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aacommpy - AACOMM nuget package wrapper



AACommPy Package Documentation

AACommPy is a Python package that provides functionalities for working with the AAComm nuget package. AAComm is a nuget package used for communication with FPGA devices. AACommPy provides a Python wrapper for the AAComm nuget package, allowing you to use the nuget package's functionalities in your Python scripts.

1.Installation To install AACommPy, follow these steps: Download the Python package for AACommPy by executing the following command:

pip install aacommpy

Once the package is installed, you can access its functionalities from your Python scripts.

  1. Usage To use AACommPy, you can import the necessary modules and call the available functions. Here's an example of how to use the package: ---------python------------ import clr import os path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), 'AAComm.dll') clr.AddReference(path) from AAComm import Services from AAComm import CommAPI from AAComm import Shared api = CommAPI() status = CommAPI.StartAACommServer() if status != "": print(status) else:

    Access the static variable IsAACommServerRunning

    is_running = CommAPI.IsAACommServerRunning print(f"AACommServer is running: {is_running}") cData = Services.ConnectionData() cData.ControllerType = Shared.ProductTypes.AGM800_ID cData.CommChannelType = Shared.ChannelType.Ethernet cData.ET_IP_1 = 172 cData.ET_IP_2 = 1 cData.ET_IP_3 = 1 cData.ET_IP_4 = 101 cData.ET_Port = 5000 res = api.Connect(cData) print(res)

3.Available Commands AACommPy provides several commands that can be executed through the command line using the installed package. These commands include:

3.1.install: Downloads and installs the AAComm package. You can specify a version using the --version option. the version number is the same with the AAComm nuget package version you want to use with you python script. 3.2.version: Retrieves the installed version of AAComm. 3.3.update: Updates the installed AAComm package to the latest version. 3.4.dotnetfw: Sets the .NET framework version of AAComm library. You can choose from the available options: net40, net46, net48, netcoreapp3.1, net5.0. The default version is net40.

Example Usage Here's an example of how to use the AACommPy package:

Install the package:

pip install aacommpy #Run the command to download and install the AAComm package:

aacommpy install #Check the installed version of AAComm:

aacommpy version #Update the AAComm package to the latest version:

aacommpy update #Set the .NET framework version to be used by AAComm to net5.0:

aacommpy dotnetfw --netfw net5.0 #Please note that the usage examples provided assume that you have the necessary permissions to install packages and run the commands.



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