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WPE UI Framework is a javascript 2d graphics rendering and animation library using (Web)GL. It's geared towards developing animated User Interfaces that run nicely on low-performance (embedded) devices. The framework has been optimized for high performance and low CPU/memory usage, and has been carefully tested for memory leaks.
The framework provides a rendering tree that can be modified using a very simple API. The rendering tree consists of components that have properties that define where and how it is rendered (x, y, rotation, alpha, etc). An image or rendered text can be attached to a component, which is then rendered immediately on the screen.
UI Framework runs in a any modern web browser using WebGL and in Node.js (version 4 or higher) on several targets including (desktop) Linux, OSX, Windows and the Raspberry PI.
Include the script dist/wpe.js or dist/wpe.min.js. These files can be re-generated from source using the command:
grunt wpe-browser
For Node.js, this module depends on node-canvas for image loading and text creation, and node-wpe-webgl for providing a WebGL interface to the native hardware. Install the dependencies and follow the installation instructions of node-canvas (https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas) and node-wpe-webgl (https://github.com/WebPlatformForEmbedded/node-wpe-webgl).
This section describes how to initialize and use the framework step-by-step.
For a web browser:
var options = {w: 600, h: 600, glClearColor: 0xFF000000};
var stage = new Stage(options);
This initializes a new stage. The stage creates a canvas of the specified width and height for drawing, and uses the specified background color (in ARGB hexadecimal format). You should then get it using stage.getCanvas(
) add it to the DOM tree. You can also supply your own canvas object by using the reuseCanvas option.
For Node.js:
var Stage = require('wpe-uiframework');
var options = {w: 600, h: 600, glClearColor: 0xFF000000, window: {title: "Example", fullscreen: false}};
var stage = new Stage(options);
This is similar as for the web browser, but node-wpe-webgl is used as OpenGL rendering target. This module allows some options for initialization that can be set in the window property. See https://github.com/WebPlatformForEmbedded/node-wpe-webgl#options.
Check the API for a list of all initialisation options.
The stage.root
property is the root of the rendering tree. You can add other new components to this tree to define what should be rendered within the stage. All of the nodes in the rendering tree are of the Component type, and based on their property settings they can be images, rectangles, texts or containers.
{tag: 'bg', rect: true, x: 20, y: 20, w: 560, h: 560, colorTop: 0xFFFF0000, colorBottom: 0xFFFF6666, children: [
{tag: 'hello', text: {text: "hello world", fontSize: 100}, x: 280, y: 170, mountX: 0.5, mountY: 0.5, alpha: 0.5},
{tag: 'bunnies', x: 30, y: 30, w: 500, h: 500, clipping: true, borderWidth: 10, borderColor: 0xFF000000, children: [
{src: basePath + 'bunny.png', x: 20, y: 400, scale: 8, rotation: 0.3},
{src: basePath + 'bunny.png', x: 480, y: 400, scale: 8, rotation: -0.3}
Check the API for a list of all component properties.
You can dynamically change the rendering tree by accessing components using their tags:
// Get a single component by tag, and modify properties.
var bunniesCtr = stage.root.tag('bunnies');
bunniesCtr.borderWidth -= 5;
// You can access the component's children directly.
var bunnies = bunniesCtr.children;
bunnies.forEach(function(b) {
// Set properties using a JSON object.
b.set({alpha: 0.5, scale:8});
// Add tag for later use.
// Use the just added tags, and clear the tags using a setting.
bunniesCtr.stag('bunny', {borderWidth: 1, tags: []});
// Because tags were just removed, this does nothing.
bunniesCtr.stag('bunny', {borderWidth: 0});
// Set by complex tag (set components tagged 'hello' that have an ancestor tagged 'bg').
stage.root.stag('bg.hello', {text: {text: "Hello World"}, alpha: 1});
You can also create, add and remove components dynamically:
// Add new branch.
stage.root.tag('bunnies').add({tag: 'stuff', w: 400, h: 60, x: 50, y: 10, rect: true, color: 0xAAFFFFFF, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: 0xFF000000, children: [
{src: basePath + 'bunny.png', x: 10, y: 30, mountY: 0.5},
{text: {text: "this is a demo showing you how to define a branch of components via json and how to add that to the render branch.", fontSize: 12, lineHeight: 14, fontFace: ["Verdana", "Sans-Serif"], wordWrapWidth: 330}, x: 50, y:10, color: 0xFF000000}
var c;
setTimeout(function() {
// Remove the bunny.
c = stage.root.tag('stuff').children[0];
setTimeout(function() {
// Re-add the bunny, this time to the stage root.
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
You can also hook into the frame loop event, which runs at 60fps:
stage.on('frameStart', function(dt) {
stage.root.tag('left').scaleX += stage.dt * 10;
stage.root.tag('right').rotation += stage.dt * 1;
stage.root.tag('hello').x += 30 * stage.dt;
In a UI, in most situations a gradual transition looks nicer than setting a property directly. That's why this framework provides transitions in a very simple API:
var t = stage.root.tag('bunnies').transition('rotation', {delay: 2, duration: 8, timingFunction: 'ease'});
t.on('finish', function() {
stage.root.tag('bunnies').x = 400;
stage.root.tag('bunnies').transition('x', {delay: 2, duration: 5, timingFunction: 'linear'});
stage.root.tag('bunnies').rotation = 2 * Math.PI * 8;
Check the API for a list of all transition properties and events.
You can remove a previously set transition like this:
setTimeout(function() {
stage.root.tag('bunnies').transition('rotation', null);
}, 3000);
Every property of the Component type that can be used in a transition has a 'normal' value and a final value, which is represented by the upper case property name. So, for example, the property component.rotation
has a final equivalent component.ROTATION
. If no transition is active, setting component.rotation
automatically also sets component.ROTATION
. If a transition is active, it will change the component.ROTATION
property every frame. The component.ROTATION
property is the one that's actually being used when rendering the tree. It is good to know about this distinction, because sometimes you may wish to adjust something in the rendering tree based on the final value rather than the normal value, as in the following example, in which the text is kept aligned with the container box:
var t = stage.root.tag('box').transition('x', {delay: 0.5, duration: 2, timingFunction: 'ease'});
stage.root.tag('box').x = -300;
t.on('progress', function(p) {
var x = stage.root.tag('box').X;
if (x < 0) {
stage.root.tag('hello').x = Math.min(150, 10 - x);
} else {
stage.root.tag('hello').x = 10;
t.on('finish', function() {
stage.root.tag('box').x = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
Sometimes you may want to fast-forward a transition. You can do this using the Component.fastForward
setTimeout(function() {
// If you set the final property value and then the property value to the same value,
// the transition will automatically skip to the end.
}, 3000);
Notice that, when fast-forwarding, the finish event is emitted, whereas when removing the transition it is not.
Check the API for a list of all transition methods, properties and events.
WPE UI Framework provides a standardized way of specifying and using animations. Animations are a collection of actions (property settings) that take place at the particular point in time. An animation has a subject Component, on which (or one of its descendants) the actions are applied.
The following example shows how to define and start a complex animation:
var a = stage.root.tag('notification-ctr').animation({duration: 1, actions: [
{t: '', p: 'visible', v: true, rv: false},
{t: 'notification', p: 'x', v: {0: 600, 0.6: 200}},
{t: 'notification', p: 'h', v: {0.6: 50, 1: 190}},
{t: 'bg-overlay', p: 'alpha', v: {0: 0, 0.5: 1}}
In the actions property, you can define the things that should happen during the animation. All component properties can be used, as well as all text properties (defined as "text.fontSize"
, etc) and texture clipping properties ("texture.x"
The values that are numeric are by default 'smoothened' using cubic bezier splines. If you'd prefer to have linear actions, you can do that as follows:
var a = stage.root.tag('notification-ctr').animation({duration: 1, actions: [
{t: '', p: 'visible', v: true, rv: false},
{t: 'notification', p: 'x', v: {0: {v:600,sm:0}, 0.6: {v:200,sm:0}}},
{t: 'notification', p: 'h', v: {0.6: {v:50,sm:0}, 1: {v:190,sm:0}}},
{t: 'bg-overlay', p: 'alpha', v: {0: {v:0,sm:0}, 0.5: {v:1,sm:0}}}
Notice that the values are now encapsulated in objects with the v
property. The sm
value defines the smoothness around that point. By setting it to 0 the value transition becomes linear, while 1 it gets smoothened a lot. Check the API for other options on how to tune the auto smoothness.
You can also provide your own value function, which takes the (spline) progress from 0 to 1 and returns the value to be set to the property.
After an animation has finished, the finally set property values will remain until you manually change them. Alternatively, you can stop an animation, which resets the values to some specified state. Usually, it just sets them to the values specified as defined in the action value property at the animation start. Example:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000)
As you can see, the default is to 'fade' the animation settings back to the original values gradually within one second. You affect this transition by setting the stopMethodOptions
. Some other stop methods:
Name | Example |
reverse | https://jsfiddle.net/basvanmeurs/q4om4fje/ |
immediate | https://jsfiddle.net/basvanmeurs/2oco85qk/ |
onetotwo | https://jsfiddle.net/basvanmeurs/e0yp6a18/ |
forward | This continues the animation until it is finished. |
Check the API for a list of all animation methods, properties and events.
There is a handy tool available for inspection of rendered compontents. It keeps a 'real' HTML DOM rendering tree syncronized with the WPE UI Framework rendering tree, so that you are able to use the browser's web inspector to check on the layout of your rendering tree. You can even change the properties on the fly and see the result reflected in your stage!
To use it, include the script browser/inspect.js
script after the wpe.js source file.
As an example, open the following jsfiddle and try the inspector on the graphics output:
Other helpful commands are the component.getLocationString()
and component.toString()
methods. They provide information about the tree location and the component branch.
When you want to gracefully stop your Node.js application (or want to completely remove the stage from your webpage), you must call stage.destroy()
. This will make sure that all resources are freed, and will stop the render loop, allowing Node.js to quit.
Usage: new Stage({w: 600, h: 600, ...})
Name | Default value | Description |
w | 1280 | Stage width in px. |
h | 720 | Stage height in px |
reuseCanvas | null | Canvas object to use instead of creating a new one (browser only). |
rw | 1280 | The px which corresponds the right edge of the stage. |
rh | 720 | The px which corresponds the bottom edge of the stage. |
textureMemory | 12e6 | The amount of squared pixels that may be stored in GPU memory for texture storage / caching. |
glClearColor | 0xFF000000 | The background color (ARGB). |
defaultFontFace | Arial | The font face to use for rendering if none is explicitly specified. |
fixedDt | 0 | If specified, the ms to progress in each is fixed instead of dynamic. |
window | Specific node-wpe-webgl options, see https://github.com/WebPlatformForEmbedded/node-wpe-webgl#options. | |
useTextureAtlas | true | This allocates a 2048x2048px texture to which small textures that are currently visible are being cached. This makes rendering a lot faster but takes memory. |
Method | Description |
destroy() | Destroys this stage and release all resources. It is no longer usable after calling this method. |
setGlClearColor(color:Integer) | Sets the background color (example: 0xFF000000). |
getCanvas() : HTMLCanvasElement | Returns the canvas. |
stop() | Temporarily stops the stage rendering loop. |
resume() | Resumes the stage rendering loop. |
`texture(source:String | TextureSource |
component(settings:Object):Component | Creates an returns a new component object. |
c(settings:Object):Component | See component(). |
animation(settings:Object):Animation | Creates and returns a new animation (without a subject). |
a(settings:Object):Animation | See animation(). |
Name | Arguments | Description |
frameStart | Emitted on every frame. | |
update | Emitted on every frame, after applying transitions and animations. | |
frameEnd | Emitted on every frame, after rendering. |
Name | Default value | Description |
x , y | 0 | Relative offset to the parent component in px. |
w , h | 0 | Width/height of the component in px (if applicable). |
scale (X ,Y ) | 1 | Scales this component (and all descendants), relative to the pivot position. |
rotation | 0 | Rotation around the pivot point in radian.s |
pivot (X ,Y ) | 0.5 | Specifies the pivot point for scale and rotation (0 = left/top, 1 = bottom/right). |
mount (X ,Y ) | 0 | Specifies the alignment for the x, y offset (0 = left/top, 1 = bottom/right). |
alpha | 1 | Opacity of this component (and all descendants). |
borderWidth (Top ,Left ,Right ,Bottom ) | 1 | Border width. |
borderColor (Top ,Left ,Right ,Bottom ) | 0xFFFFFFFF | Border color (ARGB integer). |
color (Top ,Bottom )(Left ,Right ) | 0xFFFFFFFF | Color/tinting/gradients of the drawn texture. Note: gradients do not work on textures that are being clipped due to technical limitations. |
visible | true | Toggles visibility for this component (and all descendants). |
zIndex | 0 | Specifies drawing order (just as in HTML). |
forceZIndexContext | false | Creates a z-index stacking context without changing the drawing order of this component itself. |
clipping | false | Do not draw descendant component parts that are outside of this component (overflow:hidden). |
rect | false | When set to true, this component becomes a colored rectangle. |
src | null | The image source URL (string). When set, this component will render the image; URL (Node.js / web) or file (Node.js). |
text | null | The text settings. When set, this component will render the text as specified (an object with the options specified below). |
texture | null | The texture that's being shown, or null if this component is only a container. When set (Texture object or null ), this component will render the custom texture (see Stage.getTexture(..) ). By setting it with a plain object with x,y,w,h properties, the current texture is kept but a specific area of the texture is selected for display. |
tags | [] | The tags of this component. When get, you should never modify this array manually! When set, replaces the tags of this component. Can be both a string or an array of strings. |
children | [] | The children of this component. When get, you should never modify this array manually! When set, replaces the children of this component. |
All of these properties can be set directly (using component.pivotX = 0.5
) or via the set or stag method: component.set({pivotX: 0.5})
Text sub object properties:
Name | Default value | Description |
text | "" | The text to be shown. |
fontSize | 40 | Text font size, in px. |
fontFace | "Arial" | the font face (as used in CSS); may be an array to use (multiple) fallbacks. If nothing is specified, the defaultFontFace is used. |
fontStyle | "normal" | Font-style property (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-style). |
wordWrap | true | Should words wrap be enabled? |
wordWrapWidth | 0 | The word wrap max line width in px. If not set, w property is used. |
lineHeight | null | The line height; if not set the font size is used. |
textBaseline | alphabetic | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/textBaseline |
textAlign | left | Text alignment: left, center or right. |
textAlign | left | Text alignment: left, center or right. |
offsetY | 0 | Additional offset to start drawing text from the top. |
maxLines | 0 | Limits the number of lines to be drawn. |
maxLinesSuffix | ".." | If there were more text lines that have been drawn, append this to the final line. |
textColor | 0xFFFFFFFF | Normally, you will use the color property of the component to specify the color. But when using highlighting or text shadows, this will also affect those. You will then have to set this text drawing color. |
padding (Left ,Right ) | 0 | Additional padding on the sides of the text. |
shadow | false | Enable text shadows. |
shadowColor | 0xFF000000 | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/shadowColor |
shadowOffset (X ,Y ) | 0 | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/shadowOffsetX |
shadowBlur | 5 | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/shadowBlur |
Method | Description |
`add(children:mixed):Component | null` |
addChild(child:Component) | Appends a single component to the children. |
addChildAt(child:Component,index:Integer) | Appends a single component at the specified position in the children array. |
removeChild(child:Component) | Removes the specified child component. |
removeChildAt(index:Integer):Component | Removes the child at the specified index. |
removeChildren() | Removes the specified child components. |
addChildren(children:Component[]) | appends multiple components to the children. |
setChildren(children:Component[]) | Replaces the current children with the array of components. |
getChildIndex(child:Component):Integer | Returns the child index of the specified component (-1 if not a child of this component). |
getDepth():Integer | Returns the tree depth (root = 0). |
getAncestor(level:Integer):Component | Returns the ancestor, l levels above this one (if l too high, root is returned). |
getAncestorAtDepth(depth:Integer):Component | Returns the ancestor at the specified depth of the tree. |
isAncestorOf(child:Component):Boolean | Returns true iff this component is an ancestor of the specified component. |
getSharedAncestor(other:Component):Component | Returns the shared ancestor between this and the specified component (null if not in the same tree). |
isAttached():Boolean | Returns true iff this component is attached to the stage rendering tree. |
isActive():Boolean | Returns true iff this component is attached to the stage rendering tree and is visible. |
textureIsLoaded():Boolean | Returns true iff this.texture has already been loaded. |
animation(settings:Object):TimedAnimation | Creates and returns an animation that has this component as subject. |
a(settings:Object):TimedAnimation | See animation(). |
transition(property:String,settings:Object):Transition | If settings is a plain object,it enables the transition on the specified property. If settings is null , it removes the animation on the specified property. The following properties can be transitioned: x y w h scale(X,Y) pivot(X,Y) mount(X,Y) alpha rotation borderWidth(Top,Bottom,Left,Right) borderColor(Top,Bottom,Left,Right) color(Top,Bottom)(Left,Right) |
t(property:String,settings:Object):Transition | See transition(). |
fastForward(property:String) | Fast-forwards a currently running transition. |
getRenderWidth():Number | Returns the render width of this component (either the set w property, or the width of the texture actually being shown). |
getRenderHeight():Number | Returns the render height of this component. |
getCornerPoints():Number[] | Returns the [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4] coordinates of the component's corner points in canvas coordinates. |
getLocationString():String | Returns a nicely formatted string describing the tree location of this component. |
getTags():String[] | Returns an array with the component tags. |
setTags(tags:String[]) | Replace the current tags by the specified tags. |
addTag(tag:String) | Adds the specified tag. |
removeTag(tag:String) | Removes the specified tag. |
hasTag(tag:String):Boolean | Returns true iff this component has the specified tag. |
tag(tag:String):Component | Returns the (single) component with the specified tag within this branch, or null if none found. |
mtag(tag:String):Component | Returns all of the components with the specified tag within this branch. |
stag(tag:String,settings:Object) | Combination of mtag and set in one method call. |
set(settings:Object) | Sets the specified properties. |
toString():String | Returns a JSON-formatted string describing this branch. |
getSettingsObject():Object | Returns a JSON object describing this component's branch. It can be imported using the add method. |
Name | Arguments | Description |
txLoad | textureSource | this.texture has been loaded. |
txError | error, textureSource | Error while trying to load this.texture . |
Name | Default value | Description |
delay | 0 | Delay in s before starting the transition after updating the value. |
duration | 1 | Defines how long the transition takes from start to finish. |
timingFunction | "ease" | The timing function. Options: linear ease ease-in ease-out ease-in-out step-start step-end cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n) |
Name | Arguments | Description |
start | Emitted when a transition starts. | |
delayEnd | Emitted when the delay ends. | |
progress | p (value between 0 and 1) | Emitted on every transition step. |
finish | Emitted when the transition finishes. |
Method | Description |
start() | Restarts the animation. |
play() | If not already running (or finished), starts the animation. If stopping in 'reverse' mode, go into playing mode |
replay() | Like play() , but restart if finished. |
fastForward() | If playing, goes to the finish state. If stopping, goes to the stopped state. |
isPlaying():Boolean | Returns true iff this animation is currently playing. |
skipDelay() | Skip delay if currently waiting for it. |
stop() | Stop the current animation. |
stopNow() | Stop the current animation immediately. |
Name | Default value | Description |
subject | null | The component that is the subject of this animation. |
delay | 0 | Delay in s before actually starting the animation after starting it. |
duration | 1 | Defines how long the animation takes from start to finish. |
repeat | 0 | How many times the animation should be repeated before finishing (-1 = repeat forever). |
autostop | false | Stop automatically after the animation finishes. |
stopMethod | fade | The way to stop the animation. Options: fade immediate reverse forward onetotwo . Forward means: continue until repeat finishes and then stop. Onetotwo means: keep progressing until progress reaches 2 (value definition goes up to 2). |
stopMethodOptions | {} | Additional options for the stop method. Properties: duration, delay, timingFunction |
actions | [] | The actions to be applied. See below. |
Action sub object properties
Name | Default value | Description |
t | [""] | Tags to apply (see Component.mtag() ). Either a string or an array of strings. Additionally, the empty string defines the subject component itself. |
p | [] | Properties to set. Either a string or an array of strings. |
v | {} | Result value. Can be set as a value function (p:Number -> mixed), or an object with value items, indexed by progress values (see below). |
rv | null | Result value. If not set, the value at p=0 is used. |
Action value item sub object properties
Name | Default value | Description |
v | Either a value function (p:Number -> mixed) or an actual value to be set to the property. | |
p | 0 | Start at animation progress (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%). |
pe | End at animation progress (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%) (by default, the next point's p value is used). | |
sm | 0.5 | Auto-smoothness smoothness around the point. 0 = linear, 1 = smooth. Note: when using sm=1 artifacts may appear, so use up to 0.9 to stay safe or try it. |
s | Auto-smoothness slope around the point (0 = horizontal, 1 = diagonal up, -1 = diagonal down). | |
sme | End of spline auto-smoothness smoothness around the point (by default, the next point's smoothness is used). | |
se | End of spline auto-smoothness slope around the point (by default, the next point's slope is used). | |
ve | The end of spline auto-smoothness value (by default, the next point's start value is used). |
Name | Arguments | Description |
start | Emitted when the animation starts. | |
delayEnd | Emitted when the delay ends. | |
progress | p (value between 0 and 1) | Emitted on every animation step. |
repeat | repeatsLeft | Emitted when a repeat is started. |
finish | Emitted when the animation finishes. | |
stop | Emitted when the animation is starting to stop. | |
stopFinish | Emitted when the animation finishes stopping. | |
stopDelayEnd | Emitted when the stop delay ends. | |
stopContinue | Emitted when an animation is started while it was stopping. | |
finish | Emitted when the animation finishes. |
[](https://badge.fury.io/js/wpe-uiframework) []() [](https://www.paypal.com
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