Cumulocity IoT Device Management Reference Agent
Cumulocity Device Management (DM) Reference Agent written in Python3 to demonstrate most of the Device Management Capabilities of Cumulocity IoT
Quick Start
The agent can be run in a docker container or natively on a device with preferrable with linux OS (e.g raspberry pi) or any other operating system.
The docker version is mainly used to simulate a device including a SSH + VNC server for Remote Access. It can be also used to simulatoe multiple instances of the agent & devices.
The native version is mainly used when connecting physical devices with real capabilities and sensors attached.
Here is a detailed "How-To" guide which provides a step-by-step instruction to get the agent running & to explore the device management features of Cumulocity IoT
Docker Quick Start
To quickly run the agent you can use the prebuild docker image.
docker run switschel/c8ydm
If you want docker management included just mount the docker sock to the container by adding
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Per default Bootstrapping is used and no other information is necessary. In this case the docker container Id is the device Id which should be entered when registering a device in cumulocity.
You can find it out with:
docker ps
If you don't want to use the prebuild image for any reason (e.g. you want to make changes to the docker image) just clone the repo and in a linux shell of your choice use:
chmod +x & ./
In windows shells like PS or CMD run:
The script will build a docker image and starting one instance afterwards.
If you want to run the Agent without using docker you need to build and run the Agent manually.
Docker Quick Start Configuration
To configure the agent you can mount the agent.ini to the docker image by using in the docker run command:
-v {{path-to-your-local-agent.ini}}:/root/.cumulocity/agent.ini
As an alternative you can use environment variables to overwrite the default values in the agent.ini within the image. Here is an example to change the loglevel:
For the local docker build you can use three options to change the docker image:
Enable/Disable VNC as part of the docker image (1 per default)
By default, the docker container runs in background. If you want to run it interactively:
Generate self-signed certificates and using certificate based authentication
Quick Start with Device Certificates in docker container
The agent contains scripts for generating & uploading self-signed certificates. To use them additional informatiopn as environment variables are needed. You can use the use_certs.env file as a template to provide them or add the environment variables using "-e" command of docker.
Here is an example env file to generate a self signed certificate and upload it to a target tenant:
The easiest way is to use the --env-file comand of docker to load it. Example:
docker run --env-file use_certs.env switschel/c8ydm
or for the local image run after maintaining the use_certs.env:
If you have your own certificates already you have multiple options to use them. In all cases you must make use of the "" property in the agent.ini to set a device ID you used to generate the certificates.
Option 1: Mount the whole config folder to the docker container containing the certs and adapted agent.ini. Make sure that you set the properties accordingly and that the cert paths are pointing to the location /root/.cumulocity/certs:
-v {{path-to-your-local-config-folder}}:/root/.cumulocity/
Option 2: Mount the certificates and adapt the config using environment variables
Option 3: Before building the docker image locally copy the certs to "config/certs" folder, change the agent.ini, build the image and run the image.
To quickly run the agent natively make sure pyhton 3.7+ and pip is installed on your computer.
Manually put the config file and the DM_Agent.json into the /.cumulocity folder in your user folder.
For example: "/home/user1/.cumulocity" in Linux or "C:\Users\user1\.cumulocity" in Windows.
pip install c8ydm
To start the agent run
and to stop run
Supported Cumulocity DM Features
Feature | Supported |
Device Certificates | Yes |
Device Bootstrapping & Registration | Yes |
Software Updates (apt) | Yes |
Firmware Updates (simulated only) | Yes |
Configuration Updates text-based | Yes |
Configuration file-based | Yes |
Device Profiles | Yes |
Network | Yes |
Device Metrics (CPU, Memory etc.) | Yes |
Remote Logfile Requests | Yes |
Location Updates | Yes |
Remote Shell | Yes |
Remote Access (SSH, VNC, Passthrough) | Yes |
Hardware Metering (CPU, Memory, HDD) | Yes |
Raspberry PI SenseHAT | Yes |
Docker Management | Yes |
Connectivity (Mobile) Management | No |
Adv. Software Management | Yes (apt) |
Service Management | Yes (docker) |
Raspberry PI & SenseHAT Support
The DM Agent can run on a Raspberry PI (3+) with a SenseHAT.
It supports:
- Reading out all sensor values of the SenseHAT (Humidity, Temperature, Acceleration, Gyroscope, Compass)
- Display Messages on the LEDs sent via Cumulocity to the Pi (c8y_Message) via Message Widget.
- Generates Events when the Joystick is pressed in different direction.
It is suggested to run the Agent as a Service. Use dm-agent.service to install it:
sudo cp ./service/dm-agent.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable dm-agent.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service dm-agent start
The agent can be configured via the agent.ini which must be placed in
When running in docker container the agent.ini can be mounted to the /root/.cumulocity/agent.ini
You can find a reference agent.ini here
Category | Property | Description |
mqtt | url | The URL of the Cumulocity MQTT endpoint |
mqtt | port | The Port of the Cumulocity MQTT endpoint |
mqtt | tls | True when using port 8883, false when using port 1883 |
mqtt | cert_auth | true when you want use Device Certificates for Device Authentication |
mqtt | client_cert | Path to your cert which should be used to for Authentication |
mqtt | client_key | Path to your private key for Authentication |
mqtt | ping.interval.seconds | Interval in seconds for the mqtt client to send pings to MQTT Broker to keep the connection alive. |
agent | name | The prefix name of the Device in Cumulocity. The serial will be attached with a "-" e.g. dm-example-device-1234567. |
agent | type | The Device Type in Cumulocity |
agent | main.loop.interval.seconds | The interval in seconds sensor data will be forwarded to Cumulocity |
agent | requiredinterval | The interval in minutes for Cumulocity to detect that the device is online/offline. |
agent | loglevel | The log level to write and print to file/console. |
Environment variables
The environment variables with "C8YDM_" prefix are mapped to configuration files.
Mapping rules:
- Prefix C8YDM_{{CATEGORY}} means what category the option belongs to
- Upper case letters are mapped to lower case letters
- Double underscore __ is mapped to .
C8YDM_MQTT_CERT_AUTH => mqtt.cert_auth
C8YDM_AGENT_MAIN__LOOP__INTERVAL__SECONDS => agent.main.loop.interval.seconds
The agent can be build in multiple ways.
Building via pip
To build the agent via pip just run (as a root user, otherwise add "sudo" prior all commands).
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to install dependencies and afterwards
pip3 install .
to build the agent itself.
Please note that in debian/ubuntu you need additionally install
apt install python-apt
via apt.
Continue with chapter Run
Building debian package
In order to build the .deb yourself first install python-stdeb via apt.
apt install python3-stdeb
Afterwards run
python3 --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb
on the level of the
In oder to install the debian package locally run
apt install ./deb_dist/python-c8ydm_0.1-1_all.deb
Continue with chapter Run
Building docker image
To build a docker image you can make use of the provided Dockerfile.
docker build -t dm-image -f docker/Dockerfile .
Before running the agent some manual steps need to be taken
- Manually put the config file into {userfolder}/.cumulocity
You can run the agent by executing (as root, otherwise add "sudo")
in your console when you used Building via pip to build and install the agent.
apt / debian package
Before running the agent some manual steps need to be taken
Manually put the config file and the DM_Agent.json into ~/.cumulocity folder. ~ stands for the current user folder. The SmartRESTTemplate will be automatically uploaded on first start.
You have to install "c8y-device-proxy" via pip or using the provided deb file of the C8Y Device Proxy
You can run the agent by executing (as root, otherwise add "sudo")
in your console when you used Building via deb to build and install the agent.
You can run the agent by executing
docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dm-image
in your console when you used Building Docker Image to build and install the agent.
The config can be mounted the container. Otherwise the default config will be used. See Docker Quick Start Configuration
Mass deployment
You can run multiple instances of an container via:
. 5
where in this example 5 is the number of agent instances.
Dev Container
The project comes with VS Code devcontainer support. Make sure you use Visual Studio Code in combination with docker. Just open the project in VS Code and click on "Reopen in Dev Container".
In the background the Agent will be build and started. Also a debug/run configuration is provided so you can easilly start/debug the agent within VS Code.
Using certificate authentication
You can generate certificates necessary to certficate authentication, and you can upload the generated root certificate to your tenant's trusted certificate list by executing the scripts like below:
./scripts/ \
--serial pyagent0001 \
--root-name iot-ca \
--cert-dir /root/.cumulocity/certs \
--cert-name device-cert
./scripts/ \
--tenant-domain <tenant domain> \
--tenant-id <tenant ID> \
--username <username for the tenant> \
--password <password for the tenant> \
--cert-path /root/.cumulocity/certs/iot-ca.pem \
--cert-name <(arbitrary) displayed name of the root certificate>
After this, you can connect the agent to your tenant using cert authentication (with the serial pyagent0001
in this case).
With the agent running in the container, execute
./ \
--url <tenant domain> \
--tenant <tenant ID> \
--username <username for the tenant> \
--password <password for the tenant>
to run pytest.
Extending the agent
The agent knows three types of classes that it will automatically load and include from the "agentmodules" directory.
class Sensor:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, serial):
self.serial = serial
Returns a list of SmartREST messages. Will be called every iteration of the main loop.
def getSensorMessages(self): pass
Sensors are periodically polled by the main loop and published.
class Listener:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, serial, agent):
self.serial = serial
self.agent = agent
Callback that is executed for any operation received
def handleOperation(self, message): pass
Returns a list of supported operations
def getSupportedOperations(self): pass
Returns a list of supported SmartREST templates (X-Ids)
def getSupportedTemplates(self): pass
Listeners are called whenever there is a message received on a subscribed topic.
class Initializer:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, serial):
self.serial = serial
Returns a list of SmartREST messages. Will be called at the start of the agent
def getMessages(self): pass
Initializers are only called once at the start of the agent.
You can take a look at the two example modules for how it can be used.
Log & Configuration
The logfile and configuration can be found in the following directory.
These tools are provided as-is and without warranty or support. They do not constitute part of the Software AG product suite. Users are free to use, fork and modify them, subject to the license agreement. While Software AG welcomes contributions, we cannot guarantee to include every contribution in the master project.
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