15 packages
CLI and helper methods for our asset versions
A cached lookup with background refresh
Basic small typed DOM helpers that aids in the creation of vanilla JS code
HD-Sydsvenskan ESLint shareable config. Based on semistandard
HD-Sydsvenskan eslint sharable config base on semistandard
HD-Sydsvenskan ESLint shareable config for core linting rules
HD-Sydsvenskan ESLint shareable config for TypeScript. Based on semistandard
A set of useful utilities for the forms module
Experimental transformer implementing support for partials in GraphQL Schemas
A reusable modal dialog component, initially loosely based on the [WAI-ARIA dialog examples](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/dialog-modal/dialog.html), with added considerations for current screen reader behaviors (as far as can reasonab