Manipulates JUnit/xUnit Result XML files
"A Cobertura coverage parser that can diff reports and show coverage progress."
Python3 Parser for Android XML file and get Application Name without using Androguard
Convert xmind to programmable data types, support xmind pro and xmind zen file types.
A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars and command line arguments which takes the headache out of setting app configurations.
Parses XML files exported from Prelude EDC into formats usable by Python.
This package contains a python parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model.
Extracts data from German Wiktionary dump files.
Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser with XPath support
A python parser for Pubmed Open-Access Subset and MEDLINE XML repository
A simple Python XML to Dictionary parser
A collection of performant parsing utilities
iXML is an iterative event-driven XML parser with a standard Python iterator interface.
parser and transforms for GROBID-flavor TEI-XML
Python AUTOSAR XML parser
Library for reading OSM XML/GZ/BZ2/PBF files
A Python library for parsing SIRI (Service Interface for Real-time Information) messages according to the French national profile specification (SIRI Profile France)
Raw xml module for the parser core project
Python wrapper for XML output generator for Open Fortran Parser
XML bomb protection with modified expat parser
Fast XML to Python (and vise versa) converter and filter. Written in C++ using Expat SAX parser
A simple and compact XML parser.
This is an XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications.
Parser and converter for an alternate compact XML syntax.
OpenVAS Manager for OpenVAS 6 to 8 and XML report parser
A Django command line tool for importing HTML, XML and JSON data to models via XSLT mapping
Tools for working with the xml files generated by wgrd_cons_parsers for modding the game Wargame: Red Dragon.
XAPI ssh command parser to convert cli commands to xml for use in the Cisco XAPI REST API
HTML parser with an lxml backend. Implements a subset of BeautifulSoup API and is an order of magnitude faster
High Performance Text Processing & Segmentation Framework
Loosely inspired by the Streaming API for XML (StAX), this library provides a Python iterator interface for working with tabular documents.
XMI Parser (API for the UML XML representation specified by OMG)
Parser for converting a moodle-question-like python object to moodle xml format.
Unofficial Python client for parsing OSIS (Open Scriptural Information Standard) files
Speedy XML parser for Python
SuperParseNmap is a command line utility that parses nmap XML into CSV or Excel format.
An xml file parser that makes the element text and attributes of an xml file accessible as ClassyXml class attributes.
Pubmed XML Parser
Work with CoreNLP annotations in Python