web real time communication platform
![alt webrtc development ] (http://s20.postimg.org/sywx5rjx5/webrtc_development_logo_1_1.png)
Technologies used
asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime
To run this project following steps need to be followed in that order :
1. get the project from github
git clone https://github.com/altanai/webrtc.git webrtc
2. install nvm ( node version manager )
sudo apt-get install nvm
nvm use v0.10.32
3. install npm and update the dependencies
It will read the package.json and update the dependencies in node_modules folder on project location
sudo apt-get install npm
npm install
4. Start up the Server
To start the Server in dev mode
It will stop the server as soon as Ctrl+ C is hit or the terminal widnow is closed .
read more about [node] ( )
To start the Server using npm start ( using package.json) , behaves same as earlier run using node
To start the Server using forever module
Keeps running even when window is swirched off
npm install forever -g
cd WebCall
forever start webrtcserver.js
5. useing browserify
browserify webrtcdevelopment_script.js --outfile webrtcdevelopment_script.bundle.js
read more :
To start the Server using PM2 ( a process manager for nodejs)
readmore :
5. Run the webRTC call locally
open tab on chrome or mozilla browser and add a link to the https server using nodejs script