23 packages
A tool to update a beacon server value on a time interval
> Encoding and decoding utilities for Airnode according to the > [Airnode ABI specifications](https://airnode-docs.api3.org/reference/airnode/latest/specifications/airnode-abi.html)
> Used for building requests from an > [Oracle Integration Specification (OIS)](https://airnode-docs.api3.org/reference/ois/latest/), executing them, parsing > the responses, but also converting and encoding them for on chain purposes
> A package/CLI tool to interact with the Airnode contracts across chains
> A CLI tool to automate Airnode deployment
A collection of examples showcasing the features of Airnode
> The node part of Airnode that allows for connecting multiple blockchains to the rest of the world
> Development and testing utilities for the core parts of Airnode
> The contracts that implement the Airnode protocols