a tool to normalize different writing of phone numbers into standard format
Formats numbers in the specified format.
Better human-readable numbers. Forked and fixed from Stijn
Parse HTTP Common Log format file for top visited urls, top ips and number of uniq ips
A tool to convert numbers into various other formats and different sized integers
Accessor Parcel Number format lookup
Formating long numbers
like mime, but simpler - a simple, human-readable file format Simple I/O to flat text files with a header (composed of fields) and a body (arbitrary bytes). Ideal for no-hassle storage of some metadata and some large data that doesn't fit nicely into things like JSON (which becomes really hard to edit in a text editor if there's a 2 MB blob of numbers somewhere in it).
A Python library for formatting numbers into the Lakh Crore (...हजार, लाख, करोड, अर्ब...) system.
Auto mobile number format for Partner
Low-Precision Arithmetic Simulation in Pytorch - Extension for Posit and customized number formats
A module providing a facade for clear formatting values into strings.
A tool to convert mathematical numbers in several formats.
Values and their uncertainties formatter up to a given number of significant figures in the uncertainty.
A package that helps you format numbers for engineering, scientific, and UI applications.
A lightweight package to format numbers for readability.
Make a number of bytes readable for humans.
A small package to validate if a mozambican number is formated properly.
Date formatted object numbering system
A Python library for maintaining grammatically correct i18n (internationalization) of texts used inthe program: translation of messages, formatting dates and numbers to provide multi-language support.
A library to format and convert numbers in the Mago unit of measure
Map integers to fun pseudo-random names following a custom format
A library for formatting numbers according to the metric system
Get lines from a number of log files with different time-stamp formats in chronological order
This package will generate a color gradient. The colors, the number of colors generated, the color format, the hexadecimal prefix are configurable.
NFL is a number formatting library.
To convert numbers to human readable format
Convert data to their natural (human-readable) format (fork for py3k support)
A Text analyser to handle not well formatted text with numbered list
Library contains functionality for converting given CTC-trained Neural Networks output into tracking number (Russian Post or International mail) format
Automatically find solutions to Python exercise questions by providing the question number or text as input. This package simplifies the process of obtaining solutions, allowing users to input either the question number or the question text in string format.
Automatically find solutions to Python exercise questions by providing the question number or text as input. This package simplifies the process of obtaining solutions, allowing users to input either the question number or the question text in string format.
Automatically find solutions to Python exercise questions by providing the question number or text as input. This package simplifies the process of obtaining solutions, allowing users to input either the question number or the question text in string format.
Module to validate, generate and determine the format of card numbers.
A simple library to validate emails, phone numbers and dates in various formats
Brazil phone number formatting utils.
This is the compressible version of various libraries of python
Provides validation for the format of USA drivers license numbers
Converts given source code into pdf file with syntax highlighting, line numbers and much more