
Vasille Web
is a front-end framework, which is developed to provide the best developer experience
ever. Our goal is to keep is as simple as possible. Developing web applications using Vasille must be as fast as possible.

Table of content
npm install vasille-web --save
How to use Vasille
Create an app from a template
$ npx create vasille
Alternative method to create a TypeScript app.
$ npx degit vasille-js/example-typescript my-project
Alternative method to create a JavaScript app.
$ npx degit vasille-js/example-javascript my-project
Full documentation:
How SAFE is Vasille
The safe of your application is ensured by
coverage of code by unit tests.
Each function, each branch is working as designed.
- OOP, DRY, KISS and SOLID principles are applied.
strong typing
makes your javascript/typescript code safe as C++ code.
All entities of vasille
core library are strongly typed, including:
- data fields & properties.
- computed properties (function parameters & result).
- methods.
- events (defined handlers & event emit).
- DOM events & DOM operation (attributing, styling, etc.).
- slots of components.
- references to children.
- No asynchronous code, when the line of code is executed, the DOM and reactive things are already synced.
How SIMPLE is Vasille
There is the "Hello World":
import { compose, mount } from "vasille-dx";
const App = compose(() => {
<p>Hello world</p>;
mount(document.body, App, {});
How POWERFUL is Vasille
All of these are supported:
- Components.
- Reactive values (observables).
- Inline computed values.
- Multiline computed values.
- HTML & SVG tags.
- Component custom slots.
- 2-way data binding in components.
- Logic block (if, else).
- Loops (array, map, set).
Road map
If you have questions, feel free to contact the maintainer of the project:
Made in Moldova 🇲🇩