37 packages
@blitzm/azure-cdn is a typescript library for simplifying the process of creating a ECR and pushing docker image to the ECR
@blitzm/aws-elastic-cache-redis is a pulumi component that simplifies the deployment of Elastic cache for Redis within the same vpc of your cluster in AWS.
@blitzm/aws-kubernetes is a typescript library for simplifying the process of creating an EKS cluster with a single managed node groups. It abstracts the complicated configurations to provider a simple input interface for Blitzm developers to deploy resou
@blitzm/aws-postgresql is a typescript library for simplifying the process of creating a PostgreSQL instance in AWS RDS within a private of the passed in VPC
@blitzm/aws-s3 is a pulumi component that simplifies the deployment of s3 instances in aws
@blitzm/aws-sqs is a pulumi component that simplifies the deployment of aws-sqs in aws
@blitzm/azure-container-registry is a typescript library for creating a docker registry in Azure with access control to the service principal.
@blitzm/azure-kubernetes is a typescript library for simplifying the process of creating an AKS cluster with a single managed node groups. It abstracts the complicated configurations to provider a simple input interface for Blitzm developers to deploy res
@blitzm/azure-mongodb is a typescript library for creating a mongDB by using Azure Cosmos DB.