Pytest connector for Zebrunner reporting
Nose plugin that generates a nice html test report with ability of using template based on jinja2 templates from any folder.
Oxygen is an extensible tool for Robot Framework that enables you to integrate running other testing tools and their reports as part of Robot Framework's reporting.
A continuous test runner for gathering SLA data
AB test analysis toolbox for analyzing and reporting the results of an ab test experiment. It provides the functions to analyze the ab test result of an experiment.
Tool used to generate a test reports.
JaCoCo coverage badges (SVG format), and coverage checks (e.g., decreasing coverage and minimum coverage)
Pytest plugin for sending report message of marked tests execution
Pytest plugin to hide sensitive data in test reports
Stress test tool with statistical TPS reports based on Worker Dispatcher in Python
A TestRunner for use with the Python unittest framework, which generates report in nice HTML files.
Generate HTML report for your test cases / Automation cases with its steps specifying its valid status.
Single command to create coverage reports (assumes a bin/test)
A Dotnet Github Markdown Coverage Report Generator
Security Reporting Tool.
TestRail API reporter tools
Helper package to facilitate reporting for webdriver-based tests on Tauk
Text User Interface (TUI) and HTML report for Pytest test runs
pytest plugin for generating test execution results within Jira Test Management (tm4j)
Robotframework connector for Zebrunner reporting
Testrunner for django which covers html report and code coverage
A Perfecto device actions execution + reporter package plugin for reporting about flaky tests into jira (with plugin enabled in flaky check runs)
Drive test report engine (DTRE) core library
Python interface for UnitTH unit test history report generator
A Robot Framework Report Portal Listener
Python3 connector for Zebrunner-reporting
CLI tool for generating and serving test reports
Pytest plugin for custom argument handling and Allure reporting. This plugin allows you to add arguments before running a test.
nunit test report generator to run in DataBricks
Pytest plugin to track and report unit/function coverage.
Agent for reporting RobotFramework test results to Report Portal
balderplugin-junit: plugin to generate junit file reports for the balder test framework
nosetest plug in to Create IntelliJ Style HTML Test Results Report
Report on tests that honor constraints, and guard against regressions
pytest plugin that let you automate actions and assertions with test metrics reporting executing plain YAML files
pytest plugin supporting json test report output
Generate continuous testing report
('Contains the API for end users as well as helper functions and classes to build Allure adapters for Python test frameworks',)
python package providing functionality for Jira Test Management (tm4j)
Convert ansible-lint outputs to a jUnit valid xml tests result file
Generate json reports along with specified metadata defined in test markers.
Enhanced report for Cosmic-Ray.
python package providing functionality for Jira Test Management (tm4j) Cloud through REST API calls
A lightweight testing tool with test report functionality
A test framework extending unittest, providing flexible test suites config, concurrent execution, Html/XUnit reports, and data driven utility.
A pytest plugin that reports test results to the BeakerLib framework
pytest plugin for adding tests' parameters to junit report