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TSX (JSX for TypeScript) support library for Vue

  • 3.2.0
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TSX (JSX for TypeScript) support library for Vue


If your project already uses vue-tsx-support v2, see Migration from V2 section.



  • Typesafe emit for declared events
  • @vue/composition-api support


  • Vue >= 2.6.0, < 3.0.0

  • TypeScript >= 3.8.0 (3.9.2 or later recommended)

    vue-tsx-support does not support Vue 3 because Vue 3 has it's own JSX type checker and there are some incompatibilities with Vue 2.

    If you want to use composition API with vue-tsx-support, you can use @vue/composition-api.


  1. Create Vue project with TypeScript and babel support.

    vue-tsx-support is a type checker for TypeScript, not a transpiler.
    You must install babel presets (@vue/babel-preset-app or @vue/babel-preset-jsx) separatedly.

    Vue CLI may help you.

    :bulb: If you want use @vue/composition-api, @vue/babel-preset-jsx >= 1.2.1 or babel-preset-vue-vca is needed.

  2. Install vue-tsx-support from npm

    yarn add vue-tsx-support -D
  3. In tsconfig.json, set "preserve" to jsx and "VueTsxSupport" to jsxFactory

      "compilerOptions": {
        "jsx": "preserve",
        "jsxFactory": "VueTsxSupport",
        "...": "..."
      "include": [
  4. import vue-tsx-support/enable-check.d.ts somewhere,

    import "vue-tsx-support/enable-check"

    or add it to "include" in tsconfig.json

      "compilerOptions": {
        "...": "..."
      "include": [

Migration from V2

  1. In tsconfig.json, set "VueTsxSupport" to jsxFactory

  2. Enable allow-props-object option (Optional)


Intrinsic elements

Standard HTML elements are defined as intrinsic elements. So, compiler can check attribute names and attribute types of them:

// OK
<div id="title" />;
// OK
<input type="number" min={ 0 } max={ 100 } />;
// OK
<a href={ SOME_LINK } />;
// NG: because `href` is not a valid attribute of `div`
<div href={ SOME_LINK } />;
// NG: because `id` must be a string
<div id={ 1 } />;

Lower case tags are treated as unknown intrinsic element. TypeScript checks nothing for such tags.

// OK
<foo id="unknown" unknownattr={ 1 } />


Basically, vue-tsx-support checks three types for each component.

  • Prop types
    Determine name, type, and required or optional of each props.
    When using existing component as-is, you must specify prop types manually.
    When writing component with APIs of vue-tsx-support, prop types are automatically obtained from component definition.

  • Custom event types (optional)
    If the component has custom events, you can specify custom event types additionally,
    and vue-tsx-support will check if event names and argument types are correct or not.

  • Scoped slot types (optional)
    If the component has uses scoped slots, you can specify scoped slot types additionally,
    and vue-tsx-support will check if scoped slot names and argument types are correct or not.

Make existing components tsx-ready.

By default, vue-tsx-support does not allow unknown props.
For example, below code causes compilation error.

import Vue from "vue";
import AwesomeButton from "third-party-library/awesome-button";

export default Vue.extend({
  render() {
    // ERROR: because TypeScript does not know that AwesomeButton has 'text' prop.
    return <AwesomeButton text="Click Me!" />;

You can add type information to existing component without modifying component itself, like below:

import AwesomeButtonOrig from "third-party-library/awesome-button";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

type AwesomeButtonProps = {
  text: string;
  raised?: boolean;
  rounded?: boolean;

// Now, AwesomeButton has 1 required prop(text) and 2 optional props(raised, rounded)
export const AwesomeButton = tsx.ofType<AwesomeButtonProps>().convert(AwesomeButtonOrig);

You also can specify custom event types as second type parameter, and scoped slot types as third type parameter.

For example:

import AwesomeListOrig from "third-party-library/awesome-list";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

type Item = { id: string, text: string };

type AwesomeListProps = {
  items: ReadonlyArray<Item>;
  rowHeight: number;

type AwesomeListEvents = {
  // member name must be ['on' + event name(with capitalizing first charactor)]
  onRowClicked: { item: Item, index: number };

type AwesomeListScopedSlots = {
  row: { item: Item }

export const AwesomeList = tsx.ofType<

Then you can use AwesomeList like below:

import { VNode } from "vue";
const App = Vue.extend({
render(): VNode {
  return (
      onRowClicked={p => console.log(`${p.item.text} clicked!`)}
        row: item => <div>{item.text}</div>
Writing components by object-style API (Like Vue.extend)

If you use Vue.extend(), just replace it by componentFactory.create and your component becomes TSX-ready.

Props type is infered from props definition automatically.
For example, props type will be { text: string, important?: boolean } in below code.

:warning: In some environment, as const may be needed to make prop required properly.

import { VNode } from "vue";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";
const MyComponent = tsx.componentFactory.create({
  props: {
    text: { type: String, required: true },
    important: Boolean,
  } as const, // `as const` is needed in some cases.
  computed: {
    className(): string {
      return this.important ? "label-important" : "label-normal";
  methods: {
    onClick(event: Event) { this.$emit("ok", event); }
  render(): VNode {
    return <span class={this.className} onClick={this.onClick}>{this.text}</span>;

:bulb: You can use component as as shorthand of componentFactory.create.

import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";
const MyComponent = tsx.component({
  /* snip */

If your component has custom events or scoped slots, use componentFactoryOf instead.

import { VNode } from "vue";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

type AwesomeListEvents = {
  onRowClicked: { item: {}, index: number };

type AwesomeListScopedSlots = {
  row: { item: {} }

export const AwesomeList = tsx.componentFactoryOf<
  name: "AwesomeList",
  props: {
    items: { type: Array, required: true },
    rowHeight: { type: Number, required: true }
  computed: { /* ... */},
  method: {
    emitRowClicked(item: {}, index: number): void {
      // Equivalent to `this.$emit("rowClicked", { item, index })`,
      // And event name and payload type are statically checked.
      tsx.emitOn(this, "onRowClicked", { item, index });
  render(): VNode {
    return (
      <div class={style.container}>
, index) => (
            <div style={this.rowStyle} onClick={() => this.$emit("rowClicked", { item, index })}>
                // slot name ('row') and argument types are statically checked.
                this.$scopedSlots.row({ item })
Writing component by class-style API (vue-class-component and/or vue-property-decorator)

If you prefer class-style component by using vue-class-component and/or vue-property-decorator, there are some options to make it tsx-ready.

1. Extends from Component class provided by vue-tsx-support
import { VNode } from "vue";
import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

type MyComponentProps = {
  text: string;
  important?: boolean;

export class MyComponent extends tsx.Component<MyComponentProps> {
  @Prop({ type: String, required: true })
  text!: string;
  important?: boolean;

  get className() {
    return this.important ? "label-important" : "label-normal";
  onClick(event: MouseEvent) {
    this.$emit("ok", event);
  render(): VNode {
    return <span class={this.className} onClick={this.onClick}>{this.text}</span>;

:warning: Unfortunately, vue-tsx-support can't infer prop types automatically in this case, so you must write type manually.

2. Add _tsx field to tell type information to TypeScript.
import { VNode } from "vue";
import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

export class MyComponent extends Vue {
  _tsx!: {
    // specify props type to `props`.
    props: Pick<MyComponent, "text" | "important">

  @Prop({ type: String, required: true })
  text!: string;
  important?: boolean;

  get className() {
    return this.important ? "label-important" : "label-normal";
  render(): VNode {
    return <span class={this.className}>{this.text}</span>;

You can use DeclareProps<T> instead of { props: T }.

import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

export class MyComponent extends Vue {
  _tsx!: tsx.DeclareProps<Pick<MyComponent, "text" | "important">>;

  /* ...snip... */

:bulb: PickProps is more convenient than Pick here, it removes attributes from Vue from completion candidates. (e.g. $data, $props, and so on)

import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

export class MyComponent extends Vue {
  _tsx!: tsx.DeclareProps<tsx.PickProps<MyComponent, "text" | "important">>;

  /* ...snip... */

:bulb: When you can make all data, computed and methods private, you can use AutoProps instead.
AutoProps picks all public members other than members from component options(render, created etc).

import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

export class MyComponent extends Vue {
  _tsx!: tsx.DeclareProps<tsx.AutoProps<MyComponent>>

  @Prop({ type: String, required: true })
  text!: string;

  important?: boolean;

  // data
  private count = 0;
  // computed
  private get className() {
    return this.important ? "label-important" : "label-normal";
  // methods
  private onClick() {
    this.count += 1;

  render(): VNode {
    return (
      <span class={this.className} onClick={this.onClick}>

:bulb: If your component has custom events, you can specify events handlers type additionally.

import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

export class MyComponent extends Vue {
  _tsx!: tsx.DeclareProps<PickProps<MyComponent, "text" | "important">> &
    tsx.DeclareOnEvents<{ onOk: string }>;

  /* ...snip... */

:bulb: If your component uses scoped slots, you should add type to $scopedSlots by tsx.InnerScopedSlots.

import { Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";

export class MyComponent extends Vue {
  _tsx!: tsx.DeclareProps<PickProps<MyComponent, "text" | "important">>;

  $scopedSlots!: tsx.InnerScopedSlots<{ default?: string }>;

  /* ...snip... */
Writing component by composition api (@vue/composition-api)

Vue 3 is not supported. To use composition api with Vue 2, You can use @vue/composition-api.

There are 2 babel presets which support JSX syntax with @vue/composition-api.

  • @vue/babel-preset-jsx >= 1.2.1 (You must enable composition-api support explicitly by specifying { compositionAPI: true })
  • babel-preset-vca-jsx

To make TSX-ready component by composition api, use component of vue-tsx-support/lib/vca instead of defineComponent of @vue/composition-api.

import { computed } from "@vue/composition-api";
import * as vca from "vue-tsx-support/lib/vca";

const MyComponent = vca.component({
  name: "MyComponent",
  props: {
    text: { type: String, required: true },
    important: Boolean,
  setup(p) {
    const className = computed(() => p.important ? "label-important" : "label-normal");
    return () => (
      <span class={className.value}>{p.text}</span>;

If your component has custom event or scoped slots, specify them types in 2nd argument of setup.

import { computed, onMounted } from "@vue/composition-api";
import * as vca from "vue-tsx-support/lib/vca";

type AwesomeListEvents = {
  onRowClicked: { item: {}, index: number };

type AwesomeListScopedSlots = {
  row: { item: {} }

export const AwesomeList = vca.component({
  name: "AwesomeList",
  props: {
    items: { type: Array, required: true },
    rowHeight: { type: Number, required: true }
  setup(p, ctx: vca.SetupContext<AwesomeListEvents, AwesomeListScopedSlots>) {
    const visibleItems = computed(() => ... );
    const emitRowClicked = (item: {}, index: number) => {
      // Equivalent to `ctx.emit("rowClicked", { item, index })`,
      // And event name and payload type are statically checked.
      vca.emitOn(ctx, "onRowClicked", { item, index });

    return () => (
      <div class={style.container}>
, index) => (
            <div onClick={() => emitRowClicked(item, index)}>
                // slot name ('row') and argument types are statically checked.
                ctx.slots.row({ item })


vue-tsx-support has some options which change behaviour globally. See under the options directory.

To enable each options, import them somewhere

// enable `allow-unknown-props` option
import "vue-tsx-support/options/allow-unknown-props";

:warning: Scope of option is whole project, not a file.


Make enabled to specify unknown attributes to intrinsic elements

// OK:`foo` is unknown attribute, but can be compiled
<div foo="foo" />;


Make enabled to specify unknown props to Vue component.

const MyComponent = vuetsx.createComponent<{ foo: string }>({ /* ... */ });
// OK: `bar` is unknown prop, but can be compiled
<MyComponent foo="foo" bar="bar" />;


Make enabled to specify HTML attributes to Vue component.

const MyComponent = vuetsx.createComponent<{ foo: string }>({ /* ... */ });
// OK: `min` and `max` are valid HTML attributes
<MyComponent foo="foo" min={ 0 } max={ 100 } />;
// NG: compiler checks type of `min` (`min` must be number)
<MyComponent foo="foo" min="a" />;


Make enabled to specify native event listeners to Vue component.

const MyComponent = vuetsx.createComponent<{ foo: string }>({ /* ... */ });
// OK
<MyComponent foo="foo" nativeOnClick={ e => ... } />; // and `e` is infered as MouseEvent


Add definitions of router-link and router-view


Make enabled to pass props as "props".

const MyComponent = vuetsx.createComponent<{ foo: string }>({ /* ... */ });
// OK
<MyComponent props={{ foo: "foo" }} />;



Event handler wrappers which work like some event modifiers available in template

import { modifiers as m } from "vue-tsx-support";

// Basic usage:
//  Equivalent to `<div @keydown.enter="onEnter" />`
<div onKeydown={m.enter(this.onEnter)} />;

// Use multiple modifiers:
//  Equivalent to `<div @keydown.enter.prevent="onEnter" />`
<div onKeydown={m.enter.prevent(this.onEnter)} />;

// Use without event handler:
//  Equivalent to `<div @keydown.esc.prevent />`
<div onKeydown={m.esc.prevent} />;

// Use multiple keys:
//  Equivalent to `<div @keydown.enter.esc="onEnterOrEsc" />`
<div onKeydown={m.keys("enter", "esc")(this.onEnterOrEsc)} />;

// Use exact modkey combination:
//  Equivalent to `<div @keydown.65.ctrl.alt.exact="onCtrlAltA" />`
<div onKeydown={m.keys(65).exact("ctrl", "alt")(this.onCtrlAltA)} />;
Available modifiers
  • esc, tab, enter, space, up, down, del, left, right

    Execute event handler only when specified key is pressed.
    :warning: del allows not only DELETE, but also BACKSPACE.
    :warning: left and right have another behavior when specified to mouse event
    :warning: combination of key modifiers (e.g. m.enter.esc) does not work. See keys

  • left, right, middle

    Execute event handler only when specified mouse button is pressed.
    :warning: left and right have another behavior when specified to keyboard event

  • ctrl, shift, alt, meta

    Execute event handler only when specified system modifier key is pressed.

  • noctrl, noshift, noalt, nometa

    Execute event handler only when specified system modifier key is not pressed.

  • self

    Execute event handler only when is the element itself (not from children).

  • prevent, stop

    Call preventDefault or stopPropagation of event object before executing event handler.

  • keys(...args)

    Execute event handler only when one of specified key is pressed.
    Known key name("esc", "tab", "enter", ...) or number can be specified.

    // when enter or esc pressed
    <div onKeydown={m.keys("enter", "esc")(handler)} />;
    // when 'a' pressed
    <div onKeydown={m.keys(65)(handler)} />;
  • exact(...args)

    Execute event handler only when specified system modifier keys are all pressed, and others are not pressed.

    // when CTRL, SHIFT are both pressed, and ALT, META are both not pressed
    <div onClick={m.exact("ctrl", "shift")(handler)} />;





Package last updated on 19 Jun 2021

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