Higher level (normalized) client for Zookeeper.
Uses https://github.com/yfinkelstein/node-zookeeper as underlying client.

Quick overview:
- normalize function names ( get vs a_get )
- normalize callback signatures to common nodejs callback structures (error, results)
- exists returns true/false via callback (error, exists, stats)
- except for noted above, tries to follow the underlying zookeeper client signature
- create (zkPath, value, flags, onReady)
- exists: (zkPath, watch, onData)
- get: (zkPath, watch, onData)
- getChildren: (zkPath, watch, onData)
- mkdir: (zkPath, onReady)
- set: (zkPath, value, version, onReady)
Quick overview
- wraps SimpleClients
- added: createOrUpdate
- added: createPathIfNotExist
- redefines the signatures of the SimpleClient methods, using an optional options argument
Added methods:
- createOrUpdate: (zkPath, value, options, onReady, extraArg)
Options: { flags, watch }
- createPathIfNotExist: (zkPath, options, onReady)
Redefined methods from SimpleClient
- create: (zkPath, value, options, onReady)
- exists: (zkPath, options, onData)
- get: (zkPath, options, onData)
- getChildren: (zkPath, options, onData)
- mkdir: (zkPath, options, onReady)
- set: (zkPath, value, version, options, onReady)
Provides a fake zookeeper, with methods of the zookeeper client and backed with a memory based registry.
Watches are not implemented yet.
See [coffeescript | js]/test/integration/FakePlusClient for an example where only the original zookeeper
module is changed (using mockery), and the PlusClient is used to perform zookeeper actions
MIT Licensed
Source is in coffee script, but is delivered as plain .js
Semantic Versioning
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