Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
[](https://www.npmjs.com/package/x-value) [ is a medium-somewhat-neutral runtime type validation library.
Comparing to alternatives like io-ts and Zod, X-Value uses medium/value concept and allows values to be decoded from and encoded to different mediums.
npm install x-value
import * as x from 'x-value';
// Define X-Type.
const Payload = x.object({
date: x.Date,
limit: x.number.optional(),
// Get static type of Payload.
type Payload = x.TypeOf<typeof Payload>;
// Returns true if payload is a valid value of Payload.
const valid = Payload.is({});
// Returns an array of issues if payload is not a valid value of Payload, empty
// if valid.
const issues = Payload.diagnose({});
// Returns valid value as-is, throws if invalid.
const value = Payload.satisfies({});
// Asserts payload, throws if invalid.
import * as x from 'x-value';
const {file, force = false} = x
file: x.string,
force: x.boolean.optional(),
.decode(x.commandLine, process.argv.slice(2));
// Command line:
// command --file=example.txt --force
import * as x from 'x-value';
const Config = x
build: x.union([x.literal('debug'), x.literal('release')]).nominal({
description: "Build type, 'debug' for debug and 'release' for release.",
port: x
.integerRange({min: 1, max: 65535})
description: 'Port to listen.',
// JSON schema (object).
const jsonSchema = Config.toJSONSchema();
import * as x from 'x-value';
declare global {
namespace XValue {
* X-Value caches static types to improve compilation performance. To avoid
* unnecessary overhead, we need explicit declarations of mediums being
* used.
* In this example, we use "extended-json-value" and "extended-query-string"
* mediums.
interface Using
extends x.UsingExtendedJSONValue,
x.UsingExtendedQueryString {}
const Payload = x.object({
date: x.Date,
limit: x.number,
// Decode from "extended-json-value", with which `Date` is encoded as string.
Payload.decode(x.extendedJSONValue, {
date: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
limit: 10,
// Decode from "extended-query-string", with which both `Date` and `number` are
// encoded as string and then "packed" together as a string.
Payload.decode(x.extendedQueryString, 'date=1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z&limit=10');
Atomic types are elementary types that build other types.
To define an atomic type, a symbol to decoded type mapping is also required:
declare global {
namespace XValue {
* `XValue.Types` is an interface that maps atomic type symbol to the
* correspondent type in decoded value.
interface Types {
[stringTypeSymbol]: string;
export const stringTypeSymbol = Symbol();
export const string = x.atomic(stringTypeSymbol, value =>
// `x.constraint` is a helper function that throws on false condition.
x.constraint(typeof value === 'string'),
The symbol to type mapping is also required for mediums that supports this atomic type.
const ObjectType = x.object({
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number.optional(),
type ObjectType = x.TypeOf<typeof ObjectType>; // {foo: string; bar?: number}
The return value of
is an instance ofTypeLike
instead ofType
To extend an object type:
const ExtendedObjectType = ObjectType.extend({
extra: x.boolean,
const RecordType = x.record(x.string, x.number);
type RecordType = x.TypeOf<typeof RecordType>; // {[key: string]: number}
const ArrayType = x.array(x.string);
type ArrayType = x.TypeOf<typeof ArrayType>; // string[]
const TupleType = x.tuple([x.string, x.number, x.boolean.optional()]);
type TupleType = x.TypeOf<typeof TupleType>; // [string, number, boolean?]
const UnionType = x.union([x.boolean, x.undefined]);
type UnionType = x.TypeOf<typeof UnionType>; // boolean | undefined
At least two types are required for union type.
const IntersectionType = x.intersection([
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number.optional(),
type IntersectionType = x.TypeOf<typeof IntersectionType>; // {foo: string; bar?: number}
At least two types are required for intersection type.
Recursive type requires a hand-written definition:
* This is required for recursive type to work.
interface RecursiveTypeDefinition {
// Use `typeof x.Date` to make sure it works with different mediums.
date: typeof x.Date;
next?: RecursiveTypeDefinition;
const RecursiveType = x.recursive<RecursiveTypeDefinition>(RecursiveType =>
date: x.Date,
next: RecursiveType.optional(),
type RecursiveType = x.TypeOf<typeof RecursiveType>;
However, you don't have to write the whole declaration separately for type that contains recursive part:
const NonRecursivePart = x.object({
date: x.Date,
// Use `x.Recursive<>` to build recursive type definition.
type RecursiveTypeDefinition = x.Recursive<
next?: RecursiveTypeDefinition;
typeof NonRecursivePart
const RecursiveType = x.recursive<RecursiveTypeDefinition>(RecursiveType =>
next: RecursiveType.optional(),
type RecursiveType = x.TypeOf<typeof RecursiveType>;
The hand-written
is completely different from the one built byx.Recursive<>
, you may choose what fits your needs more.
const RefinedType = x.string.refined(value =>
// `x.refinement` is a helper function that returns the refined value on true
// condition while throws on false condition.
x.refinement(value.includes('@'), value),
accepts two generic type parameters: TNominalKey
and TRefinement
is a string or symbol that identifies the type, use never
if you don't want to specify that.TRefinement
is the type refinement that will eventually be used to intersect with the original one (T & TRefinement
// No nominal key but refinement on type:
const RefinedType = x.string.refined<never, `${string}@${string}`>(value =>
x.refinement(value.includes('@'), value),
// Nominal key but no refinement on type:
const RefinedType = x.string.refined<'email'>(value =>
x.refinement(value.includes('@'), value),
We can also change the refined value by returning a different one:
const TrimmedString = x.string.refined(value => value.trim());
The refine process happens during both encode/decode phases, and is supposed to be a stable process. Which means that refining against an already-refined value should return an identical one.
Nominal type is just refined type with only nominal key and no refinements:
const RefinedType = x.string.nominal<'email'>(); // x.string.refined<'email'>([])
X-Value by default parses only known properties. However, the extra properties are ignored without throwing errors.
To make sure type guards and assertions work as expected, you may use Type.exact()
if needed.
const ExactType = x
// exact: true
foo: x.object({
// exact: inherited true
bar: x
// exact: false
pia: x.string,
will be inherited unless explicitly.exact(false)
declare global {
namespace XValue {
interface Using extends x.UsingJSON {}
const Data = x.object({
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number,
Data.decode(x.json, '{"foo":"abc","bar":123}'); // {foo: 'abc', bar: 123}
declare global {
namespace XValue {
interface Using extends x.UsingJSON {}
const Data = x.object({
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number,
Data.encode(x.json, {foo: 'abc', bar: 123}); // '{"foo":"abc","bar":123}'
declare global {
namespace XValue {
interface Using extends x.UsingJSON, x.UsingQueryString {}
const Data = x.object({
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number,
Data.transform(x.queryString, x.json, 'foo=abc&bar=123'); // '{"foo":"abc","bar":123}'
const Data = x.object({
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number,
Data.sanitize({foo: 'abc', bar: 123, extra: true}); // {foo: 'abc', bar: 123}
if (Type.is(value)) {
// `value` narrowed to `x.TypeOf<typeof Type>`.
const sameValue = Type.satisfies(value); // Returns `value` as-is if it satisfies, otherwise throws.
Type.asserts(value); // Asserts `value` is `x.TypeOf<typeof Type>`.
const issues = Data.diagnose(value);
declare global {
namespace XValue {
interface Using extends x.UsingJSON {}
const Data = x.object({
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number,
type Data = x.TypeOf<typeof Data>; // {foo: string; bar: number}
type DataInJSON = x.MediumTypeOf<'json', typeof Data>; // string
/** Represents a `Type` of which the decoded value is string. */
type TypeOfValueBeingData = x.XTypeOfValue<string>;
/** Represents a `Type` of which the decoded value for "json-value" medium is string. */
type TypeOfMediumValueBeingData = x.XTypeOfMediumValue<'json-value', string>;
X-Value has built-in (basic) support for JSON Schema.
const Data = x.object({
foo: x.string,
bar: x.number,
Data.toJSONSchema(); // JSON schema
Data.exact().toJSONSchema(); // JSON schema that prohibits extra properties
- Basically the same as the decoded value, but can be extended for different usages (e.g.: server and browser).x.json
- JSON value packed as string.x.extendedJSON
- JSON value packed as string, with extended types support (bigint
, Date
and RegExp
- JSON value.x.extendedJSONValue
- JSON value, with extended types support (bigint
, Date
and RegExp
- Query string packed as string.x.extendedQueryString
- Query string packed as string, with extended types support (bigint
, Date
and RegExp
- Command line arguments packed as string.Please note that command-line parsing is not directly relevant to X-Value. I build it into X-Value because it's super lightweight and the usage intersects one of X-Value's major scenarios, i.e., config validation.
// Positional arguments
const [name, date] = x
.tuple([x.string, x.Date])
.decode(x.commandLine, process.argv.slice(2));
// Named arguments
const {name, date} = x
name: x.string,
date: x.Date,
.decode(x.commandLine, process.argv.slice(2));
// Or both
const args = x
// In this case, tuple must come first.
from: x.Date,
to: x.Date.optional(),
.decode(x.commandLine, process.argv.slice(2));
const [name] = args;
const {from, to = new Date()} = args;
New medium are usually created with new atomic types.
New atomic type
declare global {
namespace XValue {
interface Types {
// Map the decoded identifier type as string.
[identifierTypeSymbol]: string;
const identifierTypeSymbol = Symbol();
export const Identifier = x.atomic(identifierTypeSymbol, value =>
x.constraint(typeof value === 'string'),
export type Identifier = x.TypeOf<typeof Identifier>;
New medium
// This is for `XValue.Using` interface to extend.
export interface UsingMyMedium {
// 'my-medium' is the name in `x.MediumTypeOf<'my-medium', typeof Type>`.
'my-medium': MyMediumTypes;
// Atomic type mapping for "my-medium".
interface MyMediumTypes extends x.ECMAScriptTypes {
// Map the encoded identifier type in "my-medium" as `IdentifierInMyMedium`.
[identifierTypeSymbol]: IdentifierInMyMedium;
interface IdentifierInMyMedium extends Buffer {
// Override the `toString(encoding: 'hex')` signature to preserve nominal
// type.
toString(encoding: 'hex'): x.TransformNominal<this, string>;
// Create the medium object with extended codecs.
export const myMedium = x.ecmascript.extend<UsingMyMedium>({
codecs: {
[identifierTypeSymbol]: {
encode(value) {
if (value.length === 0) {
throw 'Value cannot be empty string';
return Buffer.from(value, 'hex');
decode(value) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(value)) {
throw 'Value must be a buffer';
return value.toString('hex');
To use this medium:
declare global {
namespace XValue {
interface Using extends UsingMyMedium {}
X-Value can optionally unpacks data for a structured input (e.g., JSON.parse()
) during decode()
and packs the data again during encode()
(e.g., JSON.stringify()
For medium that requires packing (e.g., x.json
and x.queryString
), different configuration is required.
export interface UsingMyPacked {
'my-packed': MyPackedTypes;
interface MyPackedTypes {
// Define the packed type instead of atomic type symbol mapping.
packed: string;
const packed = x.medium<UsingMyPacked>({
// Define packing methods.
packing: {
pack(data) {
return JSON.stringify(data);
unpack(json) {
return JSON.parse(json);
// Optionally define the codec for packed medium. Use `atomicTypeSymbol` to
// catch all atomic types without explicit codec.
codecs: {
[atomicTypeSymbol]: {
encode(value) {
return value;
decode(value) {
return value;
Mediums are what's used to store values: JSON strings, query strings, buffers etc.
For example, a string "2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z"
in JSON medium with type Date
represents value new Date('2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z')
Assuming we have 3 mediums: browser
, server
, rpc
; and 2 types: ObjectId
, Date
. Their types in mediums and value are listed below.
Type\Medium | Browser | RPC | Server | Value |
ObjectId | string | packed as string | ObjectId | string |
Date | Date | packed as string | Date | Date |
We can encode values to mediums:
const id = '6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f';
ObjectId.encode(browser, id); // string '6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f'
ObjectId.encode(rpc, id); // packed string '"6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f"'
ObjectId.encode(server, id); // new ObjectId('6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f')
const date = new Date('2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z');
Date.encode(browser, date); // new Date('2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z')
Date.encode(rpc, date); // packed string '"2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z"'
Date.encode(server, date); // new Date('2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z')
Or decode packed data of mediums to values:
// All result in '6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f'
ObjectId.decode(browser, '6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f');
ObjectId.decode(rpc, '"6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f"');
ObjectId.decode(server, new ObjectId('6246056b1be8cbf6ca18401f'));
// All result in new Date('2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z')
Date.decode(browser, new Date('2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z'));
Date.decode(rpc, '"2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z"');
Date.decode(server, new Date('2022-03-31T16:00:00.000Z'));
Ideally there's no need to have "value" as a separate concept because it's essentially "ECMAScript runtime medium". But to make decode/encode easier among different mediums, "value" is promoted as an interchangeable medium.
MIT License.
[](https://www.npmjs.com/package/x-value) [![Repository package.json version](https://img.shields.io/github/package-json/v/vilic/x-value?color=%230969da&label=repo&style
The npm package x-value receives a total of 62 weekly downloads. As such, x-value popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that x-value demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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