unittest-based test runner with Ant/JUnit like XML reporting.
('Contains the API for end users as well as helper functions and classes to build Allure adapters for Python test frameworks',)
A pytest plugin to report test results as JSON files
Python client for ReportPortal v5.
Agent for Reporting results of tests to the Report Portal
A pytest plugin to generate test outcomes reports with markdown table format.
Generate JSON test reports
A pytest plugin to report test results to tinybird
A pytest plugin that adds emojis to your test result report
Pytest plugin reporting fixtures and test functions execution time.
Qase Pytest Plugin for Qase TestOps and Qase Report
Generate default "unknown" results to show in Allure Report if test case does not run
BehaveX extension library to attach images to the test execution report.
Test Anything Protocol (TAP) reporting plugin for pytest
A rspec format reporter for Python ptest
Agent for reporting RobotFramework test results to ReportPortal
Configure the symbols displayed for test outcomes
Tools for serialising test results to SQL database
A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in tests and applications.
pytest plugin for instant test progress status
Export your test suites and cases to JUnit report using decorators
A testdox format reporter for pytest
Agent for reporting Behave results to the ReportPortal
A pytest plugin to report test results as JSON files
Generate performance reports from your django database performance tests.
A collection of PyHamcrest matchers to test Allure adapters for Python test frameworks
Sphinx extension for showing test results and test environment information inside sphinx documentations
Client library for the Backslash test reporting service
pytest plugin to display BDD info in HTML test report
Nose plugin that generates a nice html test report.
python package providing functionality for Jira Test Management (tm4j)
Allure report importer for Test IT
A pytest-bdd plugin for generating useful and informative BDD test reports
Testimony inspects and reports on the python test cases.
pytest plugin for pytest-repeat that generate aggregate report of the same test cases with additional statistics details.
Generate local badges (shields) reporting your test suite status.
Pytest plugin to generate json report in CTRF (Common Test Report Format)
pytest plugin for generating prettier terminal output
JaCoCo coverage badges (SVG format), and coverage checks (e.g., decreasing coverage and minimum coverage)
Generate an HTML report for your unit tests
Report test coverage to Code Climate
Allure reporter for Vedro testing framework
Tesults API library
AB test analysis toolbox for analyzing and reporting the results of an ab test experiment. It provides the functions to analyze the ab test result of an experiment.
Pytest plugin to hide sensitive data in test reports
Tesults plugin for pytest