A Vue Component to pick a ranged datetime in calendar. Built alongside Vue 2.x .
This datepicker utilize moment for translations.
codepen demo : https://codepen.io/limbara/pen/ZEQxoZZ
sandbox demo : https://codesandbox.io/s/example-vue-time-date-range-picker-byw7g
Clone the repo and run 'npm install && npm run serve' for local demo
npm i vue-time-date-range-picker
Usage within JS project
import DatePicker, { CalendarDialog } from 'vue-time-date-range-picker/dist/vdprDatePicker'
export default {
components: {
You can use CalendarDialog Component if you want to implement your own input element
Usage from CDN
<div id="app">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.27.0/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-time-date-range-picker@1.2.0/dist/vdprDatePicker.js"></script>
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'datepicker' : vdprDatePicker.default,
'calendar-dialog' : vdprDatePicker.CalendarDialog
Available props
Below is props that're available in DatePicker Component
** date format refer to moment **
initial-dates | [Date, Date] | | Initial value for the datepicker |
inline | Boolean | false | Use datepicker inline style |
language | String | en | Languange |
format | String | DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm | Format for display date input |
same-date-format | Object | refer below | Format for display date input if start & end date same |
disabled-dates | Object | refer below | Disable certain dates |
date-input | Object | | Input configuration |
show-helper-buttons | Boolean | | Show helper buttons |
helper-buttons | [ ]Object | | Custom helper button |
calendar-date-input | Object | refer below | Calendar input date configuration |
calendar-time-input | Object | refer below | Calendar input time configuration |
switch-button-label | String | | Switch Button label |
switch-button-initial | Boolean | | Switch Button initial value |
apply-button-label | String | | Apply Button Label |
reset-button-label | String | | Reset Button Label |
is-monday-first | Boolean | | Calendar start from Monday instead of Sunday |
Below is props that're available in Calendar Dialog Component
initial-dates | [Date, Date] | | Initial value for the datepicker |
inline | Boolean | false | Use datepicker inline style |
language | String | en | Languange |
disabled-dates | Object | refer below | Disable certain dates |
show-helper-buttons | Boolean | true | Show helper buttons |
helper-buttons | [ ]Object | [ ] | Custom helper button |
date-input | Object | | Calendar input date configuration |
time-input | Object | | Calendar input time configuration |
switch-button-label | String | All Days | Switch Button label |
switch-button-initial | Boolean | false | Switch Button initial value |
apply-button-label | String | Apply | Apply Button Label |
reset-button-label | String | Reset | Reset Button Label |
is-monday-first | Boolean | false | Calendar start from Monday (default Sunday) |
Same Date Format
Below is values that're available for props "same-date-format"
from | String | DD/MM/YYYY, HH:mm | format selected start date |
to | String | HH:mm | format selected end date |
Date Input
Below is values that're available for props "date-input"
inputClass | String|Array|Object | | class for input element |
refName | String | | ref name for input element |
name | String | | attribute name |
placeholder | String | | attribute placeholder |
id | String | | atttibute id |
required | Boolean | | attirbute required |
Disabled Dates
Below is values that're available for props "disabled-dates"
dates | [ ]Date | | disable dates matching array of Date object |
from | Date | | disable dates from this date |
to | Date | | disable dates until this date |
ranges | Object | | disable dates matching object of date "from" & "to" |
custom | Function | | disable dates with function |
Helper Buttons
Below is values that're available for props "helper-buttons"
name | String | | button name |
from | String | | format selected start date |
to | String | | format selected end date |
C Date Input
Below is values that're available for props "calendar-date-input" or "date-input" for Calendar Dialog component
labelStarts | String | Starts | start date label |
labelEnds | String | Ends | ends date label |
inputClass | String|Array|Object | | class for input element |
format | String | DD/MM/YYYY | date format |
C Time Input
Below is values that're available for props "calendar-time-input" or "time-input" for Calendar Dialog component
inputClass | String|Array|Object | | class for input element |
readonly | Boolean | false | attribute readonly |
step | Number | 60 | step value in minutes |
Below is events that're available in DatePicker Component
date-applied | Date, Date | Dates is applied to date input. Output start & end date |
on-prev-calendar | | On calendar page previous |
on-next-calendar | | On calendar page next |
datepicker-opened | | Datepicker is opened |
datepicker-closed | | Datepicker is closed |
select-date | Date, Date | A date is selected in calendar. Output start & end date |
select-disabled-date | Date | A disabled date is selected in calendar |
Below is events that're available in Calendar Dialog Component
on-apply | Date, Date | Dates is applied to date input. Output start & end date |
on-prev-calendar | | On calendar page previous |
on-next-calendar | | On calendar page next |
select-date | Date, Date | A date is selected in calendar. Output start & end date |
select-disabled-date | Date | A disabled date is selected in calendar |
** available languages refer to moment **