User Datagram Protocol
Pickler class to extend the standard pickle.Pickler functionality
pathlib-style classes for cloud storage services.
Native Cloud Provider integration for Dask
Python logging handlers that send messages in the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF).
Analyze authorization.
UDPipe-based Parser brings Universal Dependencies trees in more practical form.
UDPipe-based Parser brings Universal Dependencies trees in more practical form.
Reliable filetransfer over UDP
cloudpss sdk
Logging handlers with GELF support
UDPipe-based Parser brings Universal Dependencies trees in more practical form.
Urban dictionary API wrapper for Python
Provides a thread class to process UDP packets.
An event-based asynchronous library to read UDP packets from Weatherflow weather systems on a local network without any reliance on the cloud.
shuangpin tools
Cloud data pipeline organization and automation library. Includes AWS framework manager API.
SDK for platforms
UDP-based chat application
Proxy server that can tunnel among remote servers by regex rules.
Client for async connection to the Soundcloud api.
Network wrapper which transports UDP packets over multiple TLS sessions
Asynchronous RPC via UDP
udp proxy server to intercept udp
Relative performance index for cloud services
Python SDK for CloudPassage Halo API
UDPLog is a system for emitting application log events via UDP and shipping them via RabbitMQ or Scribe for further processing.
another simple udp realy server and client
Use fast UDPipe models directly in spaCy
CloudPayments Python Client Library
A Python plotting package
a Health-Checking Service for OpenStack deployments.
Record and replay UDP streams
cloudpss sdk
Services for publishing products in cloud environments
Python SDK for Oppo UDP Devices
CloudPayments Python Async Library
Client for API.
Asyncio UDP server with traffic throttling
Package for Cloudprober's external probe's serverutils
Aliyun SDK Copyright (C) Alibaba Cloud Computing All rights reserved.
The unitree_legged_sdk is mainly used for communication between PC and Controller board.It also can be used in other PCs with UDP.