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Comparing version 1.12.2 to 1.12.3




@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@


@@ -0,1 +1,9 @@

# [Operational update](
## Version 1.12.3 November 18, 2022
### ⚙️ Updates
- README is now more informative and links to examples and benchmarks 👍
- Benchmarked on latest machine, browser versions 🖥
# [Ready for Node.js version 18](

@@ -2,0 +10,0 @@ ## Version 1.12.2 October 13, 2022

"name": "wink-nlp",
"version": "1.12.2",
"version": "1.12.3",
"description": "Developer friendly Natural Language Processing ✨",

@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ "keywords": [

"benchmark": "^2.1.4",
"chai": "^4.3.4",
"chai": "^4.3.6",
"coveralls": "^3.1.1",
"docker": "^1.0.0",
"dtslint": "^4.1.3",
"eslint": "^7.32.0",
"mocha": "^9.0.3",
"dtslint": "^4.2.1",
"eslint": "^8.25.0",
"mocha": "^10.0.0",
"nyc": "^15.1.0"

@@ -57,0 +57,0 @@ },

@@ -8,40 +8,43 @@ # winkNLP

winkNLP is a JavaScript library for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Designed specifically to make development of NLP solutions **easier** and **faster**, winkNLP is optimized for the right balance of performance and accuracy. The package can handle large amount of raw text at speeds over **525,000 tokens/second**. And with a test coverage of ~100%, winkNLP is a tool for building production grade systems with confidence.
WinkNLP is a JavaScript library for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Designed specifically to make development of NLP applications **easier** and **faster**, winkNLP is optimized for the right balance of performance and accuracy.
[<img src="" alt="Wink Wizard Showcase">](
It is built ground up with a lean code base that has [no external dependency]( A test coverage of [~100%]( and compliance with the [Open Source Security Foundation best practices]( make winkNLP the ideal tool for building production grade systems with confidence.
WinkNLP with full [Typescript support](, runs on Node.js and browsers.
## Features
WinkNLP has a comprehensive natural language processing (NLP) pipeline covering tokenization, sentence boundary detection (sbd), negation handling, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech (pos) tagging, named entity recognition (ner), custom entities recognition (cer):
## Build amazing apps quickly
| [Wikipedia article timeline]( | [Context aware word cloud]( | [Key sentences detection]( |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [<img src="">](| [<img src="">](|[<img src="">](|
<img src="" alt="Processing pipeline: text, tokenization, SBD, negation, sentiment, NER, POS, CER" title="WinkNLP processing pipeline">
Head to [live examples]( to explore further.
At every stage a range of properties become accessible for tokens, sentences, and entities. Read more about the processing pipeline and how to configure it in the [winkNLP documentation](
## Blazing fast
WinkNLP can easily process large amount of raw text at speeds over <mark>**650,000 tokens/second**</mark> on a M1 Macbook Pro in both browser and Node.js environments. It even runs smoothly on a low-end smartphone's browser.
| Environment | Benchmarking Command |
|--- | --- |
| Node.js | [node benchmark/run]( |
| Browser | [How to measure winkNLP's speed on browsers?]( |
It packs a rich feature set into a small foot print codebase of [under 1500 lines](
## Features
WinkNLP has a [comprehensive natural language processing (NLP) pipeline]( covering tokenization, sentence boundary detection (sbd), negation handling, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech (pos) tagging, named entity recognition (ner), custom entities recognition (cer). It offers a rich feature set:
1. Fast, lossless & multilingual [tokenizer](
<tr><td width="330px;">Fast, lossless & multilingual tokenizer ⚡️</td><td>For example, the text string <b><code style="font-size: 0.9em">"¡Hola! नमस्कार! Hi! Bonjour chéri"</code></b> tokenizes as <code style="font-size: 0.9em">["¡", "Hola", "!", "नमस्कार", "!", "Hi", "!", "Bonjour", "chéri"]</code>. It tokenizes text at a speed close to <b>4 million</b> tokens/second on a M1 MBP's browser.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Developer friendly and intuitive <a href="">API</a> 💚</td><td>As simple as DOM manipulation; most <a href="">live examples</a> have <b>30-40</b> lines of code.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Best-in-class <a href="">text visualization</a> 🖼</td><td>Programmatically <b><a href="">mark</a></b> tokens, sentences, entities, etc. using HTML mark or any other tag of your choice.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Extensive text processing features ♻️</td><td>Checkout how a <a href="">Naive Bayes classifier</a> achieves <b>impressive</b> chatbot intent classification accuracy with right kind of preprocessing with winkNLP.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Pre-trained <a href="">language models</a> 🔠</td><td>Compact sizes starting from <b>&lt;3MB</b>.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Host of <a href="">utilities & tools</a> 💼</td><td>BM25 vectorizer; Several similarity methods – Cosine, Tversky, Sørensen-Dice, Otsuka-Ochiai; Helpers to get bag of words, frequency table, lemma/stem, stop word removal and many more.</td></tr>
2. Developer friendly and intuitive [API](
WinkJS also has packages like [Naive Bayes classifier](, [multi-class averaged perceptron]( and [popular token and string distance methods](, which complement winkNLP.
3. Built-in [API]( to aid [text visualization](
## Documentation
- [Concepts]( — everything you need to know to get started.
- [API Reference]( — explains usage of APIs with examples.
- [Change log]( — version history along with the details of breaking changes, if any.
- [Examples]( — live examples with code to give you a head start.
4. Extensive [text processing features]( such as bag-of-words, frequency table, stop word removal, readability statistics computation and many more.
5. Pre-trained [language models]( with sizes starting from <3MB onwards
6. [BM25-based vectorizer](
7. Multiple [similarity]( methods
8. Word vector integration
9. No external dependencies
10. [Runs on web browsers](
11. [Typescript support](
## Installation

@@ -55,3 +58,3 @@

In order to use winkNLP after its installation, you also need to install a language model according to the node version used. The following table outlines the version specific installation command:
In order to use winkNLP after its installation, you also need to install a language model according to the node version used. The table below outlines the version specific installation command:

@@ -63,3 +66,3 @@ | Node.js Version |Installation |

The [wink-eng-lite-web-model]( is designed to work with Node.js version 16 or 18. It can also work on browsers as described in the next section.
The [wink-eng-lite-web-model]( is designed to work with Node.js version 16 or 18. It can also work on browsers as described in the next section. This is the **recommended** model.

@@ -71,60 +74,45 @@ The second command installs the [wink-eng-lite-model](, which works with Node.js version 14 or 12.

## Getting Started
The "Hello World!" in winkNLP is given below:
### Get started
Here is the "Hello World!" of winkNLP:
// Load wink-nlp package & helpers.
// Load wink-nlp package.
const winkNLP = require( 'wink-nlp' );
// Load "its" helper to extract item properties.
const its = require( 'wink-nlp/src/its.js' );
// Load "as" reducer helper to reduce a collection.
const as = require( 'wink-nlp/src/as.js' );
// Load english language model — light version.
const model = require( 'wink-eng-lite-model' );
// Load english language model.
const model = require( 'wink-eng-lite-web-model' );
// Instantiate winkNLP.
const nlp = winkNLP( model );
// Obtain "its" helper to extract item properties.
const its = nlp.its;
// Obtain "as" reducer helper to reduce a collection.
const as =;
// NLP Code.
const text = 'Hello World🌎! How are you?';
const doc = nlp.readDoc( text );
console.log( doc.out() );
// -> Hello World🌎! How are you?
console.log( doc.sentences().out() );
// -> [ 'Hello World🌎!', 'How are you?' ]
console.log( doc.entities().out( its.detail ) );
// -> [ { value: '🌎', type: 'EMOJI' } ]
console.log( doc.tokens().out() );
// -> [ 'Hello', 'World', '🌎', '!', 'How', 'are', 'you', '?' ]
console.log( doc.tokens().out( its.type, as.freqTable ) );
// -> [ [ 'word', 5 ], [ 'punctuation', 2 ], [ 'emoji', 1 ] ]
Experiment with the above code on [RunKit](
Experiment with winkNLP on [RunKit](
### Explore Further
Dive into [winkNLP's concepts]( or head to **[winkNLP recipes](** for common NLP tasks or just explore live [showcases]( to learn:
#### [Wikipedia Timeline]( ⏳
Reads any wikipedia article and generates a visual timeline of all its events.
#### [NLP Wizard]( 🧙
Performs tokenization, sentence boundary detection, pos tagging, named entity detection and sentiment analysis of user input text in real time.
#### [Naive Wikification Tool]( 🔗
Links entities such as famous persons, locations or objects to the relevant Wikipedia pages.
## Speed & Accuracy
The [winkNLP]( processes raw text at **~525,000 tokens per second** with its default language model — [wink-eng-lite-model](, when [benchmarked]( using "Ch 13 of Ulysses by James Joyce" on a 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 machine with 16GB RAM. The processing included the entire NLP pipeline — tokenization, sentence boundary detection, negation handling, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, and named entity extraction. This speed is way ahead of the prevailing speed benchmarks.
The [winkNLP]( processes raw text at **~650,000 tokens per second** with its [wink-eng-lite-web-model](, when [benchmarked]( using "Ch 13 of Ulysses by James Joyce" on a M1 Macbook Pro machine with 16GB RAM. The processing included the entire NLP pipeline — tokenization, sentence boundary detection, negation handling, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, and named entity extraction. This speed is way ahead of the prevailing speed benchmarks.
The benchmark was conducted on [Node.js versions 14.8.0, and 12.18.3]( It delivered similar/better performance on Node.js versions 16/18.
The benchmark was conducted on [Node.js versions 16, and 18](
The [winkNLP]( delivers similar performance on browsers; its performance on a specific machine/browser combination can be measured using the Observable notebook — [How to measure winkNLP's speed on browsers?](
It pos tags a subset of WSJ corpus with an accuracy of **~94.7%** — this includes *tokenization of raw text prior to pos tagging*. The present state-of-the-art is at ~97% accuracy but at lower speeds and is generally computed using gold standard pre-tokenized corpus.
It pos tags a subset of WSJ corpus with an accuracy of **~94.7%** — this includes *tokenization of raw text prior to pos tagging*. The current state-of-the-art is at ~97% accuracy but at lower speeds and is generally computed using gold standard pre-tokenized corpus.
Its general purpose sentiment analysis delivers a [f-score]( of **~84.5%**, when validated using Amazon Product Review [Sentiment Labelled Sentences Data Set]( at [UCI Machine Learning Repository]( The current benchmark accuracy for **specifically trained** models can range around 95%.

@@ -135,7 +123,2 @@

## Documentation
- [Concepts]( — everything you need to know to get started.
- [API Reference]( — explains usage of APIs with examples.
- [Change log]( — version history along with the details of breaking changes, if any.
- [Showcases]( — live examples with code to give you a head start.

@@ -154,4 +137,4 @@ ## Need Help?

## About wink
[Wink]( is a family of open source packages for **Natural Language Processing**, **Machine Learning**, and **Statistical Analysis** in NodeJS. The code is **thoroughly documented** for easy human comprehension and has a **test coverage of ~100%** for reliability to build production grade solutions.
## About winkJS
[WinkJS]( is a family of open source packages for **Natural Language Processing**, **Machine Learning**, and **Statistical Analysis** in NodeJS. The code is **thoroughly documented** for easy human comprehension and has a **test coverage of ~100%** for reliability to build production grade solutions.

@@ -162,2 +145,2 @@ ## Copyright & License

It is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
It is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.

@@ -0,20 +1,29 @@

// Load wink-nlp package.
const winkNLP = require( 'wink-nlp' );
const its = require( 'wink-nlp/src/its.js' );
// Use web model for RunKit.
// Load english language model — light version.
const model = require( 'wink-eng-lite-web-model' );
// Instantiate winkNLP.
const nlp = winkNLP( model );
// Obtain "its" helper to extract item properties.
const its = nlp.its;
// Obtain "as" reducer helper to reduce a collection.
const as =;
const text = 'Its quarterly profits jumped 76% to $1.13 billion for the three months to December, from $639million of previous year.';
// NLP Code.
const text = 'Hello World🌎! How are you?';
const doc = nlp.readDoc( text );
// Print tokens.
console.log( doc.out() );
// -> Hello World🌎! How are you?
console.log( doc.sentences().out() );
// -> [ 'Hello World🌎!', 'How are you?' ]
console.log( doc.entities().out( its.detail ) );
// -> [ { value: '🌎', type: 'EMOJI' } ]
console.log( doc.tokens().out() );
// Print each token's type.
console.log( doc.tokens().out( its.type ) );
// Print details of each entity.
console.log( doc.entities().out( its.detail ) );
// Markup entities along with their type for highlighting them in the text.
doc.entities().each( ( e ) => {
e.markup( '<mark>', `<sub style="font-weight:900"> ${e.out(its.type)}</sub></mark>` );
} );
// Render them as HTML via RunKit
doc.out( its.markedUpText );
// -> [ 'Hello', 'World', '🌎', '!', 'How', 'are', 'you', '?' ]
console.log( doc.tokens().out( its.type, as.freqTable ) );
// -> [ [ 'word', 5 ], [ 'punctuation', 2 ], [ 'emoji', 1 ] ]
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