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Comparing version 1.22.0 to 1.22.1



@@ -111,63 +111,62 @@ ;

obj || (obj = {});
const { scores, markerButtonsDisabled, i18n } = obj;
var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p +=, ''); }
with (obj) {
__p += '<ul class="wpseoanalysis assessment-results">\n ';
for (var i in scores) {
__p += '\n <li class="score">\n <span class="assessment-results__mark-container">\n ';
if (scores[i].marker) {
__p += '\n <button type="button" ';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p += ' disabled="disabled" ';
__p += '\n aria-label="';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.disabledMarkText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else if (scores[i].identifier === activeMarker) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.removeMarksInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.markInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
__p += '"\n class="assessment-results__mark ';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p += ' icon-eye-disabled ';
else if (scores[i].identifier === activeMarker) {
__p += '\n icon-eye-active\n ';
else {
__p += '\n icon-eye-inactive\n ';
__p += '\n js-assessment-results__mark-' +
((__t = (scores[i].identifier)) == null ? '' : __t) +
' yoast-tooltip yoast-tooltip-s">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.disabledMarkText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else if (scores[i].identifier === activeMarker) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.removeMarksInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.markInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
__p += '\n </span></button>\n ';
__p += '<ul class="wpseoanalysis assessment-results">\n ';
for (var i in scores) {
__p += '\n <li class="score">\n <span class="assessment-results__mark-container">\n ';
if (scores[i].marker) {
__p += '\n <button type="button" ';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p += ' disabled="disabled" ';
__p += '\n </span>\n <span class="wpseo-score-icon ' +
__e(scores[i].className) +
'"></span>\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
((__t = (scores[i].screenReaderText)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</span>\n <span class="wpseo-score-text">' +
((__t = (scores[i].text)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</span>\n </li>\n ';
__p += '\n aria-label="';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.disabledMarkText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else if (scores[i].identifier === activeMarker) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.removeMarksInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.markInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
__p += '"\n class="assessment-results__mark ';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p += ' icon-eye-disabled ';
else if (scores[i].identifier === activeMarker) {
__p += '\n icon-eye-active\n ';
else {
__p += '\n icon-eye-inactive\n ';
__p += '\n js-assessment-results__mark-' +
((__t = (scores[i].identifier)) == null ? '' : __t) +
' yoast-tooltip yoast-tooltip-s">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">';
if (markerButtonsDisabled) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.disabledMarkText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else if (scores[i].identifier === activeMarker) {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.removeMarksInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
else {
__p +=
((__t = (i18n.markInText)) == null ? '' : __t);
__p += '\n </span></button>\n ';
__p += '\n</ul>\n';
__p += '\n </span>\n <span class="wpseo-score-icon ' +
__e(scores[i].className) +
'"></span>\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
((__t = (scores[i].screenReaderText)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</span>\n <span class="wpseo-score-text">' +
((__t = (scores[i].text)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</span>\n </li>\n ';
__p += '\n</ul>\n';
return __p;

@@ -177,14 +176,13 @@ };

obj || (obj = {});
const { whiteSpace } = obj;
var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p +=, ''); }
with (obj) {
__p += '<span aria-hidden="true" style="width: ' +
__e(width) +
'; height: auto; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; ';
if ("" !== whiteSpace) {
__p += 'white-space: ' +
__p += '">\n\n</span>\n';
__p += '<span aria-hidden="true" style="width: ' +
__e(width) +
'; height: auto; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; ';
if ("" !== whiteSpace) {
__p += 'white-space: ' +
__p += '">\n\n</span>\n';
return __p;

@@ -194,27 +192,26 @@ };

obj || (obj = {});
const { words } = obj;
var __t, __p = '', __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p +=, ''); }
with (obj) {
__p += '<table>\n <tr>\n <th>Word</th>\n <th>Density</th>\n <th>Occurrences</th>\n <th>Length</th>\n <th>Relevant word percentage</th>\n <th>Length bonus</th>\n <th>Multiplier</th>\n <th>Relevance</th>\n </tr>\n ';
for (var i in words) {
__p += '\n <tr>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].word)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].density)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].occurrences)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].length)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].relevantWordPercentage)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].lengthBonus)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].multiplier)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].relevance)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n </tr>\n ';
__p += '\n</table>\n';
__p += '<table>\n <tr>\n <th>Word</th>\n <th>Density</th>\n <th>Occurrences</th>\n <th>Length</th>\n <th>Relevant word percentage</th>\n <th>Length bonus</th>\n <th>Multiplier</th>\n <th>Relevance</th>\n </tr>\n ';
for (var i in words) {
__p += '\n <tr>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].word)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].density)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].occurrences)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].length)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].relevantWordPercentage)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].lengthBonus)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].multiplier)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n <td>' +
((__t = (words[i].relevance)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'</td>\n </tr>\n ';
__p += '\n</table>\n';
return __p;

@@ -224,59 +221,58 @@ };

obj || (obj = {});
const { i18n, rendered, metaDescriptionDate, raw } = obj;
var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p +=, ''); }
with (obj) {
__p += '<div id="snippet_preview" class="yoast-section">\n <section class="snippet-editor__preview">\n <h3 class="snippet-editor__heading snippet-editor__heading-icon snippet-editor__heading-icon-eye">' +
__e(i18n.snippetPreview) +
'</h3>\n <p class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.snippetPreviewDescription) +
'</p>\n\n <div id="snippet-preview-view" class="snippet-editor__view">\n <div class="snippet_container snippet_container__title snippet-editor__container" id="title_container">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.titleLabel) +
'</span>\n <span class="title" id="render_title_container">\n <span id="snippet_title">\n ' +
__e(rendered.title) +
'\n </span>\n </span>\n <span class="title" id="snippet_sitename"></span>\n </div>\n <div class="snippet_container snippet_container__url snippet-editor__container" id="url_container">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.slugLabel) +
'</span>\n <span class="urlFull">\n <cite class="url urlBase" id="snippet_citeBase">\n ' +
__e(rendered.baseUrl) +
'\n </cite><cite class="url" id="snippet_cite">\n ' +
__e(rendered.snippetCite) +
'\n </cite>\n </span><span class="down_arrow"></span>\n </div>\n <div class="snippet_container snippet_container__meta snippet-editor__container" id="meta_container">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.metaDescriptionLabel) +
'</span>\n ';
if ("" !== metaDescriptionDate) {
__p += '\n <span class="snippet-editor__date">\n ' +
__e(metaDescriptionDate) +
' -\n </span>\n ';
__p += '\n <span class="desc" id="snippet_meta">\n ' +
__e(rendered.meta) +
'\n </span>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div class="snippet-editor__is-scrollable-hintwrapper">\n <span class=\'snippet-editor__is-scrollable-hint\' aria-hidden=\'true\'>' +
__e(i18n.isScrollableHint) +
'</span>\n </div>\n\n <div class="snippet-editor__view-toggle">\n <button class="snippet-editor__view-icon snippet-editor__view-icon-mobile yoast-tooltip yoast-tooltip-se" type="button" data-type="mobile" aria-label="' +
__e(i18n.mobilePreviewMode) +
'" />\n <button class="snippet-editor__view-icon snippet-editor__view-icon-desktop yoast-tooltip yoast-tooltip-se" type="button" data-type="desktop" aria-label="' +
__e(i18n.desktopPreviewMode) +
'" />\n </div>\n <button class="snippet-editor__button snippet-editor__edit-button" type="button" aria-expanded="false">\n ' +
__e(i18n.edit) +
'\n </button>\n </section>\n\n <div class="snippet-editor__form snippet-editor--hidden">\n <label for="snippet-editor-title" class="snippet-editor__label">\n ' +
__e(i18n.title) +
'\n <input type="text" class="snippet-editor__input snippet-editor__title js-snippet-editor-title" id="snippet-editor-title" value="' +
__e(raw.title) +
'" placeholder="' +
__e(placeholder.title) +
'" />\n </label>\n <progress value="0.0" class="snippet-editor__progress snippet-editor__progress-title" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="snippet-editor__progress-bar"></div>\n </progress>\n <label for="snippet-editor-slug" class="snippet-editor__label">\n ' +
__e(i18n.slug) +
'\n <input type="text" class="snippet-editor__input snippet-editor__slug js-snippet-editor-slug" id="snippet-editor-slug" value="' +
__e(raw.snippetCite) +
'" placeholder="' +
__e(placeholder.urlPath) +
'" />\n </label>\n <label for="snippet-editor-meta-description" class="snippet-editor__label">\n ' +
__e(i18n.metaDescription) +
'\n <textarea class="snippet-editor__input snippet-editor__meta-description js-snippet-editor-meta-description" id="snippet-editor-meta-description" placeholder="' +
__e(placeholder.metaDesc) +
'">' +
__e(raw.meta) +
'</textarea>\n </label>\n <progress value="0.0" class="snippet-editor__progress snippet-editor__progress-meta-description" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="snippet-editor__progress-bar"></div>\n </progress>\n\n <button class="snippet-editor__submit snippet-editor__button" type="button">' +
__e( +
'</button>\n </div>\n</div>\n';
__p += '<div id="snippet_preview" class="yoast-section">\n <section class="snippet-editor__preview">\n <h3 class="snippet-editor__heading snippet-editor__heading-icon snippet-editor__heading-icon-eye">' +
__e(i18n.snippetPreview) +
'</h3>\n <p class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.snippetPreviewDescription) +
'</p>\n\n <div id="snippet-preview-view" class="snippet-editor__view">\n <div class="snippet_container snippet_container__title snippet-editor__container" id="title_container">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.titleLabel) +
'</span>\n <span class="title" id="render_title_container">\n <span id="snippet_title">\n ' +
__e(rendered.title) +
'\n </span>\n </span>\n <span class="title" id="snippet_sitename"></span>\n </div>\n <div class="snippet_container snippet_container__url snippet-editor__container" id="url_container">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.slugLabel) +
'</span>\n <span class="urlFull">\n <cite class="url urlBase" id="snippet_citeBase">\n ' +
__e(rendered.baseUrl) +
'\n </cite><cite class="url" id="snippet_cite">\n ' +
__e(rendered.snippetCite) +
'\n </cite>\n </span><span class="down_arrow"></span>\n </div>\n <div class="snippet_container snippet_container__meta snippet-editor__container" id="meta_container">\n <span class="screen-reader-text">' +
__e(i18n.metaDescriptionLabel) +
'</span>\n ';
if ("" !== metaDescriptionDate) {
__p += '\n <span class="snippet-editor__date">\n ' +
__e(metaDescriptionDate) +
' -\n </span>\n ';
__p += '\n <span class="desc" id="snippet_meta">\n ' +
__e(rendered.meta) +
'\n </span>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div class="snippet-editor__is-scrollable-hintwrapper">\n <span class=\'snippet-editor__is-scrollable-hint\' aria-hidden=\'true\'>' +
__e(i18n.isScrollableHint) +
'</span>\n </div>\n\n <div class="snippet-editor__view-toggle">\n <button class="snippet-editor__view-icon snippet-editor__view-icon-mobile yoast-tooltip yoast-tooltip-se" type="button" data-type="mobile" aria-label="' +
__e(i18n.mobilePreviewMode) +
'" />\n <button class="snippet-editor__view-icon snippet-editor__view-icon-desktop yoast-tooltip yoast-tooltip-se" type="button" data-type="desktop" aria-label="' +
__e(i18n.desktopPreviewMode) +
'" />\n </div>\n <button class="snippet-editor__button snippet-editor__edit-button" type="button" aria-expanded="false">\n ' +
__e(i18n.edit) +
'\n </button>\n </section>\n\n <div class="snippet-editor__form snippet-editor--hidden">\n <label for="snippet-editor-title" class="snippet-editor__label">\n ' +
__e(i18n.title) +
'\n <input type="text" class="snippet-editor__input snippet-editor__title js-snippet-editor-title" id="snippet-editor-title" value="' +
__e(raw.title) +
'" placeholder="' +
__e(placeholder.title) +
'" />\n </label>\n <progress value="0.0" class="snippet-editor__progress snippet-editor__progress-title" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="snippet-editor__progress-bar"></div>\n </progress>\n <label for="snippet-editor-slug" class="snippet-editor__label">\n ' +
__e(i18n.slug) +
'\n <input type="text" class="snippet-editor__input snippet-editor__slug js-snippet-editor-slug" id="snippet-editor-slug" value="' +
__e(raw.snippetCite) +
'" placeholder="' +
__e(placeholder.urlPath) +
'" />\n </label>\n <label for="snippet-editor-meta-description" class="snippet-editor__label">\n ' +
__e(i18n.metaDescription) +
'\n <textarea class="snippet-editor__input snippet-editor__meta-description js-snippet-editor-meta-description" id="snippet-editor-meta-description" placeholder="' +
__e(placeholder.metaDesc) +
'">' +
__e(raw.meta) +
'</textarea>\n </label>\n <progress value="0.0" class="snippet-editor__progress snippet-editor__progress-meta-description" aria-hidden="true">\n <div class="snippet-editor__progress-bar"></div>\n </progress>\n\n <button class="snippet-editor__submit snippet-editor__button" type="button">' +
__e( +
'</button>\n </div>\n</div>\n';
return __p;

@@ -283,0 +279,0 @@ };

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ {

"license": "GPL-3.0",
"version": "1.22.0",
"version": "1.22.1",
"repository": {

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ "type": "git",

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