Pythonic module for representing and manipulating file sizes with different prefix notations (file size unit conversion)
Pure Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files.
A server for file conversions with Libre Office
Aspose.Diagram for Python via .NET is a scalable and feature-rich API to process visio files using Python. API offers Visio file creation, manipulation, conversion and rendering. Developers can format pages to the most granular level, create and manipulate shape, render pages, shapes to PDF and images, and much more - all without any dependency on Microsoft Office or Visio application.
Automatically conversion of .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents
The metadata and text content extractor for almost every file type.
Aspose.Finance for Python via .NET is a scalable and feature-rich API to process finance-related formats, such as, XBRL iXBRL and OFX, using Python. API offers XBRL,iXBRL,OFX file creation, manipulation and conversion.
File conversion package.
Converter between hic files (from juicer) and single-resolution or multi-resolution cool files (for cooler). Both hic and cool files describe Hi-C contact matrices. Intended to be lightweight, this can be used as an imported package or a stand-alone Python tool for command line conversion.
CLI tools such as validation and file format conversion for fiboa.
A multi-purpose API in Python
Python package for manipulating gpx files and easily convert gpx to other different formats.
The GreenKey ASRToolkit provides tools for automatic speech recognition (ASR) file conversion and corpora organization.
A tool to convert PDF files into images, page by page.
HlsKit provides strong HLS video conversion features backed by ffmpeg. Prepare your mp4 files for streaming
common file conversions
A high-resolution image-to-PCB converter. Gerbolyze plots SVG, PNG and JPG onto existing gerber files. It handles almost the full SVG spec and deals with text, path outlines, patterns, arbitrary paths with self-intersections and holes, etc. fully automatically. It can vectorize raster images both by contour tracing and by grayscale dithering. All processing is done at the vector level without intermediate conversions to raster images accurately preserving the input.
Converts an annotated DNA multi-sequence alignment (in NEXUS format) to an EMBL flatfile for submission to ENA via the Webin-CLI submission tool
Helper tools to handle H5 files
A Python package to convert codebase to text
Converts ARFF files to CSV, JSON, XML, XLSX, ORC, and parquet.
Convert graphviz (dot) files to / lucid (mxGraph) format. Beautiful and editable graphs in your favorite editor.
A script that processes the input CSV files and copies them into a SQLite database.
A robust framework for handling file conversion tasks in Python
Conversion and cleaning of CHILDES CHA files into PaQu Plaintext Metadata Format
Open source Python CLI toolkit for conversion, manipulation, Analysis of files (All major file operations)
Parsing, conversion, and validation functionality for Minimum Information about a Tailoring Enzyme (MITE) files.
Python package for converting xml and epubs to text files
Aspose.Page for Python via .NET makes your Python Apps instantly support to work with XPS, EPS/PS documents without installing any 3rd party software. It helps developers create/edit XPS documents while working with canvas, paths, and glyph elements. Utilize a set of primitives, such as, elliptical arcs, straights lines, Bezier curve segments to create vector graphics. Add default print tickets and preserve them in the XPS file. Link print ticket objects among job/document/page.
HPM.1 file conversion tool
Mirshahi CT Analysis Toolkit (MirCAT), stats and dicom conversion only. Convert and Quantify CT NIfTI files.
Automatically transform between XML namespaces
Convert requirements files to pyproject.toml format used in uv
A Python package for file handling utilities
Aspose.TeX for Python via .NET is a library that enables your Python applications to typeset TeX files and obtain output documents in file formats, such as XPS, PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and BMP. You can configure typesetting preferences to have your desired output design. It also offers numerous embedded fonts available for typesetting. With Aspose.TeX for Python, you can define your own interface for input gathering or choose to accept input from a local directory or from a ZIP archive.
A simple module to make easy conversions between two type of files: `csv` and `json`.
A collection of Python scripts for file conversion tasks, built on top of the opencf-core framework.
A collection of Python utilities for handling media files.
Lightweight IO and conversion for bioinformatics file formats.
Combines most popular python parsers (json, jprops, pickle...) with user-defined parsers and type converters to read objects from files. Supports multifile & multiparser objects, typically useful to organize test data. Leverages PEP484 type hints in order to intelligently use the best parser/converter chain, and to try several combinations if relevant
Use whatsapp-converter to convert your exported WhatsApp chat to a CSV or XLS (Excel spreadsheet) file.
Tool for the conversion of PIV measurements into HDF5 files
A very simple fasta file parser.
Counts file library and conversion scripts.
Command line tool to convert MRC-files to OME-Zarr.
A simple XML file and string reader to read big XML files and strings using iterators with optional conversion to dict