Fast CORS misconfiguration vulnerabilities scanner
django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
A Quart extension to provide Cross Origin Resource Sharing, access control, support
Reader for corsika binary output files using numpy
Simple env support of CORS settings for Fastapi applications
django-cors-middleware is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). Fork of django-cors-headers.
"PANdas And Multicore utils for corsikA7" -- A python toolkit for CORSIKA7
CORS handling as a cherrypy tool.
Control and Status Register map generator for FPGA/ASIC projects
Falcon CORS middlware
Fast CORS misconfiguration vulnerabilities scanner
Core Sequence Identifier
CORS plugin for Bottle framework
The cors-detector package is used to find the vulnerable CORS domains
Django utilities for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
CORS testing library
ASGI middleware for CORS, especially for using strawberry-graphql
Django JS/CSS compiler
Environment for the game of Corso + AI tools.
CORS proxy and web server for static apps
CORS support for aiohttp
Serves JSON data with CORS allowed from *.json files at given path.
Default wiring for CORS XHR
A correlation-based sampling algorithm
The easiest way to use cors on bottle
ASGI middleware for applying CORS headers to an ASGI application
Datasette plugin for configuring CORS headers
CORS support for bareasgi
Python CORS Integration for WSGI Applications
Tool to move slices of data from one MySQL store to another
A simple CORS proxy utility with requests-like response
CORS support for Tornado
Whitelist urls on ASGI applications allowing for cross origin requests
CORS middleware for the hug framework
CORS support for API Star.
CORS support for API Star via event hooks.
Python library to retrive and parse information from kaco inverters over serial interface
Extremely simple Python CGI framework for Apache 2.
An AWS Lambda response package utility
Simple "state machines" with Python decorators
CORS middleware for Bobtail
django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
Support for cors