Tiny Vue Validate Composition
During the time of refactoring our project, we have coped with so many challenges, one of which was to minimize bundle
size of the external libraries. We looked for a solution in the Vue community, and we have seen so many great validation
tools, namely Vuelidate or
vee-validate. They were all great, but they weren't the best fit for our
problem at hand.
Most, or maybe all of them, are over 10KB minified. This was way too heavy for our goal of keeping our validation library
robust, fully-supported, and most importantly, minimal.
That's why vue-tiny-validate
was born.
- Easy. Come with familiar API and coherent documentation.
- Tiny. No dependencies. Only 3KB minified. 1.3KB gzipped.
- Flexible. Full control over everything.
- Fully functional. Sync validation, async validation, etc supported.\
- Compatible. Works with both Vue 2.6 and Vue 3.
- See docs for more detail.