What is walkdir?
The walkdir npm package is a utility for recursively traversing directories and handling files and directories found within. It provides a simple and efficient way to walk through directory trees, making it useful for tasks such as file system analysis, batch processing of files, and more.
What are walkdir's main functionalities?
Basic Directory Traversal
This feature allows you to traverse a directory and log each file and directory found. The callback function receives the path and stat object for each item.
const walk = require('walkdir');
walk('/path/to/directory', function(path, stat) {
console.log('Found:', path);
Filtering Files
This feature demonstrates how to filter files based on certain criteria, such as file extension. In this example, only JavaScript files are logged.
const walk = require('walkdir');
walk('/path/to/directory', function(path, stat) {
if (stat.isFile() && path.endsWith('.js')) {
console.log('Found JavaScript file:', path);
Handling Errors
This feature shows how to handle errors that may occur during directory traversal. The 'error' event is emitted with the path and error details.
const walk = require('walkdir');
const emitter = walk('/path/to/directory');
emitter.on('file', function(path, stat) {
console.log('Found file:', path);
emitter.on('error', function(path, err) {
console.error('Error for path', path, ':', err);
Asynchronous Traversal
This feature demonstrates synchronous directory traversal, where the entire directory tree is read and returned as an array of paths.
const walk = require('walkdir');
const paths = walk.sync('/path/to/directory');
paths.forEach(function(path) {
console.log('Found:', path);
Other packages similar to walkdir
fs-extra is a package that extends the native Node.js fs module with additional methods, including recursive directory traversal. It provides a higher-level API for file system operations, making it more versatile but also more complex compared to walkdir.
glob is a package for matching files using patterns. It can be used to find files and directories that match specific patterns, making it useful for tasks like file searching and filtering. Unlike walkdir, glob focuses on pattern matching rather than directory traversal.
readdirp is a recursive version of fs.readdir, providing a stream-based API for reading directories. It is similar to walkdir in that it allows for recursive directory traversal, but it uses streams for more efficient handling of large directory trees.

Find files. Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds. Presents a familliar callback/emitter/sync interface. Walk a tree of any depth. This is a performant option any pull requests to make it more so will be taken into consderation..
var walk = require('walkdir');
walk('../', function(path, stat) {
console.log('found: ', path);
var emitter = walk('../');
emitter.on('file', function(filename, stat) {
console.log('file from emitter: ', filename);
walk.sync('../', function(path, stat) {
console.log('found sync:', path);
var paths = walk.sync('../');
console.log('found paths sync: ', paths);
let result = await walk.async('../',{return_object:true})
npm install walkdir
walkdir(path, [options], [callback])
walkdir.sync(path, [options], [callback]);
"follow_symlinks"?: boolean,
"no_recurse"?: boolean,
"max_depth"?: number,
"track_inodes"?: boolean;
"return_object"?: boolean,
"no_return"?: boolean,
walkdir.sync/walkdir.async only
"return_object": false,
"no_return": false,
non error type events are emitted with (path,stat). stat is an instanceof fs.Stats
fired for everything
fired only for regular files
fired only for directories
fired when a symbolic link is found
fired when the entire tree has been read and emitted.
fired when a socket descriptor is found
fired when a fifo is found
fired when a character device is found
fired when a block device is found
fired for the stat of the path you provided as the first argument. is is only fired if it is a directory.
fired for empty directory
error events
error type events are emitted with (path,error). error being the error object returned from an fs call or other opperation.
if the target path cannot be read an error event is emitted. this is the only failure case.
when stat or read fails on a path somewhere in the walk and it is not your target path you get a fail event instead of error.
This is handy if you want to find places you dont have access too.
the async emitter returned supports 3 methods
stop a walk in progress
pause the walk. no more events will be emitted until resume
resume the walk
ignore(path or array of paths)
will not traverse these directories. may be called in the path event handler to ignore dynamically.
var walk = require('walkdir');
var p = require('path');
walk('/', function(path, stat) {
if (p.basename(path) === '.git') {
cancel a walk in progress
var walk = require('walkdir');
walk('../', function(path, stat) {
var walk = require('walkdir');
var emitter = walk('../');
doSomethingAsync(function() {
thanks to substack. the interface for this module is based off of node-findit
for guidelines. this is an open opensource project.