A Python Task Queue library using RabbitMQ (aioamqp) and asyncio
Gumo PullQueue Library
A high-frequency trading and market-making backtesting tool accounts for limit orders, queue positions, and latencies, utilizing full tick data for trades and order books.
Job Queue
Truly asynchronous signal dispatch for Django!
Queue reader for python abstracting message brokers such as RabbitMQ
Python asinc task system with postgres database
A simple message queue demo
An extension for django and huey that supports multi queue management
Storage Queue Input-Output Manager for Azure Storage Queue
Queue Job Tests
A JupyterLab extension for queuing notebooks executions.
Simple queue built on top of SQLite
Queue system with key-based throttling implemented over Redis.
Python message queuing with Redis and message deduplication
Queening and storing EMAIL_BACKEND for django.
a python module for process based task queue.
A pure python calendar-queue based on asyncio
Atomic, transaction-safe, robust job queueing for Python applications. Backed by PostgreSQL and built to scale.
Django based app for Task queue manager using database as the broker.
A library to expose an api with a queue for batch predictions
Biblioteca para facilitar a implementação de filas e workers.
A reusable Django app for composing and queueing emails django-mailviews + Celery + others
Slackbot with a celery queue for long running tasks
A simple messaging queue
typed-data-structures - A collection of data structures written in python with propper type annotations
Asyncio queues with extended functionality: peeking, setting put and get callbacks.
run models with parameters from a queue and upload to s3 + webhooks
Tweet from Azure Storage Queues
Scheduled Actions as Queue Jobs
Library to queue actions.
Thread-safe delay queue class
Task queue based on Django models.
HotQueue is a Python library that allows you to use Redis as a message queue within your Python programs.
Django based tool for monitoring huey task queue: https://github.com/coleifer/huey
Code for CDT message queue management
A Python module to improve performance of multiprocessing queues
A work queue, on top of a redis database, with implementations in Python, Rust, Go, Node.js (TypeScript) and Dotnet (C#).
A circular queue supports simple demo
A template for new Matter's library
A library for handle scheduled jobs.
Easy to use redis queue
Messaging abstraction for AMQP
A Python 3 client for the beanstalkd work queue
A reliable queue for the Manycore-Mail project
A micro framework for writing consumers of AMR-UM or other AMQP messages.
Prometheus Exporter for job information associated with HPC Scheduler