zulip-cloud9 provides a wrapper for running zulip dev environment on cloud9.
zulip-dev <commands> [flags]
This script is for use in a cloud9 workspace
-h, --help, help Display help (this message)
provision Runs zulip's provison
start Starts the dev enviorment for cloud9
start-services Starts all the service's required for zulip dev enviorment
Optional Flags for provision, and start:
[-z] [--zulip-path] Optional flag zulip path if not installed at
-- <flags> Everything after -- will be passed to ./tools/run-dev or
./tools/provision script.
Then default zulip path is /home/ubunutu/workspace/zulip
top level zulip folder in c9 workspace.
zulip-dev provision
This runs the provision script and handles any error is ocurrs. This is recommended if you run it the first time you are provision. If you already ran zulip-dev start-services
you can just run ./tools/provision
zulip-dev start
This starts the dev enviorment. This command exports EXTERNAL_HOST
and handles if starts the services beforehand if needed to. This by default binds the host to
rather than
so it works on cloud9 and sets the port to 8080
zulip-dev start-services
This script starts all the services only if needed.