
Vue.js utility component to show and hide components based on breakpoints
📺 Demo
🔧 Install
yarn add vue-breakpoints
👈 Usage
<hide-at breakpoint="medium">
<mobile-nav />
<show-at breakpoint="mediumAndAbove">
import {showAt, hideAt} from 'vue-breakpoints'
export default {
components: { hideAt, showAt }
You can pass following values as a breakpoint:
- small
- mediumAndBelow
- medium
- mediumAndAbove
- largeAndBelow
- large
Default Breakpoints
Default breakpoints are
small: 744,
medium: 1128,
large: Infinity
but they can be overwritten if you pass an object to the breakpoints
<show-at :breakpoints="{small: 620, medium: 1280, large: 1600}" breakpoint="medium">
breakpoints | undefined | Object | Important that if you pass the object you only use small , medium and large as the childs. |
breakpoint | '' | String | Breakpoint where it should show or hide small , mediumAndBelow , medium , mediumAndAbove , largeAndBelow , large |
:scroll: Changelog
Details changes for each release are documented in the
:exclamation: Issues
Please make sure to read the Issue Reporting Checklist before opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.
:muscle: Contribution
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct before making a pull request.
:copyright: License