All the things necessary for reproducing work in my research blog. Most notably a Fortran nonlinear regressor, a Fortran ball tree nearest neighbor code, a C regular expression engine, a pure Python Data class for columnar data storage, and a simplified plotting package wrapped around Plotly.
Sophisticated blogging engine for Django-powered sites
Blogging for FastAPI
A command line interface for managing your Jekyll Blog
barely is a lightweight, but highly extensible static site generator written in pure python.
Tiny but functional journaling engine
This is a blog app/plugin for django-cms 2.2
A light-weight blogging app for Django.
A blog app that is only intended to be embedded within an existing Django site.
extractor blog
blogs on zfl
AtomicPress is a static blog generator for python developers.
A weblog application with Django.
A GPT-J api to use with python3 to generate text, blogs, code, and more (Note: Starting with version 3.0.7 the api is using the old domain again so there might be some issues with limits)
lightweight static blog
Another static html code generator.
Tistory blogging library using open API
Programatically tries to answer the 12 questions from Adam Johnson's blog post
Blog generator for hackers.
This package is based on the blog project. It provides all the functionality required for a blog project
A simple Django Blog app.
Lektor plugin that generates Atom feeds.
obscraper: scrape posts from the overcomingbias blog
A simple blog implemented as a DJP plugin
An MkDocs plugin for blog.
Blogging for Django via Telegram
Reads notes from your Evernote account and builds a beautiful blog out of it
Lektor plugin that adds syntax highlighting for markdown blocks with Pygments.
The most minimal blog engine you've never heard of
A lightweight markdown to blog-aware HTML converter.
Easily crosspost articles to Medium
Django-ostinato brings cms-like features to your django projects.
Simple way to publish your blog
Static SPA Generator
A simple blog engine for Django with multilingual capabilities.
Filter for blog aggregators
Basic blog app for Django
A Blog build with Wagtail.
django-blogs app to provide you facility to craete a blogs in admin panel
Extension for cmsplugin-blog which adds categories to the blog.
A full-featured blogging application for your Django site
A DRF app that provides CRUD endpoints for a blog app.
Generate code, SQL queries, product descriptions, blogs, emails, ads and more using GPT architectureTranslate natural language to code or SQL queries with a single request to TextCortex API a.k.a Hemingwai
A Django app for a very simple blog.
A Faker provider that generates fake blog content in Brazilian Portuguese as blog titles, blog posts, images, tags, and more.