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Comparing version 2.1.1 to 2.2.0


"name": "vue-ctk-date-time-picker",
"version": "2.1.1",
"version": "2.2.0",
"description": "A vue component for select date & time (by Chronotruck)",

@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ "author": "Louis Mazel <>",

"@vue/eslint-config-standard": "^4.0.0",
"@vue/test-utils": "^1.0.0-beta.20",
"@vue/test-utils": "^1.0.0-beta.29",
"babel-core": "7.0.0-bridge.0",

@@ -39,0 +39,0 @@ "babel-eslint": "^10.0.1",

@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ <!-- ![vue-ctk-date-time-picker](./assets/logo_sticky.png) -->

This documentation is for v2.*. Find v1 documentation [here](./assets/
[![Build Status](](
This documentation is for v2.\*. Find v1 documentation [here](./assets/

@@ -52,3 +54,7 @@

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${YOUR_PATH}/vue-ctk-date-time-picker.css">

@@ -60,3 +66,6 @@ <div id="app">

<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="${YOUR_PATH}/vue-ctk-date-time-picker.umd.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

@@ -67,6 +76,6 @@ <script type="text/javascript">

el: '#app',
data () {
data() {
return {
yourValue: null

@@ -77,3 +86,3 @@ });

Here is an example of UMD implementation:
Here is an example of [UMD implementation](

@@ -94,45 +103,43 @@ ## Use custom element to trigger the component

| Props | Type | Required | Default |
| v-model | String | yes | - |
| id | String | no | DateTimePicker |
| format | String | no | 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm a' |
| formatted | String | no | 'llll' (momentjs format) |
| label | String | no | Select date & time |
| disabled | Boolean | no | false |
| hint (1) | String | no | - |
| error (2) | Boolean | no | false |
| color (3) | String (hex) | no | dodgerblue |
| button-color (4) | String (hex) | no | #00C853 |
| position | String | no | null |
| locale (5) | String | no | Browser Locale |
| persistent | Boolean | no | false |
| minute-interval | Integer | no | 1 |
| output-format | String | no | null |
| only-time | Boolean | no | false |
| only-date | Boolean | no | false |
| no-label | Boolean | no | false |
| no-header | Boolean | no | false |
| no-value-to-custom-elem (6) | Boolean | no | false |
| min-date (7) | String | no | - |
| max-date (7) | String | no | - |
| no-weekends-days | Boolean | no | false |
| auto-close | Boolean | no | false |
| inline | Boolean | no | false |
| overlay | Boolean | no | false |
| range | Boolean | no | false |
| dark | Boolean | no | false |
| no-shortcuts | Boolean | no | false |
| no-button | Boolean | no | false |
| input-size | String (sm or lg) | no | null |
| button-now-translation | String | no | 'Now' |
| no-button-now | Boolean | no | false |
| first-day-of-week | Int (0 to 7) | no | - |
| disabled-dates (8) | Array`<string>` | no | [] |
| disabled-hours (9) | Array`<string>` | no | - |
| custom-shortcuts (10) | Array`<object>` | no | - |
| disabled-weekly (11) | Array`<integer>` | no | [] |
| no-keyboard (12) | Boolean | no | false |
| right (13) | Boolean | no | false |
| noClearButton | Boolean | no | false |
| Props | Type | Required | Default |
| --------------------------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------------------------ |
| v-model | String | yes | - |
| format | String | no | 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm a' |
| formatted | String | no | 'llll' (momentjs format) |
| label | String | no | Select date & time |
| hint (1) | String | no | - |
| error (2) | Boolean | no | false |
| color (3) | String (hex) | no | dodgerblue |
| button-color (4) | String (hex) | no | #00C853 |
| position | String | no | null |
| locale (5) | String | no | Browser Locale |
| persistent | Boolean | no | false |
| minute-interval | Integer | no | 1 |
| output-format | String | no | null |
| only-time | Boolean | no | false |
| only-date | Boolean | no | false |
| no-label | Boolean | no | false |
| no-header | Boolean | no | false |
| no-value-to-custom-elem (6) | Boolean | no | false |
| min-date (7) | String | no | - |
| max-date (7) | String | no | - |
| no-weekends-days | Boolean | no | false |
| auto-close | Boolean | no | false |
| inline | Boolean | no | false |
| overlay | Boolean | no | false |
| range | Boolean | no | false |
| dark | Boolean | no | false |
| no-shortcuts | Boolean | no | false |
| no-button | Boolean | no | false |
| input-size | String (sm or lg) | no | null |
| button-now-translation | String | no | 'Now' |
| no-button-now | Boolean | no | false |
| first-day-of-week | Int (0 to 7) | no | - |
| disabled-dates (8) | Array`<string>` | no | [] |
| disabled-hours (9) | Array`<string>` | no | - |
| custom-shortcuts (10) | Array`<object>` | no | - |
| disabled-weekly (11) | Array`<integer>` | no | [] |
| no-keyboard (12) | Boolean | no | false |
| right (13) | Boolean | no | false |
| noClearButton | Boolean | no | false |

@@ -169,6 +176,6 @@ (1) hint : Is a text that replaces the label/placeholder (Ex : Error designation)

{ label: 'Last Month', value: '-month', isSelected: false },
{ label: 'This Month', value: 'year', isSelected: false },
{ label: 'Last Month', value: '-year', isSelected: false },
{ label: 'This Year', value: 'year', isSelected: false },
{ label: 'Last Year', value: '-year', isSelected: false },
{ label: 'Last 5 days', value: 5, isSelected: false }

@@ -188,27 +195,29 @@

(13) right : add this attribute to align the picker on right
(13) right : add this attribute to align the picker on right
> Any additionnal attribute passed to the component will be automatically be binded to the input component. (eg. if you passes a `type` attribute, the `<input>` will receive it).
# Events API
| Event | Return |
| input | value (formatted with 'format' props) |
| formatted-value | value (formatted with 'formatted' props) |
| is-shown | Component is shown |
| is-hidden | Component is hidden |
| validate | Click on validate button (so component is closed) |
| destroy | Component is destroy |
| Event | Return |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| input | value (formatted with 'format' props) |
| formatted-value | value (formatted with 'formatted' props) |
| is-shown | Component is shown |
| is-hidden | Component is hidden |
| validate | Click on validate button (so component is closed) |
| destroy | Component is destroy |
# Keyboard Accessible
| Key | Action |
| Arrow Right | Next Day |
| Arrow Left | Previous Day |
| Arrow Down | Same day on next week |
| Arrow Up | Same day on previous week |
| Page Down | Same day on previous month |
| Page Up | Same day on next month |
| Enter or Space | Select day |
| Escape | Close component |
| Key | Action |
| -------------- | -------------------------- |
| Arrow Right | Next Day |
| Arrow Left | Previous Day |
| Arrow Down | Same day on next week |
| Arrow Up | Same day on previous week |
| Page Down | Same day on previous month |
| Page Up | Same day on next month |
| Enter or Space | Select day |
| Escape | Close component |

@@ -221,6 +230,17 @@ # Upcoming features (Todo)

# Contribution
# Contribute
## Project setup
## Setting up development server
### Without Docker
Ensure you have Node and npm in your machine. Minimal config is:
- node >= 6.0
- npm >= 3.0
> This project is built with `node@10.x`.
Install the development dependencies by running:

@@ -230,2 +250,29 @@ npm install

npm ci # Recommanded if you have node > 10.x
Once your dependencies are installed, start the development server with:
npm run serve
This will start the development server available at `http://localhost:8080`.
### Docker
To easily set-up your development environment, you can spin up a container containing the development app.
For that, you need Docker with docker-compose in your machine.
Once you've everything running, you can simply run the following command to start the dev server:
docker-compose up -d
This will start the development server inside a container and accessible through `http://localhost:8080`.
## Compiles and hot-reloads for development

@@ -237,3 +284,3 @@

## Lints and fixes files
## Linter

@@ -254,2 +301,2 @@ ```bash

Open source time proudly sponsored by [Chronotruck](
Open source time proudly sponsored by [Chronotruck](

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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