
enhances mappings and sequences (targeted for python
dictionaries and lists) preserving their native behavior and access.
The enhancement comes with getting values by single keys, human readable
viewing, selecting and setting multiple values/items within the nested
data at once, or-conditional selection of values/items. Also this package
intends to prepare the nested data for pyQt. The augmentation provides
methods and properties to be used for a QAbstractItemModel
the nested data within a QTreeView
Installing the latest release using pip is recommended.
$ pip install augmentedtree
The latest development state can be obtained from gitlab using pip.
$ pip install git+
Basic Usage
The major purpose of augmentedtree is to retrieve quickly specific value(s) from a deep
nested data featuring:
- unix filename pattern
- regular expressions
- or-conditional selection
The targeted usage is to be able to write the following kind of code
# code where the nested data comes from
# gathering parameters
with AugmentedTree(nested_data) as tree:
# simple selection
first_value ="something", "here")[0]
last_value ="something", "there")[-1]
a_slice_of_values ="a", "l?t", "of")[3:6]
# selection with refinement
selection_of_values ="also/a", "lot", "of")
narrowed_down = selection_of_values.where("this", "or", "that")[ALL_ITEMS]
if not tree.all_selections_succeeded:
# break, exit or reacting to some value are not there
# code which is working with requested parameters
Read-the-docs for a detailed
explanation on how to use augmented tree.
Any contribution by reporting a bug or desired changes are welcomed. The preferred
way is to create an issue on the gitlab's project page, to keep track of everything
regarding this project.
Contribution of Source Code
Code style
This project follows the recommendations of PEP8.
The project is using black as the code formatter.
- Fork the project on Gitlab.
- Commit changes to your own branch.
- Submit a pull request from your fork's branch to our branch 'dev'.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - see the
LICENSE file for details
Code style: black