Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD) [released with binary wheels!]
Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD)
Python WebRTC models
Type annotations for boto3 KinesisVideoWebRTCStorage 1.36.0 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.8.0
Noise suppression and automatic gain with webrtc
Type annotations for aiobotocore KinesisVideoWebRTCStorage 2.19.0 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.8.0
Real-time video and audio processing on Streamlit
kinesis-video-webrtc-storage data for botocore. See the `botocore-a-la-carte` package for more info.
Stream images in realtime with webrtc
An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
Python bindings of webrtc audio processing
Python client library for RTSPtoWeb and RTSPtoWebRTC
Ready to use WebRTC Streaming
Agent Framework plugin for voice synthesis with ElevenLabs' API.
An open source framework for voice (and multimodal) assistants
Daily Client SDK for Python
WebRTC SFU Sora Python SDK
OpenTok server-side SDK
Python client for go2rtc
Cython Bindings for WebRTC Audio Library
Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD)
Type annotations for boto3 KinesisVideoWebRTCStorage 1.36.0 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.8.0
Python interface to the RNNoise VAD(Voice Activity Detection) component inside webrtc
An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
webrtcvad VAD plugin for OpenVoiceOS
evo-bridge-webrtc python
Document collaboration for JupyterLab and JupyterLite, powered by y-webrtc
Wrapper around libdatachannel