Disable automatic connection to gravatar.com
Get the URL to a Gravatar image from an email
Tool To Generate Beach themed -MLH avatars
Synchronize Gravatar image
A python module that will allow users to download GitHub avatar images
Initials Avatar for Python
A python wrapper for DiceBear's avatar generating API.
very simple avatar from gravatar
Employees Synchronize Gravatar image
Synchronize Gravatar Image
A django like ORM for mongodb
Disable automatic connection to gravatar.com
Synchronize Gravatar Image
Get the avatar of a GitHub user
SDK for Volcengine Avatar Live
A SpaCy model for OSINT tasks with NER labels like NAME and AVATAR.
A simpler Django template tag to add Gravatar support to your Django projects.
Avatar picker and uploader for Avatars.io
Random avatars generator
Common utils for services in ecosystem
Create input-output web applications and user interfaces using Plotly Dash lightning fast.
Disable automatic connection to gravatar.com
An unofficial package to interact with Anam's Avatar engine.
Módulo para exemplificar construção de projetos Python no curso PyTools
Python bindings for the Gravatar API
Django Gravatar is a lightweight Django application that allows you to insert a Gravatar image in your templates.
Disable automatic connection to gravatar.com
Rockflow Avatars generator
Get the avatar of a GitLab user
Simple way to use Gravatar's service.
A super easy AJAX loading avatar for profile management.
A Django APP for Upload avatars
Panavatar generates pseudorandom abstract wallpapers
A Django field to help user make avatar field.
chiki avatar libs.
Python3 library for generate a variety of identicons
chemistryandrobots contains dataclasses and sparql queries for concepts related to chemistry_and_robots as part of The World Avatar project.
fixed admin avatar error
ISDC Avatar.
A Python CLI for DiceBear's avatar generating API.
Embodier creates a unique avatar that provide you image as a PNG, JPG, or Base64 string. This package is used to provide an avatar for new users on your application.
pyderivationagent is a python wrapper for derivation agents as part of The World Avatar project.
Pacote que gera crachá em pdf através do nome de usuário do Github com seus dados (Avatar e Bio) e, qrcode de redes sociais (Facebook, Instagram).