.Element
function usePlane(fn: PlaneFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useBox(fn: BoxFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useCylinder(fn: CylinderFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useHeightfield(fn: HeightfieldFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useParticle(fn: ParticleFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useSphere(fn: SphereFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useTrimesh(fn: TrimeshFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useConvexPolyhedron(fn: ConvexPolyhedronFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function useCompoundBody(fn: CompoundBodyFn, ref?: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>): Api
function usePointToPointConstraint(
bodyA: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
bodyB: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
optns: PointToPointConstraintOpts,
deps: any[] = []
): ConstraintApi
function useConeTwistConstraint(
bodyA: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
bodyB: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
optns: ConeTwistConstraintOpts,
deps: any[] = []
): ConstraintApi
function useDistanceConstraint(
bodyA: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
bodyB: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
optns: DistanceConstraintOpts,
deps: any[] = []
): ConstraintApi
function useHingeConstraint(
bodyA: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
bodyB: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
optns: HingeConstraintOpts,
deps: any[] = []
): ConstraintApi
function useLockConstraint(
bodyA: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
bodyB: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
optns: LockConstraintOpts,
deps: any[] = []
): ConstraintApi
function useSpring(
bodyA: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
bodyB: React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D>,
optns: SpringOptns,
deps: any[] = []
): void
Returned api
type WorkerApi = WorkerProps<AtomicProps> & {
position: WorkerVec
rotation: WorkerVec
velocity: WorkerVec
angularVelocity: WorkerVec
linearFactor: WorkerVec
angularFactor: WorkerVec
applyForce: (force: number[], worldPoint: number[]) => void
applyImpulse: (impulse: number[], worldPoint: number[]) => void
applyLocalForce: (force: number[], localPoint: number[]) => void
applyLocalImpulse: (impulse: number[], localPoint: number[]) => void
type Api = [
React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D | undefined>,
WorkerApi & {
at: (index: number) => WorkerApi
type ConstraintApi = [
enable: () => void
disable: () => void
type ProviderProps = {
children: React.ReactNode
gravity?: number[]
tolerance?: number
step?: number
iterations?: number
allowSleep?: boolean
broadphase?: 'Naive' | 'SAP'
axisIndex?: number
defaultContactMaterial?: {
friction?: number
restitution?: number
contactEquationStiffness?: number
contactEquationRelaxation?: number
frictionEquationStiffness?: number
frictionEquationRelaxation?: number
size?: number
type AtomicProps = {
mass?: number
material?: { friction?: number; restitution?: number }
linearDamping?: number
angularDamping?: number
allowSleep?: boolean
sleepSpeedLimit?: number
sleepTimeLimit?: number
collisionFilterGroup?: number
collisionFilterMask?: number
fixedRotation?: boolean
type BodyProps = AtomicProps & {
args?: any
position?: number[]
rotation?: number[]
velocity?: number[]
angularVelocity?: number[]
linearFactor?: number[]
angularFactor?: number[]
type?: 'Dynamic' | 'Static' | 'Kinematic'
onCollide?: (e: Event) => void
type Event = {
op: string
type: string
body: THREE.Object3D
target: THREE.Object3D
contact: {
ni: number[]
ri: number[]
rj: number[]
impactVelocity: number
collisionFilters: {
bodyFilterGroup: number
bodyFilterMask: number
targetFilterGroup: number
targetFilterMask: number
type PlaneProps = BodyProps & {}
type ParticleProps = BodyProps & {}
type BoxProps = BodyProps & {
args?: number[]
type CylinderProps = BodyProps & {
args?: [number, number, number, number]
type SphereProps = BodyProps & {
args?: number
type TrimeshProps = BodyProps & {
args?: [number[][], number[][]]
type ConvexPolyhedronProps = BodyProps & {
| THREE.Geometry
| [(THREE.Vector3 | number[])[], (THREE.Face3 | number[])[]]
type HeightfieldProps = BodyProps & {
args?: [
minValue?: number
maxValue?: number
elementSize?: number
type CompoundBodyProps = BodyProps & {
shapes: {
type: ShapeType
args?: any
position?: number[]
rotation?: number[]
type PlaneFn = (index: number) => PlaneProps
type BoxFn = (index: number) => BoxProps
type CylinderFn = (index: number) => CylinderProps
type HeightfieldFn = (index: number) => HeightfieldProps
type ParticleFn = (index: number) => ParticleProps
type SphereFn = (index: number) => SphereProps
type TrimeshFn = (index: number) => TrimeshProps
type ConvexPolyhedronFn = (index: number) => ConvexPolyhedronProps
type CompoundBodyFn = (index: number) => CompoundBodyProps
type ConstraintOptns = { maxForce?: number; collideConnected?: boolean; wakeUpBodies?: boolean }
type PointToPointConstraintOpts = ConstraintOptns & {
pivotA: number[]
pivotB: number[]
type ConeTwistConstraintOpts = ConstraintOptns & {
pivotA?: number[]
axisA?: number[]
pivotB?: number[]
axisB?: number[]
angle?: number
twistAngle?: number
type DistanceConstraintOpts = ConstraintOptns & { distance?: number }
type HingeConstraintOpts = ConstraintOptns & {
pivotA?: number[]
axisA?: number[]
pivotB?: number[]
axisB?: number[]
type LockConstraintOpts = ConstraintOptns & {}
type SpringOptns = {
restLength?: number
stiffness?: number
damping?: number
worldAnchorA?: number[]
worldAnchorB?: number[]
localAnchorA?: number[]
localAnchorB?: number[]
- NaiveBroadphase is as simple as it gets. It considers every body to be a potential collider with every other body. This results in the maximum number of narrowphase checks.
- SAPBroadphase sorts bodies along an axis and then moves down that list finding pairs by looking at body size and position of the next bodies. Control what axis to sort along by setting the axisIndex property.
- A dynamic body is fully simulated. Can be moved manually by the user, but normally they move according to forces. A dynamic body can collide with all body types. A dynamic body always has finite, non-zero mass.
- A static body does not move during simulation and behaves as if it has infinite mass. Static bodies can be moved manually by setting the position of the body. The velocity of a static body is always zero. Static bodies do not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.
- A kinematic body moves under simulation according to its velocity. They do not respond to forces. They can be moved manually, but normally a kinematic body is moved by setting its velocity. A kinematic body behaves as if it has infinite mass. Kinematic bodies do not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.