21 packages
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Serverless nextjs powered by Serverless Components
This package was copied from https://github.com/serverless-components/aws-cloudfront because it wasn't being maintained anymore. It is being used by the [nextjs serverless component](https://github.com/serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js/tree/master/pack
Common AWS code that is used in Lambda, Lambda@Edge and other AWS platforms.
Deploy Lambda functions to AWS in seconds with [Serverless Components](https://github.com/serverless/components). Utilizes layers for dependency management and S3 accelerated uploads for maximum upload speeds.
Instantly deploy and manage your S3 buckets with [Serverless Components](https://github.com/serverless/components). Supports acceleration as well as file & directory uploads.
Deploy SQS queues to AWS in seconds with [Serverless Components](https://github.com/serverless/components).
Serverless Next.js powered by AWS CDK
Handles CloudFront invalidation
Handles Next.js routing independent of provider