Blob Dataset Creator
Blobs are little monsters that you can use to demonstrate data analysis procedures. They have a size, a weight, a color and a cuteness level. As you can see, a blob dataset contains all types of variables that you can find in the wild (nominal, ordinal and metric).
Generator Output
This generator creates a population of blobs. It delivers (a) an Excel data frame with every blob's properties, (b) a population plot that visualizes all blobs for presentation purposes and (c) a set of visualizations of the population data.
The population plot displays all blobs with color and size. In addition to that, it shows blob names. There are three different kinds of base images that can be used to visualize blobs.
The visualization plot inklude a histogram of blob size and blob weights, as well as a bar chart with cuteness level counts and a scatter plot of size and weight.
Use the Generator
Blob populations can either have large (12) or small (1) variability, determined by the population's scatter index. Moreover, they can consist of a large number of monsters or can also be small, determined by the population's n.
You can generate a new population by calling:
from blob_creator.core import BlobFactory
blob_factory = BlobFactory(n=20, scatter=12, kind="monster")
Package Installation
This package can be installed using Python's package index. Use the following command to do this:
pip install blob-creator