20 packages
The jacket generator can generate jacket projects that were configured by the enduser
A Yeoman generator to create a new React Component
Jacket is a Scss starterkit based on Gulp, Libsass and scss-lint with some sane default tasks and based on the Smacss and BEVM structures.
Jacket is a Scss starterkit based on Gulp, Libsass and scss-lint with some sane default tasks and based on the Smacss and BEVM structures.
Ocelot is a Drupal theming starter kit that has some sensible defaults. See the Wiki for more information.
Teamleader's Ahoy design system
Teamleader API SDK
Helpers to create domain-driven design (DDD) inspired action strings for Redux
Teamleader's development certificates. Go wild!
A Yeoman generator to create a new React Component