60 packages
A module for interconversion of base64 and blob, wrapped by Promise
A react component that provider a beauty scroll container
A tool for easily customize you content to call printer in browser
A lib for calculating the duration of frame dynamically, based on requestAnimationFrame, default is 1000 / 30. The actual duration will be calculated after 15 frames.
A module for image processing in browser, includes getting naturalSize, zooming, compressing... wrapped by Promise
About clipboard copy, Object simple&deep copy
A module that generates calendar, which includes years, months, dates, hours, minutes, seconds
An easy-to-use PDF rendering library in browser, can be used as a solution to customize the display of PDF in App. Based on mozilla/pdf.js, the js/css is loaded via CDN asynchronously. 一个简便易用的,原生使用方式的(适用于各大框架)网页端 PDF 渲染插件,也可作为小程序/App webview 中自定义展示 pdf 的解
A easy-to-use http request library to support all javascript runtime environments. 一个以支持所有JavaScript运行环境为目的、简单易用的http请求库。