Animated version of classic word cloud for time-series text data
Classic word cloud graph does not consider the time variation in text data. Animated word cloud improves on this and displays text datasets collected over multiple periods in a single MP4 file.
The core framework for the animation of word frequencies was developed by Michael Cane in the WordsSwarm project. AnimatedWordCloud makes
the codes efficiently work on various text datasets of the Latin alphabet languages.
It requires Python 3.8, Box2D, beautifulsoup4,
pygame, PyQt6 - visualization,
Arabica and ftfy for text preprocessing.
To install using pip, use:
pip install AnimatedWordCloud
AnimatedWordCloud has been tested with PyCharm community ed. It's recommended to use this IDE and run .py files instead .ipynb.
from AnimatedWordCloud import animated_word_cloud
animated_word_cloud generates 90 png word cloud images per period. It scales word frequencies to display word clouds on text datasets of different sizes. Frames are stored in the working directory in the newly created .post_processing/frames folder. It currently provides unigram frequencies (bigram frequencies will be added later). It reads dates in:
- US-style: MM/DD/YYYY (2013-12-31, Feb-09-2009, 2013-12-31 11:46:17, etc.)
- European-style: DD/MM/YYYY (2013-31-12, 09-Feb-2009, 2013-31-12 11:46:17, etc.) date and datetime formats.
It automatically cleans data from punctuation and numbers on input. It can also remove the standard list(s) of stopwods for languages in the NLTK corpus of stopwords.
def animated_word_cloud(text: str,
time: str,
date_format: str,
ngram: int,
freq: str ,
stopwords: [],
skip: []
To apply the method, use:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
animated_word_cloud(text = data['text'],
time = data['date'],
date_format = 'us',
ngram = 1,
freq ='Y',
stopwords = ['english', 'german','french'],
skip = ['good', 'bad','yellow'])
- Create video from frames:
Download the ffmpeg folder and the frames2video.bat file from here and place them into the postprocessing folder. Next, run frames2video.bat, which will generate a wordSwarmOut.mp4 file, which is the desired output.
Documentation, examples and tutorials
Data Storytelling with Animated Word Clouds
- For more examples of coding, read these tutorials: TBA
Here are examples of animated word clouds:
Research trends in Economics Youtube
European Central Bankers' speeches Youtube
Please visit here for any questions, issues, bugs, and suggestions.