47 packages
Pentesting framework using Node.js powers. Specially focused in VoIP/UC.
A library for accessing ExploitSearch.net API, http://www.exploitsearch.net/
Tool to find lost security patches for Linux distributions.
LoopBack (HTTP API) appplication abstraction to reuse in the services.
Websockets service application abstraction to decrease the load in the HTTP APIs for common read only requests.
[Express.js](http://expressjs.com) analytics for friends, based on [Elastic](https://www.elastic.co) and [Kibana](https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana). The idea is to monitor the API since the first moment with a quick setup, instead of having to defin
Devops tasks command line client for hume.
Some helpers shared among the rest of the packages.
Some helpers shared among the tests.
🌨 Start a local application with an IBM Cloud instance environment variables