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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 1.0.0-rc.7 to 1.0.0-rc.8



@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ "use strict";

if (!comment) return str;
var cc = comment.replace(/[\s\S]^/gm, "$&".concat(indent, "#"));
return "#".concat(cc, "\n").concat(indent).concat(str);
const cc = comment.replace(/[\s\S]^/gm, `$&${indent}#`);
return `#${cc}\n${indent}${str}`;
function addComment(str, indent, comment) {
return !comment ? str : comment.indexOf('\n') === -1 ? "".concat(str, " #").concat(comment) : "".concat(str, "\n") + comment.replace(/^/gm, "".concat(indent || '', "#"));
return !comment ? str : comment.indexOf('\n') === -1 ? `${str} #${comment}` : `${str}\n` + comment.replace(/^/gm, `${indent || ''}#`);

@@ -20,130 +20,98 @@ "use strict";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
class Anchors {
constructor() {
_defineProperty(this, "map", {});
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
static validAnchorNode(node) {
return node instanceof _Scalar.default || node instanceof _Seq.default || node instanceof _Map.default;
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
createAlias(node, name) {
this.setAnchor(node, name);
return new _Alias.default(node);
var Anchors =
function () {
function Anchors() {
_classCallCheck(this, Anchors);
createMergePair(...sources) {
const merge = new _Merge.default();
merge.value.items = => {
if (s instanceof _Alias.default) {
if (s.source instanceof _Map.default) return s;
} else if (s instanceof _Map.default) {
return this.createAlias(s);
_defineProperty(this, "map", {});
throw new Error('Merge sources must be Map nodes or their Aliases');
return merge;
_createClass(Anchors, [{
key: "createAlias",
value: function createAlias(node, name) {
this.setAnchor(node, name);
return new _Alias.default(node);
}, {
key: "createMergePair",
value: function createMergePair() {
var _this = this;
getName(node) {
const map =;
return Object.keys(map).find(a => map[a] === node);
var merge = new _Merge.default();
getNode(name) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
sources[_key] = arguments[_key];
newName(prefix) {
const names = Object.keys(;
merge.value.items = (s) {
if (s instanceof _Alias.default) {
if (s.source instanceof _Map.default) return s;
} else if (s instanceof _Map.default) {
return _this.createAlias(s);
throw new Error('Merge sources must be Map nodes or their Aliases');
return merge;
for (let i = 1; true; ++i) {
const name = `${prefix}${i}`;
if (!names.includes(name)) return name;
}, {
key: "getName",
value: function getName(node) {
var map =;
return Object.keys(map).find(function (a) {
return map[a] === node;
}, {
key: "getNode",
value: function getNode(name) {
}, {
key: "newName",
value: function newName(prefix) {
var names = Object.keys(;
} // During parsing, map & aliases contain CST nodes
for (var i = 1; true; ++i) {
var name = "".concat(prefix).concat(i);
if (!names.includes(name)) return name;
} // During parsing, map & aliases contain CST nodes
}, {
key: "resolveNodes",
value: function resolveNodes() {
var map =,
resolveNodes() {
const map =,
_cstAliases = this._cstAliases;
Object.keys(map).forEach(function (a) {
map[a] = map[a].resolved;
Object.keys(map).forEach(a => {
map[a] = map[a].resolved;
_cstAliases.forEach(function (a) {
a.source = a.source.resolved;
_cstAliases.forEach(a => {
a.source = a.source.resolved;
delete this._cstAliases;
delete this._cstAliases;
setAnchor(node, name) {
if (node != null && !Anchors.validAnchorNode(node)) {
throw new Error('Anchors may only be set for Scalar, Seq and Map nodes');
}, {
key: "setAnchor",
value: function setAnchor(node, name) {
if (node != null && !Anchors.validAnchorNode(node)) {
throw new Error('Anchors may only be set for Scalar, Seq and Map nodes');
if (name && /[\x00-\x19\s,[\]{}]/.test(name)) {
throw new Error('Anchor names must not contain whitespace or control characters');
if (name && /[\x00-\x19\s,[\]{}]/.test(name)) {
throw new Error('Anchor names must not contain whitespace or control characters');
var map =;
var prev = node && Object.keys(map).find(function (a) {
return map[a] === node;
const map =;
const prev = node && Object.keys(map).find(a => map[a] === node);
if (prev) {
if (!name) {
return prev;
} else if (prev !== name) {
delete map[prev];
map[name] = node;
} else {
if (!name) {
if (!node) return null;
name = this.newName('a');
if (prev) {
if (!name) {
return prev;
} else if (prev !== name) {
delete map[prev];
map[name] = node;
} else {
if (!name) {
if (!node) return null;
name = this.newName('a');
return name;
map[name] = node;
}], [{
key: "validAnchorNode",
value: function validAnchorNode(node) {
return node instanceof _Scalar.default || node instanceof _Seq.default || node instanceof _Map.default;
return Anchors;
return name;
exports.default = Anchors;

@@ -18,20 +18,15 @@ "use strict";

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function createNode(value) {
var wrapScalars = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
function createNode(value, wrapScalars = true) {
if (value == null) return new _Scalar.default(null);
if (_typeof(value) !== 'object') return wrapScalars ? new _Scalar.default(value) : value;
if (typeof value !== 'object') return wrapScalars ? new _Scalar.default(value) : value;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
var seq = new _Seq.default();
seq.items = (v) {
return createNode(v, wrapScalars);
const seq = new _Seq.default();
seq.items = => createNode(v, wrapScalars));
return seq;
} else {
var map = new _Map.default();
map.items = Object.keys(value).map(function (key) {
var k = createNode(key, wrapScalars);
var v = createNode(value[key], wrapScalars);
const map = new _Map.default();
map.items = Object.keys(value).map(key => {
const k = createNode(key, wrapScalars);
const v = createNode(value[key], wrapScalars);
return new _Pair.default(k, v);

@@ -38,0 +33,0 @@ });

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));

@@ -15,57 +15,24 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class Alias extends _Node.default {
* Parses an *alias from the source
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const src = context.src;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
let offset = _Node.default.endOfIdentifier(src, start + 1);
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var Alias =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Alias, _Node);
function Alias() {
_classCallCheck(this, Alias);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Alias).apply(this, arguments));
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start + 1, offset);
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
return offset;
_createClass(Alias, [{
key: "parse",
* Parses an *alias from the source
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var src = context.src;
var offset = _Node2.default.endOfIdentifier(src, start + 1);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start + 1, offset);
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
return offset;
return Alias;
exports.default = Alias;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));

@@ -17,21 +17,3 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var Chomp = {
const Chomp = {

@@ -43,219 +25,208 @@ KEEP: 'KEEP',

var BlockValue =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(BlockValue, _Node);
function BlockValue(type, props) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, BlockValue);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(BlockValue).call(this, type, props));
_this.blockIndent = null;
_this.chomping = Chomp.CLIP;
_this.header = null;
return _this;
class BlockValue extends _Node.default {
constructor(type, props) {
super(type, props);
this.blockIndent = null;
this.chomping = Chomp.CLIP;
this.header = null;
_createClass(BlockValue, [{
key: "parseBlockHeader",
value: function parseBlockHeader(start) {
var src = this.context.src;
var offset = start + 1;
var bi = '';
get strValue() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
let _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange.start,
end = _this$valueRange.end;
const _this$context = this.context,
indent = _this$context.indent,
src = _this$context.src;
if (this.valueRange.isEmpty()) return '';
let lastNewLine = null;
let ch = src[end - 1];
while (true) {
var ch = src[offset];
while (ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ') {
end -= 1;
switch (ch) {
case '-':
this.chomping = Chomp.STRIP;
if (end <= start) {
if (this.chomping === Chomp.KEEP) break;else return '';
case '+':
this.chomping = Chomp.KEEP;
if (ch === '\n') lastNewLine = end;
ch = src[end - 1];
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
bi += ch;
let keepStart = end + 1;
this.blockIndent = Number(bi) || null;
this.header = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
offset += 1;
if (lastNewLine) {
if (this.chomping === Chomp.KEEP) {
keepStart = lastNewLine;
end = this.valueRange.end;
} else {
end = lastNewLine;
}, {
key: "parseBlockValue",
value: function parseBlockValue(start) {
var _this$context = this.context,
indent = _this$context.indent,
inFlow = _this$context.inFlow,
src = _this$context.src;
var offset = start;
var bi = this.blockIndent ? indent + this.blockIndent - 1 : indent;
var minBlockIndent = 1;
for (var ch = src[offset]; ch === '\n'; ch = src[offset]) {
offset += 1;
if (_Node2.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset)) break;
const bi = indent + this.blockIndent;
const folded = this.type === _Node.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED;
let atStart = true;
let str = '';
let sep = '';
let prevMoreIndented = false;
var end = _Node2.default.endOfBlockIndent(src, bi, offset); // should not include tab?
for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
for (let j = 0; j < bi; ++j) {
if (src[i] !== ' ') break;
i += 1;
let ch = src[i];
if (end === null) break;
if (ch === '\n') {
if (sep === '\n') str += '\n';else sep = '\n';
} else {
const lineEnd = _Node.default.endOfLine(src, i);
if (!this.blockIndent) {
// no explicit block indent, none yet detected
var lineIndent = end - (offset + indent);
const line = src.slice(i, lineEnd);
i = lineEnd;
if (src[end] !== '\n') {
// first line with non-whitespace content
if (lineIndent < minBlockIndent) {
offset -= 1;
if (folded && (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') && i < keepStart) {
if (sep === ' ') sep = '\n';else if (!prevMoreIndented && !atStart && sep === '\n') sep = '\n\n';
str += sep + line; //+ ((lineEnd < end && src[lineEnd]) || '')
this.blockIndent = lineIndent;
bi = indent + this.blockIndent - 1;
} else if (lineIndent > minBlockIndent) {
// empty line with more whitespace
minBlockIndent = lineIndent;
sep = lineEnd < end && src[lineEnd] || '';
prevMoreIndented = true;
} else {
str += sep + line;
sep = folded && i < keepStart ? ' ' : '\n';
prevMoreIndented = false;
offset = _Node2.default.endOfLine(src, end);
if (atStart && line !== '') atStart = false;
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start + 1, offset);
return offset;
* Parses a block value from the source
* Accepted forms are:
* ```
* BS
* block
* lines
* BS #comment
* block
* lines
* ```
* where the block style BS matches the regexp `[|>][-+1-9]*` and block lines
* are empty or have an indent level greater than `indent`.
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this block
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var src = context.src;
var offset = this.parseBlockHeader(start);
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
offset = this.parseBlockValue(offset);
return offset;
}, {
key: "strValue",
get: function get() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
var _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange.start,
end = _this$valueRange.end;
var _this$context2 = this.context,
indent = _this$context2.indent,
src = _this$context2.src;
if (this.valueRange.isEmpty) return '';
var lastNewLine = null;
var ch = src[end - 1];
return this.chomping === Chomp.STRIP ? str : str + '\n';
while (ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ') {
end -= 1;
parseBlockHeader(start) {
const src = this.context.src;
let offset = start + 1;
let bi = '';
if (end <= start) {
if (this.chomping === Chomp.KEEP) break;else return '';
while (true) {
let ch = src[offset];
if (ch === '\n') lastNewLine = end;
ch = src[end - 1];
switch (ch) {
case '-':
this.chomping = Chomp.STRIP;
var keepStart = end + 1;
case '+':
this.chomping = Chomp.KEEP;
if (lastNewLine) {
if (this.chomping === Chomp.KEEP) {
keepStart = lastNewLine;
end = this.valueRange.end;
} else {
end = lastNewLine;
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
bi += ch;
this.blockIndent = Number(bi) || null;
this.header = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
var bi = indent + this.blockIndent;
var folded = this.type === _Node2.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED;
var atStart = true;
var str = '';
var sep = '';
var prevMoreIndented = false;
offset += 1;
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < bi; ++j) {
if (src[i] !== ' ') break;
i += 1;
parseBlockValue(start) {
const _this$context2 = this.context,
indent = _this$context2.indent,
inFlow = _this$context2.inFlow,
src = _this$context2.src;
let offset = start;
let bi = this.blockIndent ? indent + this.blockIndent - 1 : indent;
let minBlockIndent = 1;
var _ch = src[i];
for (let ch = src[offset]; ch === '\n'; ch = src[offset]) {
offset += 1;
if (_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset)) break;
if (_ch === '\n') {
if (sep === '\n') str += '\n';else sep = '\n';
} else {
var lineEnd = _Node2.default.endOfLine(src, i);
const end = _Node.default.endOfBlockIndent(src, bi, offset); // should not include tab?
var line = src.slice(i, lineEnd);
i = lineEnd;
if (folded && (_ch === ' ' || _ch === '\t') && i < keepStart) {
if (sep === ' ') sep = '\n';else if (!prevMoreIndented && !atStart && sep === '\n') sep = '\n\n';
str += sep + line; //+ ((lineEnd < end && src[lineEnd]) || '')
if (end === null) break;
sep = lineEnd < end && src[lineEnd] || '';
prevMoreIndented = true;
} else {
str += sep + line;
sep = folded && i < keepStart ? ' ' : '\n';
prevMoreIndented = false;
if (!this.blockIndent) {
// no explicit block indent, none yet detected
const lineIndent = end - (offset + indent);
if (src[end] !== '\n') {
// first line with non-whitespace content
if (lineIndent < minBlockIndent) {
offset -= 1;
if (atStart && line !== '') atStart = false;
this.blockIndent = lineIndent;
bi = indent + this.blockIndent - 1;
} else if (lineIndent > minBlockIndent) {
// empty line with more whitespace
minBlockIndent = lineIndent;
return this.chomping === Chomp.STRIP ? str : str + '\n';
offset = _Node.default.endOfLine(src, end);
return BlockValue;
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start + 1, offset);
return offset;
* Parses a block value from the source
* Accepted forms are:
* ```
* BS
* block
* lines
* BS #comment
* block
* lines
* ```
* where the block style BS matches the regexp `[|>][-+1-9]*` and block lines
* are empty or have an indent level greater than `indent`.
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this block
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const src = context.src;
let offset = this.parseBlockHeader(start);
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
offset = this.parseBlockValue(offset);
return offset;
setOrigRanges(cr, offset) {
offset = super.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
return this.header ? this.header.setOrigRange(cr, offset) : offset;
exports.default = BlockValue;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));

@@ -21,39 +21,13 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class Collection extends _Node.default {
constructor(firstItem) {
super(firstItem.type === _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM ? _Node.Type.SEQ : _Node.Type.MAP);
this.items = [firstItem];
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var Collection =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Collection, _Node);
function Collection(firstItem) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Collection);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Collection).call(this, firstItem.type === _Node2.Type.SEQ_ITEM ? _Node2.Type.SEQ : _Node2.Type.MAP));
_this.items = [firstItem];
for (var i = firstItem.props.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
for (let i = firstItem.props.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (firstItem.props[i].start < firstItem.context.lineStart) {
// props on previous line are assumed by the collection
_this.props = firstItem.props.slice(0, i + 1);
this.props = firstItem.props.slice(0, i + 1);
firstItem.props = firstItem.props.slice(i + 1);
var itemRange = firstItem.props[0] || firstItem.valueRange;
const itemRange = firstItem.props[0] || firstItem.valueRange;
firstItem.range.start = itemRange.start;

@@ -63,4 +37,2 @@ break;

return _this;

@@ -74,138 +46,141 @@ /**

_createClass(Collection, [{
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var parseNode = context.parseNode,
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const parseNode = context.parseNode,
src = context.src; // It's easier to recalculate lineStart here rather than tracking down the
// last context from which to read it -- eemeli/yaml#2
// last context from which to read it -- eemeli/yaml#2
var lineStart = _Node2.default.startOfLine(src, start);
let lineStart = _Node.default.startOfLine(src, start);
var firstItem = this.items[0]; // First-item context needs to be correct for later comment handling
// -- eemeli/yaml#17
const firstItem = this.items[0]; // First-item context needs to be correct for later comment handling
// -- eemeli/yaml#17
firstItem.context.parent = this;
this.valueRange = _Range.default.copy(firstItem.valueRange);
var indent = firstItem.range.start - firstItem.context.lineStart;
var offset = start;
offset = _Node2.default.normalizeOffset(src, offset);
var ch = src[offset];
var atLineStart = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, lineStart) === offset;
firstItem.context.parent = this;
this.valueRange = _Range.default.copy(firstItem.valueRange);
const indent = firstItem.range.start - firstItem.context.lineStart;
let offset = start;
offset = _Node.default.normalizeOffset(src, offset);
let ch = src[offset];
let atLineStart = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, lineStart) === offset;
while (ch) {
while (ch === '\n' || ch === '#') {
if (ch === '#') {
var comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
src: src
}, offset);
this.valueRange.end = offset;
while (ch) {
while (ch === '\n' || ch === '#') {
if (ch === '#') {
const comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
}, offset);
this.valueRange.end = offset;
if (offset >= src.length) {
ch = null;
if (offset >= src.length) {
ch = null;
lineStart = offset + 1;
offset = _Node2.default.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
lineStart = offset + 1;
offset = _Node.default.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
if (_Node2.default.atBlank(src, offset)) {
var wsEnd = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
if (_Node.default.atBlank(src, offset)) {
const wsEnd = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
var next = src[wsEnd];
const next = src[wsEnd];
if (!next || next === '\n' || next === '#') {
offset = wsEnd;
if (!next || next === '\n' || next === '#') {
offset = wsEnd;
ch = src[offset];
atLineStart = true;
if (!ch) {
ch = src[offset];
atLineStart = true;
if (!ch) {
if (offset !== lineStart + indent && (atLineStart || ch !== ':')) {
if (lineStart > start) offset = lineStart;
if (firstItem.type === _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM !== (ch === '-')) {
let typeswitch = true;
if (ch === '-') {
// map key may start with -, as long as it's followed by a non-whitespace char
const next = src[offset + 1];
typeswitch = !next || next === '\n' || next === '\t' || next === ' ';
if (offset !== lineStart + indent && (atLineStart || ch !== ':')) {
if (typeswitch) {
if (lineStart > start) offset = lineStart;
if (firstItem.type === _Node2.Type.SEQ_ITEM !== (ch === '-')) {
var typeswitch = true;
const node = parseNode({
inCollection: true,
parent: this
}, offset);
if (!node) return offset; // at next document start
if (ch === '-') {
// map key may start with -, as long as it's followed by a non-whitespace char
var _next = src[offset + 1];
typeswitch = !_next || _next === '\n' || _next === '\t' || _next === ' ';
this.valueRange.end = node.valueRange.end;
offset = _Node.default.normalizeOffset(src, node.range.end);
ch = src[offset];
atLineStart = false; // Need to reset lineStart and atLineStart here if preceding node's range
// has advanced to check the current line's indentation level
// -- eemeli/yaml#10 & eemeli/yaml#38
if (typeswitch) {
if (lineStart > start) offset = lineStart;
if (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '#') {
let ls = offset - 1;
let prev = src[ls];
var node = parseNode({
atLineStart: atLineStart,
inCollection: true,
indent: indent,
lineStart: lineStart,
parent: this
}, offset);
if (!node) return offset; // at next document start
while (prev === ' ' || prev === '\t') prev = src[--ls];
this.valueRange.end = node.valueRange.end;
offset = _Node2.default.normalizeOffset(src, node.range.end);
ch = src[offset];
atLineStart = false; // Need to reset lineStart here if preceding node's range has advanced to
// check the current line's indentation level -- eemeli/yaml#10
if (prev === '\n') {
lineStart = ls + 1;
atLineStart = true;
if (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '#') {
var ls = offset - 1;
var prev = src[ls];
return offset;
while (prev === ' ' || prev === '\t') {
prev = src[--ls];
setOrigRanges(cr, offset) {
offset = super.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
this.items.forEach(node => {
offset = node.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
return offset;
if (prev === '\n') lineStart = ls + 1;
return offset;
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString() {
var src = this.context.src,
toString() {
const src = this.context.src,
items = this.items,
range = this.range,
value = this.value;
if (value != null) return value;
var str = src.slice(range.start, items[0].range.start) + String(items[0]);
if (value != null) return value;
let str = src.slice(range.start, items[0].range.start) + String(items[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < items.length; ++i) {
var item = items[i];
var _item$context = item.context,
for (let i = 1; i < items.length; ++i) {
const item = items[i];
const _item$context = item.context,
atLineStart = _item$context.atLineStart,
indent = _item$context.indent;
if (atLineStart) for (var _i = 0; _i < indent; ++_i) {
str += ' ';
str += String(item);
return _Node2.default.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
if (atLineStart) for (let i = 0; i < indent; ++i) str += ' ';
str += String(item);
return Collection;
return _Node.default.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
exports.default = Collection;

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));

@@ -19,33 +19,6 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var CollectionItem =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(CollectionItem, _Node);
function CollectionItem(type, props) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, CollectionItem);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(CollectionItem).call(this, type, props));
_this.node = null;
return _this;
class CollectionItem extends _Node.default {
constructor(type, props) {
super(type, props);
this.node = null;

@@ -59,67 +32,67 @@ /**

_createClass(CollectionItem, [{
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var parseNode = context.parseNode,
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const parseNode = context.parseNode,
src = context.src;
var atLineStart = context.atLineStart,
lineStart = context.lineStart;
if (!atLineStart && this.type === _Node2.Type.SEQ_ITEM) this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Sequence items must not have preceding content on the same line');
var indent = atLineStart ? start - lineStart : context.indent;
let atLineStart = context.atLineStart,
lineStart = context.lineStart;
if (!atLineStart && this.type === _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM) this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Sequence items must not have preceding content on the same line');
const indent = atLineStart ? start - lineStart : context.indent;
var offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start + 1);
let offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start + 1);
var ch = src[offset];
let ch = src[offset];
while (ch === '\n' || ch === '#') {
var next = offset + 1;
while (ch === '\n' || ch === '#') {
const next = offset + 1;
if (ch === '#') {
var _end = _Node2.default.endOfLine(src, next);
if (ch === '#') {
const end = _Node.default.endOfLine(src, next);
this.props.push(new _Range.default(offset, _end));
offset = _end;
} else {
atLineStart = true;
lineStart = next;
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, next); // against spec, to match \t allowed after indicator
ch = src[offset];
this.props.push(new _Range.default(offset, end));
offset = end;
} else {
atLineStart = true;
lineStart = next;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, next); // against spec, to match \t allowed after indicator
if (_Node2.default.nextNodeIsIndented(ch, offset - (lineStart + indent), this.type !== _Node2.Type.SEQ_ITEM)) {
this.node = parseNode({
atLineStart: atLineStart,
inCollection: false,
indent: indent,
lineStart: lineStart,
parent: this
}, offset);
if (this.node) offset = this.node.range.end;
} else if (lineStart > start + 1) {
offset = lineStart - 1;
ch = src[offset];
var end = this.node ? this.node.valueRange.end : offset;
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, end);
return offset;
if (_Node.default.nextNodeIsIndented(ch, offset - (lineStart + indent), this.type !== _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM)) {
this.node = parseNode({
inCollection: false,
parent: this
}, offset);
if (this.node) offset = this.node.range.end;
} else if (ch && lineStart > start + 1) {
offset = lineStart - 1;
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString() {
var src = this.context.src,
const end = this.node ? this.node.valueRange.end : offset;
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, end);
return offset;
setOrigRanges(cr, offset) {
offset = super.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
return this.node ? this.node.setOrigRanges(cr, offset) : offset;
toString() {
const src = this.context.src,
node = this.node,
range = this.range,
value = this.value;
if (value != null) return value;
var str = node ? src.slice(range.start, node.range.start) + String(node) : src.slice(range.start, range.end);
return _Node2.default.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
if (value != null) return value;
const str = node ? src.slice(range.start, node.range.start) + String(node) : src.slice(range.start, range.end);
return _Node.default.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
return CollectionItem;
exports.default = CollectionItem;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));

@@ -17,29 +17,5 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var Comment =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Comment, _Node);
function Comment() {
_classCallCheck(this, Comment);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Comment).call(this, _Node2.Type.COMMENT));
class Comment extends _Node.default {
constructor() {

@@ -55,16 +31,12 @@ /**

_createClass(Comment, [{
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var src = context.src;
var offset = this.parseComment(start);
this.range = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const src = context.src;
let offset = this.parseComment(start);
this.range = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
return Comment;
exports.default = Comment;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));

@@ -17,106 +17,63 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class Directive extends _Node.default {
static endOfDirective(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset];
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
while (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '#') ch = src[offset += 1]; // last char can't be whitespace
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
ch = src[offset - 1];
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
while (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') {
offset -= 1;
ch = src[offset - 1];
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
return offset;
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
constructor() {
super(_Node.Type.DIRECTIVE); = null;
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
get parameters() {
const raw = this.rawValue;
return raw ? raw.trim().split(/[ \t]+/) : [];
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
parseName(start) {
const src = this.context.src;
let offset = start;
let ch = src[offset];
var Directive =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Directive, _Node);
while (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '\t' && ch !== ' ') ch = src[offset += 1];
_createClass(Directive, null, [{
key: "endOfDirective",
value: function endOfDirective(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset]; = src.slice(start, offset);
return offset;
while (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '#') {
ch = src[offset += 1];
} // last char can't be whitespace
parseParameters(start) {
const src = this.context.src;
let offset = start;
let ch = src[offset];
while (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '#') ch = src[offset += 1];
ch = src[offset - 1];
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
while (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') {
offset -= 1;
ch = src[offset - 1];
return offset;
function Directive() {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Directive);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Directive).call(this, _Node2.Type.DIRECTIVE)); = null;
return _this;
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const src = context.src;
let offset = this.parseName(start + 1);
offset = this.parseParameters(offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
this.range = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
_createClass(Directive, [{
key: "parseName",
value: function parseName(start) {
var src = this.context.src;
var offset = start;
var ch = src[offset];
while (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '\t' && ch !== ' ') {
ch = src[offset += 1];
} = src.slice(start, offset);
return offset;
}, {
key: "parseParameters",
value: function parseParameters(start) {
var src = this.context.src;
var offset = start;
var ch = src[offset];
while (ch && ch !== '\n' && ch !== '#') {
ch = src[offset += 1];
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var src = context.src;
var offset = this.parseName(start + 1);
offset = this.parseParameters(offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
this.range = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
}, {
key: "parameters",
get: function get() {
var raw = this.rawValue;
return raw ? raw.trim().split(/[ \t]+/) : [];
return Directive;
exports.default = Directive;

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));

@@ -23,239 +23,211 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class Document extends _Node.default {
static startCommentOrEndBlankLine(src, start) {
const offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start);
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
const ch = src[offset];
return ch === '#' || ch === '\n' ? offset : start;
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
constructor() {
this.directives = null;
this.contents = null;
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
parseDirectives(start) {
const src = this.context.src;
this.directives = [];
let hasDirectives = false;
let offset = start;
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
while (!_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset, _Node.Char.DIRECTIVES_END)) {
offset = Document.startCommentOrEndBlankLine(src, offset);
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
switch (src[offset]) {
case '\n':
offset += 1;
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
case '#':
const comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
}, offset);
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
case '%':
const directive = new _Directive.default();
offset = directive.parse({
parent: this,
}, offset);
hasDirectives = true;
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
if (hasDirectives) {
this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Missing directives-end indicator line');
} else if (this.directives.length > 0) {
this.contents = this.directives;
this.directives = [];
var Document =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Document, _Node);
return offset;
_createClass(Document, null, [{
key: "startCommentOrEndBlankLine",
value: function startCommentOrEndBlankLine(src, start) {
var offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start);
if (src[offset]) return offset + 3;
var ch = src[offset];
return ch === '#' || ch === '\n' ? offset : start;
if (hasDirectives) {
this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Missing directives-end indicator line');
} else if (this.directives.length > 0) {
this.contents = this.directives;
this.directives = [];
function Document() {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Document);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Document).call(this, _Node2.Type.DOCUMENT));
_this.directives = null;
_this.contents = null;
return _this;
return offset;
_createClass(Document, [{
key: "parseDirectives",
value: function parseDirectives(start) {
var src = this.context.src;
this.directives = [];
var hasDirectives = false;
var offset = start;
parseContents(start) {
const _this$context = this.context,
parseNode = _this$context.parseNode,
src = _this$context.src;
if (!this.contents) this.contents = [];
let lineStart = start;
while (!_Node2.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset, _Node2.Char.DIRECTIVES_END)) {
offset = Document.startCommentOrEndBlankLine(src, offset);
while (src[lineStart - 1] === '-') lineStart -= 1;
switch (src[offset]) {
case '\n':
offset += 1;
let offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start);
case '#':
var comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
src: src
}, offset);
let atLineStart = lineStart === start;
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(offset);
case '%':
var directive = new _Directive.default();
offset = directive.parse({
parent: this,
src: src
}, offset);
hasDirectives = true;
while (!_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset, _Node.Char.DOCUMENT_END)) {
switch (src[offset]) {
case '\n':
offset += 1;
lineStart = offset;
atLineStart = true;
if (hasDirectives) {
this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Missing directives-end indicator line');
} else if (this.directives.length > 0) {
this.contents = this.directives;
this.directives = [];
case '#':
const comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
}, offset);
return offset;
const iEnd = _Node.default.endOfIndent(src, offset);
if (src[offset]) return offset + 3;
const context = {
indent: -1,
inFlow: false,
inCollection: false,
parent: this
const node = parseNode(context, iEnd);
if (!node) return this.valueRange.end = iEnd; // at next document start
if (hasDirectives) {
this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Missing directives-end indicator line');
} else if (this.directives.length > 0) {
this.contents = this.directives;
this.directives = [];
offset = node.range.end;
atLineStart = false;
return offset;
offset = Document.startCommentOrEndBlankLine(src, offset);
}, {
key: "parseContents",
value: function parseContents(start) {
var _this$context = this.context,
parseNode = _this$context.parseNode,
src = _this$context.src;
if (!this.contents) this.contents = [];
var lineStart = start;
while (src[lineStart - 1] === '-') {
lineStart -= 1;
this.valueRange.end = offset;
var offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start);
if (src[offset]) {
offset += 3;
var atLineStart = lineStart === start;
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(offset);
if (src[offset]) {
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
while (!_Node2.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset, _Node2.Char.DOCUMENT_END)) {
if (src[offset] === '#') {
const comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
}, offset);
switch (src[offset]) {
case '\n':
offset += 1;
lineStart = offset;
atLineStart = true;
case '#':
var comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
src: src
}, offset);
case undefined:
var iEnd = _Node2.default.endOfIndent(src, offset);
var context = {
atLineStart: atLineStart,
indent: -1,
inFlow: false,
inCollection: false,
lineStart: lineStart,
parent: this
var node = parseNode(context, iEnd);
if (!node) return iEnd; // at next document start
this.valueRange.end = node.valueRange.end;
offset = node.range.end;
atLineStart = false;
this.error = new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, 'Document end marker line cannot have a non-comment suffix');
offset = Document.startCommentOrEndBlankLine(src, offset);
if (src[offset]) {
offset += 3;
return offset;
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this
if (src[offset]) {
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
if (src[offset] === '#') {
var _comment = new _Comment.default();
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const src = context.src;
let offset = src.charCodeAt(start) === 0xfeff ? start + 1 : start; // skip BOM
offset = _comment.parse({
src: src
}, offset);
offset = this.parseDirectives(offset);
offset = this.parseContents(offset);
return offset;
switch (src[offset]) {
case '\n':
offset += 1;
setOrigRanges(cr, offset) {
offset = super.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
this.directives.forEach(node => {
offset = node.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
this.contents.forEach(node => {
offset = node.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
return offset;
case undefined:
this.error = new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, 'Document end marker line cannot have a non-comment suffix');
return offset;
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var src = context.src;
var offset = src.charCodeAt(start) === 0xfeff ? start + 1 : start; // skip BOM
offset = this.parseDirectives(offset);
offset = this.parseContents(offset);
return offset;
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString() {
var contents = this.contents,
toString() {
const contents = this.contents,
src = this.context.src,
directives = this.directives,
value = this.value;
if (value != null) return value;
var str = directives.join('');
if (value != null) return value;
let str = directives.join('');
if (contents.length > 0) {
if (directives.length > 0 || contents[0].type === _Node2.Type.COMMENT) str += '---\n';
str += contents.join('');
if (str[str.length - 1] !== '\n') str += '\n';
return str;
if (contents.length > 0) {
if (directives.length > 0 || contents[0].type === _Node.Type.COMMENT) str += '---\n';
str += contents.join('');
return Document;
if (str[str.length - 1] !== '\n') str += '\n';
return str;
exports.default = Document;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./Node"));

@@ -21,167 +21,151 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class FlowCollection extends _Node.default {
constructor(type, props) {
super(type, props);
this.items = null;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
prevNodeIsJsonLike(idx = this.items.length) {
const node = this.items[idx - 1];
return !!node && (node.jsonLike || node.type === _Node.Type.COMMENT && this.nodeIsJsonLike(idx - 1));
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const parseNode = context.parseNode,
src = context.src;
let indent = context.indent,
lineStart = context.lineStart;
let char = src[start]; // { or [
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
this.items = [{
offset: start
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
let offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start + 1);
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
char = src[offset];
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
while (char && char !== ']' && char !== '}') {
switch (char) {
case '\n':
lineStart = offset + 1;
offset = _Node.default.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
if (offset - lineStart <= indent) this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Insufficient indentation in flow collection');
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
case ',':
offset += 1;
var FlowCollection =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(FlowCollection, _Node);
case '#':
const comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
}, offset);
function FlowCollection(type, props) {
var _this;
case '?':
case ':':
const next = src[offset + 1];
_classCallCheck(this, FlowCollection);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(FlowCollection).call(this, type, props));
_this.items = null;
return _this;
_createClass(FlowCollection, [{
key: "prevNodeIsJsonLike",
value: function prevNodeIsJsonLike() {
var idx = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.items.length;
var node = this.items[idx - 1];
return !!node && (node.jsonLike || node.type === _Node2.Type.COMMENT && this.nodeIsJsonLike(idx - 1));
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var parseNode = context.parseNode,
src = context.src;
var indent = context.indent,
lineStart = context.lineStart;
var ch = src[start]; // { or [
this.items = [ch];
var offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, start + 1);
ch = src[offset];
while (ch && ch !== ']' && ch !== '}') {
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
lineStart = offset + 1;
offset = _Node2.default.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
if (offset - lineStart <= indent) this.error = new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Insufficient indentation in flow collection');
case ',':
if (next === '\n' || next === '\t' || next === ' ' || next === ',' || // in-flow : after JSON-like key does not need to be followed by whitespace
char === ':' && this.prevNodeIsJsonLike()) {
offset += 1;
} // fallthrough
case '#':
var comment = new _Comment.default();
offset = comment.parse({
src: src
}, offset);
case '?':
case ':':
var next = src[offset + 1];
const node = parseNode({
atLineStart: false,
inCollection: false,
inFlow: true,
indent: -1,
parent: this
}, offset);
if (next === '\n' || next === '\t' || next === ' ' || next === ',' || // in-flow : after JSON-like key does not need to be followed by whitespace
ch === ':' && this.prevNodeIsJsonLike()) {
offset += 1;
} // fallthrough
if (!node) {
// at next document start
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
var node = parseNode({
atLineStart: false,
inCollection: false,
inFlow: true,
indent: -1,
lineStart: lineStart,
parent: this
}, offset);
offset = _Node.default.normalizeOffset(src, node.range.end);
if (!node) {
// at next document start
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
return offset;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
char = src[offset];
offset = _Node2.default.normalizeOffset(src, node.range.end);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset + 1);
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
ch = src[offset];
if (char) {
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset + 1);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset + 1);
return offset;
if (ch) {
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset + 1);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
setOrigRanges(cr, offset) {
offset = super.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
this.items.forEach(node => {
offset = node.setOrigRanges(cr, offset);
return offset;
return offset;
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString() {
var src = this.context.src,
toString() {
const src = this.context.src,
items = this.items,
range = this.range,
value = this.value;
if (value != null) return value;
var nodes = items.filter(function (item) {
return item instanceof _Node2.default;
var str = '';
var prevEnd = range.start;
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
var prefix = src.slice(prevEnd, node.range.start);
prevEnd = node.range.end;
str += prefix + String(node);
str += src.slice(prevEnd, range.end);
return _Node2.default.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
if (value != null) return value;
const nodes = items.filter(item => item instanceof _Node.default);
let str = '';
let prevEnd = range.start;
nodes.forEach(node => {
const prefix = src.slice(prevEnd, node.range.start);
prevEnd = node.range.end;
str += prefix + String(node);
str += src.slice(prevEnd, range.end);
return _Node.default.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
return FlowCollection;
exports.default = FlowCollection;

@@ -20,9 +20,3 @@ "use strict";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
var Type = {
const Type = {

@@ -46,3 +40,3 @@ BLOCK_FOLDED: 'BLOCK_FOLDED',

exports.Type = Type;
var Char = {
const Char = {
ANCHOR: '&',

@@ -58,187 +52,159 @@ COMMENT: '#',

var Node =
function () {
_createClass(Node, null, [{
key: "addStringTerminator",
value: function addStringTerminator(src, offset, str) {
if (str[str.length - 1] === '\n') return str;
var next = Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
return next >= src.length || src[next] === '\n' ? str + '\n' : str;
} // ^(---|...)
class Node {
static addStringTerminator(src, offset, str) {
if (str[str.length - 1] === '\n') return str;
const next = Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
return next >= src.length || src[next] === '\n' ? str + '\n' : str;
} // ^(---|...)
}, {
key: "atDocumentBoundary",
value: function atDocumentBoundary(src, offset, sep) {
var ch0 = src[offset];
if (!ch0) return true;
var prev = src[offset - 1];
if (prev && prev !== '\n') return false;
if (sep) {
if (ch0 !== sep) return false;
} else {
if (ch0 !== Char.DIRECTIVES_END && ch0 !== Char.DOCUMENT_END) return false;
static atDocumentBoundary(src, offset, sep) {
const ch0 = src[offset];
if (!ch0) return true;
const prev = src[offset - 1];
if (prev && prev !== '\n') return false;
var ch1 = src[offset + 1];
var ch2 = src[offset + 2];
if (ch1 !== ch0 || ch2 !== ch0) return false;
var ch3 = src[offset + 3];
return !ch3 || ch3 === '\n' || ch3 === '\t' || ch3 === ' ';
if (sep) {
if (ch0 !== sep) return false;
} else {
if (ch0 !== Char.DIRECTIVES_END && ch0 !== Char.DOCUMENT_END) return false;
}, {
key: "endOfIdentifier",
value: function endOfIdentifier(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
var isVerbatim = ch === '<';
var notOk = isVerbatim ? ['\n', '\t', ' ', '>'] : ['\n', '\t', ' ', '[', ']', '{', '}', ','];
while (ch && notOk.indexOf(ch) === -1) {
ch = src[offset += 1];
const ch1 = src[offset + 1];
const ch2 = src[offset + 2];
if (ch1 !== ch0 || ch2 !== ch0) return false;
const ch3 = src[offset + 3];
return !ch3 || ch3 === '\n' || ch3 === '\t' || ch3 === ' ';
if (isVerbatim && ch === '>') offset += 1;
return offset;
}, {
key: "endOfIndent",
value: function endOfIndent(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
static endOfIdentifier(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset];
const isVerbatim = ch === '<';
const notOk = isVerbatim ? ['\n', '\t', ' ', '>'] : ['\n', '\t', ' ', '[', ']', '{', '}', ','];
while (ch === ' ') {
ch = src[offset += 1];
while (ch && notOk.indexOf(ch) === -1) ch = src[offset += 1];
return offset;
}, {
key: "endOfLine",
value: function endOfLine(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
if (isVerbatim && ch === '>') offset += 1;
return offset;
while (ch && ch !== '\n') {
ch = src[offset += 1];
static endOfIndent(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset];
return offset;
}, {
key: "endOfWhiteSpace",
value: function endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
while (ch === ' ') ch = src[offset += 1];
while (ch === '\t' || ch === ' ') {
ch = src[offset += 1];
return offset;
return offset;
}, {
key: "startOfLine",
value: function startOfLine(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset - 1];
static endOfLine(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset];
while (ch && ch !== '\n') {
ch = src[offset -= 1];
while (ch && ch !== '\n') ch = src[offset += 1];
return offset + 1;
* End of indentation, or null if the line's indent level is not more
* than `indent`
* @param {string} src
* @param {number} indent
* @param {number} lineStart
* @returns {?number}
return offset;
}, {
key: "endOfBlockIndent",
value: function endOfBlockIndent(src, indent, lineStart) {
var inEnd = Node.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
static endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset];
if (inEnd > lineStart + indent) {
return inEnd;
} else {
var wsEnd = Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, inEnd);
var ch = src[wsEnd];
if (!ch || ch === '\n') return wsEnd;
while (ch === '\t' || ch === ' ') ch = src[offset += 1];
return null;
return offset;
static startOfLine(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset - 1];
if (ch === '\n') return offset;
while (ch && ch !== '\n') ch = src[offset -= 1];
return offset + 1;
* End of indentation, or null if the line's indent level is not more
* than `indent`
* @param {string} src
* @param {number} indent
* @param {number} lineStart
* @returns {?number}
static endOfBlockIndent(src, indent, lineStart) {
const inEnd = Node.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
if (inEnd > lineStart + indent) {
return inEnd;
} else {
const wsEnd = Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, inEnd);
const ch = src[wsEnd];
if (!ch || ch === '\n') return wsEnd;
}, {
key: "atBlank",
value: function atBlank(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
return ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ';
}, {
key: "atCollectionItem",
value: function atCollectionItem(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
return (ch === '?' || ch === ':' || ch === '-') && Node.atBlank(src, offset + 1);
}, {
key: "nextNodeIsIndented",
value: function nextNodeIsIndented(ch, indentDiff, indicatorAsIndent) {
if (!ch || indentDiff < 0) return false;
if (indentDiff > 0) return true;
return indicatorAsIndent && ch === '-';
} // should be at line or string end, or at next non-whitespace char
}, {
key: "normalizeOffset",
value: function normalizeOffset(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
return !ch ? offset : ch !== '\n' && src[offset - 1] === '\n' ? offset - 1 : Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
} // fold single newline into space, multiple newlines to N - 1 newlines
// presumes src[offset] === '\n'
return null;
}, {
key: "foldNewline",
value: function foldNewline(src, offset, indent) {
var inCount = 0;
var error = false;
var fold = '';
var ch = src[offset + 1];
static atBlank(src, offset) {
const ch = src[offset];
return ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ';
while (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t' || ch === '\n') {
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
inCount = 0;
offset += 1;
fold += '\n';
static atCollectionItem(src, offset) {
const ch = src[offset];
return (ch === '?' || ch === ':' || ch === '-') && Node.atBlank(src, offset + 1);
case '\t':
if (inCount <= indent) error = true;
offset = Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset + 2) - 1;
static nextNodeIsIndented(ch, indentDiff, indicatorAsIndent) {
if (!ch || indentDiff < 0) return false;
if (indentDiff > 0) return true;
return indicatorAsIndent && ch === '-';
} // should be at line or string end, or at next non-whitespace char
case ' ':
inCount += 1;
offset += 1;
ch = src[offset + 1];
static normalizeOffset(src, offset) {
const ch = src[offset];
return !ch ? offset : ch !== '\n' && src[offset - 1] === '\n' ? offset - 1 : Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
} // fold single newline into space, multiple newlines to N - 1 newlines
// presumes src[offset] === '\n'
static foldNewline(src, offset, indent) {
let inCount = 0;
let error = false;
let fold = '';
let ch = src[offset + 1];
while (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t' || ch === '\n') {
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
inCount = 0;
offset += 1;
fold += '\n';
case '\t':
if (inCount <= indent) error = true;
offset = Node.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset + 2) - 1;
case ' ':
inCount += 1;
offset += 1;
if (!fold) fold = ' ';
if (ch && inCount <= indent) error = true;
return {
fold: fold,
offset: offset,
error: error
ch = src[offset + 1];
function Node(type, props, context) {
_classCallCheck(this, Node);
if (!fold) fold = ' ';
if (ch && inCount <= indent) error = true;
return {
constructor(type, props, context) {
this.context = context || null;

@@ -253,121 +219,87 @@ this.error = null;

_createClass(Node, [{
key: "getPropValue",
value: function getPropValue(idx, key, skipKey) {
if (!this.context) return null;
var src = this.context.src;
var prop = this.props[idx];
return prop && src[prop.start] === key ? src.slice(prop.start + (skipKey ? 1 : 0), prop.end) : null;
}, {
key: "commentHasRequiredWhitespace",
value: function commentHasRequiredWhitespace(start) {
var src = this.context.src;
if (this.header && start === this.header.end) return false;
getPropValue(idx, key, skipKey) {
if (!this.context) return null;
const src = this.context.src;
const prop = this.props[idx];
return prop && src[prop.start] === key ? src.slice(prop.start + (skipKey ? 1 : 0), prop.end) : null;
if (this.valueRange) {
var end = this.valueRange.end;
return start !== end || Node.atBlank(src, end - 1);
get anchor() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
const anchor = this.getPropValue(i, Char.ANCHOR, true);
if (anchor != null) return anchor;
}, {
key: "parseComment",
value: function parseComment(start) {
var src = this.context.src;
if (src[start] === Char.COMMENT) {
var end = Node.endOfLine(src, start + 1);
var commentRange = new _Range.default(start, end);
return end;
return null;
return start;
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString() {
var src = this.context.src,
range = this.range,
value = this.value;
if (value != null) return value;
var str = src.slice(range.start, range.end);
return Node.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
}, {
key: "anchor",
get: function get() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
var anchor = this.getPropValue(i, Char.ANCHOR, true);
if (anchor != null) return anchor;
get comment() {
const comments = [];
return null;
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
const comment = this.getPropValue(i, Char.COMMENT, true);
if (comment != null) comments.push(comment);
}, {
key: "comment",
get: function get() {
var comments = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
var comment = this.getPropValue(i, Char.COMMENT, true);
if (comment != null) comments.push(comment);
return comments.length > 0 ? comments.join('\n') : null;
return comments.length > 0 ? comments.join('\n') : null;
commentHasRequiredWhitespace(start) {
const src = this.context.src;
if (this.header && start === this.header.end) return false;
if (this.valueRange) {
const end = this.valueRange.end;
return start !== end || Node.atBlank(src, end - 1);
}, {
key: "hasComment",
get: function get() {
if (this.context) {
var src = this.context.src;
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
if (src[this.props[i].start] === Char.COMMENT) return true;
get hasComment() {
if (this.context) {
const src = this.context.src;
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
if (src[this.props[i].start] === Char.COMMENT) return true;
return false;
}, {
key: "hasProps",
get: function get() {
if (this.context) {
var src = this.context.src;
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
if (src[this.props[i].start] !== Char.COMMENT) return true;
return false;
get hasProps() {
if (this.context) {
const src = this.context.src;
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
if (src[this.props[i].start] !== Char.COMMENT) return true;
return false;
}, {
key: "jsonLike",
get: function get() {
var jsonLikeTypes = [Type.FLOW_MAP, Type.FLOW_SEQ, Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE, Type.QUOTE_SINGLE];
return jsonLikeTypes.indexOf(this.type) !== -1;
}, {
key: "rawValue",
get: function get() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
var _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
return false;
get jsonLike() {
const jsonLikeTypes = [Type.FLOW_MAP, Type.FLOW_SEQ, Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE, Type.QUOTE_SINGLE];
return jsonLikeTypes.indexOf(this.type) !== -1;
get rawValue() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
const _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange.start,
end = _this$valueRange.end;
return this.context.src.slice(start, end);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function get() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
var tag = this.getPropValue(i, Char.TAG, false);
return this.context.src.slice(start, end);
if (tag != null) {
if (tag[1] === '<') {
return {
verbatim: tag.slice(2, -1)
} else {
var _tag$match = tag.match(/^(.*!)([^!]*)$/),
get tag() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.props.length; ++i) {
const tag = this.getPropValue(i, Char.TAG, false);
if (tag != null) {
if (tag[1] === '<') {
return {
verbatim: tag.slice(2, -1)
} else {
const _tag$match = tag.match(/^(.*!)([^!]*)$/),
_tag$match2 = _slicedToArray(_tag$match, 3),

@@ -378,32 +310,67 @@ _ = _tag$match2[0],

return {
handle: handle,
suffix: suffix
return {
return null;
}, {
key: "valueRangeContainsNewline",
get: function get() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return false;
var _this$valueRange2 = this.valueRange,
return null;
get valueRangeContainsNewline() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return false;
const _this$valueRange2 = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange2.start,
end = _this$valueRange2.end;
var src = this.context.src;
const src = this.context.src;
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (src[i] === '\n') return true;
for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (src[i] === '\n') return true;
return false;
return false;
parseComment(start) {
const src = this.context.src;
if (src[start] === Char.COMMENT) {
const end = Node.endOfLine(src, start + 1);
const commentRange = new _Range.default(start, end);
return end;
return Node;
return start;
* Populates the `origStart` and `origEnd` values of all ranges for this
* node. Extended by child classes to handle descendant nodes.
* @param {number[]} cr - Positions of dropped CR characters
* @param {number} offset - Starting index of `cr` from the last call
* @returns {number} - The next offset, matching the one found for `origStart`
setOrigRanges(cr, offset) {
if (this.range) offset = this.range.setOrigRange(cr, offset);
this.valueRange.setOrigRange(cr, offset);
this.props.forEach(prop => prop.setOrigRange(cr, offset));
return offset;
toString() {
const src = this.context.src,
range = this.range,
value = this.value;
if (value != null) return value;
const str = src.slice(range.start, range.end);
return Node.addStringTerminator(src, range.end, str);
exports.default = Node;

@@ -16,11 +16,19 @@ "use strict";

function parse(src) {
if (src.indexOf('\r') !== -1) src = src.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n');
var context = new _ParseContext.default({
src: src
const cr = [];
if (src.indexOf('\r') !== -1) {
src = src.replace(/\r\n?/g, (match, offset) => {
if (match.length > 1) cr.push(offset);
return '\n';
const context = new _ParseContext.default({
var documents = [];
var offset = 0;
const documents = [];
let offset = 0;
while (offset < src.length) {
var doc = new _Document.default();
const doc = new _Document.default();
offset = doc.parse(context, offset);

@@ -30,7 +38,20 @@ documents.push(doc);

documents.toString = function () {
return documents.join('...\n');
documents.setOrigRanges = () => {
if (cr.length === 0) return false;
for (let i = 1; i < cr.length; ++i) cr[i] -= i;
let crOffset = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; ++i) {
crOffset = documents[i].setOrigRanges(cr, crOffset);
cr.splice(0, cr.length);
return true;
documents.toString = () => documents.join('...\n');
return documents;

@@ -34,8 +34,2 @@ "use strict";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }

@@ -52,71 +46,59 @@

var ParseContext =
function () {
_createClass(ParseContext, null, [{
key: "parseType",
value: function parseType(src, offset, inFlow) {
switch (src[offset]) {
case '*':
return _Node.Type.ALIAS;
class ParseContext {
static parseType(src, offset, inFlow) {
switch (src[offset]) {
case '*':
return _Node.Type.ALIAS;
case '>':
return _Node.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED;
case '>':
return _Node.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED;
case '|':
return _Node.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL;
case '|':
return _Node.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL;
case '{':
return _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP;
case '{':
return _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP;
case '[':
return _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ;
case '[':
return _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ;
case '?':
return !inFlow && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1) ? _Node.Type.MAP_KEY : _Node.Type.PLAIN;
case '?':
return !inFlow && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1) ? _Node.Type.MAP_KEY : _Node.Type.PLAIN;
case ':':
return !inFlow && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1) ? _Node.Type.MAP_VALUE : _Node.Type.PLAIN;
case ':':
return !inFlow && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1) ? _Node.Type.MAP_VALUE : _Node.Type.PLAIN;
case '-':
return !inFlow && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1) ? _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM : _Node.Type.PLAIN;
case '-':
return !inFlow && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1) ? _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM : _Node.Type.PLAIN;
case '"':
return _Node.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE;
case '"':
return _Node.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE;
case "'":
return _Node.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE;
case "'":
return _Node.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE;
return _Node.Type.PLAIN;
return _Node.Type.PLAIN;
function ParseContext() {
var _this = this;
constructor(orig = {}, {
} = {}) {
_defineProperty(this, "parseNode", (overlay, start) => {
if (_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(this.src, start)) return null;
const context = new ParseContext(this, overlay);
var orig = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
const _context$parseProps = context.parseProps(start),
props = _context$parseProps.props,
type = _context$parseProps.type,
valueStart = _context$parseProps.valueStart;
var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
atLineStart = _ref.atLineStart,
inCollection = _ref.inCollection,
inFlow = _ref.inFlow,
indent = _ref.indent,
lineStart = _ref.lineStart,
parent = _ref.parent;
let node;
_classCallCheck(this, ParseContext);
_defineProperty(this, "parseNode", function (overlay, start) {
if (_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(_this.src, start)) return null;
var context = new ParseContext(_this, overlay);
var _context$parseProps = context.parseProps(start),
props = _context$parseProps.props,
type = _context$parseProps.type,
valueStart = _context$parseProps.valueStart;
var node;
switch (type) {

@@ -157,3 +139,3 @@ case _Node.Type.ALIAS:

node.error = new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(node, "Unknown node type: ".concat(JSON.stringify(type)));
node.error = new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(node, `Unknown node type: ${JSON.stringify(type)}`);
node.range = new _Range.default(start, start + 1);

@@ -163,7 +145,7 @@ return node;

var offset = node.parse(context, valueStart);
var nodeEnd = _this.src[offset] === '\n' ? offset + 1 : offset;
let offset = node.parse(context, valueStart);
let nodeEnd = this.src[offset] === '\n' ? offset + 1 : offset;
if (nodeEnd <= start) {
node.error = new Error("Node#parse consumed no characters");
node.error = new Error(`Node#parse consumed no characters`);
node.error.parseEnd = nodeEnd;

@@ -181,3 +163,3 @@ node.error.source = node;

var collection = new _Collection.default(node);
const collection = new _Collection.default(node);
offset = collection.parse(new ParseContext(context), offset);

@@ -201,100 +183,94 @@ collection.range = new _Range.default(start, offset);

_createClass(ParseContext, [{
key: "nodeStartsCollection",
value: function nodeStartsCollection(node) {
var inCollection = this.inCollection,
get pretty() {
const obj = {
start: `${this.lineStart} + ${this.indent}`,
in: [],
parent: this.parent.type
if (!this.atLineStart) obj.start += ' + N';
if (this.inCollection)'collection');
if (this.inFlow)'flow');
return obj;
nodeStartsCollection(node) {
const inCollection = this.inCollection,
inFlow = this.inFlow,
src = this.src;
if (inCollection || inFlow) return false;
if (node instanceof _CollectionItem.default) return true; // check for implicit key
if (inCollection || inFlow) return false;
if (node instanceof _CollectionItem.default) return true; // check for implicit key
var offset = node.range.end;
if (src[offset] === '\n' || src[offset - 1] === '\n') return false;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
return src[offset] === ':';
} // Anchor and tag are before type, which determines the node implementation
// class; hence this intermediate step.
let offset = node.range.end;
if (src[offset] === '\n' || src[offset - 1] === '\n') return false;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
return src[offset] === ':';
} // Anchor and tag are before type, which determines the node implementation
// class; hence this intermediate step.
}, {
key: "parseProps",
value: function parseProps(offset) {
var inFlow = this.inFlow,
parseProps(offset) {
const inFlow = this.inFlow,
parent = this.parent,
src = this.src;
var props = [];
var lineHasProps = false;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
var ch = src[offset];
const props = [];
let lineHasProps = false;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
let ch = src[offset];
while (ch === _Node.Char.ANCHOR || ch === _Node.Char.COMMENT || ch === _Node.Char.TAG || ch === '\n') {
if (ch === '\n') {
var lineStart = offset + 1;
while (ch === _Node.Char.ANCHOR || ch === _Node.Char.COMMENT || ch === _Node.Char.TAG || ch === '\n') {
if (ch === '\n') {
const lineStart = offset + 1;
var inEnd = _Node.default.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
const inEnd = _Node.default.endOfIndent(src, lineStart);
var indentDiff = inEnd - (lineStart + this.indent);
var noIndicatorAsIndent = parent.type === _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM && parent.context.atLineStart;
if (!_Node.default.nextNodeIsIndented(src[inEnd], indentDiff, !noIndicatorAsIndent)) break;
this.atLineStart = true;
this.lineStart = lineStart;
lineHasProps = false;
offset = inEnd;
} else if (ch === _Node.Char.COMMENT) {
var end = _Node.default.endOfLine(src, offset + 1);
const indentDiff = inEnd - (lineStart + this.indent);
const noIndicatorAsIndent = parent.type === _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM && parent.context.atLineStart;
if (!_Node.default.nextNodeIsIndented(src[inEnd], indentDiff, !noIndicatorAsIndent)) break;
this.atLineStart = true;
this.lineStart = lineStart;
lineHasProps = false;
offset = inEnd;
} else if (ch === _Node.Char.COMMENT) {
const end = _Node.default.endOfLine(src, offset + 1);
props.push(new _Range.default(offset, end));
offset = end;
} else {
var _end = _Node.default.endOfIdentifier(src, offset + 1);
props.push(new _Range.default(offset, end));
offset = end;
} else {
let end = _Node.default.endOfIdentifier(src, offset + 1);
if (ch === _Node.Char.TAG && src[_end] === ',' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+,\d\d\d\d(-\d\d){0,2}\/\S/.test(src.slice(offset + 1, _end + 13))) {
// Let's presume we're dealing with a YAML 1.0 domain tag here, rather
// than an empty but '' private-tagged node in a flow collection
// followed without whitespace by a plain string starting with a year
// or date divided by something.
_end = _Node.default.endOfIdentifier(src, _end + 5);
props.push(new _Range.default(offset, _end));
lineHasProps = true;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, _end);
if (ch === _Node.Char.TAG && src[end] === ',' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+,\d\d\d\d(-\d\d){0,2}\/\S/.test(src.slice(offset + 1, end + 13))) {
// Let's presume we're dealing with a YAML 1.0 domain tag here, rather
// than an empty but '' private-tagged node in a flow collection
// followed without whitespace by a plain string starting with a year
// or date divided by something.
end = _Node.default.endOfIdentifier(src, end + 5);
ch = src[offset];
} // '- &a : b' has an anchor on an empty node
props.push(new _Range.default(offset, end));
lineHasProps = true;
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, end);
ch = src[offset];
} // '- &a : b' has an anchor on an empty node
if (lineHasProps && ch === ':' && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1)) offset -= 1;
var type = ParseContext.parseType(src, offset, inFlow);
return {
props: props,
type: type,
valueStart: offset
* Parses a node from the source
* @param {ParseContext} overlay
* @param {number} start - Index of first non-whitespace character for the node
* @returns {?Node} - null if at a document boundary
}, {
key: "pretty",
get: function get() {
var obj = {
start: "".concat(this.lineStart, " + ").concat(this.indent),
in: [],
parent: this.parent.type
if (!this.atLineStart) obj.start += ' + N';
if (this.inCollection)'collection');
if (this.inFlow)'flow');
return obj;
if (lineHasProps && ch === ':' && _Node.default.atBlank(src, offset + 1)) offset -= 1;
const type = ParseContext.parseType(src, offset, inFlow);
return {
valueStart: offset
* Parses a node from the source
* @param {ParseContext} overlay
* @param {number} start - Index of first non-whitespace character for the node
* @returns {?Node} - null if at a document boundary
return ParseContext;
exports.default = ParseContext;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));

@@ -15,174 +15,135 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class PlainValue extends _Node.default {
static endOfLine(src, start, inFlow) {
let ch = src[start];
let offset = start;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
while (ch && ch !== '\n') {
if (inFlow && (ch === '[' || ch === ']' || ch === '{' || ch === '}' || ch === ',')) break;
const next = src[offset + 1];
if (ch === ':' && (next === '\n' || next === '\t' || next === ' ' || next === ',')) break;
if ((ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') && next === '#') break;
offset += 1;
ch = next;
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
return offset;
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
get strValue() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
let _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange.start,
end = _this$valueRange.end;
const src = this.context.src;
let ch = src[end - 1];
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
while (start < end && (ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ')) ch = src[--end - 1];
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
ch = src[start];
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
while (start < end && (ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ')) ch = src[++start];
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
let str = '';
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
let ch = src[i];
var PlainValue =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(PlainValue, _Node);
if (ch === '\n') {
const _Node$foldNewline = _Node.default.foldNewline(src, i, -1),
fold = _Node$foldNewline.fold,
offset = _Node$foldNewline.offset;
function PlainValue() {
_classCallCheck(this, PlainValue);
str += fold;
i = offset;
} else if (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') {
// trim trailing whitespace
const wsStart = i;
let next = src[i + 1];
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(PlainValue).apply(this, arguments));
while (i < end && (next === ' ' || next === '\t')) {
i += 1;
next = src[i + 1];
if (next !== '\n') str += i > wsStart ? src.slice(wsStart, i + 1) : ch;
} else {
str += ch;
return str;
_createClass(PlainValue, [{
key: "parseBlockValue",
value: function parseBlockValue(start) {
var _this$context = this.context,
parseBlockValue(start) {
const _this$context = this.context,
indent = _this$context.indent,
inFlow = _this$context.inFlow,
src = _this$context.src;
var offset = start;
let offset = start;
for (var ch = src[offset]; ch === '\n'; ch = src[offset]) {
if (_Node2.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset + 1)) break;
for (let ch = src[offset]; ch === '\n'; ch = src[offset]) {
if (_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, offset + 1)) break;
var end = _Node2.default.endOfBlockIndent(src, indent, offset + 1);
const end = _Node.default.endOfBlockIndent(src, indent, offset + 1);
if (end === null || src[end] === '#') break;
offset = PlainValue.endOfLine(src, end, inFlow);
if (this.valueRange.isEmpty) this.valueRange.start = start;
this.valueRange.end = offset;
return offset;
if (end === null || src[end] === '#') break;
offset = PlainValue.endOfLine(src, end, inFlow);
* Parses a plain value from the source
* Accepted forms are:
* ```
* #comment
* first line
* first line #comment
* first line
* block
* lines
* #comment
* block
* lines
* ```
* where block lines are empty or have an indent level greater than `indent`.
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar, may be `\n`
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var inFlow = context.inFlow,
src = context.src;
var offset = start;
var ch = src[offset];
if (this.valueRange.isEmpty()) this.valueRange.start = start;
this.valueRange.end = offset;
return offset;
* Parses a plain value from the source
* Accepted forms are:
* ```
* #comment
* first line
* first line #comment
* first line
* block
* lines
* #comment
* block
* lines
* ```
* where block lines are empty or have an indent level greater than `indent`.
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar, may be `\n`
if (ch && ch !== '#' && ch !== '\n') {
offset = PlainValue.endOfLine(src, start, inFlow);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const inFlow = context.inFlow,
src = context.src;
let offset = start;
let ch = src[offset];
if (!this.hasComment || this.valueRange.isEmpty) {
offset = this.parseBlockValue(offset);
return offset;
if (ch && ch !== '#' && ch !== '\n') {
offset = PlainValue.endOfLine(src, start, inFlow);
}, {
key: "strValue",
get: function get() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
var _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange.start,
end = _this$valueRange.end;
var src = this.context.src;
var ch = src[end - 1];
while (start < end && (ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ')) {
ch = src[--end - 1];
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
ch = src[start];
while (start < end && (ch === '\n' || ch === '\t' || ch === ' ')) {
ch = src[++start];
var str = '';
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
var _ch = src[i];
if (_ch === '\n') {
var _Node$foldNewline = _Node2.default.foldNewline(src, i, -1),
fold = _Node$foldNewline.fold,
offset = _Node$foldNewline.offset;
str += fold;
i = offset;
} else if (_ch === ' ' || _ch === '\t') {
// trim trailing whitespace
var wsStart = i;
var next = src[i + 1];
while (i < end && (next === ' ' || next === '\t')) {
i += 1;
next = src[i + 1];
if (next !== '\n') str += i > wsStart ? src.slice(wsStart, i + 1) : _ch;
} else {
str += _ch;
return str;
if (!this.hasComment || this.valueRange.isEmpty()) {
offset = this.parseBlockValue(offset);
}], [{
key: "endOfLine",
value: function endOfLine(src, start, inFlow) {
var ch = src[start];
var offset = start;
while (ch && ch !== '\n') {
if (inFlow && (ch === '[' || ch === ']' || ch === '{' || ch === '}' || ch === ',')) break;
var next = src[offset + 1];
if (ch === ':' && (next === '\n' || next === '\t' || next === ' ' || next === ',')) break;
if ((ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') && next === '#') break;
offset += 1;
ch = next;
return offset;
return offset;
return PlainValue;
exports.default = PlainValue;

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));

@@ -17,92 +17,39 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class QuoteDouble extends _Node.default {
static endOfQuote(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset];
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
while (ch && ch !== '"') {
offset += ch === '\\' ? 2 : 1;
ch = src[offset];
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var QuoteDouble =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(QuoteDouble, _Node);
function QuoteDouble() {
_classCallCheck(this, QuoteDouble);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(QuoteDouble).apply(this, arguments));
return offset + 1;
* @returns {string | { str: string, errors: YAMLSyntaxError[] }}
_createClass(QuoteDouble, [{
key: "parseCharCode",
value: function parseCharCode(offset, length, errors) {
var src = this.context.src;
var cc = src.substr(offset, length);
var ok = cc.length === length && /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(cc);
var code = ok ? parseInt(cc, 16) : NaN;
if (isNaN(code)) {
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, "Invalid escape sequence ".concat(src.substr(offset - 2, length + 2))));
return src.substr(offset - 2, length + 2);
return String.fromCodePoint(code);
* Parses a "double quoted" value from the source
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var src = context.src;
var offset = QuoteDouble.endOfQuote(src, start + 1);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
return offset;
}, {
key: "strValue",
* @returns {string | { str: string, errors: YAMLSyntaxError[] }}
get: function get() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
var errors = [];
var _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
get strValue() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
const errors = [];
const _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange.start,
end = _this$valueRange.end;
var _this$context = this.context,
const _this$context = this.context,
indent = _this$context.indent,
src = _this$context.src;
if (src[end - 1] !== '"') errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, 'Missing closing "quote')); // Using String#replace is too painful with escaped newlines preceded by
// escaped backslashes; also, this should be faster.
if (src[end - 1] !== '"') errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, 'Missing closing "quote')); // Using String#replace is too painful with escaped newlines preceded by
// escaped backslashes; also, this should be faster.
var str = '';
let str = '';
for (var i = start + 1; i < end - 1; ++i) {
var ch = src[i];
for (let i = start + 1; i < end - 1; ++i) {
let ch = src[i];
if (ch === '\n') {
if (_Node2.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, i + 1)) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Document boundary indicators are not allowed within string values'));
if (ch === '\n') {
if (_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, i + 1)) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Document boundary indicators are not allowed within string values'));
var _Node$foldNewline = _Node2.default.foldNewline(src, i, indent),
const _Node$foldNewline = _Node.default.foldNewline(src, i, indent),
fold = _Node$foldNewline.fold,

@@ -112,159 +59,175 @@ offset = _Node$foldNewline.offset,

str += fold;
i = offset;
if (error) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Multi-line double-quoted string needs to be sufficiently indented'));
} else if (ch === '\\') {
i += 1;
str += fold;
i = offset;
if (error) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Multi-line double-quoted string needs to be sufficiently indented'));
} else if (ch === '\\') {
i += 1;
switch (src[i]) {
case '0':
str += '\0';
// null character
switch (src[i]) {
case '0':
str += '\0';
// null character
case 'a':
str += '\x07';
// bell character
case 'a':
str += '\x07';
// bell character
case 'b':
str += '\b';
// backspace
case 'b':
str += '\b';
// backspace
case 'e':
str += '\x1b';
// escape character
case 'e':
str += '\x1b';
// escape character
case 'f':
str += '\f';
// form feed
case 'f':
str += '\f';
// form feed
case 'n':
str += '\n';
// line feed
case 'n':
str += '\n';
// line feed
case 'r':
str += '\r';
// carriage return
case 'r':
str += '\r';
// carriage return
case 't':
str += '\t';
// horizontal tab
case 't':
str += '\t';
// horizontal tab
case 'v':
str += '\v';
// vertical tab
case 'v':
str += '\v';
// vertical tab
case 'N':
str += "\x85";
// Unicode next line
case 'N':
str += '\u0085';
// Unicode next line
case '_':
str += "\xA0";
// Unicode non-breaking space
case '_':
str += '\u00a0';
// Unicode non-breaking space
case 'L':
str += "\u2028";
// Unicode line separator
case 'L':
str += '\u2028';
// Unicode line separator
case 'P':
str += "\u2029";
// Unicode paragraph separator
case 'P':
str += '\u2029';
// Unicode paragraph separator
case ' ':
str += ' ';
case ' ':
str += ' ';
case '"':
str += '"';
case '"':
str += '"';
case '/':
str += '/';
case '/':
str += '/';
case '\\':
str += '\\';
case '\\':
str += '\\';
case '\t':
str += '\t';
case '\t':
str += '\t';
case 'x':
str += this.parseCharCode(i + 1, 2, errors);
i += 2;
case 'x':
str += this.parseCharCode(i + 1, 2, errors);
i += 2;
case 'u':
str += this.parseCharCode(i + 1, 4, errors);
i += 4;
case 'u':
str += this.parseCharCode(i + 1, 4, errors);
i += 4;
case 'U':
str += this.parseCharCode(i + 1, 8, errors);
i += 8;
case 'U':
str += this.parseCharCode(i + 1, 8, errors);
i += 8;
case '\n':
// skip escaped newlines, but still trim the following line
while (src[i + 1] === ' ' || src[i + 1] === '\t') {
i += 1;
case '\n':
// skip escaped newlines, but still trim the following line
while (src[i + 1] === ' ' || src[i + 1] === '\t') i += 1;
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, "Invalid escape sequence ".concat(src.substr(i - 1, 2))));
str += '\\' + src[i];
} else if (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') {
// trim trailing whitespace
var wsStart = i;
var next = src[i + 1];
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, `Invalid escape sequence ${src.substr(i - 1, 2)}`));
str += '\\' + src[i];
} else if (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') {
// trim trailing whitespace
const wsStart = i;
let next = src[i + 1];
while (next === ' ' || next === '\t') {
i += 1;
next = src[i + 1];
while (next === ' ' || next === '\t') {
i += 1;
next = src[i + 1];
if (next !== '\n') str += i > wsStart ? src.slice(wsStart, i + 1) : ch;
} else {
str += ch;
if (next !== '\n') str += i > wsStart ? src.slice(wsStart, i + 1) : ch;
} else {
str += ch;
return errors.length > 0 ? {
errors: errors,
str: str
} : str;
}], [{
key: "endOfQuote",
value: function endOfQuote(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
while (ch && ch !== '"') {
offset += ch === '\\' ? 2 : 1;
ch = src[offset];
return errors.length > 0 ? {
} : str;
return offset + 1;
parseCharCode(offset, length, errors) {
const src = this.context.src;
const cc = src.substr(offset, length);
const ok = cc.length === length && /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(cc);
const code = ok ? parseInt(cc, 16) : NaN;
if (isNaN(code)) {
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, `Invalid escape sequence ${src.substr(offset - 2, length + 2)}`));
return src.substr(offset - 2, length + 2);
return QuoteDouble;
return String.fromCodePoint(code);
* Parses a "double quoted" value from the source
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const src = context.src;
let offset = QuoteDouble.endOfQuote(src, start + 1);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
return offset;
exports.default = QuoteDouble;

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));

@@ -17,75 +17,41 @@ var _Range = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Range"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
class QuoteSingle extends _Node.default {
static endOfQuote(src, offset) {
let ch = src[offset];
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
while (ch) {
if (ch === "'") {
if (src[offset + 1] !== "'") break;
ch = src[offset += 2];
} else {
ch = src[offset += 1];
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var QuoteSingle =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(QuoteSingle, _Node);
function QuoteSingle() {
_classCallCheck(this, QuoteSingle);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(QuoteSingle).apply(this, arguments));
return offset + 1;
* @returns {string | { str: string, errors: YAMLSyntaxError[] }}
_createClass(QuoteSingle, [{
key: "parse",
* Parses a 'single quoted' value from the source
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar
value: function parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
var src = context.src;
var offset = QuoteSingle.endOfQuote(src, start + 1);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
offset = _Node2.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
return offset;
}, {
key: "strValue",
* @returns {string | { str: string, errors: YAMLSyntaxError[] }}
get: function get() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
var errors = [];
var _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
get strValue() {
if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null;
const errors = [];
const _this$valueRange = this.valueRange,
start = _this$valueRange.start,
end = _this$valueRange.end;
var _this$context = this.context,
const _this$context = this.context,
indent = _this$context.indent,
src = _this$context.src;
if (src[end - 1] !== "'") errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, "Missing closing 'quote"));
var str = '';
if (src[end - 1] !== "'") errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, "Missing closing 'quote"));
let str = '';
for (var i = start + 1; i < end - 1; ++i) {
var ch = src[i];
for (let i = start + 1; i < end - 1; ++i) {
let ch = src[i];
if (ch === '\n') {
if (_Node2.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, i + 1)) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Document boundary indicators are not allowed within string values'));
if (ch === '\n') {
if (_Node.default.atDocumentBoundary(src, i + 1)) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Document boundary indicators are not allowed within string values'));
var _Node$foldNewline = _Node2.default.foldNewline(src, i, indent),
const _Node$foldNewline = _Node.default.foldNewline(src, i, indent),
fold = _Node$foldNewline.fold,

@@ -95,51 +61,51 @@ offset = _Node$foldNewline.offset,

str += fold;
i = offset;
if (error) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Multi-line single-quoted string needs to be sufficiently indented'));
} else if (ch === "'") {
str += ch;
str += fold;
i = offset;
if (error) errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(this, 'Multi-line single-quoted string needs to be sufficiently indented'));
} else if (ch === "'") {
str += ch;
i += 1;
if (src[i] !== "'") errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, 'Unescaped single quote? This should not happen.'));
} else if (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') {
// trim trailing whitespace
const wsStart = i;
let next = src[i + 1];
while (next === ' ' || next === '\t') {
i += 1;
if (src[i] !== "'") errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(this, 'Unescaped single quote? This should not happen.'));
} else if (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t') {
// trim trailing whitespace
var wsStart = i;
var next = src[i + 1];
next = src[i + 1];
while (next === ' ' || next === '\t') {
i += 1;
next = src[i + 1];
if (next !== '\n') str += i > wsStart ? src.slice(wsStart, i + 1) : ch;
} else {
str += ch;
if (next !== '\n') str += i > wsStart ? src.slice(wsStart, i + 1) : ch;
} else {
str += ch;
return errors.length > 0 ? {
errors: errors,
str: str
} : str;
}], [{
key: "endOfQuote",
value: function endOfQuote(src, offset) {
var ch = src[offset];
while (ch) {
if (ch === "'") {
if (src[offset + 1] !== "'") break;
ch = src[offset += 2];
} else {
ch = src[offset += 1];
return errors.length > 0 ? {
} : str;
* Parses a 'single quoted' value from the source
* @param {ParseContext} context
* @param {number} start - Index of first character
* @returns {number} - Index of the character after this scalar
return offset + 1;
return QuoteSingle;
parse(context, start) {
this.context = context;
const src = context.src;
let offset = QuoteSingle.endOfQuote(src, start + 1);
this.valueRange = new _Range.default(start, offset);
offset = _Node.default.endOfWhiteSpace(src, offset);
offset = this.parseComment(offset);
return offset;
exports.default = QuoteSingle;

@@ -8,45 +8,55 @@ "use strict";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
class Range {
static copy(orig) {
return new Range(orig.start, orig.end);
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
constructor(start, end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end || start;
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
isEmpty() {
return typeof this.start !== 'number' || !this.end || this.end <= this.start;
* Set `origStart` and `origEnd` to point to the original source range for
* this node, which may differ due to dropped CR characters.
* @param {number[]} cr - Positions of dropped CR characters
* @param {number} offset - Starting index of `cr` from the last call
* @returns {number} - The next offset, matching the one found for `origStart`
var Range =
function () {
_createClass(Range, null, [{
key: "copy",
value: function copy(orig) {
return new Range(orig.start, orig.end);
setOrigRange(cr, offset) {
const start = this.start,
end = this.end;
if (cr.length === 0 || end <= cr[0]) {
this.origStart = start;
this.origEnd = end;
return offset;
function Range(start, end) {
_classCallCheck(this, Range);
let i = offset;
this.start = start;
this.end = end || start;
while (i < cr.length) {
if (cr[i] > start) break;else ++i;
_createClass(Range, [{
key: "apply",
value: function apply(src) {
return this.isEmpty ? '' : src.slice(this.start, this.end);
this.origStart = start + i;
const nextOffset = i;
while (i < cr.length) {
// if end was at \n, it should now be at \r
if (cr[i] >= end) break;else ++i;
}, {
key: "isEmpty",
get: function get() {
return typeof this.start !== 'number' || !this.end || this.end <= this.start;
}, {
key: "length",
get: function get() {
return this.isEmpty ? 0 : this.end - this.start;
return Range;
this.origEnd = end + i;
return nextOffset;
exports.default = Range;

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "use strict";

var _toJSON2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./toJSON"));
var _toJSON = _interopRequireDefault(require("./toJSON"));

@@ -41,20 +41,8 @@ var _Scalar = _interopRequireDefault(require("./schema/Scalar"));

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var isCollectionItem = function isCollectionItem(node) {
return node && [_Node.Type.MAP_KEY, _Node.Type.MAP_VALUE, _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM].includes(node.type);
const isCollectionItem = node => node && [_Node.Type.MAP_KEY, _Node.Type.MAP_VALUE, _Node.Type.SEQ_ITEM].includes(node.type);
var Document =
function () {
function Document(options) {
_classCallCheck(this, Document);
class Document {
constructor(options) {
this.anchors = new _Anchors.default();

@@ -72,511 +60,465 @@ this.commentBefore = null;

_createClass(Document, [{
key: "getDefaults",
value: function getDefaults() {
return Document.defaults[this.version] || Document.defaults[this.options.version] || {};
}, {
key: "setSchema",
value: function setSchema() {
if (!this.schema) this.schema = new _schema.default(Object.assign({}, this.getDefaults(), this.options));
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function parse(_ref) {
var _this = this;
getDefaults() {
return Document.defaults[this.version] || Document.defaults[this.options.version] || {};
var _ref$directives = _ref.directives,
directives = _ref$directives === void 0 ? [] : _ref$directives,
_ref$contents = _ref.contents,
contents = _ref$contents === void 0 ? [] : _ref$contents,
error = _ref.error,
valueRange = _ref.valueRange;
setSchema() {
if (!this.schema) this.schema = new _schema.default(Object.assign({}, this.getDefaults(), this.options));
if (error) {
if (!error.source) error.source = this;
parse(node) {
if (this.options.keepCstNodes) this.cstNode = node;
if (this.options.keepNodeTypes) this.type = "DOCUMENT";
const _node$directives = node.directives,
directives = _node$directives === void 0 ? [] : _node$directives,
_node$contents = node.contents,
contents = _node$contents === void 0 ? [] : _node$contents,
error = node.error,
valueRange = node.valueRange;
var directiveComments = [];
directives.forEach(function (directive) {
var comment = directive.comment,
if (error) {
if (!error.source) error.source = this;
const directiveComments = [];
directives.forEach(directive => {
const comment = directive.comment,
name =;
switch (name) {
case 'TAG':
switch (name) {
case 'TAG':
case 'YAML':
case 'YAML:1.0':
case 'YAML':
case 'YAML:1.0':
if (name) {
const msg = `YAML only supports %TAG and %YAML directives, and not %${name}`;
this.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(directive, msg));
if (name) {
var msg = "YAML only supports %TAG and %YAML directives, and not %".concat(name);
if (comment) directiveComments.push(comment);
this.range = valueRange ? [valueRange.start, valueRange.end] : null;
this.anchors._cstAliases = [];
this.commentBefore = directiveComments.join('\n') || null;
const comments = {
before: [],
after: []
const contentNodes = [];
contents.forEach(node => {
if (node.valueRange) {
if (contentNodes.length === 1) {
const msg = 'Document is not valid YAML (bad indentation?)';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(node, msg));
_this.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(directive, msg));
} else if (node.comment) {
const cc = contentNodes.length === 0 ? comments.before : comments.after;
switch (contentNodes.length) {
case 0:
this.contents = null;
comments.after = comments.before;
if (comment) directiveComments.push(comment);
this.range = valueRange ? [valueRange.start, valueRange.end] : null;
this.anchors._cstAliases = [];
this.commentBefore = directiveComments.join('\n') || null;
var comments = {
before: [],
after: []
var contentNodes = [];
contents.forEach(function (node) {
if (node.valueRange && !node.valueRange.isEmpty) {
if (contentNodes.length === 1) {
var msg = 'Document is not valid YAML (bad indentation?)';
case 1:
this.contents = contentNodes[0];
_this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(node, msg));
if (this.contents) {
const cb = comments.before.join('\n') || null;
if (cb) {
const cbNode = this.contents instanceof _Collection.default && this.contents.items[0] ? this.contents.items[0] : this.contents;
cbNode.commentBefore = cbNode.commentBefore ? `${cb}\n${cbNode.commentBefore}` : cb;
} else if (node.comment) {
var cc = contentNodes.length === 0 ? comments.before : comments.after;
} else {
comments.after = comments.before.concat(comments.after);
switch (contentNodes.length) {
case 0:
this.contents = null;
comments.after = comments.before;
case 1:
this.contents = contentNodes[0];
this.contents = contentNodes;
if (this.contents) {
var cb = comments.before.join('\n') || null;
if (this.contents[0]) {
this.contents[0].commentBefore = comments.before.join('\n') || null;
} else {
comments.after = comments.before.concat(comments.after);
if (cb) {
var cbNode = this.contents instanceof _Collection.default && this.contents.items[0] ? this.contents.items[0] : this.contents;
cbNode.commentBefore = cbNode.commentBefore ? "".concat(cb, "\n").concat(cbNode.commentBefore) : cb;
} else {
comments.after = comments.before.concat(comments.after);
this.comment = comments.after.join('\n') || null;
return this;
this.contents = contentNodes;
if (this.contents[0]) {
this.contents[0].commentBefore = comments.before.join('\n') || null;
} else {
comments.after = comments.before.concat(comments.after);
this.comment = comments.after.join('\n') || null;
return this;
}, {
key: "resolveTagDirective",
value: function resolveTagDirective(directive) {
var _directive$parameters = _slicedToArray(directive.parameters, 2),
resolveTagDirective(directive) {
const _directive$parameters = _slicedToArray(directive.parameters, 2),
handle = _directive$parameters[0],
prefix = _directive$parameters[1];
if (handle && prefix) {
if (this.tagPrefixes.every(function (p) {
return p.handle !== handle;
})) {
handle: handle,
prefix: prefix
} else {
var msg = 'The %TAG directive must only be given at most once per handle in the same document.';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, msg));
if (handle && prefix) {
if (this.tagPrefixes.every(p => p.handle !== handle)) {
} else {
var _msg = 'Insufficient parameters given for %TAG directive';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, _msg));
const msg = 'The %TAG directive must only be given at most once per handle in the same document.';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, msg));
} else {
const msg = 'Insufficient parameters given for %TAG directive';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, msg));
}, {
key: "resolveYamlDirective",
value: function resolveYamlDirective(directive) {
var _directive$parameters2 = _slicedToArray(directive.parameters, 1),
version = _directive$parameters2[0];
if ( === 'YAML:1.0') version = '1.0';
resolveYamlDirective(directive) {
let _directive$parameters2 = _slicedToArray(directive.parameters, 1),
version = _directive$parameters2[0];
if (this.version) {
var msg = 'The %YAML directive must only be given at most once per document.';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, msg));
if ( === 'YAML:1.0') version = '1.0';
if (!version) {
var _msg2 = 'Insufficient parameters given for %YAML directive';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, _msg2));
} else {
if (!Document.defaults[version]) {
var v0 = this.version || this.options.version;
if (this.version) {
const msg = 'The %YAML directive must only be given at most once per document.';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, msg));
var _msg3 = "Document will be parsed as YAML ".concat(v0, " rather than YAML ").concat(version);
if (!version) {
const msg = 'Insufficient parameters given for %YAML directive';
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(directive, msg));
} else {
if (!Document.defaults[version]) {
const v0 = this.version || this.options.version;
const msg = `Document will be parsed as YAML ${v0} rather than YAML ${version}`;
this.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(directive, msg));
this.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(directive, _msg3));
this.version = version;
this.version = version;
}, {
key: "resolveTagName",
value: function resolveTagName(node) {
var tag = node.tag,
resolveTagName(node) {
const tag = node.tag,
type = node.type;
var nonSpecific = false;
let nonSpecific = false;
if (tag) {
var handle = tag.handle,
if (tag) {
const handle = tag.handle,
suffix = tag.suffix,
verbatim = tag.verbatim;
if (verbatim) {
if (verbatim !== '!' && verbatim !== '!!') return verbatim;
var msg = "Verbatim tags aren't resolved, so ".concat(verbatim, " is invalid.");
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
} else if (handle === '!' && !suffix) {
nonSpecific = true;
} else {
var prefix = this.tagPrefixes.find(function (p) {
return p.handle === handle;
if (verbatim) {
if (verbatim !== '!' && verbatim !== '!!') return verbatim;
const msg = `Verbatim tags aren't resolved, so ${verbatim} is invalid.`;
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
} else if (handle === '!' && !suffix) {
nonSpecific = true;
} else {
let prefix = this.tagPrefixes.find(p => p.handle === handle);
if (!prefix) {
var dtp = this.getDefaults().tagPrefixes;
if (dtp) prefix = dtp.find(function (p) {
return p.handle === handle;
if (!prefix) {
const dtp = this.getDefaults().tagPrefixes;
if (dtp) prefix = dtp.find(p => p.handle === handle);
if (prefix) {
if (suffix) {
if (handle === '!' && (this.version || this.options.version) === '1.0') {
if (suffix[0] === '^') return suffix;
if (prefix) {
if (suffix) {
if (handle === '!' && (this.version || this.options.version) === '1.0') {
if (suffix[0] === '^') return suffix;
if (/[:/]/.test(suffix)) {
// word/foo ->,2002:foo
var vocab = suffix.match(/^([a-z0-9-]+)\/(.*)/i);
return vocab ? "tag:".concat(vocab[1], ",2002:").concat(vocab[2]) : "tag:".concat(suffix);
if (/[:/]/.test(suffix)) {
// word/foo ->,2002:foo
const vocab = suffix.match(/^([a-z0-9-]+)\/(.*)/i);
return vocab ? `tag:${vocab[1]},2002:${vocab[2]}` : `tag:${suffix}`;
return prefix.prefix + decodeURIComponent(suffix);
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, "The ".concat(handle, " tag has no suffix.")));
} else {
var _msg4 = "The ".concat(handle, " tag handle is non-default and was not declared.");
return prefix.prefix + decodeURIComponent(suffix);
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, _msg4));
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, `The ${handle} tag has no suffix.`));
} else {
const msg = `The ${handle} tag handle is non-default and was not declared.`;
this.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
switch (type) {
case _Node.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED:
case _Node.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL:
case _Node.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE:
case _Node.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE:
return _schema.DefaultTags.STR;
switch (type) {
case _Node.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED:
case _Node.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL:
case _Node.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE:
case _Node.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE:
return _schema.DefaultTags.STR;
case _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP:
case _Node.Type.MAP:
return _schema.DefaultTags.MAP;
case _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP:
case _Node.Type.MAP:
return _schema.DefaultTags.MAP;
case _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ:
case _Node.Type.SEQ:
return _schema.DefaultTags.SEQ;
case _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ:
case _Node.Type.SEQ:
return _schema.DefaultTags.SEQ;
case _Node.Type.PLAIN:
return nonSpecific ? _schema.DefaultTags.STR : null;
case _Node.Type.PLAIN:
return nonSpecific ? _schema.DefaultTags.STR : null;
return null;
return null;
}, {
key: "resolveNode",
value: function resolveNode(node) {
if (!node) return null;
var anchors = this.anchors,
resolveNode(node) {
if (!node) return null;
const anchors = this.anchors,
errors = this.errors,
schema = this.schema;
var hasAnchor = false;
var hasTag = false;
var comments = {
before: [],
after: []
var props = isCollectionItem(node.context.parent) ? node.context.parent.props.concat(node.props) : node.props;
props.forEach(function (_ref2, i) {
var start = _ref2.start,
end = _ref2.end;
let hasAnchor = false;
let hasTag = false;
const comments = {
before: [],
after: []
const props = isCollectionItem(node.context.parent) ? node.context.parent.props.concat(node.props) : node.props;
}, i) => {
switch (node.context.src[start]) {
case _Node.Char.COMMENT:
if (!node.commentHasRequiredWhitespace(start)) {
const msg = 'Comments must be separated from other tokens by white space characters';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
switch (node.context.src[start]) {
case _Node.Char.COMMENT:
if (!node.commentHasRequiredWhitespace(start)) {
var msg = 'Comments must be separated from other tokens by white space characters';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
var c = node.context.src.slice(start + 1, end);
var header = node.header,
const c = node.context.src.slice(start + 1, end);
const header = node.header,
valueRange = node.valueRange;
if (valueRange && (start > valueRange.start || header && start > header.start)) {
} else {
if (valueRange && (start > valueRange.start || header && start > header.start)) {
} else {
case _Node.Char.ANCHOR:
if (hasAnchor) {
var _msg5 = 'A node can have at most one anchor';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, _msg5));
case _Node.Char.ANCHOR:
if (hasAnchor) {
const msg = 'A node can have at most one anchor';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
hasAnchor = true;
hasAnchor = true;
case _Node.Char.TAG:
if (hasTag) {
var _msg6 = 'A node can have at most one tag';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, _msg6));
case _Node.Char.TAG:
if (hasTag) {
const msg = 'A node can have at most one tag';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
hasTag = true;
hasTag = true;
if (hasAnchor) {
var name = node.anchor;
var prev = anchors.getNode(name); // At this point, aliases for any preceding node with the same anchor
// name have already been resolved, so it may safely be renamed.
if (hasAnchor) {
const name = node.anchor;
const prev = anchors.getNode(name); // At this point, aliases for any preceding node with the same anchor
// name have already been resolved, so it may safely be renamed.
if (prev)[anchors.newName(name)] = prev; // During parsing, we need to store the CST node in as
// anchors need to be available during resolution to allow for
// circular references.
if (prev)[anchors.newName(name)] = prev; // During parsing, we need to store the CST node in as
// anchors need to be available during resolution to allow for
// circular references.[name] = node;
}[name] = node;
var res;
let res;
if (node.type === _Node.Type.ALIAS) {
if (hasAnchor || hasTag) {
var msg = 'An alias node must not specify any properties';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
if (node.type === _Node.Type.ALIAS) {
if (hasAnchor || hasTag) {
const msg = 'An alias node must not specify any properties';
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, msg));
var _name = node.rawValue;
var src = anchors.getNode(_name);
const name = node.rawValue;
const src = anchors.getNode(name);
if (!src) {
var _msg7 = "Aliased anchor not found: ".concat(_name);
if (!src) {
const msg = `Aliased anchor not found: ${name}`;
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLReferenceError(node, msg));
return null;
} // Lazy resolution for circular references
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLReferenceError(node, _msg7));
return null;
} // Lazy resolution for circular references
res = new _Alias.default(src);
res = new _Alias.default(src);
if (!src.resolved) {
const msg = 'Alias node contains a circular reference, which cannot be resolved as JSON';
this.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(node, msg));
} else {
const tagName = this.resolveTagName(node);
if (!src.resolved) {
var _msg8 = 'Alias node contains a circular reference, which cannot be resolved as JSON';
this.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(node, _msg8));
if (tagName) {
res = schema.resolveNodeWithFallback(this, node, tagName);
} else {
if (node.type !== _Node.Type.PLAIN) {
const msg = `Failed to resolve ${node.type} node here`;
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(node, msg));
return null;
} else {
var tagName = this.resolveTagName(node);
if (tagName) {
res = schema.resolveNodeWithFallback(this, node, tagName);
} else {
if (node.type !== _Node.Type.PLAIN) {
var _msg9 = "Failed to resolve ".concat(node.type, " node here");
try {
res = schema.resolveScalar(node.strValue || '');
} catch (error) {
if (!error.source) error.source = node;
return null;
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(node, _msg9));
return null;
if (res) {
res.range = [node.range.start, node.range.end];
if (this.options.keepCstNodes) res.cstNode = node;
if (this.options.keepNodeTypes) res.type = node.type;
const cb = comments.before.join('\n');
try {
res = schema.resolveScalar(node.strValue || '');
} catch (error) {
if (!error.source) error.source = node;
return null;
if (cb) {
res.commentBefore = res.commentBefore ? `${res.commentBefore}\n${cb}` : cb;
if (res) {
res.range = [node.range.start, node.range.end];
if (this.options.keepCstNodes) res.cstNode = node;
if (this.options.keepNodeTypes) res.type = node.type;
var cb = comments.before.join('\n');
const ca = comments.after.join('\n');
if (ca) res.comment = res.comment ? `${res.comment}\n${ca}` : ca;
if (cb) {
res.commentBefore = res.commentBefore ? "".concat(res.commentBefore, "\n").concat(cb) : cb;
return node.resolved = res;
var ca = comments.after.join('\n');
if (ca) res.comment = res.comment ? "".concat(res.comment, "\n").concat(ca) : ca;
listNonDefaultTags() {
return (0, _listTagNames.default)(this.contents).filter(t => t.indexOf(_schema.defaultPrefix) !== 0);
return node.resolved = res;
}, {
key: "listNonDefaultTags",
value: function listNonDefaultTags() {
return (0, _listTagNames.default)(this.contents).filter(function (t) {
return t.indexOf(_schema.defaultPrefix) !== 0;
setTagPrefix(handle, prefix) {
if (handle[0] !== '!' || handle[handle.length - 1] !== '!') throw new Error('Handle must start and end with !');
if (prefix) {
const prev = this.tagPrefixes.find(p => p.handle === handle);
if (prev) prev.prefix = prefix;else this.tagPrefixes.push({
} else {
this.tagPrefixes = this.tagPrefixes.filter(p => p.handle !== handle);
}, {
key: "setTagPrefix",
value: function setTagPrefix(handle, prefix) {
if (handle[0] !== '!' || handle[handle.length - 1] !== '!') throw new Error('Handle must start and end with !');
if (prefix) {
var prev = this.tagPrefixes.find(function (p) {
return p.handle === handle;
if (prev) prev.prefix = prefix;else this.tagPrefixes.push({
handle: handle,
prefix: prefix
} else {
this.tagPrefixes = this.tagPrefixes.filter(function (p) {
return p.handle !== handle;
stringifyTag(tag) {
if ((this.version || this.options.version) === '1.0') {
const priv = tag.match(/^tag:private\.yaml\.org,2002:([^:/]+)$/);
if (priv) return '!' + priv[1];
const vocab = tag.match(/^tag:([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.yaml\.org,2002:(.*)/);
return vocab ? `!${vocab[1]}/${vocab[2]}` : `!${tag.replace(/^tag:/, '')}`;
} else {
let p = this.tagPrefixes.find(p => tag.indexOf(p.prefix) === 0);
if (!p) {
const dtp = this.getDefaults().tagPrefixes;
p = dtp && dtp.find(p => tag.indexOf(p.prefix) === 0);
if (!p) return tag[0] === '!' ? tag : `!<${tag}>`;
const suffix = tag.substr(p.prefix.length).replace(/[!,\[]{}]/g, ch => ({
'!': '%21',
',': '%2C',
'[': '%5B',
']': '%5D',
'{': '%7B',
'}': '%7D'
return p.handle + suffix;
}, {
key: "stringifyTag",
value: function stringifyTag(tag) {
if ((this.version || this.options.version) === '1.0') {
var priv = tag.match(/^tag:private\.yaml\.org,2002:([^:/]+)$/);
if (priv) return '!' + priv[1];
var vocab = tag.match(/^tag:([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.yaml\.org,2002:(.*)/);
return vocab ? "!".concat(vocab[1], "/").concat(vocab[2]) : "!".concat(tag.replace(/^tag:/, ''));
} else {
var p = this.tagPrefixes.find(function (p) {
return tag.indexOf(p.prefix) === 0;
if (!p) {
var dtp = this.getDefaults().tagPrefixes;
p = dtp && dtp.find(function (p) {
return tag.indexOf(p.prefix) === 0;
toJSON(arg) {
const cr = this.warnings.find(w => /circular reference/.test(w.message));
if (cr) throw new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cr.source, cr.message);
const keep = this.options.keepBlobsInJSON && (typeof arg !== 'string' || !(this.contents instanceof _Scalar.default));
return (0, _toJSON.default)(this.contents, arg, keep);
if (!p) return tag[0] === '!' ? tag : "!<".concat(tag, ">");
var suffix = tag.substr(p.prefix.length).replace(/[!,\[]{}]/g, function (ch) {
return {
'!': '%21',
',': '%2C',
'[': '%5B',
']': '%5D',
'{': '%7B',
'}': '%7D'
return p.handle + suffix;
toString() {
if (this.errors.length > 0) throw new Error('Document with errors cannot be stringified');
const lines = [];
if (this.commentBefore) lines.push(this.commentBefore.replace(/^/gm, '#'));
let hasDirectives = false;
if (this.version) {
let vd = '%YAML 1.2';
if ( === 'yaml-1.1') {
if (this.version === '1.0') vd = '%YAML:1.0';else if (this.version === '1.1') vd = '%YAML 1.1';
hasDirectives = true;
}, {
key: "toJSON",
value: function toJSON(arg) {
var cr = this.warnings.find(function (w) {
return /circular reference/.test(w.message);
if (cr) throw new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cr.source, cr.message);
var keep = this.options.keepBlobsInJSON && (typeof arg !== 'string' || !(this.contents instanceof _Scalar.default));
return (0, _toJSON2.default)(this.contents, arg, keep);
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString() {
if (this.errors.length > 0) throw new Error('Document with errors cannot be stringified');
var lines = [];
if (this.commentBefore) lines.push(this.commentBefore.replace(/^/gm, '#'));
var hasDirectives = false;
if (this.version) {
var vd = '%YAML 1.2';
if ( === 'yaml-1.1') {
if (this.version === '1.0') vd = '%YAML:1.0';else if (this.version === '1.1') vd = '%YAML 1.1';
const tagNames = this.listNonDefaultTags();
}) => {
if (tagNames.some(t => t.indexOf(prefix) === 0)) {
lines.push(`%TAG ${handle} ${prefix}`);
hasDirectives = true;
if (hasDirectives) lines.push('---');
const ctx = {
anchors: {},
doc: this,
indent: ''
var tagNames = this.listNonDefaultTags();
this.tagPrefixes.forEach(function (_ref3) {
var handle = _ref3.handle,
prefix = _ref3.prefix;
if (this.contents) {
if (this.contents.commentBefore) lines.push(this.contents.commentBefore.replace(/^/gm, '#')); // top-level block scalars need to be indented if followed by a comment
if (tagNames.some(function (t) {
return t.indexOf(prefix) === 0;
})) {
lines.push("%TAG ".concat(handle, " ").concat(prefix));
hasDirectives = true;
ctx.forceBlockIndent = !!this.comment;
let comment = this.contents.comment;
const body = this.schema.stringify(this.contents, ctx, () => {
comment = null;
if (hasDirectives) lines.push('---');
var ctx = {
anchors: {},
doc: this,
indent: ''
lines.push((0, _addComment.default)(body, '', comment));
} else if (this.contents !== undefined) {
lines.push(this.schema.stringify(this.contents, ctx));
if (this.contents) {
if (this.contents.commentBefore) lines.push(this.contents.commentBefore.replace(/^/gm, '#')); // top-level block scalars need to be indented if followed by a comment
if (this.comment) lines.push(this.comment.replace(/^/gm, '#'));
return lines.join('\n') + '\n';
ctx.forceBlockIndent = !!this.comment;
var comment = this.contents.comment;
var body = this.schema.stringify(this.contents, ctx, function () {
comment = null;
lines.push((0, _addComment.default)(body, '', comment));
} else if (this.contents !== undefined) {
lines.push(this.schema.stringify(this.contents, ctx));
if (this.comment) lines.push(this.comment.replace(/^/gm, '#'));
return lines.join('\n') + '\n';
return Document;
exports.default = Document;

@@ -583,0 +525,0 @@

@@ -12,32 +12,4 @@ "use strict";

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { var _cache = typeof Map === "function" ? new Map() : undefined; _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { if (Class === null) return null; if (typeof Class !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } if (typeof _cache !== "undefined") { if (_cache.has(Class)) return _cache.get(Class); _cache.set(Class, Wrapper); } function Wrapper() { return _construct(Class, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor); } Wrapper.prototype = Object.create(Class.prototype, { constructor: { value: Wrapper, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); return _setPrototypeOf(Wrapper, Class); }; return _wrapNativeSuper(Class); }
function isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }
function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { if (isNativeReflectConstruct()) { _construct = Reflect.construct; } else { _construct = function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { var a = [null]; a.push.apply(a, args); var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent, a); var instance = new Constructor(); if (Class) _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class.prototype); return instance; }; } return _construct.apply(null, arguments); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
var YAMLReferenceError =
function (_ReferenceError) {
_inherits(YAMLReferenceError, _ReferenceError);
function YAMLReferenceError(source, message) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, YAMLReferenceError);
class YAMLReferenceError extends ReferenceError {
constructor(source, message) {
if (!message || !(source instanceof _Node.default)) {

@@ -47,24 +19,14 @@ throw new Error('Invalid arguments for new YAMLReferenceError');

_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(YAMLReferenceError).call(this)); = 'YAMLReferenceError';
_this.message = message;
_this.source = source;
return _this;
super(); = 'YAMLReferenceError';
this.message = message;
this.source = source;
return YAMLReferenceError;
exports.YAMLReferenceError = YAMLReferenceError;
var YAMLSemanticError =
function (_SyntaxError) {
_inherits(YAMLSemanticError, _SyntaxError);
function YAMLSemanticError(source, message) {
var _this2;
_classCallCheck(this, YAMLSemanticError);
class YAMLSemanticError extends SyntaxError {
constructor(source, message) {
if (!message || !(source instanceof _Node.default)) {

@@ -74,24 +36,14 @@ throw new Error('Invalid arguments for new YAMLSemanticError');

_this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(YAMLSemanticError).call(this)); = 'YAMLSemanticError';
_this2.message = message;
_this2.source = source;
return _this2;
super(); = 'YAMLSemanticError';
this.message = message;
this.source = source;
return YAMLSemanticError;
exports.YAMLSemanticError = YAMLSemanticError;
var YAMLSyntaxError =
function (_SyntaxError2) {
_inherits(YAMLSyntaxError, _SyntaxError2);
function YAMLSyntaxError(source, message) {
var _this3;
_classCallCheck(this, YAMLSyntaxError);
class YAMLSyntaxError extends SyntaxError {
constructor(source, message) {
if (!message || !(source instanceof _Node.default)) {

@@ -101,24 +53,14 @@ throw new Error('Invalid arguments for new YAMLSyntaxError');

_this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(YAMLSyntaxError).call(this)); = 'YAMLSyntaxError';
_this3.message = message;
_this3.source = source;
return _this3;
super(); = 'YAMLSyntaxError';
this.message = message;
this.source = source;
return YAMLSyntaxError;
exports.YAMLSyntaxError = YAMLSyntaxError;
var YAMLWarning =
function (_Error) {
_inherits(YAMLWarning, _Error);
function YAMLWarning(source, message) {
var _this4;
_classCallCheck(this, YAMLWarning);
class YAMLWarning extends Error {
constructor(source, message) {
if (!message || !(source instanceof _Node.default)) {

@@ -128,12 +70,10 @@ throw new Error('Invalid arguments for new YAMLWarning');

_this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(YAMLWarning).call(this)); = 'YAMLWarning';
_this4.message = message;
_this4.source = source;
return _this4;
super(); = 'YAMLWarning';
this.message = message;
this.source = source;
return YAMLWarning;
exports.YAMLWarning = YAMLWarning;

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "use strict";

exports.FOLD_QUOTED = exports.FOLD_BLOCK = exports.FOLD_FLOW = void 0;
var FOLD_FLOW = 'flow';
const FOLD_FLOW = 'flow';
var FOLD_BLOCK = 'block';
const FOLD_BLOCK = 'block';
var FOLD_QUOTED = 'quoted';
const FOLD_QUOTED = 'quoted';

@@ -37,21 +37,20 @@ * Tries to keep input at up to `lineWidth` characters, splitting only on spaces

function foldFlowLines(text, indent, mode, _ref) {
var indentAtStart = _ref.indentAtStart,
_ref$lineWidth = _ref.lineWidth,
lineWidth = _ref$lineWidth === void 0 ? 80 : _ref$lineWidth,
_ref$minContentWidth = _ref.minContentWidth,
minContentWidth = _ref$minContentWidth === void 0 ? 20 : _ref$minContentWidth,
onFold = _ref.onFold,
onOverflow = _ref.onOverflow;
function foldFlowLines(text, indent, mode, {
lineWidth = 80,
minContentWidth = 20,
}) {
if (!lineWidth || lineWidth < 0) return text;
var endStep = Math.max(1 + minContentWidth, 1 + lineWidth - indent.length);
const endStep = Math.max(1 + minContentWidth, 1 + lineWidth - indent.length);
if (text.length <= endStep) return text;
var folds = [];
var escapedFolds = {};
var end = lineWidth - (typeof indentAtStart === 'number' ? indentAtStart : indent.length);
var split = undefined;
var prev = undefined;
var overflow = false;
const folds = [];
const escapedFolds = {};
let end = lineWidth - (typeof indentAtStart === 'number' ? indentAtStart : indent.length);
let split = undefined;
let prev = undefined;
let overflow = false;
for (var i = 0, ch = text[0]; ch; ch = text[i += 1]) {
for (let i = 0, ch = text[0]; ch; ch = text[i += 1]) {
if (mode === FOLD_QUOTED && ch === '\\') {

@@ -79,3 +78,3 @@ switch (text[i + 1]) {

// more-indented lines in blocks can't be folded
var next = text[i + 1];
let next = text[i + 1];

@@ -96,4 +95,4 @@ while (next === ' ' || next === '\t') {

// space surrounded by non-space can be replaced with newline + indent
var _next = text[i + 1];
if (_next && _next !== ' ' && _next !== '\n' && _next !== '\t') split = i;
const next = text[i + 1];
if (next && next !== ' ' && next !== '\n' && next !== '\t') split = i;

@@ -131,11 +130,9 @@

if (onFold) onFold();
var res = text.slice(0, folds[0]);
let res = text.slice(0, folds[0]);
for (var _i = 0; _i < folds.length; ++_i) {
var fold = folds[_i];
var _end = folds[_i + 1] || text.length;
if (mode === FOLD_QUOTED && escapedFolds[fold]) res += "".concat(text[fold], "\\");
res += "\n".concat(indent).concat(text.slice(fold + 1, _end));
for (let i = 0; i < folds.length; ++i) {
const fold = folds[i];
const end = folds[i + 1] || text.length;
if (mode === FOLD_QUOTED && escapedFolds[fold]) res += `${text[fold]}\\`;
res += `\n${indent}${text.slice(fold + 1, end)}`;

@@ -142,0 +139,0 @@

@@ -18,17 +18,3 @@ "use strict";

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var defaultOptions = {
const defaultOptions = {
keepNodeTypes: true,

@@ -40,28 +26,19 @@ keepBlobsInJSON: true,

var Document =
function (_YAMLDocument) {
_inherits(Document, _YAMLDocument);
function Document(options) {
_classCallCheck(this, Document);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Document).call(this, Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options)));
class Document extends _Document.default {
constructor(options) {
super(Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options));
return Document;
function parseAllDocuments(src, options) {
return (0, _parse.default)(src).map(function (cstDoc) {
return new Document(options).parse(cstDoc);
return (0, _parse.default)(src).map(cstDoc => new Document(options).parse(cstDoc));
function parseDocument(src, options) {
var cst = (0, _parse.default)(src);
var doc = new Document(options).parse(cst[0]);
const cst = (0, _parse.default)(src);
const doc = new Document(options).parse(cst[0]);
if (cst.length > 1) {
var errMsg = 'Source contains multiple documents; please use YAML.parseAllDocuments()';
const errMsg = 'Source contains multiple documents; please use YAML.parseAllDocuments()';
doc.errors.unshift(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst[1], errMsg));

@@ -74,6 +51,4 @@ }

function parse(src, options) {
var doc = parseDocument(src, options);
doc.warnings.forEach(function (warning) {
return console.warn(warning);
const doc = parseDocument(src, options);
doc.warnings.forEach(warning => console.warn(warning));
if (doc.errors.length > 0) throw doc.errors[0];

@@ -84,3 +59,3 @@ return doc.toJSON();

function stringify(value, options) {
var doc = new Document(options);
const doc = new Document(options);
doc.contents = value;

@@ -92,10 +67,10 @@ return String(doc);

createNode: _createNode.default,
defaultOptions: defaultOptions,
Document: Document,
parse: parse,
parseAllDocuments: parseAllDocuments,
parseCST: _parse.default,
parseDocument: parseDocument,
stringify: stringify
exports.default = _default;

@@ -16,13 +16,9 @@ "use strict";

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
const visit = (node, tags) => {
if (node && typeof node === 'object') {
const tag = node.tag;
var visit = function visit(node, tags) {
if (node && _typeof(node) === 'object') {
var tag = node.tag;
if (node instanceof _Collection.default) {
if (tag) tags[tag] = true;
node.items.forEach(function (n) {
return visit(n, tags);
node.items.forEach(n => visit(n, tags));
} else if (node instanceof _Pair.default) {

@@ -39,6 +35,4 @@ visit(node.key, tags);

var _default = function _default(node) {
return Object.keys(visit(node, {}));
var _default = node => Object.keys(visit(node, {}));
exports.default = _default;

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ "use strict";

// Published as 'yaml/types/binary'
var binary = {
const binary = {
class: Uint8Array,

@@ -30,15 +30,12 @@ // Buffer inherits from Uint8Array

resolve: function resolve(doc, node) {
resolve: (doc, node) => {
if (typeof Buffer === 'function') {
var src = (0, _string.resolve)(doc, node);
const src = (0, _string.resolve)(doc, node);
return Buffer.from(src, 'base64');
} else if (typeof atob === 'function') {
var _src = atob((0, _string.resolve)(doc, node));
const src = atob((0, _string.resolve)(doc, node));
const buffer = new Uint8Array(src.length);
var buffer = new Uint8Array(_src.length);
for (let i = 0; i < src.length; ++i) buffer[i] = src.charCodeAt(i);
for (var i = 0; i < _src.length; ++i) {
buffer[i] = _src.charCodeAt(i);
return buffer;

@@ -54,7 +51,8 @@ } else {

stringify: function stringify(_ref, ctx, onComment) {
var comment = _ref.comment,
type = _ref.type,
value = _ref.value;
var src;
stringify: ({
}, ctx, onComment) => {
let src;

@@ -64,7 +62,5 @@ if (typeof Buffer === 'function') {

} else if (typeof btoa === 'function') {
var s = '';
let s = '';
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
s += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]);
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) s += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]);

@@ -81,8 +77,8 @@ src = btoa(s);

} else {
var lineWidth = binary.options.lineWidth;
var n = Math.ceil(src.length / lineWidth);
var lines = new Array(n);
const lineWidth = binary.options.lineWidth;
const n = Math.ceil(src.length / lineWidth);
const lines = new Array(n);
for (var _i = 0, o = 0; _i < n; ++_i, o += lineWidth) {
lines[_i] = src.substr(o, lineWidth);
for (let i = 0, o = 0; i < n; ++i, o += lineWidth) {
lines[i] = src.substr(o, lineWidth);

@@ -94,5 +90,5 @@

return (0, _string.stringify)({
comment: comment,
type: type,
value: value
}, ctx, onComment);

@@ -99,0 +95,0 @@ }

@@ -17,5 +17,4 @@ "use strict";

var strOptions = {
const strOptions = {
defaultType: _Node.Type.PLAIN,
dropCR: false,
doubleQuoted: {

@@ -32,8 +31,23 @@ jsonEncoding: false,

var resolve = function resolve(doc, node) {
const lineLengthOverLimit = (str, limit) => {
const strLen = str.length;
if (strLen <= limit) return false;
for (let i = 0, start = 0; i < strLen; ++i) {
if (str[i] === '\n') {
if (i - start > limit) return true;
start = i + 1;
if (strLen - start <= limit) return false;
return true;
const resolve = (doc, node) => {
// on error, will return { str: string, errors: Error[] }
var res = node.strValue;
const res = node.strValue;
if (!res) return '';
if (typeof res === 'string') return res;
res.errors.forEach(function (error) {
res.errors.forEach(error => {
if (!error.source) error.source = node;

@@ -47,12 +61,15 @@ doc.errors.push(error);

function doubleQuotedString(value, indent, oneLine) {
var _strOptions$doubleQuo = strOptions.doubleQuoted,
jsonEncoding = _strOptions$doubleQuo.jsonEncoding,
minMultiLineLength = _strOptions$doubleQuo.minMultiLineLength;
var json = JSON.stringify(value);
function doubleQuotedString(value, {
}) {
const _strOptions$doubleQuo = strOptions.doubleQuoted,
jsonEncoding = _strOptions$doubleQuo.jsonEncoding,
minMultiLineLength = _strOptions$doubleQuo.minMultiLineLength;
const json = JSON.stringify(value);
if (jsonEncoding) return json;
var str = '';
var start = 0;
let str = '';
let start = 0;
for (var i = 0, ch = json[i]; ch; ch = json[++i]) {
for (let i = 0, ch = json[i]; ch; ch = json[++i]) {
if (ch === ' ' && json[i + 1] === '\\' && json[i + 2] === 'n') {

@@ -69,3 +86,3 @@ // space before newline needs to be escaped to not be folded

str += json.slice(start, i);
var code = json.substr(i + 2, 4);
const code = json.substr(i + 2, 4);

@@ -114,3 +131,3 @@ switch (code) {

case 'n':
if (oneLine || json[i + 2] === '"' || json.length < minMultiLineLength) {
if (implicitKey || json[i + 2] === '"' || json.length < minMultiLineLength) {
i += 1;

@@ -141,33 +158,41 @@ } else {

str = start ? str + json.slice(start) : json;
return oneLine ? str : (0, _foldFlowLines.default)(str, indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_QUOTED, strOptions.fold);
return implicitKey ? str : (0, _foldFlowLines.default)(str, indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_QUOTED, strOptions.fold);
function singleQuotedString(value, indent, oneLine) {
if (oneLine) {
if (/\n/.test(value)) return doubleQuotedString(value, indent, true);
function singleQuotedString(value, ctx) {
const indent = ctx.indent,
implicitKey = ctx.implicitKey;
if (implicitKey) {
if (/\n/.test(value)) return doubleQuotedString(value, ctx);
} else {
// single quoted string can't have leading or trailing whitespace around newline
if (/[ \t]\n|\n[ \t]/.test(value)) return doubleQuotedString(value, indent, false);
if (/[ \t]\n|\n[ \t]/.test(value)) return doubleQuotedString(value, ctx);
value = "'" + value.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/\n+/g, "$&\n".concat(indent)) + "'";
return oneLine ? value : (0, _foldFlowLines.default)(value, indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_FLOW, strOptions.fold);
const res = "'" + value.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/\n+/g, `$&\n${indent}`) + "'";
return implicitKey ? res : (0, _foldFlowLines.default)(res, indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_FLOW, strOptions.fold);
function blockString(value, indent, literal, forceBlockIndent, comment, onComment) {
// Block can't end in whitespace unless the last line is non-empty
// Strings consisting of only whitespace are best rendered explicitly
function blockString({
}, ctx, onComment) {
// 1. Block can't end in whitespace unless the last line is non-empty.
// 2. Strings consisting of only whitespace are best rendered explicitly.
if (/\n[\t ]+$/.test(value) || /^\s*$/.test(value)) {
return doubleQuotedString(value, indent, false);
return doubleQuotedString(value, ctx);
if (forceBlockIndent && !indent) indent = ' ';
var indentSize = indent ? '2' : '1'; // root is at -1
const indent = ctx.indent || (ctx.forceBlockIndent ? ' ' : '');
const indentSize = indent ? '2' : '1'; // root is at -1
var header = literal ? '|' : '>';
const literal = type === _Node.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED ? false : type === _Node.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL ? true : !lineLengthOverLimit(value, strOptions.fold.lineWidth - indent.length);
let header = literal ? '|' : '>';
if (!value) return header + '\n';
var wsStart = '';
var wsEnd = '';
value = value.replace(/[\n\t ]*$/, function (ws) {
var n = ws.indexOf('\n');
let wsStart = '';
let wsEnd = '';
value = value.replace(/[\n\t ]*$/, ws => {
const n = ws.indexOf('\n');

@@ -182,5 +207,5 @@ if (n === -1) {

return '';
}).replace(/^[\n ]*/, function (ws) {
}).replace(/^[\n ]*/, ws => {
if (ws.indexOf(' ') !== -1) header += indentSize;
var m = ws.match(/ +$/);
const m = ws.match(/ +$/);

@@ -195,4 +220,4 @@ if (m) {

if (wsEnd) wsEnd = wsEnd.replace(/\n+(?!\n|$)/g, "$&".concat(indent));
if (wsStart) wsStart = wsStart.replace(/\n+/g, "$&".concat(indent));
if (wsEnd) wsEnd = wsEnd.replace(/\n+(?!\n|$)/g, `$&${indent}`);
if (wsStart) wsStart = wsStart.replace(/\n+/g, `$&${indent}`);

@@ -204,7 +229,7 @@ if (comment) {

if (!value) return "".concat(header).concat(indentSize, "\n").concat(indent).concat(wsEnd);
if (!value) return `${header}${indentSize}\n${indent}${wsEnd}`;
if (literal) {
value = value.replace(/\n+/g, "$&".concat(indent));
return "".concat(header, "\n").concat(indent).concat(wsStart).concat(value).concat(wsEnd);
value = value.replace(/\n+/g, `$&${indent}`);
return `${header}\n${indent}${wsStart}${value}${wsEnd}`;

@@ -214,10 +239,18 @@

// ^ ind.line ^ empty ^ capture next empty lines only at end of indent
.replace(/\n+/g, "$&".concat(indent));
var body = (0, _foldFlowLines.default)("".concat(wsStart).concat(value).concat(wsEnd), indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_BLOCK, strOptions.fold);
return "".concat(header, "\n").concat(indent).concat(body);
.replace(/\n+/g, `$&${indent}`);
const body = (0, _foldFlowLines.default)(`${wsStart}${value}${wsEnd}`, indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_BLOCK, strOptions.fold);
return `${header}\n${indent}${body}`;
function plainString(value, indent, implicitKey, inFlow, forceBlockIndent, tags, comment, onComment) {
function plainString(item, ctx, onComment) {
const comment = item.comment,
type = item.type,
value = item.value;
const implicitKey = ctx.implicitKey,
indent = ctx.indent,
inFlow = ctx.inFlow,
tags = ctx.tags;
if (implicitKey && /[\n[\]{},]/.test(value) || inFlow && /[[\]{},]/.test(value)) {
return doubleQuotedString(value, indent, implicitKey);
return doubleQuotedString(value, ctx);

@@ -232,13 +265,18 @@

// - end with ' '
return implicitKey || inFlow ? doubleQuotedString(value, indent, implicitKey) : blockString(value, indent, false, forceBlockIndent, comment, onComment);
return implicitKey || inFlow || value.indexOf('\n') === -1 ? value.indexOf('"') !== -1 && value.indexOf("'") === -1 ? singleQuotedString(value, ctx) : doubleQuotedString(value, ctx) : blockString(item, ctx, onComment);
if (!implicitKey && !inFlow && type !== _Node.Type.PLAIN && value.indexOf('\n') !== -1) {
// Where allowed & type not set explicitly, prefer block style for multiline strings
return blockString(item, ctx, onComment);
} // Need to verify that output will be parsed as a string
var str = value.replace(/\n+/g, "$&\n".concat(indent));
const str = value.replace(/\n+/g, `$&\n${indent}`);
if (typeof tags.resolveScalar(str).value !== 'string') {
return doubleQuotedString(value, indent, implicitKey);
return doubleQuotedString(value, ctx);
var body = implicitKey ? str : (0, _foldFlowLines.default)(str, indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_FLOW, strOptions.fold);
const body = implicitKey ? str : (0, _foldFlowLines.default)(str, indent, _foldFlowLines.FOLD_FLOW, strOptions.fold);

@@ -253,36 +291,31 @@ if (comment && !inFlow && (body.indexOf('\n') !== -1 || comment.indexOf('\n') !== -1)) {

function stringify(_ref) {
var comment = _ref.comment,
type = _ref.type,
value = _ref.value;
function stringify(item, ctx, onComment) {
const defaultType = strOptions.defaultType;
const implicitKey = ctx.implicitKey,
inFlow = ctx.inFlow;
let _item = item,
type = _item.type,
value = _item.value;
var _ref2 = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
forceBlockIndent = _ref2.forceBlockIndent,
implicitKey = _ref2.implicitKey,
indent = _ref2.indent,
inFlow = _ref2.inFlow,
tags = _ref2.tags;
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
value = String(value);
item = Object.assign({}, item, {
var onComment = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
var dropCR = strOptions.dropCR,
defaultType = strOptions.defaultType;
if (typeof value !== 'string') value = String(value);
if (dropCR && /\r/.test(value)) value = value.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n');
var _stringify = function _stringify(_type) {
const _stringify = _type => {
switch (_type) {
case _Node.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED:
return blockString(value, indent, false, forceBlockIndent, comment, onComment);
case _Node.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL:
return blockString(value, indent, true, forceBlockIndent, comment, onComment);
return blockString(item, ctx, onComment);
case _Node.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE:
return doubleQuotedString(value, indent, implicitKey, comment);
return doubleQuotedString(value, ctx);
case _Node.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE:
return singleQuotedString(value, indent, implicitKey, comment);
return singleQuotedString(value, ctx);
case _Node.Type.PLAIN:
return plainString(value, indent, implicitKey, inFlow, forceBlockIndent, tags, comment, onComment);
return plainString(item, ctx, onComment);

@@ -302,7 +335,7 @@ default:

var res = _stringify(type);
let res = _stringify(type);
if (res === null) {
res = _stringify(defaultType);
if (res === null) throw new Error("Unsupported default string type ".concat(defaultType));
if (res === null) throw new Error(`Unsupported default string type ${defaultType}`);

@@ -313,10 +346,10 @@

var str = {
const str = {
class: String,
default: true,
tag: ',2002:str',
resolve: resolve,
stringify: stringify,
options: strOptions
exports.str = str;

@@ -11,6 +11,4 @@ "use strict";

// Published as 'yaml/types/timestamp'
var parseSexagesimal = function parseSexagesimal(sign, parts) {
var n = parts.split(':').reduce(function (n, p) {
return n * 60 + Number(p);
}, 0);
const parseSexagesimal = (sign, parts) => {
const n = parts.split(':').reduce((n, p) => n * 60 + Number(p), 0);
return sign === '-' ? -n : n;

@@ -20,6 +18,7 @@ }; // hhhh:mm:ss.sss

var stringifySexagesimal = function stringifySexagesimal(_ref) {
var value = _ref.value;
const stringifySexagesimal = ({
}) => {
if (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value)) return (0, _core.stringifyNumber)(value);
var sign = '';
let sign = '';

@@ -31,3 +30,3 @@ if (value < 0) {

var parts = [value % 60]; // seconds, including ms
const parts = [value % 60]; // seconds, including ms

@@ -46,9 +45,7 @@ if (value < 60) {

return sign + (n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + String(n) : String(n);
}).join(':').replace(/000000\d*$/, '') // % 60 may introduce error
return sign + => n < 10 ? '0' + String(n) : String(n)).join(':').replace(/000000\d*$/, '') // % 60 may introduce error
var intTime = {
const intTime = {
class: Number,

@@ -59,9 +56,7 @@ default: true,

test: /^([-+]?)([0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str, sign, parts) {
return parseSexagesimal(sign, parts.replace(/_/g, ''));
resolve: (str, sign, parts) => parseSexagesimal(sign, parts.replace(/_/g, '')),
stringify: stringifySexagesimal
exports.intTime = intTime;
var floatTime = {
const floatTime = {
class: Number,

@@ -72,9 +67,7 @@ default: true,

test: /^([-+]?)([0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\.[0-9_]*)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str, sign, parts) {
return parseSexagesimal(sign, parts.replace(/_/g, ''));
resolve: (str, sign, parts) => parseSexagesimal(sign, parts.replace(/_/g, '')),
stringify: stringifySexagesimal
exports.floatTime = floatTime;
var timestamp = {
const timestamp = {
class: Date,

@@ -91,8 +84,8 @@ default: true,

')?' + ')$'),
resolve: function resolve(str, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, tz) {
resolve: (str, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisec, tz) => {
if (millisec) millisec = (millisec + '00').substr(1, 3);
var date = Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour || 0, minute || 0, second || 0, millisec || 0);
let date = Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour || 0, minute || 0, second || 0, millisec || 0);
if (tz && tz !== 'Z') {
var d = parseSexagesimal(tz[0], tz.slice(1));
let d = parseSexagesimal(tz[0], tz.slice(1));
if (Math.abs(d) < 30) d *= 60;

@@ -104,6 +97,5 @@ date -= 60000 * d;

stringify: function stringify(_ref2) {
var value = _ref2.value;
return value.toISOString().replace(/((T00:00)?:00)?\.000Z$/, '');
stringify: ({
}) => value.toISOString().replace(/((T00:00)?:00)?\.000Z$/, '')

@@ -110,0 +102,0 @@ exports.timestamp = timestamp;

@@ -8,80 +8,45 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = require("../cst/Node");
var _Node = require("../cst/Node");
var _toJSON2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _toJSON = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _Node3 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var Alias =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Alias, _Node);
class Alias extends _Node2.default {
static stringify({
}, {
}) {
const anchor = Object.keys(anchors).find(a => anchors[a] === source);
if (anchor) return `*${anchor}${implicitKey ? ' ' : ''}`;
const msg = doc.anchors.getName(source) ? 'Alias node must be after source node' : 'Source node not found for alias node';
throw new Error(`${msg} [${range}]`);
_createClass(Alias, null, [{
key: "stringify",
value: function stringify(_ref, _ref2) {
var range = _ref.range,
source = _ref.source;
var anchors = _ref2.anchors,
doc = _ref2.doc,
implicitKey = _ref2.implicitKey;
var anchor = Object.keys(anchors).find(function (a) {
return anchors[a] === source;
if (anchor) return "*".concat(anchor).concat(implicitKey ? ' ' : '');
var msg = doc.anchors.getName(source) ? 'Alias node must be after source node' : 'Source node not found for alias node';
throw new Error("".concat(msg, " [").concat(range, "]"));
constructor(source) {
this.source = source;
this.type = _Node.Type.ALIAS;
function Alias(source) {
var _this;
set tag(t) {
throw new Error('Alias nodes cannot have tags');
_classCallCheck(this, Alias);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Alias).call(this));
_this.source = source;
_this.type = _Node2.Type.ALIAS;
return _this;
toJSON(arg, keep) {
return (0, _toJSON.default)(this.source, arg, keep);
_createClass(Alias, [{
key: "toJSON",
value: function toJSON(arg, keep) {
return (0, _toJSON2.default)(this.source, arg, keep);
}, {
key: "tag",
set: function set(t) {
throw new Error('Alias nodes cannot have tags');
return Alias;
exports.default = Alias;
_defineProperty(Alias, "default", true);

@@ -10,139 +10,96 @@ "use strict";

var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var Collection =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Collection, _Node);
class Collection extends _Node.default {
constructor(...args) {
function Collection() {
var _getPrototypeOf2;
_defineProperty(this, "items", []);
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Collection);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (_getPrototypeOf2 = _getPrototypeOf(Collection)).call.apply(_getPrototypeOf2, [this].concat(args)));
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)), "items", []);
return _this;
// overridden in implementations
toJSON() {
return null;
_createClass(Collection, [{
key: "toJSON",
// overridden in implementations
value: function toJSON() {
return null;
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString(ctx, _ref, onComment) {
var _this2 = this;
var blockItem = _ref.blockItem,
flowChars = _ref.flowChars,
itemIndent = _ref.itemIndent;
var _ctx = ctx,
toString(ctx, {
}, onComment) {
const _ctx = ctx,
doc = _ctx.doc,
indent = _ctx.indent;
var inFlow = this.type && this.type.substr(0, 4) === 'FLOW' || ctx.inFlow;
if (inFlow) itemIndent += ' ';
ctx = Object.assign({}, ctx, {
indent: itemIndent,
inFlow: inFlow,
type: null
var hasItemWithComment = false;
var hasItemWithNewLine = false;
var nodes = this.items.reduce(function (nodes, item, i) {
var commentBefore = item && item.commentBefore;
const inFlow = this.type && this.type.substr(0, 4) === 'FLOW' || ctx.inFlow;
if (inFlow) itemIndent += ' ';
ctx = Object.assign({}, ctx, {
indent: itemIndent,
type: null
let hasItemWithComment = false;
let hasItemWithNewLine = false;
const nodes = this.items.reduce((nodes, item, i) => {
const commentBefore = item && item.commentBefore;
if (commentBefore) {
hasItemWithComment = true;
commentBefore.match(/^.*$/gm).forEach(function (line) {
type: 'comment',
str: "#".concat(line)
if (commentBefore) {
hasItemWithComment = true;
commentBefore.match(/^.*$/gm).forEach(line => {
type: 'comment',
str: `#${line}`
var comment = item && item.comment;
if (comment) hasItemWithComment = true;
var str = doc.schema.stringify(item, ctx, function () {
comment = null;
if (!hasItemWithNewLine && str.indexOf('\n') !== -1) hasItemWithNewLine = true;
if (inFlow && i < _this2.items.length - 1) str += ',';
str = (0, _addComment.default)(str, itemIndent, comment);
type: 'item',
str: str
return nodes;
}, []);
var str;
if (nodes.length === 0) {
str = flowChars.start + flowChars.end;
} else if (inFlow) {
var start = flowChars.start,
let comment = item && item.comment;
if (comment) hasItemWithComment = true;
let str = doc.schema.stringify(item, ctx, () => {
comment = null;
if (!hasItemWithNewLine && str.indexOf('\n') !== -1) hasItemWithNewLine = true;
if (inFlow && i < this.items.length - 1) str += ',';
str = (0, _addComment.default)(str, itemIndent, comment);
type: 'item',
return nodes;
}, []);
let str;
if (nodes.length === 0) {
str = flowChars.start + flowChars.end;
} else if (inFlow) {
const start = flowChars.start,
end = flowChars.end;
var strings = (_ref2) {
var str = _ref2.str;
return str;
const strings ={
}) => str);
if (hasItemWithComment || hasItemWithNewLine || strings.reduce(function (sum, str) {
return sum + str.length + 2;
}, 2) > Collection.maxFlowStringSingleLineLength) {
str = "".concat(start, "\n ").concat(indent).concat(strings.join("\n ".concat(indent)), "\n").concat(indent).concat(end);
} else {
str = "".concat(start, " ").concat(strings.join(' '), " ").concat(end);
if (hasItemWithComment || hasItemWithNewLine || strings.reduce((sum, str) => sum + str.length + 2, 2) > Collection.maxFlowStringSingleLineLength) {
str = `${start}\n ${indent}${strings.join(`\n ${indent}`)}\n${indent}${end}`;
} else {
str ="\n".concat(indent));
str = `${start} ${strings.join(' ')} ${end}`;
} else {
str =`\n${indent}`);
if (this.comment) {
if (!hasItemWithNewLine && str.indexOf('\n') === -1) str = (0, _addComment.default)(str, indent, this.comment);else str += '\n' + this.comment.replace(/^/gm, "".concat(indent, "#"));
if (onComment) onComment();
return str;
if (this.comment) {
if (!hasItemWithNewLine && str.indexOf('\n') === -1) str = (0, _addComment.default)(str, indent, this.comment);else str += '\n' + this.comment.replace(/^/gm, `${indent}#`);
if (onComment) onComment();
return Collection;
return str;
exports.default = Collection;
_defineProperty(Collection, "maxFlowStringSingleLineLength", 60);

@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ "use strict";

var stringifyNumber = function stringifyNumber(_ref) {
var value = _ref.value;
return isFinite(value) ? JSON.stringify(value) : isNaN(value) ? '.nan' : value < 0 ? '-.inf' : '.inf';
const stringifyNumber = ({
}) => isFinite(value) ? JSON.stringify(value) : isNaN(value) ? '.nan' : value < 0 ? '-.inf' : '.inf';
exports.stringifyNumber = stringifyNumber;
var nullOptions = {
const nullOptions = {
nullStr: 'null'

@@ -29,9 +28,5 @@ };

test: /^(?:~|[Nn]ull|NULL)?$/,
resolve: function resolve() {
return null;
resolve: () => null,
options: nullOptions,
stringify: function stringify() {
return nullOptions.nullStr;
stringify: () => nullOptions.nullStr
}, {

@@ -42,5 +37,3 @@ class: Boolean,

test: /^(?:[Tt]rue|TRUE|[Ff]alse|FALSE)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str) {
return str[0] === 't' || str[0] === 'T';
resolve: str => str[0] === 't' || str[0] === 'T'
}, {

@@ -52,9 +45,6 @@ class: Number,

test: /^0o([0-7]+)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str, oct) {
return parseInt(oct, 8);
stringify: function stringify(_ref2) {
var value = _ref2.value;
return '0o' + value.toString(8);
resolve: (str, oct) => parseInt(oct, 8),
stringify: ({
}) => '0o' + value.toString(8)
}, {

@@ -65,5 +55,3 @@ class: Number,

test: /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/,
resolve: function resolve(str) {
return parseInt(str, 10);
resolve: str => parseInt(str, 10),
stringify: stringifyNumber

@@ -76,9 +64,6 @@ }, {

test: /^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str, hex) {
return parseInt(hex, 16);
stringify: function stringify(_ref3) {
var value = _ref3.value;
return '0x' + value.toString(16);
resolve: (str, hex) => parseInt(hex, 16),
stringify: ({
}) => '0x' + value.toString(16)
}, {

@@ -89,5 +74,3 @@ class: Number,

test: /^(?:[-+]?\.inf|(\.nan))$/i,
resolve: function resolve(str, nan) {
return nan ? NaN : str[0] === '-' ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
resolve: (str, nan) => nan ? NaN : str[0] === '-' ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
stringify: stringifyNumber

@@ -99,5 +82,3 @@ }, {

test: /^[-+]?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/,
resolve: function resolve(str) {
return parseFloat(str);
resolve: str => parseFloat(str),
stringify: stringifyNumber

@@ -104,0 +85,0 @@ }]);

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ "use strict";

var map = {
const map = {
class: _Map.default,

@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ default: true,

resolve: _parseMap.default,
stringify: function stringify(value, ctx, onComment) {
return value.toString(ctx, onComment);
stringify: (value, ctx, onComment) => value.toString(ctx, onComment)
}; = map;
var seq = {
const seq = {
class: _Seq.default,

@@ -37,5 +35,3 @@ default: true,

resolve: _parseSeq.default,
stringify: function stringify(value, ctx, onComment) {
return value.toString(ctx, onComment);
stringify: (value, ctx, onComment) => value.toString(ctx, onComment)

@@ -42,0 +38,0 @@ exports.seq = seq;

@@ -36,11 +36,3 @@ "use strict";

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
var availableSchema = {
const availableSchema = {
core: _core.default,

@@ -52,5 +44,5 @@ failsafe: _failsafe.default,

exports.availableSchema = availableSchema;
var defaultPrefix = ',2002:';
const defaultPrefix = ',2002:';
exports.defaultPrefix = defaultPrefix;
var DefaultTags = {
const DefaultTags = {
MAP: ',2002:map',

@@ -62,29 +54,20 @@ SEQ: ',2002:seq',

var isMap = function isMap(_ref) {
var type = _ref.type;
return type === _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP || type === _Node.Type.MAP;
const isMap = ({
}) => type === _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP || type === _Node.Type.MAP;
var isSeq = function isSeq(_ref2) {
var type = _ref2.type;
return type === _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ || type === _Node.Type.SEQ;
const isSeq = ({
}) => type === _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ || type === _Node.Type.SEQ;
var Schema =
function () {
_createClass(Schema, null, [{
key: "defaultStringifier",
value: function defaultStringifier(value) {
return JSON.stringify(value);
class Schema {
static defaultStringifier(value) {
return JSON.stringify(value);
function Schema(_ref3) {
var merge = _ref3.merge,
schema = _ref3.schema,
tags = _ref3.tags;
_classCallCheck(this, Schema);
}) {
this.merge = !!merge;

@@ -95,6 +78,4 @@ = schema;

if (!this.schema) {
var keys = Object.keys(availableSchema).map(function (key) {
return JSON.stringify(key);
}).join(', ');
throw new Error("Unknown schema; use ".concat(keys, ", or { tag, test, resolve }[]"));
const keys = Object.keys(availableSchema).map(key => JSON.stringify(key)).join(', ');
throw new Error(`Unknown schema; use ${keys}, or { tag, test, resolve }[]`);

@@ -110,9 +91,7 @@

_createClass(Schema, [{
key: "resolveScalar",
value: function resolveScalar(str, tags) {
if (!tags) tags = this.schema;
resolveScalar(str, tags) {
if (!tags) tags = this.schema;
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
var _tags$i = tags[i],
for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
const _tags$i = tags[i],
format = _tags$i.format,

@@ -122,176 +101,157 @@ test = _tags$i.test,

if (test) {
var match = str.match(test);
if (test) {
const match = str.match(test);
if (match) {
var res = new _Scalar.default(resolve.apply(null, match));
if (format) res.format = format;
return res;
if (match) {
const res = new _Scalar.default(resolve.apply(null, match));
if (format) res.format = format;
return res;
if (this.schema.scalarFallback) str = this.schema.scalarFallback(str);
return new _Scalar.default(str);
} // sets node.resolved on success
if (this.schema.scalarFallback) str = this.schema.scalarFallback(str);
return new _Scalar.default(str);
} // sets node.resolved on success
}, {
key: "resolveNode",
value: function resolveNode(doc, node, tagName) {
var tags = this.schema.filter(function (_ref4) {
var tag = _ref4.tag;
return tag === tagName;
var generic = tags.find(function (_ref5) {
var test = _ref5.test;
return !test;
if (node.error) doc.errors.push(node.error);
try {
if (generic) {
var res = generic.resolve(doc, node);
if (!(res instanceof _Collection.default)) res = new _Scalar.default(res);
node.resolved = res;
} else {
var str = (0, _string.resolve)(doc, node);
resolveNode(doc, node, tagName) {
const tags = this.schema.filter(({
}) => tag === tagName);
const generic = tags.find(({
}) => !test);
if (node.error) doc.errors.push(node.error);
if (typeof str === 'string' && tags.length > 0) {
node.resolved = this.resolveScalar(str, tags);
try {
if (generic) {
let res = generic.resolve(doc, node);
if (!(res instanceof _Collection.default)) res = new _Scalar.default(res);
node.resolved = res;
} else {
const str = (0, _string.resolve)(doc, node);
if (typeof str === 'string' && tags.length > 0) {
node.resolved = this.resolveScalar(str, tags);
} catch (error) {
if (!error.source) error.source = node;
node.resolved = null;
if (!node.resolved) return null;
if (tagName) node.resolved.tag = tagName;
return node.resolved;
} catch (error) {
if (!error.source) error.source = node;
node.resolved = null;
}, {
key: "resolveNodeWithFallback",
value: function resolveNodeWithFallback(doc, node, tagName) {
var res = this.resolveNode(doc, node, tagName);
if (node.hasOwnProperty('resolved')) return res;
var fallback = isMap(node) ? DefaultTags.MAP : isSeq(node) ? DefaultTags.SEQ : DefaultTags.STR;
if (fallback) {
doc.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(node, "The tag ".concat(tagName, " is unavailable, falling back to ").concat(fallback)));
if (!node.resolved) return null;
if (tagName) node.resolved.tag = tagName;
return node.resolved;
var _res = this.resolveNode(doc, node, fallback);
resolveNodeWithFallback(doc, node, tagName) {
const res = this.resolveNode(doc, node, tagName);
if (node.hasOwnProperty('resolved')) return res;
const fallback = isMap(node) ? DefaultTags.MAP : isSeq(node) ? DefaultTags.SEQ : DefaultTags.STR;
_res.tag = tagName;
return _res;
} else {
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLReferenceError(node, "The tag ".concat(tagName, " is unavailable")));
return null;
if (fallback) {
doc.warnings.push(new _errors.YAMLWarning(node, `The tag ${tagName} is unavailable, falling back to ${fallback}`));
const res = this.resolveNode(doc, node, fallback);
res.tag = tagName;
return res;
} else {
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLReferenceError(node, `The tag ${tagName} is unavailable`));
}, {
key: "getTagObject",
value: function getTagObject(item) {
if (item instanceof _Alias.default) return _Alias.default;
if (item.tag) {
var match = this.schema.find(function (_ref6) {
var format = _ref6.format,
tag = _ref6.tag;
return tag === item.tag && format === item.format;
if (!match) match = this.schema.find(function (_ref7) {
var tag = _ref7.tag;
return tag === item.tag;
if (match) return match;
return null;
if (item.value === null) {
var _match = this.schema.find(function (t) {
return t.class === null && !t.format;
getTagObject(item) {
if (item instanceof _Alias.default) return _Alias.default;
if (!_match) throw new Error('Tag not resolved for null value');
return _match;
} else {
var obj = item;
if (item.tag) {
let match = this.schema.find(({
}) => tag === item.tag && format === item.format);
if (!match) match = this.schema.find(({
}) => tag === item.tag);
if (match) return match;
if (item.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
switch (_typeof(item.value)) {
case 'boolean':
obj = new Boolean();
if (item.value === null) {
const match = this.schema.find(t => t.class === null && !t.format);
if (!match) throw new Error('Tag not resolved for null value');
return match;
} else {
let obj = item;
case 'number':
obj = new Number();
if (item.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
switch (typeof item.value) {
case 'boolean':
obj = new Boolean();
case 'string':
obj = new String();
case 'number':
obj = new Number();
obj = item.value;
case 'string':
obj = new String();
var _match2 = this.schema.find(function (t) {
return t.class && obj instanceof t.class && t.format === item.format;
if (!_match2) {
_match2 = this.schema.find(function (t) {
return t.class && obj instanceof t.class && !t.format;
obj = item.value;
if (!_match2) {
var name = obj && obj.constructor ? : _typeof(obj);
throw new Error("Tag not resolved for ".concat(name, " value"));
return _match2;
} // needs to be called before stringifier to allow for circular anchor refs
}, {
key: "stringifyProps",
value: function stringifyProps(node, tagObj, _ref8) {
var anchors = _ref8.anchors,
doc = _ref8.doc;
var props = [];
var anchor = doc.anchors.getName(node);
let match = this.schema.find(t => t.class && obj instanceof t.class && t.format === item.format);
if (anchor) {
anchors[anchor] = node;
if (!match) {
match = this.schema.find(t => t.class && obj instanceof t.class && !t.format);
if (node.tag && node.tag !== tagObj.tag) {
} else if (!tagObj.default) {
if (!match) {
const name = obj && obj.constructor ? : typeof obj;
throw new Error(`Tag not resolved for ${name} value`);
return props.join(' ');
return match;
}, {
key: "stringify",
value: function stringify(item, ctx, onComment) {
if (!(item instanceof _Node2.default)) item = (0, _createNode.default)(item, true);
ctx.tags = this;
if (item instanceof _Pair.default) return item.toString(ctx, onComment);
var tagObj = this.getTagObject(item);
var props = this.stringifyProps(item, tagObj, ctx);
var stringify = tagObj.stringify || Schema.defaultStringifier;
var str = stringify(item, ctx, onComment);
return props ? item instanceof _Collection.default && str[0] !== '{' && str[0] !== '[' ? "".concat(props, "\n").concat(ctx.indent).concat(str) : "".concat(props, " ").concat(str) : str;
} // needs to be called before stringifier to allow for circular anchor refs
stringifyProps(node, tagObj, {
}) {
const props = [];
const anchor = doc.anchors.getName(node);
if (anchor) {
anchors[anchor] = node;
return Schema;
if (node.tag && node.tag !== tagObj.tag) {
} else if (!tagObj.default) {
return props.join(' ');
stringify(item, ctx, onComment) {
if (!(item instanceof _Node2.default)) item = (0, _createNode.default)(item, true);
ctx.tags = this;
if (item instanceof _Pair.default) return item.toString(ctx, onComment);
const tagObj = this.getTagObject(item);
const props = this.stringifyProps(item, tagObj, ctx);
const stringify = tagObj.stringify || Schema.defaultStringifier;
const str = stringify(item, ctx, onComment);
return props ? item instanceof _Collection.default && str[0] !== '{' && str[0] !== '[' ? `${props}\n${ctx.indent}${str}` : `${props} ${str}` : str;
exports.default = Schema;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "use strict";

var schema = [, _failsafe.seq, {
const schema = [, _failsafe.seq, {
class: String,

@@ -23,5 +23,3 @@ default: true,

test: /^null$/,
resolve: function resolve() {
return null;
resolve: () => null
}, {

@@ -32,5 +30,3 @@ class: Boolean,

test: /^true$/,
resolve: function resolve() {
return true;
resolve: () => true
}, {

@@ -41,5 +37,3 @@ class: Boolean,

test: /^false$/,
resolve: function resolve() {
return false;
resolve: () => false
}, {

@@ -50,5 +44,3 @@ class: Number,

test: /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str) {
return parseInt(str, 10);
resolve: str => parseInt(str, 10)
}, {

@@ -59,9 +51,7 @@ class: Number,

test: /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/,
resolve: function resolve(str) {
return parseFloat(str);
resolve: str => parseFloat(str)
schema.scalarFallback = function (str) {
throw new SyntaxError("Unresolved plain scalar ".concat(JSON.stringify(str)));
schema.scalarFallback = str => {
throw new SyntaxError(`Unresolved plain scalar ${JSON.stringify(str)}`);

@@ -68,0 +58,0 @@

@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ "use strict";

var _toJSON2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _toJSON = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _Collection2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Collection"));
var _Collection = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Collection"));

@@ -19,100 +19,59 @@ var _Merge = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Merge"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
// Published as 'yaml/map'
class YAMLMap extends _Collection.default {
toJSON(_, keep) {
return this.items.reduce((map, item) => {
if (item instanceof _Merge.default) {
// If the value associated with a merge key is a single mapping node,
// each of its key/value pairs is inserted into the current mapping,
// unless the key already exists in it. If the value associated with the
// merge key is a sequence, then this sequence is expected to contain
// mapping nodes and each of these nodes is merged in turn according to
// its order in the sequence. Keys in mapping nodes earlier in the
// sequence override keys specified in later mapping nodes.
// --
const keys = Object.keys(map);
const items = item.value.items;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
for (let i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const source = items[i].source;
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
if (source instanceof YAMLMap) {
const obj = source.toJSON('', keep);
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
if (!keys.includes(key)) map[key] = obj[key];
} else {
throw new Error('Merge sources must be maps');
} else {
const stringKey = item.stringKey,
value = item.value;
map[stringKey] = (0, _toJSON.default)(value, stringKey, keep);
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
return map;
}, {});
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _get(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = _superPropBase(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return; } return desc.value; }; } return _get(target, property, receiver || target); }
function _superPropBase(object, property) { while (!, property)) { object = _getPrototypeOf(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var YAMLMap =
function (_Collection) {
_inherits(YAMLMap, _Collection);
function YAMLMap() {
_classCallCheck(this, YAMLMap);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(YAMLMap).apply(this, arguments));
toString(ctx, onComment) {
if (!ctx) return JSON.stringify(this);
this.items.forEach(item => {
if (!(item instanceof _Pair.default)) throw new Error(`Map items must all be pairs; found ${JSON.stringify(item)} instead`);
return super.toString(ctx, {
blockItem: ({
}) => str,
flowChars: {
start: '{',
end: '}'
itemIndent: ctx.indent || ''
}, onComment);
_createClass(YAMLMap, [{
key: "toJSON",
value: function toJSON(_, keep) {
return this.items.reduce(function (map, item) {
if (item instanceof _Merge.default) {
(function () {
// If the value associated with a merge key is a single mapping node,
// each of its key/value pairs is inserted into the current mapping,
// unless the key already exists in it. If the value associated with the
// merge key is a sequence, then this sequence is expected to contain
// mapping nodes and each of these nodes is merged in turn according to
// its order in the sequence. Keys in mapping nodes earlier in the
// sequence override keys specified in later mapping nodes.
// --
var keys = Object.keys(map);
var items = item.value.items;
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var source = items[i].source;
if (source instanceof YAMLMap) {
(function () {
var obj = source.toJSON('', keep);
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
if (!keys.includes(key)) map[key] = obj[key];
} else {
throw new Error('Merge sources must be maps');
} else {
var stringKey = item.stringKey,
value = item.value;
map[stringKey] = (0, _toJSON2.default)(value, stringKey, keep);
return map;
}, {});
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString(ctx, onComment) {
if (!ctx) return JSON.stringify(this);
this.items.forEach(function (item) {
if (!(item instanceof _Pair.default)) throw new Error("Map items must all be pairs; found ".concat(JSON.stringify(item), " instead"));
return _get(_getPrototypeOf(YAMLMap.prototype), "toString", this).call(this, ctx, {
blockItem: function blockItem(_ref) {
var str = _ref.str;
return str;
flowChars: {
start: '{',
end: '}'
itemIndent: ctx.indent || ''
}, onComment);
return YAMLMap;
exports.default = YAMLMap;

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

var _Pair2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Pair"));
var _Pair = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Pair"));

@@ -17,40 +17,10 @@ var _Scalar = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Scalar"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _get(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = _superPropBase(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return; } return desc.value; }; } return _get(target, property, receiver || target); }
function _superPropBase(object, property) { while (!, property)) { object = _getPrototypeOf(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var MERGE_KEY = '<<';
const MERGE_KEY = '<<';
var Merge =
function (_Pair) {
_inherits(Merge, _Pair);
class Merge extends _Pair.default {
constructor(pair) {
if (pair instanceof _Pair.default) {
let seq = pair.value;
function Merge(pair) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Merge);
if (pair instanceof _Pair2.default) {
var seq = pair.value;
if (!(seq instanceof _Seq.default)) {

@@ -62,29 +32,22 @@ seq = new _Seq.default();

_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Merge).call(this, pair.key, seq));
_this.range = pair.range;
super(pair.key, seq);
this.range = pair.range;
} else {
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Merge).call(this, new _Scalar.default(MERGE_KEY), new _Seq.default()));
super(new _Scalar.default(MERGE_KEY), new _Seq.default());
_this.type = 'MERGE_PAIR';
return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this);
this.type = 'MERGE_PAIR';
_createClass(Merge, [{
key: "toString",
value: function toString(ctx, onComment) {
var seq = this.value;
if (seq.items.length > 1) return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Merge.prototype), "toString", this).call(this, ctx, onComment);
this.value = seq.items[0];
toString(ctx, onComment) {
const seq = this.value;
if (seq.items.length > 1) return super.toString(ctx, onComment);
this.value = seq.items[0];
const str = super.toString(ctx, onComment);
this.value = seq;
return str;
var str = _get(_getPrototypeOf(Merge.prototype), "toString", this).call(this, ctx, onComment);
this.value = seq;
return str;
return Merge;
exports.default = Merge;

@@ -8,8 +8,4 @@ "use strict";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
class Node {}
var Node = function Node() {
_classCallCheck(this, Node);
exports.default = Node;

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "use strict";

var _toJSON2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _toJSON = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _Collection = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Collection"));
var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));

@@ -21,113 +21,79 @@ var _Scalar = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Scalar"));

function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
// Published as 'yaml/pair'
class Pair extends _Node.default {
constructor(key, value = null) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.type = 'PAIR';
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
get commentBefore() {
return this.key && this.key.commentBefore;
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
set commentBefore(cb) {
if (this.key == null) this.key = new _Scalar.default(null);
this.key.commentBefore = cb;
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
get comment() {
return this.value && this.value.comment;
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
set comment(comment) {
if (this.value == null) this.value = new _Scalar.default(null);
this.value.comment = comment;
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
get stringKey() {
const key = (0, _toJSON.default)(this.key);
if (key === null) return '';
if (typeof key === 'object') try {
return JSON.stringify(key);
} catch (e) {
/* should not happen, but let's ignore in any case */
return String(key);
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var Pair =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Pair, _Node);
function Pair(key) {
var _this;
var value = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
_classCallCheck(this, Pair);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Pair).call(this));
_this.key = key;
_this.value = value;
_this.type = 'PAIR';
return _this;
toJSON(_, keep) {
const pair = {};
const sk = this.stringKey;
pair[sk] = (0, _toJSON.default)(this.value, sk, keep);
return pair;
_createClass(Pair, [{
key: "toJSON",
value: function toJSON(_, keep) {
var pair = {};
var sk = this.stringKey;
pair[sk] = (0, _toJSON2.default)(this.value, sk, keep);
return pair;
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString(ctx, onComment) {
if (!ctx || !ctx.doc) return JSON.stringify(this);
var key = this.key,
toString(ctx, onComment) {
if (!ctx || !ctx.doc) return JSON.stringify(this);
const key = this.key,
value = this.value;
var keyComment = key instanceof _Node2.default && key.comment;
var explicitKey = !key || keyComment || key instanceof _Collection.default;
var _ctx = ctx,
let keyComment = key instanceof _Node.default && key.comment;
const explicitKey = !key || keyComment || key instanceof _Collection.default;
const _ctx = ctx,
doc = _ctx.doc,
indent = _ctx.indent;
ctx = Object.assign({}, ctx, {
implicitKey: !explicitKey,
indent: indent + ' '
var keyStr = doc.schema.stringify(key, ctx, function () {
keyComment = null;
if (keyComment) keyStr = (0, _addComment.default)(keyStr, ctx.indent, keyComment);
ctx.implicitKey = false;
var valueStr = doc.schema.stringify(value, ctx, onComment);
var vcb = value && value.commentBefore ? " #".concat(value.commentBefore.replace(/\n+(?!\n|$)/g, "$&".concat(ctx.indent, "#"))) : '';
ctx = Object.assign({}, ctx, {
implicitKey: !explicitKey,
indent: indent + ' '
let keyStr = doc.schema.stringify(key, ctx, () => {
keyComment = null;
if (keyComment) keyStr = (0, _addComment.default)(keyStr, ctx.indent, keyComment);
ctx.implicitKey = false;
const valueStr = doc.schema.stringify(value, ctx, onComment);
const vcb = value && value.commentBefore ? ` #${value.commentBefore.replace(/\n+(?!\n|$)/g, `$&${ctx.indent}#`)}` : '';
if (explicitKey) {
return "? ".concat(keyStr, "\n").concat(indent, ":").concat(vcb ? "".concat(vcb, "\n").concat(ctx.indent) : ' ').concat(valueStr);
} else if (value instanceof _Collection.default) {
return "".concat(keyStr, ":").concat(vcb, "\n").concat(ctx.indent).concat(valueStr);
} else {
return "".concat(keyStr, ":").concat(vcb ? "".concat(vcb, "\n").concat(ctx.indent) : ' ').concat(valueStr);
if (explicitKey) {
return `? ${keyStr}\n${indent}:${vcb ? `${vcb}\n${ctx.indent}` : ' '}${valueStr}`;
} else if (value instanceof _Collection.default) {
return `${keyStr}:${vcb}\n${ctx.indent}${valueStr}`;
} else {
return `${keyStr}:${vcb ? `${vcb}\n${ctx.indent}` : ' '}${valueStr}`;
}, {
key: "commentBefore",
get: function get() {
return this.key && this.key.commentBefore;
set: function set(cb) {
if (this.key == null) this.key = new _Scalar.default(null);
this.key.commentBefore = cb;
}, {
key: "comment",
get: function get() {
return this.value && this.value.comment;
set: function set(comment) {
if (this.value == null) this.value = new _Scalar.default(null);
this.value.comment = comment;
}, {
key: "stringKey",
get: function get() {
var key = (0, _toJSON2.default)(this.key);
if (key === null) return '';
if (_typeof(key) === 'object') try {
return JSON.stringify(key);
} catch (e) {
/* should not happen, but let's ignore in any case */
return String(key);
return Pair;
exports.default = Pair;

@@ -10,2 +10,4 @@ "use strict";

var _PlainValue = _interopRequireDefault(require("../cst/PlainValue"));
var _errors = require("../errors");

@@ -29,3 +31,3 @@

if (cst.type !== _Node.Type.MAP && cst.type !== _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP) {
var msg = "A ".concat(cst.type, " node cannot be resolved as a mapping");
const msg = `A ${cst.type} node cannot be resolved as a mapping`;
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(cst, msg));

@@ -35,33 +37,22 @@ return null;

var _ref = cst.type === _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP ? resolveFlowMapItems(doc, cst) : resolveBlockMapItems(doc, cst),
comments = _ref.comments,
items = _ref.items;
const _ref = cst.type === _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP ? resolveFlowMapItems(doc, cst) : resolveBlockMapItems(doc, cst),
comments = _ref.comments,
items = _ref.items;
var map = new _Map.default();
const map = new _Map.default();
map.items = items;
(0, _parseUtils.resolveComments)(map, comments);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
var iKey = items[i].key;
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
const iKey = items[i].key;
for (var j = i + 1; j < items.length; ++j) {
var jKey = items[j].key;
if (iKey === jKey || iKey && jKey && iKey.hasOwnProperty('value') && iKey.value === jKey.value) {
var _msg = "Map keys must be unique; \"".concat(iKey, "\" is repeated");
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst, _msg));
if (doc.schema.merge && iKey.value === _Merge.MERGE_KEY) {
if (doc.schema.merge && iKey && iKey.value === _Merge.MERGE_KEY) {
items[i] = new _Merge.default(items[i]);
var sources = items[i].value.items;
var error = null;
sources.some(function (node) {
const sources = items[i].value.items;
let error = null;
sources.some(node => {
if (node instanceof _Alias.default) {
// During parsing, alias sources are CST nodes; to account for
// circular references their resolved values can't be used here.
var type = node.source.type;
const type = node.source.type;
if (type === _Node.Type.MAP || type === _Node.Type.FLOW_MAP) return false;

@@ -74,2 +65,12 @@ return error = 'Merge nodes aliases can only point to maps';

if (error) doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst, error));
} else {
for (let j = i + 1; j < items.length; ++j) {
const jKey = items[j].key;
if (iKey === jKey || iKey && jKey && iKey.hasOwnProperty('value') && iKey.value === jKey.value) {
const msg = `Map keys must be unique; "${iKey}" is repeated`;
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst, msg));

@@ -83,9 +84,9 @@ }

function resolveBlockMapItems(doc, cst) {
var comments = [];
var items = [];
var key = undefined;
var keyStart = null;
const comments = [];
const items = [];
let key = undefined;
let keyStart = null;
for (var i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
var item = cst.items[i];
for (let i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
const item = cst.items[i];

@@ -112,7 +113,29 @@ switch (item.type) {

if (!item.context.atLineStart && item.node && item.node.type === _Node.Type.MAP && !item.node.context.atLineStart) {
var msg = 'Nested mappings are not allowed in compact mappings';
const msg = 'Nested mappings are not allowed in compact mappings';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item.node, msg));
items.push(new _Pair.default(key, doc.resolveNode(item.node)));
let valueNode = item.node;
if (!valueNode && item.props.length > 0) {
// Comments on an empty mapping value need to be preserved, so we
// need to construct a minimal empty node here to use instead of the
// missing `item.node`. -- eemeli/yaml#19
valueNode = new _PlainValue.default(_Node.Type.PLAIN, []);
valueNode.context = {
parent: item,
src: item.context.src
const pos = item.range.start + 1;
valueNode.range = {
start: pos,
end: pos
valueNode.valueRange = {
start: pos,
end: pos
items.push(new _Pair.default(key, doc.resolveNode(valueNode)));
(0, _parseUtils.checkKeyLength)(doc.errors, cst, i, key, keyStart);

@@ -128,12 +151,12 @@ key = undefined;

if (item.error) doc.errors.push(item.error);
var nextItem = cst.items[i + 1];
const nextItem = cst.items[i + 1];
if (!nextItem || nextItem.type !== _Node.Type.MAP_VALUE) {
var _msg2 = 'Implicit map keys need to be followed by map values';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, _msg2));
const msg = 'Implicit map keys need to be followed by map values';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, msg));
if (item.valueRangeContainsNewline) {
var _msg3 = 'Implicit map keys need to be on a single line';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, _msg3));
const msg = 'Implicit map keys need to be on a single line';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, msg));

@@ -146,4 +169,4 @@

return {
comments: comments,
items: items

@@ -153,15 +176,17 @@ }

function resolveFlowMapItems(doc, cst) {
var comments = [];
var items = [];
var key = undefined;
var keyStart = null;
var explicitKey = false;
var next = '{';
const comments = [];
const items = [];
let key = undefined;
let keyStart = null;
let explicitKey = false;
let next = '{';
for (var i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
for (let i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
(0, _parseUtils.checkKeyLength)(doc.errors, cst, i, key, keyStart);
var item = cst.items[i];
const item = cst.items[i];
if (typeof item === 'string') {
if (item === '?' && key === undefined && !explicitKey) {
if (typeof item.char === 'string') {
const char = item.char;
if (char === '?' && key === undefined && !explicitKey) {
explicitKey = true;

@@ -172,3 +197,3 @@ next = ':';

if (item === ':') {
if (char === ':') {
if (key === undefined) key = null;

@@ -182,3 +207,3 @@

if (explicitKey) {
if (key === undefined && item !== ',') key = null;
if (key === undefined && char !== ',') key = null;
explicitKey = false;

@@ -192,3 +217,3 @@ }

if (item === ',') {
if (char === ',') {
next = ':';

@@ -200,5 +225,5 @@ continue;

if (item === '}') {
if (char === '}') {
if (i === cst.items.length - 1) continue;
} else if (item === next) {
} else if (char === next) {
next = ':';

@@ -208,3 +233,3 @@ continue;

doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(cst, "Flow map contains an unexpected ".concat(item)));
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(cst, `Flow map contains an unexpected ${char}`));
} else if (item.type === _Node.Type.COMMENT) {

@@ -227,8 +252,8 @@ comments.push({

if (cst.items[cst.items.length - 1] !== '}') doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst, 'Expected flow map to end with }'));
if (cst.items[cst.items.length - 1].char !== '}') doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst, 'Expected flow map to end with }'));
if (key !== undefined) items.push(new _Pair.default(key));
return {
comments: comments,
items: items

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ "use strict";

if (cst.type !== _Node.Type.SEQ && cst.type !== _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ) {
var msg = "A ".concat(cst.type, " node cannot be resolved as a sequence");
const msg = `A ${cst.type} node cannot be resolved as a sequence`;
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(cst, msg));

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ return null;

var _ref = cst.type === _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ ? resolveFlowSeqItems(doc, cst) : resolveBlockSeqItems(doc, cst),
comments = _ref.comments,
items = _ref.items;
const _ref = cst.type === _Node.Type.FLOW_SEQ ? resolveFlowSeqItems(doc, cst) : resolveBlockSeqItems(doc, cst),
comments = _ref.comments,
items = _ref.items;
var seq = new _Seq.default();
const seq = new _Seq.default();
seq.items = items;

@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ (0, _parseUtils.resolveComments)(seq, comments);

function resolveBlockSeqItems(doc, cst) {
var comments = [];
var items = [];
const comments = [];
const items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
var item = cst.items[i];
for (let i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
const item = cst.items[i];

@@ -61,3 +61,3 @@ switch (item.type) {

if (item.hasProps) {
var msg = 'Sequence items cannot have tags or anchors before the - indicator';
const msg = 'Sequence items cannot have tags or anchors before the - indicator';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, msg));

@@ -70,3 +70,3 @@ }

if (item.error) doc.errors.push(item.error);
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(item, "Unexpected ".concat(item.type, " node in sequence")));
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(item, `Unexpected ${item.type} node in sequence`));

@@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ }

return {
comments: comments,
items: items

@@ -83,15 +83,17 @@ }

function resolveFlowSeqItems(doc, cst) {
var comments = [];
var items = [];
var explicitKey = false;
var key = undefined;
var keyStart = null;
var next = '[';
const comments = [];
const items = [];
let explicitKey = false;
let key = undefined;
let keyStart = null;
let next = '[';
for (var i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
var item = cst.items[i];
for (let i = 0; i < cst.items.length; ++i) {
const item = cst.items[i];
if (typeof item === 'string') {
if (item !== ':' && (explicitKey || key !== undefined)) {
if (explicitKey && key === undefined) key = null;
if (typeof item.char === 'string') {
const char = item.char;
if (char !== ':' && (explicitKey || key !== undefined)) {
if (explicitKey && key === undefined) key = next ? items.pop() : null;
items.push(new _Pair.default(key));

@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ explicitKey = false;

if (item === next) {
if (char === next) {
next = null;
} else if (!next && item === '?') {
} else if (!next && char === '?') {
explicitKey = true;
} else if (next !== '[' && item === ':' && key === undefined) {
} else if (next !== '[' && char === ':' && key === undefined) {
if (next === ',') {

@@ -113,4 +115,4 @@ key = items.pop();

if (key instanceof _Pair.default) {
var msg = 'Chaining flow sequence pairs is invalid (e.g. [ a : b : c ])';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, msg));
const msg = 'Chaining flow sequence pairs is invalid (e.g. [ a : b : c ])';
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(char, msg));

@@ -127,6 +129,5 @@

next = null;
} else if (next === '[' || item !== ']' || i < cst.items.length - 1) {
var _msg = "Flow sequence contains an unexpected ".concat(item);
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(cst, _msg));
} else if (next === '[' || char !== ']' || i < cst.items.length - 1) {
const msg = `Flow sequence contains an unexpected ${char}`;
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSyntaxError(cst, msg));

@@ -140,8 +141,7 @@ } else if (item.type === _Node.Type.COMMENT) {

if (next) {
var _msg2 = "Expected a ".concat(next, " here in flow sequence");
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, _msg2));
const msg = `Expected a ${next} here in flow sequence`;
doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(item, msg));
var value = doc.resolveNode(item);
const value = doc.resolveNode(item);

@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ if (key === undefined) {

if (cst.items[cst.items.length - 1] !== ']') doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst, 'Expected flow sequence to end with ]'));
if (cst.items[cst.items.length - 1].char !== ']') doc.errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(cst, 'Expected flow sequence to end with ]'));
if (key !== undefined) items.push(new _Pair.default(key));
return {
comments: comments,
items: items

@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ "use strict";

function checkKeyLength(errors, node, itemIdx, key, keyStart) {
if (typeof keyStart !== 'number') return;
var item = node.items[itemIdx];
var keyEnd = item && item.range && item.range.start;
if (!key || typeof keyStart !== 'number') return;
const item = node.items[itemIdx];
let keyEnd = item && item.range && item.range.start;
if (!keyEnd) {
for (var i = itemIdx - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var it = node.items[i];
for (let i = itemIdx - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const it = node.items[i];

@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ if (it && it.range) {

if (keyEnd > keyStart + 1024) {
var k = String(key).substr(0, 8) + '...' + String(key).substr(-8);
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, "The \"".concat(k, "\" key is too long")));
const k = String(key).substr(0, 8) + '...' + String(key).substr(-8);
errors.push(new _errors.YAMLSemanticError(node, `The "${k}" key is too long`));

@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ }

function resolveComments(collection, comments) {
comments.forEach(function (_ref) {
var comment = _ref.comment,
before = _ref.before;
var item = collection.items[before];
}) => {
const item = collection.items[before];

@@ -42,0 +43,0 @@ if (!item) {

@@ -8,56 +8,25 @@ "use strict";

var _toJSON2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _toJSON = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _Node2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
var _Node = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Node"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
// Published as 'yaml/scalar'
class Scalar extends _Node.default {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
toJSON(arg, keep) {
return keep ? this.value : (0, _toJSON.default)(this.value, arg, keep);
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var Scalar =
function (_Node) {
_inherits(Scalar, _Node);
function Scalar(value) {
var _this;
_classCallCheck(this, Scalar);
_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Scalar).call(this));
_this.value = value;
return _this;
toString() {
return String(this.value);
_createClass(Scalar, [{
key: "toJSON",
value: function toJSON(arg, keep) {
return keep ? this.value : (0, _toJSON2.default)(this.value, arg, keep);
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString() {
return String(this.value);
return Scalar;
exports.default = Scalar;

@@ -8,70 +8,31 @@ "use strict";

var _toJSON2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _toJSON = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toJSON"));
var _Collection2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Collection"));
var _Collection = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Collection"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
// Published as 'yaml/seq'
class YAMLSeq extends _Collection.default {
toJSON(_, keep) {
return, i) => (0, _toJSON.default)(v, String(i), keep));
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _get(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = _superPropBase(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return; } return desc.value; }; } return _get(target, property, receiver || target); }
function _superPropBase(object, property) { while (!, property)) { object = _getPrototypeOf(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; }
function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }
var YAMLSeq =
function (_Collection) {
_inherits(YAMLSeq, _Collection);
function YAMLSeq() {
_classCallCheck(this, YAMLSeq);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(YAMLSeq).apply(this, arguments));
toString(ctx, onComment) {
if (!ctx) return JSON.stringify(this);
return super.toString(ctx, {
blockItem: ({
}) => type === 'comment' ? str : `- ${str}`,
flowChars: {
start: '[',
end: ']'
itemIndent: (ctx.indent || '') + ' '
}, onComment);
_createClass(YAMLSeq, [{
key: "toJSON",
value: function toJSON(_, keep) {
return (v, i) {
return (0, _toJSON2.default)(v, String(i), keep);
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function toString(ctx, onComment) {
if (!ctx) return JSON.stringify(this);
return _get(_getPrototypeOf(YAMLSeq.prototype), "toString", this).call(this, ctx, {
blockItem: function blockItem(_ref) {
var type = _ref.type,
str = _ref.str;
return type === 'comment' ? str : "- ".concat(str);
flowChars: {
start: '[',
end: ']'
itemIndent: (ctx.indent || '') + ' '
}, onComment);
return YAMLSeq;
exports.default = YAMLSeq;

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "use strict";

var nullOptions = {
const nullOptions = {
nullStr: 'null'
exports.nullOptions = nullOptions;
var boolOptions = {
const boolOptions = {
trueStr: 'true',

@@ -36,9 +36,5 @@ falseStr: 'false'

test: /^(?:~|[Nn]ull|NULL)?$/,
resolve: function resolve() {
return null;
resolve: () => null,
options: nullOptions,
stringify: function stringify() {
return nullOptions.nullStr;
stringify: () => nullOptions.nullStr
}, {

@@ -49,10 +45,7 @@ class: Boolean,

test: /^(?:Y|y|[Yy]es|YES|[Tt]rue|TRUE|[Oo]n|ON)$/,
resolve: function resolve() {
return true;
resolve: () => true,
options: boolOptions,
stringify: function stringify(_ref) {
var value = _ref.value;
return value ? boolOptions.trueStr : boolOptions.falseStr;
stringify: ({
}) => value ? boolOptions.trueStr : boolOptions.falseStr
}, {

@@ -63,10 +56,7 @@ class: Boolean,

test: /^(?:N|n|[Nn]o|NO|[Ff]alse|FALSE|[Oo]ff|OFF)$/i,
resolve: function resolve() {
return false;
resolve: () => false,
options: boolOptions,
stringify: function stringify(_ref2) {
var value = _ref2.value;
return value ? boolOptions.trueStr : boolOptions.falseStr;
stringify: ({
}) => value ? boolOptions.trueStr : boolOptions.falseStr
}, {

@@ -78,9 +68,6 @@ class: Number,

test: /^0b([0-1_]+)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str, bin) {
return parseInt(bin.replace(/_/g, ''), 2);
stringify: function stringify(_ref3) {
var value = _ref3.value;
return '0b' + value.toString(2);
resolve: (str, bin) => parseInt(bin.replace(/_/g, ''), 2),
stringify: ({
}) => '0b' + value.toString(2)
}, {

@@ -92,9 +79,6 @@ class: Number,

test: /^[-+]?0([0-7_]+)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str, oct) {
return parseInt(oct.replace(/_/g, ''), 8);
stringify: function stringify(_ref4) {
var value = _ref4.value;
return (value < 0 ? '-0' : '0') + value.toString(8);
resolve: (str, oct) => parseInt(oct.replace(/_/g, ''), 8),
stringify: ({
}) => (value < 0 ? '-0' : '0') + value.toString(8)
}, {

@@ -105,5 +89,3 @@ class: Number,

test: /^[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*$/,
resolve: function resolve(str) {
return parseInt(str.replace(/_/g, ''), 10);
resolve: str => parseInt(str.replace(/_/g, ''), 10),
stringify: _core.stringifyNumber

@@ -116,9 +98,6 @@ }, {

test: /^0x([0-9a-fA-F_]+)$/,
resolve: function resolve(str, hex) {
return parseInt(hex.replace(/_/g, ''), 16);
stringify: function stringify(_ref5) {
var value = _ref5.value;
return (value < 0 ? '-0x' : '0x') + value.toString(16);
resolve: (str, hex) => parseInt(hex.replace(/_/g, ''), 16),
stringify: ({
}) => (value < 0 ? '-0x' : '0x') + value.toString(16)
}, {

@@ -129,5 +108,3 @@ class: Number,

test: /^(?:[-+]?\.inf|(\.nan))$/i,
resolve: function resolve(str, nan) {
return nan ? NaN : str[0] === '-' ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
resolve: (str, nan) => nan ? NaN : str[0] === '-' ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
stringify: _core.stringifyNumber

@@ -139,5 +116,3 @@ }, {

test: /^[-+]?([0-9][0-9_]*)?\.[0-9_]*([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/,
resolve: function resolve(str) {
return parseFloat(str.replace(/_/g, ''));
resolve: str => parseFloat(str.replace(/_/g, '')),
stringify: _core.stringifyNumber

@@ -144,0 +119,0 @@ }], _timestamp.default, _binary.default);

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "use strict";

function testEvents(src, options) {
var opt = Object.assign({
const opt = Object.assign({
keepCstNodes: true,

@@ -30,28 +30,24 @@ keepNodeTypes: true,

}, options);
var docs = (0, _parse.default)(src).map(function (cstDoc) {
return new _Document.default(opt).parse(cstDoc);
var errDoc = docs.find(function (doc) {
return doc.errors.length > 0;
var error = errDoc ? errDoc.errors[0].message : null;
var events = ['+STR'];
const docs = (0, _parse.default)(src).map(cstDoc => new _Document.default(opt).parse(cstDoc));
const errDoc = docs.find(doc => doc.errors.length > 0);
const error = errDoc ? errDoc.errors[0].message : null;
const events = ['+STR'];
try {
for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; ++i) {
var doc = docs[i];
var root = doc.contents;
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; ++i) {
const doc = docs[i];
let root = doc.contents;
if (Array.isArray(root)) root = root[0];
var _ref = doc.range || [0, 0],
_ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
rootStart = _ref2[0],
rootEnd = _ref2[1];
const _ref = doc.range || [0, 0],
_ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
rootStart = _ref2[0],
rootEnd = _ref2[1];
var e = doc.errors[0] && doc.errors[0].source;
let e = doc.errors[0] && doc.errors[0].source;
if (e && e.type === 'SEQ_ITEM') e = e.node;
if (e && (e.type === 'DOCUMENT' || e.range.start < rootStart)) throw new Error();
var docStart = '+DOC';
var pre = src.slice(0, rootStart);
var explicitDoc = /---\s*$/.test(pre);
let docStart = '+DOC';
const pre = src.slice(0, rootStart);
const explicitDoc = /---\s*$/.test(pre);
if (explicitDoc) docStart += ' ---';else if (!doc.contents) continue;

@@ -61,7 +57,7 @@ events.push(docStart);

if (doc.contents && doc.contents.length > 1) throw new Error();
var docEnd = '-DOC';
let docEnd = '-DOC';
if (rootEnd) {
var post = src.slice(rootEnd);
if (/^(\s*(#.*)?\n)*\.\.\./.test(post)) docEnd += ' ...';
const post = src.slice(rootEnd);
if (/^\.\.\./.test(post)) docEnd += ' ...';

@@ -73,3 +69,3 @@

return {
events: events,
error: error || e

@@ -81,4 +77,4 @@ };

return {
events: events,
error: error

@@ -90,34 +86,33 @@ }

if (e && node.cstNode === e) throw new Error();
var props = '';
var anchor = doc.anchors.getName(node);
let props = '';
let anchor = doc.anchors.getName(node);
if (anchor) {
if (/\d$/.test(anchor)) {
var alt = anchor.replace(/\d$/, '');
const alt = anchor.replace(/\d$/, '');
if (doc.anchors.getNode(alt)) anchor = alt;
props = " &".concat(anchor);
props = ` &${anchor}`;
if (node.cstNode && node.cstNode.tag) {
var _node$cstNode$tag = node.cstNode.tag,
handle = _node$cstNode$tag.handle,
suffix = _node$cstNode$tag.suffix;
props += handle === '!' && !suffix ? ' <!>' : " <".concat(node.tag, ">");
const _node$cstNode$tag = node.cstNode.tag,
handle = _node$cstNode$tag.handle,
suffix = _node$cstNode$tag.suffix;
props += handle === '!' && !suffix ? ' <!>' : ` <${node.tag}>`;
var scalar = null;
let scalar = null;
switch (node.type) {
case 'ALIAS':
var alias = doc.anchors.getName(node.source);
let alias = doc.anchors.getName(node.source);
if (/\d$/.test(alias)) {
var _alt = alias.replace(/\d$/, '');
if (doc.anchors.getNode(_alt)) alias = _alt;
const alt = alias.replace(/\d$/, '');
if (doc.anchors.getNode(alt)) alias = alt;
events.push("=ALI".concat(props, " *").concat(alias));
events.push(`=ALI${props} *${alias}`);

@@ -146,3 +141,3 @@

case 'PAIR':
addEvents(events, doc, e, node.key);

@@ -155,4 +150,4 @@ addEvents(events, doc, e, node.value);

case 'SEQ':
node.items.forEach(function (item) {
node.items.forEach(item => {
addEvents(events, doc, e, item);

@@ -165,6 +160,7 @@ });

case 'MAP':
node.items.forEach(function (_ref3) {
var key = _ref3.key,
value = _ref3.value;
}) => {
addEvents(events, doc, e, key);

@@ -177,9 +173,9 @@ addEvents(events, doc, e, value);

throw new Error("Unexpected node type ".concat(node.type));
throw new Error(`Unexpected node type ${node.type}`);
if (scalar) {
var value = node.cstNode.strValue.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\0/g, '\\0').replace(/\x07/g, '\\a').replace(/\x08/g, '\\b').replace(/\t/g, '\\t').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\v/g, '\\v').replace(/\f/g, '\\f').replace(/\r/g, '\\r').replace(/\x1b/g, '\\e');
events.push("=VAL".concat(props, " ").concat(scalar).concat(value));
const value = node.cstNode.strValue.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\0/g, '\\0').replace(/\x07/g, '\\a').replace(/\x08/g, '\\b').replace(/\t/g, '\\t').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\v/g, '\\v').replace(/\f/g, '\\f').replace(/\r/g, '\\r').replace(/\x1b/g, '\\e');
events.push(`=VAL${props} ${scalar}${value}`);

@@ -9,5 +9,3 @@ "use strict";

function toJSON(value, arg, keep) {
return Array.isArray(value) ? (v, i) {
return toJSON(v, String(i), keep);
}) : value && typeof value.toJSON === 'function' ? value.toJSON(arg, keep) : value;
return Array.isArray(value) ?, i) => toJSON(v, String(i), keep)) : value && typeof value.toJSON === 'function' ? value.toJSON(arg, keep) : value;
"name": "yaml",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.7",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.8",
"main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "license": "ISC",

"repository": "github:eemeli/yaml",
"description": "JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML 1.2",
"description": "JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML",
"keywords": [

@@ -34,8 +34,15 @@ "YAML",

"presets": [
"targets": {
"node": "6"
"plugins": [

@@ -58,11 +65,11 @@ "strip": true

"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.0.0-beta.52",
"@babel/core": "^7.0.0-beta.52",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.0.0-beta.52",
"@babel/preset-stage-3": "^7.0.0-beta.52",
"@babel/cli": "^7.0.0-rc.2",
"@babel/core": "^7.0.0-rc.2",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.0.0-rc.2",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.0.0-rc.2",
"babel-core": "^7.0.0-bridge.0",
"babel-jest": "^23.2.0",
"babel-jest": "^23.4.2",
"babel-plugin-trace": "^1.1.0",
"jest": "^23.3.0",
"prettier": "^1.13.7"
"jest": "^23.5.0",
"prettier": "^1.14.2"

@@ -69,0 +76,0 @@ "dependencies": {},

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

# YAML <a href=""><img align="right" src="" title="npm package" /></a>
# YAML <a href=""><img align="right" src="" title="npm package" /></a><a href=""><img align="right" src="" title="Build status" /></a>

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ `yaml` is a JavaScript parser and stringifier for [YAML](, a human friendly data serialization standard. It supports both parsing and stringifying data using all versions of YAML, along with all common data schemas. As a particularly distinguishing feature, `yaml` fully supports reading and writing comments in YAML documents.

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